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/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* mod_headers.c: Add/append/remove HTTP response headers
* Written by Paul Sutton,, 1 Oct 1996
* New directive, Header, can be used to add/replace/remove HTTP headers.
* Valid in both per-server and per-dir configurations.
* Syntax is:
* Header action header value
* Where action is one of:
* set - set this header, replacing any old value
* add - add this header, possible resulting in two or more
* headers with the same name
* append - append this text onto any existing header of this same
* unset - remove this header
* Where action is unset, the third argument (value) should not be given.
* The header name can include the colon, or not.
* The Header directive can only be used where allowed by the FileInfo
* override.
* When the request is processed, the header directives are processed in
* this order: firstly, the main server, then the virtual server handling
* this request (if any), then any <Directory> sections (working downwards
* from the root dir), then an <Location> sections (working down from
* shortest URL component), the any <File> sections. This order is
* important if any 'set' or 'unset' actions are used. For example,
* the following two directives have different effect if applied in
* the reverse order:
* Header append Author "John P. Doe"
* Header unset Author
* Examples:
* To set the "Author" header, use
* Header add Author "John P. Doe"
* To remove a header:
* Header unset Author
#include "httpd.h"
#include "http_config.h"
typedef enum {
hdr_add = 'a', /* add header (could mean multiple hdrs) */
hdr_set = 's', /* set (replace old value) */
hdr_append = 'm', /* append (merge into any old value) */
hdr_unset = 'u' /* unset header */
} hdr_actions;
typedef struct {
hdr_actions action;
char *header;
char *value;
int do_err;
} header_entry;
* headers_conf is our per-module configuration. This is used as both
* a per-dir and per-server config
typedef struct {
array_header *headers;
} headers_conf;
module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT headers_module;
static void *create_headers_config(pool *p, server_rec *s)
headers_conf *a =
(headers_conf *) ap_pcalloc(p, sizeof(headers_conf));
a->headers = ap_make_array(p, 2, sizeof(header_entry));
return a;
static void *create_headers_dir_config(pool *p, char *d)
return (headers_conf *) create_headers_config(p, NULL);
static void *merge_headers_config(pool *p, void *basev, void *overridesv)
headers_conf *a =
(headers_conf *) ap_pcalloc(p, sizeof(headers_conf));
headers_conf *base = (headers_conf *) basev, *overrides = (headers_conf *) overridesv;
a->headers = ap_append_arrays(p, base->headers, overrides->headers);
return a;
static const char *header_cmd(cmd_parms *cmd, headers_conf * dirconf, char *action, char *hdr, char *value)
header_entry *new;
server_rec *s = cmd->server;
headers_conf *serverconf =
(headers_conf *) ap_get_module_config(s->module_config, &headers_module);
char *colon;
if (cmd->path) {
new = (header_entry *) ap_push_array(dirconf->headers);
else {
new = (header_entry *) ap_push_array(serverconf->headers);
if (cmd->info) {
new->do_err = 1;
} else {
new->do_err = 0;
if (!strcasecmp(action, "set"))
new->action = hdr_set;
else if (!strcasecmp(action, "add"))
new->action = hdr_add;
else if (!strcasecmp(action, "append"))
new->action = hdr_append;
else if (!strcasecmp(action, "unset"))
new->action = hdr_unset;
return "first argument must be add, set, append or unset.";
if (new->action == hdr_unset) {
if (value)
return "Header unset takes two arguments";
else if (!value)
return "Header requires three arguments";
if ((colon = strchr(hdr, ':')))
*colon = '\0';
new->header = hdr;
new->value = value;
return NULL;
static const command_rec headers_cmds[] =
{"Header", header_cmd, (void *)0, OR_FILEINFO, TAKE23,
"an action, header and value"},
{"ErrorHeader", header_cmd, (void *)1, OR_FILEINFO, TAKE23,
"an action, header and value"},
static void do_headers_fixup(request_rec *r, array_header *headers)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < headers->nelts; ++i) {
header_entry *hdr = &((header_entry *) (headers->elts))[i];
table *tbl = (hdr->do_err ? r->err_headers_out : r->headers_out);
switch (hdr->action) {
case hdr_add:
ap_table_addn(tbl, hdr->header, hdr->value);
case hdr_append:
ap_table_mergen(tbl, hdr->header, hdr->value);
case hdr_set:
ap_table_setn(tbl, hdr->header, hdr->value);
case hdr_unset:
ap_table_unset(tbl, hdr->header);
static int fixup_headers(request_rec *r)
void *sconf = r->server->module_config;
headers_conf *serverconf =
(headers_conf *) ap_get_module_config(sconf, &headers_module);
void *dconf = r->per_dir_config;
headers_conf *dirconf =
(headers_conf *) ap_get_module_config(dconf, &headers_module);
do_headers_fixup(r, serverconf->headers);
do_headers_fixup(r, dirconf->headers);
return DECLINED;
module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT headers_module =
NULL, /* initializer */
create_headers_dir_config, /* dir config creater */
merge_headers_config, /* dir merger --- default is to override */
create_headers_config, /* server config */
merge_headers_config, /* merge server configs */
headers_cmds, /* command table */
NULL, /* handlers */
NULL, /* filename translation */
NULL, /* check_user_id */
NULL, /* check auth */
NULL, /* check access */
NULL, /* type_checker */
fixup_headers, /* fixups */
NULL, /* logger */
NULL, /* header parser */
NULL, /* child_init */
NULL, /* child_exit */
NULL /* post read-request */