blob: 93883b0765f8bf80d58d8d5f7db812ef291d05d6 [file] [log] [blame]
flood STATUS: -*-text-*-
Last modified at [$Date: 2001/08/13 23:47:10 $]
ASF-transfer: Released July 17, 2001
milestone-02: Tagged August 13, 2001
milestone-01: Tagged July 11, 2001 (tag lost during transfer)
* "Everything needs to work perfectly"
Other bugs that need fixing:
* DNS lookup failures in any <urllist> cause segfault.
Justin says: Wow. Why?
* Misformed URLs cause a segfault. When we fix this we should
make sure to print out a helpful message when this occurs.
(This is not something that can be detected with a validating
XML parser, unfortunately.)
* iPlanet sends "Content-length" - there is a hack in there now
to recognize it. However, all HTTP headers need to be normalized
before checking their values. This isn't easy to do. Grr.
Other features that need writing:
* Validation of responses (known C-L, specific strings in response)
Status: Justin volunteers
* HTTP error codes (ie. teach it about 302s)
Justin says: Yeah, this won't be with round_robin as implemented.
Need a linked list-based profile where we can insert
new URLs into the sequence.
* Farmer (Single-thread, multiple profiles)
Status: Aaron says: If you have threads, then any Farmer can be
run as part of any Farm. If you don't have threads, you can
currently only run one Farmer named "Joe" right now (this will
be changed so that if you don't have threads, flood will attempt
to run all Farmers in serial under one process).
* Collective (Single-host, multiple farms)
This is a number of Farms that have been fork()ed into child processes.
* Megaconglomerate (Multiple hosts each running a collective)
This is a number of Collectives running on a number of hosts, invoked
via RSH/SSH or maybe even some proprietary mechanism.
* Other types of urllists
a) Random / Random-weighted
b) Sequenced (useful with cookie propogation)
c) Round-robin
d) Chaining of the above strategies
Status: Round-robin is complete.
* Other types of reports
Status: Aaron says: "simple" reports are functional. Justin added
a new type that simply prints the approx. timestamp when
the test was run, and the result as OK/FAIL; it is called
"easy reports" (see flood_easy_reports.h).
Furthermore, simple_reports and easy_reports both print
out the current requesting URI line.
Documentation that needs writing:
* Documentation? What documentation? RTFS?
* Feature set
We'll have to eventually write down all the features we support,
which will most likely come out to be the various XML parameters
we support.
Available Patches:
Open issues:
* Validating XML Parser?
Justin says: I don't think we want this. We want a standalone
Aaron says: I strongly feel we should have this turned on at
least for the invoking "Megaconglomerate". The added
overhead for validating when we're already parsing
will be minimal. It will not affect the results of
the tests. It only happens when a new flood process
is created (directly or via rsh/ssh), not when invoking
a collective, farm, farmer, or profile. What it gives
us from the user's standpoint is far greater than
the impact of the added startup overhead.
(Maybe a flood argument that disables it for when
some UI wrapper already did the checking or if it's
being invoked as part of a megaconglomerate (rsh/ssh).)
* Supporting use of installed APR / APR-util
Justin says: Requires changes to APR/APR-util to make it install
the right stuff. We currently rely on the source.
* Mandrake Linux 8.0 and OpenSSL 0.9.6a just aren't coexisting at all.
The problem seems to be that OpenSSL is refusing to initialize the
PRNG. Go figure. I give up on this for now, but it is a big nasty
bug in something somewhere. This code works on Solaris/Intel.
That's all I'll say on the matter for now.
* Report Aggregation
We're not sure how to handle reporting quite yet. We'd like to keep
it open ended and flexible, but that will be difficult to do while
maintaining the ability to run a huge variety of tests.
* WebLogic 5.10 Service Pack 9
No one told BEA how to make an HTTP server. Send it Connection: Close
and a cookie, and it'll respond with Connection: Keep-Alive (no cookie
and it honors Connection: Close). That's wrong.
* OpenSSL 0.9.6
Segfaults under high load. Upgrade to OpenSSL 0.9.6b.