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<a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a> &gt;
<a href="">HTTP Server Project</a> &gt;
<a href="">Request Library Subproject</a>
<p class="apache">Apache HTTP Server Request Library - 2.17</p>
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<div class="title">FAQ </div> </div>
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<ul id="index">
<li><a href="#Issues-during-installation">Issues during installation.</a></li>
<li><a href="#Using-libapreq2-with-Apache2-and-mod_perl2">Using libapreq2 with Apache2 and mod_perl2.</a>
<li><a href="#I-keep-getting-undefined-symbol-errors-whenever-I-use-Apache2::Request-or-APR::Request::Apache2">I keep getting &quot;undefined symbol&quot; errors whenever I use Apache2::Request or APR::Request::Apache2.</a></li>
<li><a href="#When-I-use-Apache2::Request-in-my-output-filter-it-seems-to-lose-the-incoming-POST-variables">When I use Apache2::Request in my output filter, it seems to lose the incoming POST variables.</a></li>
<li><a href="">When I try to upload a file, why do I get this error &quot;[error] Can&#39;t locate .../Apache2/Request/ in @INC&quot;?</a></li>
<li><a href="#Using-libapreq2-outside-of-Apache">Using libapreq2 outside of Apache.</a></li>
<li><a href="#Contributing-to-apreq-development">Contributing to apreq development.</a>
<li><a href="#How-is-the-subversion-repository-managed">How is the subversion repository managed?</a></li>
<h1 id="Issues-during-installation">Issues during installation.</h1>
<h1 id="Using-libapreq2-with-Apache2-and-mod_perl2">Using libapreq2 with Apache2 and mod_perl2.</h1>
<h2 id="I-keep-getting-undefined-symbol-errors-whenever-I-use-Apache2::Request-or-APR::Request::Apache2">I keep getting &quot;undefined symbol&quot; errors whenever I use Apache2::Request or APR::Request::Apache2.</h2>
<p>You need to load at server startup, which grabs all the required symbols at server startup. Be sure your server config contains a line like</p>
<pre><code>LoadModule apreq_module modules/</code></pre>
<h2 id="When-I-use-Apache2::Request-in-my-output-filter-it-seems-to-lose-the-incoming-POST-variables">When I use Apache2::Request in my output filter, it seems to lose the incoming POST variables.</h2>
<p>The problem is likely that the mod_apreq2 filter has not been added to the input filter chain in time to read the POST data.</p>
<p>There are two solutions to this problem:</p>
<pre><code>1) Write a filter init handler for you filter that instantiates an
Apache2::Request object.
2) Use .htaccess or your server config to ensure the apreq input filter
is active for this request with &quot;AddInputFilter APREQ&quot; or somesuch.</code></pre>
<p>We recommend using (1), and falling back to (2) until you get (1) working.</p>
<h2 id="">When I try to upload a file, why do I get this error &quot;[error] Can&#39;t locate .../Apache2/Request/ in @INC&quot;?</h2>
<p><i>Apache2::Upload</i> is now a separate module in apreq2, so you need to <code>use Apache2::Upload</code> to load the <code>Apache2::Request::upload</code> function.</p>
<p>This also applies to &quot;Can&#39;t locate auto/APR/Request/Param/ in @INC&quot;. This is because <i>Apache2::Upload</i> is implement by wrapping the <i>APR::Request::*</i> packages.</p>
<h1 id="Using-libapreq2-outside-of-Apache">Using libapreq2 outside of Apache.</h1>
<h1 id="Contributing-to-apreq-development">Contributing to apreq development.</h1>
<h2 id="How-is-the-subversion-repository-managed">How is the subversion repository managed?</h2>
<p>apreq&#39;s repository is broken into three subdirectories:</p>
<pre><code>/trunk - the current codebase for active development.
/tags - release snapshots.
/branches - where older releases and experimental development lines live.</code></pre>
<p>apreq follows a Commit-then-Review policy for its entire repository, but being a shared library places certain restrictions on the admissible changes for stable trees. Basically the header files cannot be modified; only new functions and structures may be added to them. Any time that happens, the minor-version needs to be bumped, and the patch-level gets reset to zero. Changes that only modify the library&#39;s implementation (.c) files require a bump to the patch-level. On stable trees, this version tracking should happen on each commit, to make auditing easy for other developers without resorting to a draconian Review-then-Commit policy.</p>
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