blob: ad2edf83f31d2acf4d5fefca6b5f0d8e989ceefb [file] [log] [blame]
use XML::Simple;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Glob;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
our ( $opt_m, $opt_x, $opt_l );
our $VERSION = '0.01';
our %LANGS = (
'fr' => 'French',
'ja' => 'Japanese',
'de' => 'German',
'ko' => 'Korean',
'tr' => 'Turkish'
HELP_MESSAGE() unless $opt_m;
$opt_m =~ s/\.xml$//;
HELP_MESSAGE() unless -f $opt_m . '.xml';
my $eng = $opt_m . '.xml';
my @files = glob $opt_m . '.xml.*';
my $xs = XML::Simple->new();
my $eng_xml = $xs->XMLin( $eng );
print "This document defines the following directives:\n";
my @directives;
foreach my $directive ( sort( keys %{ $eng_xml->{directivesynopsis} } ) ) {
push @directives, $directive;
print $directive . "\n";
print "\n";
foreach my $file (@files) {
next if $file =~ m/\.meta$/;
my $lang = $file;
$lang =~ s/.*\.([^.]+)$/$1/;
if ( $opt_l ) {
next unless $lang eq $opt_l;
print "Translation available in ". ($LANGS{$lang}?$LANGS{$lang}:$lang) ."\n";
my $lang_xml = $xs->XMLin( $file );
my @missing;
foreach my $d ( @directives ) {
unless ( defined( $lang_xml->{directivesynopsis}->{$d} ) ) {
print "Translation does not define $d\n";
push @missing, $d;
if ( $opt_x && @missing ) {
print "\nPaste the following into the XML:\n\n";
foreach my $d ( @missing ) {
directive_doc( $d, $eng_xml ) if $opt_x;
print "\n\n";
sub directive_doc {
my ($d, $eng_xml) = @_;
print "<directivesynopsis>\n";
print "<name>" . $d . "</name>\n";
print "<description>" .
$eng_xml->{directivesynopsis}->{$d}->{description} .
print "<contextlist>";
# If there's only one context, this is a scalar, not an arrayref.
if ( !ref( $eng_xml->{directivesynopsis}->{$d}->{contextlist}->{context}) ) {
= [ $eng_xml->{directivesynopsis}->{$d}->{contextlist}->{context} ]
foreach my $c ( @{ $eng_xml->{directivesynopsis}->{$d}->{contextlist}->{context} } ) {
print "<context>".$c."</context>";
print "</contextlist>\n";
print "<usage>Documentation not yet translated. Please see English version of document.</usage>\n";
print "</directivesynopsis>\n\n";
print STDERR qq~
cd manual/mod
../../ -m mod_rewrite
Lists languages with available translations, and tells you what
directives are missing from each translation.
-m mod_foo - Run for mod_foo.
-x - Generate XML for missing directives, to be pasted into the
translation XML.
-l xx - Only look at document in language xx