blob: ece22059985564ca815a50dfac24ad6f3a93649b [file] [log] [blame]
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use 5.005;
use lib qw(Apache-Test/lib);
use Apache::Test5005compat;
use Apache::TestMM qw(test clean);
use Apache::TestReport ();
use Apache::TestSmoke ();
use Apache::TestRun ();
use File::Find qw(finddepth);
my @scripts = ();
finddepth(sub {
return unless /^(?!.#)(.*?\.pl)\.PL$/;
push @scripts, "$File::Find::dir/$1";
}, '.');
# Temporary workaround to allow passing
# arguments to "perl Makefile.PL"
# that should go to t/TEST but are not yet
# supported in an Apache::Test release.
# Code borrowed from Apache::TestMM::filter_args().
my %local_args = (
limitrequestline => 'Value for LimitRequestLine',
limitrequestlinex2 => 'Twice the value for LimitRequestLine',
my($argv, $args_vars) = Apache::TestConfig::filter_args(\@ARGV, \%local_args);
@ARGV = @$argv;
# Merge given vars with default values
my %local_vars = (
limitrequestline => '128',
limitrequestlinex2 => '256',
map {$local_vars{$_} = $args_vars->{$_}} keys %$args_vars;
push(@Apache::TestMM::Argv, %local_vars);
for my $script (@scripts) {
for my $util (qw(Report Smoke Run)) {
my $class = "Apache::Test${util}";
NAME => 'httpd-test',
VERSION => '0.01',
clean => { FILES => "@scripts" },