blob: 09fac453ba7e8f3c84e55e1049d61c4f232f5d5f [file] [log] [blame]
import json
import os
import re
import xml.sax.saxutils as saxutils
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-v","--version",help="major version to filter on",dest="filterversion")
parser.add_option("-e","--extratext",help="extra text to add to description",dest="extratext")
parser.add_option("-i","--inputdirectory",help="directory of json files",dest="directory")
(options,args) = parser.parse_args()
re_fixedin = re.compile('(released in )?(?P<released>\\d\\.\\d\\.\\d+(-\S+)?)( released)?');
def natural_sort_key(s, _nsre=re.compile('([0-9]+)')):
return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
for text in _nsre.split(s)]
filterversion = options.filterversion or ""
cves = []
entries = {}
DEFAULT_CVE_DATA_VERSION = "4.0" # Default (old) CVE data version
for x in os.listdir( or "./"):
if x.endswith(".json"):
fd = open(
cve = json.load(fd)
cve["_filename"] = x
print ("Ignoring due to error parsing: "+x)
# Filter on version and store by release(s) that fixed it
for cve in cves:
# Establish which version of CVE JSON we are dealing with
data_version = cve.get("dataVersion", DEFAULT_CVE_DATA_VERSION)
#print("%s: v%s" % (cve["_filename"], data_version), file=sys.stderr)
if data_version == DEFAULT_CVE_DATA_VERSION: # Old style CVE
timearray = cve["timeline"]
cve["id"] = cve["CVE_data_meta"]["ID"]
elif data_version == "5.0": # Newer style JSON
if "timeline" in cve["containers"]["cna"]:
timearray = cve["containers"]["cna"]["timeline"]
timearray = cve["timeline"] # This should be in cna, but...meh
cve["id"] = cve["cveMetadata"]["cveId"]
for time in timearray:
timed = time["value"]
matcher = re_fixedin.match(timed);
if (matcher and'released').startswith(filterversion)):
fixedin ='released')
if (not fixedin in entries):
entries[fixedin] = []
# We want to sort on reverse number fixed, where our versions are dotted numbers, except some special cases
# like never-fixed, or -dev fixed which should always appear first
# Then we want to sort in the section by CVE name, handling numerics correctly
lastfixedv = ""
productname = ""
sections = []
for k,v in sorted(entries.items(), key=lambda s: [int(u) if u.isdigit() else 999 for u in s[0].split(',')[0].split('.')], reverse=True):
fixedv = k.split(",")[0]
sectioncves = []
for cve in sorted(v, key=lambda s: [int(u) if u.isdigit() else u for u in s["id"].split('-')]):
e = {}
e['cveid'] = cve["id"]
data_version = cve.get("dataVersion", DEFAULT_CVE_DATA_VERSION)
if data_version == "5.0":
e['impact'] = cve["containers"]["cna"]["metrics"][0]["other"]["content"]["text"]
e['title'] = cve["containers"]["cna"]["title"]
e['desc'] = cve["containers"]["cna"]["descriptions"][0]["value"]
e['credit'] = []
if ("credits" in cve["containers"]["cna"]):
for credit in cve["containers"]["cna"]["credits"]:
e['credit'].append(credit["type"]+": "+credit["value"])
affects = []
product = cve["containers"]["cna"]["affected"][0]
productname = product['product']
for ver in product["versions"]:
if ("lessThanOrEqual" in ver):
if ("lessThan" in ver):
# Make a natural order sort
affects.sort(reverse=True, key=natural_sort_key)
e['affects'] = ", ".join(affects)
e['timetable'] = [];
for time in cve["containers"]["cna"]["timeline"]:
timed = time["value"]
if ("reported" in timed):
timed = "Reported to security team"
elif ("public" in timed):
timed = "Issue public"
elif ("release" in timed):
timed = "Update "+timed
e['impact'] = cve["impact"][0]["other"]
e['title'] = cve["CVE_data_meta"]["TITLE"]
e['desc'] = cve["description"]["description_data"][0]["value"]
e['credit'] = []
if ("credit" in cve):
for credit in cve["credit"]:
affects = []
product = cve["affects"]["vendor"]["vendor_data"][0]["product"]["product_data"][0]
productname = product['product_name']
for ver in product["version"]["version_data"]:
if (ver["version_affected"] == "="):
elif (ver["version_affected"] == "?="):
# We did ?= for "maybe affects" because no one checked
# Otherwise maybe we started doing things like "<2.7.8"
# Make a natural order sort
affects.sort(reverse=True, key=natural_sort_key)
e['affects'] = ", ".join(affects)
e['timetable'] = [];
for time in cve["timeline"]:
timed = time["value"]
if ("reported" in timed):
timed = "Reported to security team"
elif ("public" in timed):
timed = "Issue public"
elif ("release" in timed):
timed = "Update "+timed
# Everything is sorted and pretty, this should be some python template thing
# We are generating html in markdown. Add the metadata first.
print ("Title: "+productname+" "+filterversion+" vulnerabilities")
print ("asf_headings: False")
print ("")
print ("<h1>"+productname+" "+filterversion+" vulnerabilities</h1>")
print ("<p>This page lists all security vulnerabilities fixed in released versions of "+productname+" "+filterversion+". Each vulnerability is given a security <a href=\"/security/impact_levels.html\">impact rating</a> by the Apache security team - please note that this rating may well vary from platform to platform. We also list the versions the flaw is known to affect, and where a flaw has not been verified list the version with a question mark.</p>")
print ("<p>Please note that if a vulnerability is shown below as being fixed in a \"-dev\" release then this means that a fix has been applied to the development source tree and will be part of an upcoming full release.</p>")
print ("<p>Please send comments or corrections for these vulnerabilities to the <a href=\"/security_report.html\">Security Team</a>.</p> <br/>")
if (options.extratext):
print ("<p>"+options.extratext+"</p><br/>")
for sectioncves in sections:
print ("\n<h1 id=\""+sectioncves["fixed"]+"\">Fixed in "+sectioncves["product"]+" "+sectioncves["fixed"]+"</h1><dl>\n")
for e in sectioncves["cves"]:
html = "<dt><h3 id=\""+e['cveid']+"\">"+e['impact']+": <name name=\""+e['cveid']+"\">"+saxutils.escape(e['title'])+"</name>\n";
html += "(<a href=\""+e['cveid']+"\">"+e['cveid']+"</a>)</h3></dt>\n";
desc = saxutils.escape(e['desc'])
desc = re.sub(r'\n','</p><p>', desc)
html += "<dd><p>"+desc+"</p>\n"
if (e['credit']):
html += "<p>Acknowledgements:"
if len(e['credit']) == 1:
html += " " + saxutils.escape(e['credit'][0]) + "</p>\n"
html += "</p>\n<ul>\n"
for credit in e['credit']:
html += "<li>" + saxutils.escape(credit) + "</li>\n"
html += "</ul>\n"
html += "<table class=\"cve\">"
for ti in e['timetable']:
html+= "<tr><td class=\"cve-header\">"+ti[0]+"</td><td class=\"cve-value\">"+ti[1]+"</td></tr>\n"
html+= "</table></dd>"
print (html)
print ("</dl></br/>")