blob: b8043683131a56a3a9005d914763961a7f3c802d [file] [log] [blame]
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache::Test;
use Apache::TestUtil;
use Apache::TestCommon ();
use Apache::TestRequest ();
my $module = 'default';
if (!have_min_apache_version('2.5.0')) {
print "1..0 # skip: Not supported yet";
exit 0;
plan tests => 4, ['echo_post_chunk'];
my $sock = Apache::TestRequest::vhost_socket($module);
ok $sock;
$sock->print("POST /echo_post_chunk HTTP/1.1\r\n");
$sock->print("Host: localhost\r\n");
$sock->print("Content-Length: 77\r\n");
$sock->print("Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n");
$sock->print("X-Chunk-Trailer: $$\r\n");
$sock->print("GET /i_do_not_exist_in_your_wildest_imagination HTTP/1.1\r\n");
$sock->print("Host: localhost\r\n");
# Read the status line
chomp(my $response = Apache::TestRequest::getline($sock) || '');
$response =~ s/\s$//;
ok t_cmp($response, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", "response codes");
# Read the rest
do {
chomp($response = Apache::TestRequest::getline($sock));
$response =~ s/\s$//;
while ($response ne "");
# Do the next request... that MUST fail.
# read the trailer (pid)
$response = Apache::TestRequest::getline($sock);
chomp($response) if (defined($response));
ok t_cmp($response, "$$", "trailer (pid)");
# Make sure we have not received a 404.
chomp($response = Apache::TestRequest::getline($sock) || 'NO');
$response =~ s/\s$//;
ok t_cmp($response, "NO", "no response");