blob: 2597d7c65507b41246cfee9b8dbe6dad680bd9e4 [file] [log] [blame]
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache::Test;
use Apache::TestRequest;
use Socket;
# send
# arg #1: url prefix
# arg #2: Host header (none if undef)
# expected results:
# arg #3: response code
# arg #4: SERVER_NAME
# arg #5: SERVER_PORT (canonical port if 'REMOTE')
# undef == don't care
my $url_suffix = 'modules/cgi/';
my @test_cases = (
[ "/", "righthost" => 200, 'righthost', 'REMOTE' ],
[ "/", "righthost:123" => 200, 'righthost', '123' ],
[ "/", "Righthost" => 200, 'righthost', 'REMOTE' ],
[ "/", "Righthost:123" => 200, 'righthost', '123' ],
[ "/", "" => 200, '', 'REMOTE' ],
[ "/", "" => 200, '', '123' ],
[ "/", "[::1]" => 200, '[::1]', 'REMOTE' ],
[ "/", "[::1]:123" => 200, '[::1]', '123' ],
[ "/", "[a::1]" => 200, '[a::1]', 'REMOTE' ],
[ "/", "[a::1]:123" => 200, '[a::1]', '123' ],
[ "/", "[A::1]" => 200, '[a::1]', 'REMOTE' ],
[ "/", "[A::1]:123" => 200, '[a::1]', '123' ],
[ "http://righthost/", undef => 200, 'righthost', 'REMOTE' ],
[ "http://righthost:123/", undef => 200, 'righthost', '123' ],
[ "http://Righthost/", undef => 200, 'righthost', 'REMOTE' ],
[ "http://Righthost:123/", undef => 200, 'righthost', '123' ],
[ "", undef => 200, '', 'REMOTE' ],
[ "", undef => 200, '', '123' ],
[ "http://[::1]/", undef => 200, '[::1]', 'REMOTE' ],
[ "http://[::1]:123/", undef => 200, '[::1]', '123' ],
[ "http://righthost/", "wronghost" => 200, 'righthost', 'REMOTE' ],
[ "http://righthost:123/", "wronghost:321" => 200, 'righthost', '123' ],
[ "http://Righthost/", "wronghost" => 200, 'righthost', 'REMOTE' ],
[ "http://Righthost:123/", "wronghost:321" => 200, 'righthost', '123' ],
[ "", "" => 200, '', 'REMOTE' ],
[ "", "" => 200, '', '123' ],
[ "http://[::1]/", "[::2]" => 200, '[::1]', 'REMOTE' ],
[ "http://[::1]:123/", "[::2]:321" => 200, '[::1]', '123' ],
my @todo;
if (!have_min_apache_version('2.4.24')) {
# r1426827
push @todo, 32, 35, 56, 59, 80, 83;
if (!have_min_apache_version('2.4')) {
# r1147614, PR 26005
push @todo, 20, 23, 26, 29;
plan tests => 3 * scalar(@test_cases), todo => \@todo, need need_min_apache_version('2.2'), need_cgi;
foreach my $t (@test_cases) {
my $req = "GET $t->[0]$url_suffix HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\n";
$req .= "Host: $t->[1]\r\n" if defined $t->[1];
$req .= "\r\n";
my %ex = (
rc => $t->[2],
SERVER_NAME => $t->[3],
SERVER_PORT => $t->[4],
my $sock = Apache::TestRequest::vhost_socket();
if (!$sock) {
print "# failed to connect\n";
if (defined $ex{SERVER_PORT} && $ex{SERVER_PORT} eq 'REMOTE') {
my $peername = getpeername($sock);
my ($port) = sockaddr_in($peername);
$ex{SERVER_PORT} = "$port";
print "# SENDING:\n# ", escape($req), "\n";
my $response_data = "";
my $buf;
while ($sock->read($buf, 10000) > 0) {
$response_data .= $buf;
my $response = HTTP::Response->parse($response_data);
if (! defined $response) {
die "HTTP::Response->parse failed";
my $rc = $response->code;
if (! defined $rc) {
print "# HTTPD dropped the connection\n";
else {
print "# expecting $ex{rc}, got ", $rc, "\n";
ok ($rc == $ex{rc});
foreach my $var (qw/SERVER_NAME SERVER_PORT/) {
if (! defined $ex{$var}) {
print "# don't care about $var\n";
elsif ($response_data =~ /^$var = (.*)$/m) {
my $val = $1;
print "# got $var='$val', expected '$ex{$var}'\n";
ok($val eq $ex{$var});
else {
print "# no $var in response, expected '$ex{$var}'\n";
sub escape
my $in = shift;
$in =~ s{\\}{\\\\}g;
$in =~ s{\r}{\\r}g;
$in =~ s{\n}{\\n}g;
$in =~ s{\t}{\\t}g;
$in =~ s{([\x00-\x1f])}{sprintf("\\x%02x", ord($1))}ge;
return $in;