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<title>New features with Apache 1.2</title>
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<h1 align="CENTER">Overview of new features</h1>
<h2>API Changes</h2>
<p>Some non-compatible changes were made to the Apache API in
order to deal with HTTP/1.1 compatibility. It is possible that
some modules will no longer work (specifically, those that
process input using the POST or PUT methods). If you encounter
a module that does not work, please contact the author. A <a
href="misc/client_block_api.html">programmer's note</a> on the
subject is available.</p>
<h2>New Features with Apache 1.2</h2>
<p>New features with this release, as extensions of the Apache
functionality. Because the core code has changed so
significantly, there are certain liberties that earlier
versions of Apache (and the NCSA daemon) took that recent
Apache versions are pickier about - please check the <a
href="misc/compat_notes.html">compatibility notes</a> if you
have any problems.</p>
<hr />
<p>In addition to a number of bug fixes and internal
performance enhancements, <a
href="">Apache 1.2</a> has the
following specific new user features:</p>
<!-- change the "name" to an "href" if/when there's such a document -->
<li><strong><a id="http11.html" name="http11.html">HTTP/1.1
Compliance</a></strong> [Documentation to be written]<br />
Aside from the optional proxy module (which operates as
HTTP/1.0), Apache is conditionally compliant with the
HTTP/1.1 proposed standard, as approved by the IESG and the
<a href="">IETF HTTP
working group</a>. HTTP/1.1 provides a much-improved
protocol, and should allow for greater performance and
efficiency when transferring files. Apache does, however,
still work great with HTTP/1.0 browsers. We are very close to
being unconditionally compliant; if you note any deviance
from the proposed standard, please report it as a bug.</li>
<li><strong><a href="mod/mod_include.html">eXtended Server
Side Includes (XSSI)</a></strong><br />
A new set of server-side include directives allows the user
to better create WWW pages. This includes number of powerful
new features, such as the ability to set variables and use
conditional HTML.</li>
<li><strong><a href="mod/core.html#files">File-based and
Regex-enabled Directive Sections</a></strong><br />
The new <a
section allows directives to be enabled based on full
filename, not just directory and URL. In addition,
<code>&lt;Files&gt;</code> sections can appear in
<code>.htaccess</code> files. <code>&lt;Files&gt;</code>,
along with <a
and <a
can also now be based on regular expressions, not just simple
prefix matching.</li>
<li><strong><a href="mod/mod_browser.html">Browser-based
Environment Variables</a></strong><br />
Environment variables can now be set based on the
<code>User-Agent</code> string of the browser. Combined with
<a href="mod/mod_include.html">XSSI</a>, this allows you to
write browser-based conditional HTML documents.</li>
<li><strong><a href="suexec.html">SetUID CGI
Execution</a></strong><br />
Apache now supports the execution of CGI scripts as users
other than the server user. A number of security checks are
built in to try and make this as safe as possible.</li>
<li><strong><a href="mod/mod_rewrite.html">URL Rewriting
Module</a></strong><br />
The optional <code>mod_rewrite</code> module is now
included. This module can provide powerful URL mapping, using
regular expressions. There's nothing this module can't
<li><strong><a href="mod/mod_log_config.html">Enhanced,
Configurable Logging</a></strong><br />
The optional <code>mod_log_config</code> included with
earlier versions of Apache is now standard, and has been
enhanced to allow logging of much more detail about the
transaction, and can be used to open <a
href="multilogs.html">more than one log file</a> at once
(each of which can have a different log format). If you have
Apache write any logs to a directory which is writable by
anyone other than the user that starts the server, see the <a
href="misc/security_tips.html">security tips</a> document to
be sure you aren't putting the security of your server at
<li><strong><a href="mod/mod_usertrack.html">User Tracking
(Cookies) Revisions</a></strong><br />
The <code>mod_cookies</code> included with previous versions
of Apache has been renamed <code>mod_usertrack</code>, to
more accurately reflect its function (some people
inadvertently thought it enabled cookie support in Apache,
which is not true - Apache supports the use of cookies
directly). It is also now possible to disable the generation
of cookies, even when the cookie module is compiled in. Also,
an expiry time can be set on the cookies.</li>
Enhancements</a></strong><br />
The &lt;VirtualHost&gt; directive can now take more than one
IP address or hostname. This lets a single vhost handles
requests for multiple IPs or hostnames. Also the special
section &lt;VirtualHost _default_&gt; can be used to handle
requests normally left for the main server
<li><strong><a href="mod/mod_cgi.html#cgi_debug">CGI
Debugging Environment</a></strong><br />
<code>ScriptLog</code> allows you to now set up a log that
records all input and output to failed CGI scripts. This
includes environment variables, input headers, POST data,
output, and more. This makes CGI scripts much easier to
<li><strong><a href="mod/core.html#rlimit">Resource Limits
for CGI Scripts</a></strong><br />
New directives allow the limiting of resources used by CGI
scripts (<em>e.g.</em>, max CPU time). This is helpful in
preventing 'runaway' CGI processes.</li>
<li><strong><a href="mod/mod_alias.html">Redirect Directive
Can Return Alternate Status</a></strong><br />
The Redirect directive can return permanent or temporary
redirects, "Gone" or "See Other" HTTP status. For
NCSA-compatibility, RedirectTemp and RedirectPermanent are
also implemented.</li>
<li><strong><a href="install.html">Simplified
Compilation</a></strong><br />
The process of configuring Apache for compilation has been
<li><strong><a href="mod/core.html#options">Add or Remove
Options</a></strong><br />
The <code>Options</code> directive can now add or remove
options from those currently in force, rather than always
replacing them.</li>
<li><strong><a href="invoking.html#help">Command-line
Help</a></strong><br />
The <code>-h</code> command-line option now lists all the
available directives.</li>
<li><strong><a href="mod/mod_headers.html">Optional Headers
Module to Set or Remove HTTP Headers</a></strong><br />
The optional <code>mod_headers</code> module can be used to
set custom headers in the HTTP response. It can append to
existing headers, replace them, or remove headers from the
<li><strong><a href="mod/core.html#ifmodule">Conditional
Config Directives</a></strong><br />
A new <code>&lt;IfModule&gt;</code> section allows
directives to be enabled only if a given module is loaded
into the server.</li>
<li><strong><a href="mod/core.html#satisfy">NCSA Satisfy
authentication directive now implemented</a></strong><br />
<code>Satisfy</code> allows for more flexible access control
<li><strong>Better NCSA Compatibility</strong><br />
Apache directives are now more compatible with NCSA 1.5 to
make moving between servers easier. In particular, Apache now
implements the <a
href="mod/core.html#satisfy"><code>Satisfy</code></a>, <a
and <a
directives, and the following directives are now
syntax-compatible with NCSA: <a
href="mod/mod_auth.html#authuserfile">AuthUserFile</a>, <a
href="mod/mod_auth.html#authgroupfile">AuthGroupFile</a>, <a
<a href="mod/core.html#keepalive">KeepAlive</a> and <a
<strong><a href="mod/mod_proxy.html">Optional proxy
module</a></strong><br />
An improved FTP, HTTP, and CONNECT mode SSL proxy is
included with Apache 1.2. Some of the changes visible to
<dt>- Improved FTP proxy supporting PASV mode</dt>
<dt>- ProxyBlock directive for excluding sites to
<dt>- NoCache * directive for disabling proxy
<dt>- Numerous bug fixes</dt>
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