blob: 5c41376368254aa4798d43828b3dd6495c5d9ab6 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <strings.h> /* strncasecmp */
#include <apr_errno.h>
#include <apr_thread_proc.h>
#include <threadproc.h>
#include <apr_strings.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "flood_farmer.h"
#include "flood_farm.h"
extern apr_file_t *local_stdout;
extern apr_file_t *local_stderr;
struct farm_t {
const char *name;
int n_farmers;
apr_thread_t **farmers; /* pointer to array of threads */
typedef struct farm_t farm_t;
struct farmer_worker_info_t {
const char *farmer_name;
config_t *config;
apr_thread_t **thr;
typedef struct farmer_worker_info_t farmer_worker_info_t;
* Worker function that is assigned to a thread. Each worker is
* called a farmer in our system.
void * APR_THREAD_FUNC farmer_worker(void *data)
apr_status_t stat;
apr_pool_t *pool;
farmer_worker_info_t * info = (farmer_worker_info_t *)data;
pool = (*info->thr)->cntxt;
/* should we create a subpool here? */
apr_file_printf(local_stdout, "Starting farmer_worker thread '%s'.\n",
if ((stat = run_farmer(info->config, info->farmer_name,
pool)) != APR_SUCCESS) {
char buf[256];
apr_strerror(stat, (char*) &buf, 256);
apr_file_printf(local_stderr, "Error running farmer '%s': %s.\n",
info->farmer_name, (char*) &buf);
/* just die for now, later try to return status */
return NULL;
apr_status_t run_farm(config_t *config, const char *farm_name, apr_pool_t *pool)
apr_status_t stat, child_stat;
int usefarmer_count, i;
char *xml_farm, **usefarmer_names;
struct apr_xml_elem *e, *root_elem, *farm_elem;
farm_t *farm;
farmer_worker_info_t *infovec;
xml_farm = apr_pstrdup(pool, XML_FARM);
/* get the root config node */
if ((stat = retrieve_root_xml_elem(&root_elem, config)) != APR_SUCCESS) {
return stat;
/* get farmer node from config */
if ((stat = retrieve_xml_elem_with_childmatch(
&farm_elem, root_elem,
xml_farm, XML_FARM_NAME, farm_name)) != APR_SUCCESS)
return stat;
/* count the number of "usefarmer" children */
usefarmer_count = count_xml_elem_child(farm_elem, XML_FARM_USEFARMER);
/* create each of the children and put their names in an array */
usefarmer_names = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(char*) * (usefarmer_count + 1));
/* set the sentinel (no need for pcalloc()) */
usefarmer_names[usefarmer_count] = NULL;
i = 0;
for (e = farm_elem->first_child; e; e = e->next) {
if (strncasecmp(e->name, XML_FARM_USEFARMER, FLOOD_STRLEN_MAX) == 0) {
usefarmer_names[i++] = apr_pstrdup(pool,
/* create the farm object */
farm = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(farm_t));
farm->name = apr_pstrdup(pool, farm_name);
farm->n_farmers = usefarmer_count;
farm->farmers = apr_pcalloc(pool,
sizeof(apr_thread_t*) * (usefarmer_count + 1));
infovec = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(farmer_worker_info_t) * usefarmer_count);
/* for each of my farmers, start them */
for (i = 0; i < usefarmer_count; i++) {
infovec[i].farmer_name = usefarmer_names[i];
infovec[i].config = config;
infovec[i].thr = &farm->farmers[i];
if ((stat = apr_thread_create(&farm->farmers[i],
(void*) &infovec[i],
pool)) != APR_SUCCESS) {
/* error, perhaps shutdown other threads then exit? */
return stat;
for (i = 0; i < usefarmer_count; i++) {
if ((stat = apr_thread_join(&child_stat, farm->farmers[i])) != APR_SUCCESS) {
apr_file_printf(local_stderr, "Error joining farmer thread '%d' ('%s').\n",
i, usefarmer_names[i]);
return stat;
} else {
apr_file_printf(local_stdout, "Farmer '%d' ('%s') completed successfully.\n",
i, usefarmer_names[i]);