blob: cb561c2862200cc9b5078025897792f830a50554 [file] [log] [blame]
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache::Test;
use Apache::TestRequest;
use Apache::TestUtil;
my $vars = Apache::Test::vars();
my $htdocs = Apache::Test::vars('documentroot');
my $body;
## mod_setenvif tests
my $good_ua = '^libwww-perl/.*';
my $bad_ua = 'foo-browser/0.1';
my $page = "/modules/setenvif/htaccess/setenvif.shtml";
my %var_att =
'Remote_Host' =>
'pass' => $vars->{remote_addr},
'fail' => ''
'Remote_Addr' =>
'pass' => $vars->{remote_addr},
'fail' => ''
'Request_Method' =>
'pass' => 'GET',
'fail' => 'POST'
'Request_Protocol' =>
'pass' => 'HTTP',
'fail' => 'FTP'
'Request_URI' =>
'pass' => $page,
'fail' => 'foo.html'
# Test with a regex. Looking for 'User-Agent'
'^User-Ag' =>
'pass' => $good_ua,
'fail' => $bad_ua
my @var = qw(VAR_ONE VAR_TWO VAR_THREE);
my $htaccess = "$htdocs/modules/setenvif/htaccess/.htaccess";
plan tests => @var * 10 + (keys %var_att) * 6 * @var + 4,
have_module qw(setenvif include);
sub write_htaccess {
my $string = shift;
open (HT, ">$htaccess") or die "can't open $htaccess: $!";
print HT $string;
sub test_all_vars {
my $exp_modifier = shift;
my $conf_str = shift;
my $set = 'set';
my ($actual, $expected);
foreach my $var (@var) {
$conf_str .= " $var=$set";
$expected = set_expect($exp_modifier, $conf_str);
$actual = GET_BODY $page;
$actual =~ s/\r//sg; #win32
print "---\n";
print "conf:\n$conf_str\n";
print "expecting:\n->$expected<-\n";
print "got:\n->$actual<-\n";
ok ($actual eq $expected);
sub set_expect {
my $not = shift;
my $conf_str = shift;
my ($v, $exp_str) = ('','');
my %exp =
1 => 'VAR_ONE',
2 => 'VAR_TWO',
3 => 'VAR_THREE'
foreach (sort keys %exp) {
my $foo = $exp{$_};
$v = '(none)';
if ($conf_str =~ /$foo=(\S+)/) {
$v = $1 unless $not;
$exp_str .= "$_:$v\n";
return $exp_str;
## test simple browser match ##
test_all_vars(0,"BrowserMatch $good_ua");
test_all_vars(1,"BrowserMatch $bad_ua");
## test SetEnvIf with variable attributes ##
foreach my $attribute (sort keys %var_att) {
test_all_vars(0,"SetEnvIf $attribute $var_att{$attribute}{pass}");
test_all_vars(1,"SetEnvIf $attribute $var_att{$attribute}{fail}");
## some 'relaying' variables ##
"SetEnvIf $attribute $var_att{$attribute}{pass} RELAY=1\nSetEnvIf RELAY 1");
"SetEnvIf $attribute $var_att{$attribute}{pass} RELAY=1\nSetEnvIf RELAY 0");
## SetEnvIfNoCase tests ##
my $uc = uc $var_att{$attribute}{pass};
test_all_vars(0,"SetEnvIfNoCase $attribute $uc");
$uc = uc $var_att{$attribute}{fail};
test_all_vars(1,"SetEnvIfNoCase $attribute $uc");
## test 'relaying' variables ##
test_all_vars(0,"BrowserMatch $good_ua RELAY=1\nSetEnvIf RELAY 1");
"BrowserMatch $good_ua RELAY=1\nSetEnvIf RELAY 1 R2=1\nSetEnvIf R2 1");
"BrowserMatch $good_ua RELAY=1\nSetEnvIf RELAY 1 R2=1\nSetEnvIf R2 0");
test_all_vars(1,"BrowserMatch $good_ua RELAY=0\nSetEnvIf RELAY 1");
test_all_vars(1,"BrowserMatch $good_ua RELAY=1\nSetEnvIf RELAY 0");
## test '!' ##
# We set then unset 'R2' (see a few lines above for the corresponding test, without the 'unset'
"BrowserMatch $good_ua RELAY=1\nSetEnvIf RELAY 1 R2=1\nSetEnvIf RELAY 1 !R2\nSetEnvIf R2 1");
## test SetEnvIfExpr ##
test_all_vars(0, "SetEnvIfExpr \"%{REQUEST_URI} =~ /\.shtml\$/\"");
test_all_vars(1, "SetEnvIfExpr \"%{REQUEST_URI} =~ /\.foo\$/\"");
## test SetEnvIfExpr with replacement ##
write_htaccess("SetEnvIfExpr \"%{REQUEST_URI} =~ /\.\(sh\)tml\$/\" VAR_ONE=\$0 VAR_TWO=\$1");
$body = GET_BODY $page;
ok t_cmp($body, "1:.shtml\n2:sh\n3:(none)\n");
write_htaccess("SetEnvIfExpr \"%{REQUEST_URI} !~ /\.\(sh\)tml\$/\" VAR_ONE=\$0 VAR_TWO=\$1");
$body = GET_BODY $page;
ok t_cmp($body, "1:(none)\n2:(none)\n3:(none)\n");
## test SetEnvIfExpr with replacement when regex does NOT match ##
write_htaccess("SetEnvIfExpr \"%{REQUEST_URI} =~ /\.\(sh\)tmlXXX\$/\" VAR_ONE=\$0 VAR_TWO=\$1");
$body = GET_BODY $page;
ok t_cmp($body, "1:(none)\n2:(none)\n3:(none)\n");
if (need_min_apache_version("2.4.38")) {
## test SetEnvIfExpr with replacement when regex is REQUIRED to NOT match ##
write_htaccess("SetEnvIfExpr \"%{REQUEST_URI} !~ /\.\(sh\)tmlXXX\$/\" VAR_ONE=\$0 VAR_TWO=\$1");
$body = GET_BODY $page;
ok t_cmp($body, "1:\$0\n2:\$1\n3:(none)\n");
else {
# Skip for versions without r1786235 backported
skip "skipping inverted match test with version <2.4.38"
## i think this should work, but it doesnt.
## leaving it commented now pending investigation.
## seems you cant override variables that have been previously set.
## test_all_vars(0,
## "SetEnv RELAY 1\nSetEnvIf RELAY 1 RELAY=2\nSetEnvIf RELAY 2");
## test_all_vars(0,
## "BrowserMatch $good_ua RELAY=1\nSetEnvIf RELAY 1 RELAY=2\nSetEnvIf RELAY 2");
## clean up ##
unlink $htaccess if -e $htaccess;