blob: 2de102ea21a22b40eca5d971be9c8cd7701a4e0b [file] [log] [blame]
*) mod_http2:
- Aborting requests via RST_STREAM no longer affect the available
resources of a connection when the first chunk of the response
body has been sent.
- H2Min/MaxWorkers behave as intended again. The module will initially
create H2MinWorkers threads and add up to H2MaxWorkers when needed. These
additional workers time out when idle after H2MaxWorkerIdleSeconds and
disappear again.
- Added a timeout to h2 worker cleanup to exit latest after 5 seconds of
waiting on idle workers to terminate. This happens after all connections
have been processed. a WARNING is logged in case workers lagged behind.
- When the shutdown of a child is detected (e.g. graceful shutdown), the
module will terminate all idle workers above H2MinWorkers right away.
This detection currently only happens when a HTTP/2 connection is active.
[Stefan Eissing]