blob: d53262f11790aaa80519878b7fd50f11f4f89772 [file] [log] [blame]
# Regression test for PR 18757.
# Annoyingly awkward to write because LWP is a poor excuse for an HTTP
# interface and will lie about what response headers are sent, so this
# must be yet another test which speaks TCP directly.
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache::Test;
use Apache::TestUtil;
use Apache::TestRequest;
plan tests => 3, need 'proxy', need_min_apache_version('2.2.1'), need_cgi;
my $path = "/index.html";
my $r = GET($path);
ok t_cmp($r->code, 200, "200 response from GET");
my $clength = $r->content_length;
t_debug("expected C-L is $clength");
my $url = Apache::TestRequest::resolve_url($path);
my $hostport = Apache::TestRequest::hostport();
my $sock = Apache::TestRequest::vhost_socket("mod_proxy");
t_debug "URL via proxy is $url";
ok $sock;
$sock->print("HEAD $url HTTP/1.1\r\n");
$sock->print("Host: $hostport\r\n");
my $ok = 0;
my $response;
do {
chomp($response = Apache::TestRequest::getline($sock) || '');
$response =~ s/\s$//;
t_debug("line: $response");
if ($response =~ /Content-Length: $clength/) {
$ok = 1;
while ($response ne "");
ok t_cmp($ok, 1, "whether proxy strips Content-Length header");