blob: bcdbb982ec9fab9c50627760dea2ef29e01e0f30 [file] [log] [blame]
* ====================================================================
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.hc.core5.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.hc.core5.http.ContentType;
import org.apache.hc.core5.http.Header;
import org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.hc.core5.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.hc.core5.util.Args;
* {HttpEntity} factory methods.
* @since 5.0
public final class HttpEntities {
private HttpEntities() {
public static HttpEntity create(final String content, final ContentType contentType) {
return new StringEntity(content, contentType);
public static HttpEntity create(final String content, final Charset charset) {
return new StringEntity(content, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.withCharset(charset));
public static HttpEntity create(final String content) {
return new StringEntity(content, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN);
public static HttpEntity create(final byte[] content, final ContentType contentType) {
return new ByteArrayEntity(content, contentType);
public static HttpEntity create(final File content, final ContentType contentType) {
return new FileEntity(content, contentType);
public static HttpEntity create(final Serializable serializable, final ContentType contentType) {
return new SerializableEntity(serializable, contentType);
public static HttpEntity createUrlEncoded(
final Iterable <? extends NameValuePair> parameters, final Charset charset) {
final ContentType contentType = charset != null ?
ContentType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED.withCharset(charset) :
return create(WWWFormCodec.format(parameters, contentType.getCharset()), contentType);
public static HttpEntity create(final IOCallback<OutputStream> callback, final ContentType contentType) {
return new EntityTemplate(-1, contentType, null, callback);
public static HttpEntity gzip(final HttpEntity entity) {
return new HttpEntityWrapper(entity) {
public String getContentEncoding() {
return "gzip";
public long getContentLength() {
return -1;
public InputStream getContent() throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void writeTo(final OutputStream outStream) throws IOException {
Args.notNull(outStream, "Output stream");
final GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(outStream);
// Only close output stream if the wrapped entity has been
// successfully written out
public static HttpEntity createGzipped(final String content, final ContentType contentType) {
return gzip(create(content, contentType));
public static HttpEntity createGzipped(final String content, final Charset charset) {
return gzip(create(content, charset));
public static HttpEntity createGzipped(final String content) {
return gzip(create(content));
public static HttpEntity createGzipped(final byte[] content, final ContentType contentType) {
return gzip(create(content, contentType));
public static HttpEntity createGzipped(final File content, final ContentType contentType) {
return gzip(create(content, contentType));
public static HttpEntity createGzipped(final Serializable serializable, final ContentType contentType) {
return gzip(create(serializable, contentType));
public static HttpEntity createGzipped(final IOCallback<OutputStream> callback, final ContentType contentType) {
return gzip(create(callback, contentType));
public static HttpEntity createGzipped(final Path content, final ContentType contentType) {
return gzip(create(content, contentType));
public static HttpEntity withTrailers(final HttpEntity entity, final Header... trailers) {
return new HttpEntityWrapper(entity) {
public boolean isChunked() {
// Must be chunk coded
return true;
public long getContentLength() {
return -1;
public Supplier<List<? extends Header>> getTrailers() {
return () -> Arrays.asList(trailers);
public Set<String> getTrailerNames() {
final Set<String> names = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (final Header trailer: trailers) {
return names;
public static HttpEntity create(final String content, final ContentType contentType, final Header... trailers) {
return withTrailers(create(content, contentType), trailers);
public static HttpEntity create(final String content, final Charset charset, final Header... trailers) {
return withTrailers(create(content, charset), trailers);
public static HttpEntity create(final String content, final Header... trailers) {
return withTrailers(create(content), trailers);
public static HttpEntity create(final byte[] content, final ContentType contentType, final Header... trailers) {
return withTrailers(create(content, contentType), trailers);
public static HttpEntity create(final File content, final ContentType contentType, final Header... trailers) {
return withTrailers(create(content, contentType), trailers);
public static HttpEntity create(
final Serializable serializable, final ContentType contentType, final Header... trailers) {
return withTrailers(create(serializable, contentType), trailers);
public static HttpEntity create(
final IOCallback<OutputStream> callback, final ContentType contentType, final Header... trailers) {
return withTrailers(create(callback, contentType), trailers);
public static HttpEntity create(final Path content, final ContentType contentType) {
return new PathEntity(content, contentType);
public static HttpEntity create(final Path content, final ContentType contentType, final Header... trailers) {
return withTrailers(create(content, contentType), trailers);