blob: 1378ae80ad049f29811489a5a9800f600605b145 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <assert.h>
#include <apr_general.h>
#include <apr_file_io.h>
#include "flood_subst_file.h"
#define IS_NUM(c) (('0' <= (c)) && ('9' >= (c)))
apr_file_t* subst_file = NULL;
extern apr_file_t *local_stdout;
extern apr_file_t *local_stderr;
apr_off_t fsize;
char * pp = "thisis\nmytest";
void subst_list_init(subst_rec_t *subst_list, int subst_list_size) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < SUBST_FILE_ARR_MAX; i++) {
subst_list[i].subst_var = NULL;
subst_list[i].subst_file_name = NULL;
subst_list[i].subst_mode = 0;
subst_list[i].fsize = (apr_off_t)0;
subst_list[i].valid = 0;
subst_list[i].subst_file = NULL;
void subst_list_make(subst_rec_t *subst_list) {
int i2 = 0;
subst_list[0].subst_var = "name";
subst_list[0].subst_file_name = "/pmalab1/temphome/guyf/work/replace_mc5/flood_stuff/build/flood-0.4/test";
subst_list[0].subst_mode = 0;
subst_list[0].valid = 1;
subst_list[i2].subst_var = "foot";
subst_list[i2].subst_file_name = "/pmalab1/temphome/guyf/work/replace_mc5/flood_stuff/build/flood-0.4/blort";
subst_list[i2].subst_mode = 0;
subst_list[i2].valid = 1;
subst_list[i2].subst_var = "nerve";
subst_list[i2].subst_file_name = "/pmalab1/temphome/guyf/work/replace_mc5/flood_stuff/build/flood-0.4/cavort";
subst_list[i2].subst_mode = 0;
subst_list[i2].valid = 1;
subst_rec_t* subst_file_get(const char* varname, subst_rec_t* subst_list) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < SUBST_FILE_ARR_MAX; i++) {
if ((strcmp(subst_list[i].subst_var, varname) == 0)
&& subst_list[i].valid) {
return &(subst_list[i]);
return NULL;
void subst_file_err(const char* msgtext, const char* vartext, apr_status_t errcode) {
char errtext[SUBST_FILE_ERROR_BUF];
apr_file_t* local_stderr;
apr_pool_t *err_pool;
if (apr_pool_create(&err_pool, NULL) != APR_SUCCESS) {
printf("Failed apr_pool_create\n");
apr_strerror(errcode, (char *) &errtext, SUBST_FILE_ERROR_BUF);
apr_file_open_stderr(&local_stderr, err_pool);
apr_file_printf(local_stderr, "%s %s %s\n", msgtext, vartext, errtext);
int subst_file_open(apr_file_t** subst_file, const char* fname, apr_off_t* fsize, apr_pool_t* pool) {
apr_finfo_t finfo;
apr_status_t rc = 0;
apr_int32_t wanted = APR_FINFO_SIZE;
rc = apr_file_open(subst_file, fname, APR_READ, APR_OS_DEFAULT, pool);
if (rc) {
subst_file_err("Couldn't open file", fname, rc);
exit(-1 );
rc = 0;
if (rc = apr_stat(&finfo, fname, wanted, pool)) {
subst_file_err("stat failed on file ", fname, rc);
*fsize = finfo.size;
return 0;
int close_subst_file(apr_file_t* subst_file) {
apr_status_t rc = 0;
if (subst_file) {
rc = apr_file_close(subst_file);
return rc;
char* subst_file_entry_get(apr_file_t** subst_file, apr_off_t *fsize, char* line, int line_size) {
apr_off_t seek_val;
apr_off_t zero = 0;
apr_status_t rc = 0;
if (!subst_file ) {
subst_file_err("subst_file not open ", "", rc);
assert (line_size > 0);
assert (*fsize > 0);
seek_val = random() % *fsize;
if (apr_file_seek(*subst_file, APR_SET, &seek_val) != 0 ) {
subst_file_err("error in seeking for file", "no name available", rc);
exit(-1 );
apr_file_gets(line, line_size, *subst_file);
memset(line, 0, line_size);
if (apr_file_gets(line, line_size, *subst_file) != (apr_status_t)0 ) {
if (apr_file_seek(*subst_file, APR_SET, &zero) != (apr_off_t)0 ) {
subst_file_err("error in seeking for file", "no name available", rc);
exit(-1 );
apr_file_gets(line, line_size, *subst_file);
line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0';
return line;
/* a substitution file entry (nomimally a single line) can now contain */
/* escaped characters such as \n, \t, \012 so that the entry can be */
/* a multi-line POST payload */
char* subst_file_entry_unescape(char* line, int line_size)
int num;
char *from, *to;
char changed_buf[SUBST_FILE_MAX_URL_SIZE];
if (line == NULL) {
return NULL;
from = to = line;
while (*from) {
if (*from == '\\') {
if (IS_NUM(*from)) {
num = *from++ - '0';
if (IS_NUM(*from))
num = num*10 + (*from++ - '0');
if (IS_NUM(*from))
num = num*10 + (*from++ - '0');
if (num != 0) {
*to++ = num;
} else {
*to++ = '\\';
*to++ = '0';
} else {
switch (*from) {
case '\0': continue;
case 'n': *to++ = '\n'; break;
case 'r': *to++ = '\r'; break;
case 't': *to++ = '\t'; break;
default: *to++ = *from; break;
} else {
*to++ = *from++;
*to = '\0';
return line;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char line[SUBST_FILE_MAX_URL_SIZE]; # why mess around, therefore static
int i = 20;
int list = 0;
char* the_name;
subst_rec_t *the_rec;
if (apr_pool_create(&pool, NULL) != APR_SUCCESS) {
printf("Failed apr_pool_create\n");
subst_list_init(subst_list, SUBST_FILE_ARR_MAX);
while(subst_list[list].valid && list < 10) {
subst_file_open(&(subst_list[list].subst_file), subst_list[list].subst_file_name, &(subst_list[list].fsize));
/* list = 0; */
/* while (i--) { */
/* while(subst_list[list].valid && list < 10) { */
/* subst_file_entry_get(&(subst_list[list].subst_file), &(subst_list[list].fsize), line, sizeof(line)); */
/* printf("%s\n", line); */
/* memset(line, 0, sizeof(line)); */
/* list++; */
/* } */
/* list = 0; */
/* } */
the_name = "test";
the_rec = subst_file_get(the_name, subst_list);
subst_file_entry_get(&(the_rec->subst_file), &(the_rec->fsize), line, sizeof(line));
printf("%s\n", line);
list = 0;
while(subst_list[list].valid && list < 10) {