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<div class="headertitle">
<div class="title">STATUS </div> </div>
<div class="contents">
<div class="textblock"><p>2.18 under developement</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" id="contrib"></a>
Contributors looking for a mission</h3>
<pre class="fragment">- just do an egrep on "TODO" or "XXX" and see what's there
</pre><h3><a class="anchor" id="current_releas"></a>
<h3><a class="anchor" id="showstoppers"></a>
<h3><a class="anchor" id="votes"></a>
<pre class="fragment">- Should we switch to EU::MM for determining the full path to perl?
The problem is that some folks move their perl binary post-installation,
but never adjust EU::MM is smart, by accepting a
full path in $^X or by searching the user's $PATH for $^X, before
resorting to However, if we change apreq2, we should also
lobby test-dev to adopt the same solution for Apache::Test. Otherwise
our test suite will likely fail, even though the rest of the perl build
system will presumably still work.
+1: joes
- Drop ExtUtils::XSBuilder as the C API is fairly
stable now. The header parsing + xs generation stuff may be too
difficult for the community to maintain over ordinary .xs files.
+1: pgollucci
</pre> <h3><a class="anchor" id="todo"></a>
<pre class="fragment">- Get -libmodperl to work like it does in mod_perl land.
- Get static builds working again.
- Implement (some of) RFC 2184 in the multipart parser.
- Dump automake, preferably replacing that with more stuff from
httpd/apr's build system.
- Move module/t to module/apache2/t.
- Figure out how and where the apreq_xs_ headers, and typemap file,
should be installed.
- Write tests for the apache 1.3.x module.
- Fix the broken make dependencies, especially in the module
and glue subdirs. The libtool workaround (for OSX IIRC)
that copies module/.libs to module/t is especially bogus.
- Round out the unit tests in library/t. Ideally each
API function should have its own tests, and each possible
error status should be both tested &amp; documented. Also
upgrade these tests to use the Apache::Test framework.
- in glue/perl/t/apreq/cgi.t on Win32, printing to the error log
hangs if the strings involved are about 10000 in size.
This doesn't occur in the env/cgi tests - why?
- Why must fprintf(stderr, ...), rather than
apr_file_printf(err, ...), be used on Win32 in
cgi_log() of src/apreq_env.c?
- Get env/ (Apache::Test) tests to work for --with-apache2-src option.
Also add a test to configure that prevents simultaneous use of
--with-apache2-src and --with-apache2-apxs.
- symbol exports files:
-# aix needs .exp files
- Install the html dox during "make install". Should we do this
for the doxy manpages also?
- Rework glue/perl build system to use apreq2-config instead of
relying on paths like "../../src".
</pre><h3><a class="anchor" id="issues"></a>
<pre class="fragment">- Should we bundle an apr-based "application/xml" parser?
If so, how should we parse the xml data into an apr_table?
</pre><h3><a class="anchor" id="bugs"></a>
<pre class="fragment">- Fix build automake/libtool/autoconf build system so it works
properly on OSX &amp; AIX.
</pre><h3><a class="anchor" id="wishes"></a>
<pre class="fragment">- I [joes] wish folks would contribute some glue code for
one of these:
- php,
- Rivet,
- mod_dtcl,
- mod_python,
- mod_jk,
- tomcat,
- mod_ruby,
- mod_parrot.
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