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package org.apache.hc.client5.http.routing;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.hc.client5.http.HttpRoute;
import org.apache.hc.client5.http.RouteInfo.LayerType;
import org.apache.hc.client5.http.RouteInfo.TunnelType;
import org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpHost;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
* Tests for {@link HttpRoute}.
public class TestHttpRoute {
// a selection of constants for generating routes
public final static
HttpHost TARGET1 = new HttpHost("target1.test.invalid", 80);
public final static
HttpHost TARGET2 = new HttpHost("target2.test.invalid", 8080);
// It is not necessary to have extra targets for https.
// The 'layered' and 'secure' flags are specified explicitly
// for routes, they will not be determined from the scheme.
public final static
HttpHost PROXY1 = new HttpHost("proxy1.test.invalid");
public final static
HttpHost PROXY2 = new HttpHost("proxy2.test.invalid", 1080);
public final static
HttpHost PROXY3 = new HttpHost("proxy3.test.invalid", 88);
public final static InetAddress LOCAL41;
public final static InetAddress LOCAL42;
public final static InetAddress LOCAL61;
public final static InetAddress LOCAL62;
// need static initializer to deal with exceptions
static {
try {
LOCAL41 = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[]{ 127, 0, 0, 1 });
LOCAL42 = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[]{ 127, 0, 0, 2 });
LOCAL61 = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[]{
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1
LOCAL62 = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[]{
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2
} catch (final Exception x) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(x);
public void testCstrFullRoute() {
// create a route with all arguments and check the details
final HttpHost[] chain3 = { PROXY1, PROXY2, PROXY3 };
final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
Assert.assertEquals("wrong target",
TARGET1, route.getTargetHost());
Assert.assertEquals("wrong local address",
LOCAL41, route.getLocalAddress());
Assert.assertEquals("wrong proxy host",
PROXY1, route.getProxyHost());
Assert.assertEquals("wrong hop count",
4, route.getHopCount());
Assert.assertEquals("wrong hop 0",
PROXY1, route.getHopTarget(0));
Assert.assertEquals("wrong hop 1",
PROXY2, route.getHopTarget(1));
Assert.assertEquals("wrong hop 2",
PROXY3, route.getHopTarget(2));
Assert.assertEquals("wrong hop 3",
TARGET1, route.getHopTarget(3));
Assert.assertFalse("wrong flag: secured", route.isSecure());
Assert.assertFalse("wrong flag: tunnelled", route.isTunnelled());
Assert.assertFalse("wrong flag: layered", route.isLayered());
final String routestr = route.toString();
Assert.assertTrue("missing target in toString",
Assert.assertTrue("missing local address in toString",
Assert.assertTrue("missing proxy 1 in toString",
Assert.assertTrue("missing proxy 2 in toString",
Assert.assertTrue("missing proxy 3 in toString",
public void testCstrFullFlags() {
// tests the flag parameters in the full-blown constructor
final HttpHost[] chain3 = { PROXY1, PROXY2, PROXY3 };
final HttpRoute routefff = new HttpRoute
(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute routefft = new HttpRoute
(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.LAYERED);
final HttpRoute routeftf = new HttpRoute
(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3, false,
TunnelType.TUNNELLED, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute routeftt = new HttpRoute
(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3, false,
TunnelType.TUNNELLED, LayerType.LAYERED);
final HttpRoute routetff = new HttpRoute
(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3, true,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute routetft = new HttpRoute
(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3, true,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.LAYERED);
final HttpRoute routettf = new HttpRoute
(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3, true,
TunnelType.TUNNELLED, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute routettt = new HttpRoute
(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3, true,
TunnelType.TUNNELLED, LayerType.LAYERED);
Assert.assertFalse("", routefff.isSecure());
Assert.assertFalse("routefff.tunnel", routefff.isTunnelled());
Assert.assertFalse("routefff.layer" , routefff.isLayered());
Assert.assertFalse("", routefft.isSecure());
Assert.assertFalse("routefft.tunnel", routefft.isTunnelled());
Assert.assertTrue ("routefft.layer" , routefft.isLayered());
Assert.assertFalse("", routeftf.isSecure());
Assert.assertTrue ("routeftf.tunnel", routeftf.isTunnelled());
Assert.assertFalse("routeftf.layer" , routeftf.isLayered());
Assert.assertFalse("", routeftt.isSecure());
Assert.assertTrue ("routeftt.tunnel", routeftt.isTunnelled());
Assert.assertTrue ("routeftt.layer" , routeftt.isLayered());
Assert.assertTrue ("", routetff.isSecure());
Assert.assertFalse("routetff.tunnel", routetff.isTunnelled());
Assert.assertFalse("routetff.layer" , routetff.isLayered());
Assert.assertTrue ("", routetft.isSecure());
Assert.assertFalse("routetft.tunnel", routetft.isTunnelled());
Assert.assertTrue ("routetft.layer" , routetft.isLayered());
Assert.assertTrue ("", routettf.isSecure());
Assert.assertTrue ("routettf.tunnel", routettf.isTunnelled());
Assert.assertFalse("routettf.layer" , routettf.isLayered());
Assert.assertTrue ("", routettt.isSecure());
Assert.assertTrue ("routettt.tunnel", routettt.isTunnelled());
Assert.assertTrue ("routettt.layer" , routettt.isLayered());
final Set<HttpRoute> routes = new HashSet<>();
Assert.assertEquals("some flagged routes are equal", 8, routes.size());
// we can't test hashCode in general due to its dependency
// on InetAddress and HttpHost, but we can check for the flags
final Set<Integer> routecodes = new HashSet<>();
Assert.assertEquals("some flagged routes have same hashCode",
8, routecodes.size());
final Set<String> routestrings = new HashSet<>();
Assert.assertEquals("some flagged route.toString() are equal",
8, routestrings.size());
public void testInvalidArguments() {
final HttpHost[] chain1 = { PROXY1 };
// for reference: this one should succeed
final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, null, chain1, false,
TunnelType.TUNNELLED, LayerType.PLAIN);
Assert.assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () ->
new HttpRoute(null, null, chain1, false,TunnelType.TUNNELLED, LayerType.PLAIN));
Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () ->
new HttpRoute(TARGET1, null, (HttpHost[]) null, false, TunnelType.TUNNELLED, LayerType.PLAIN));
public void testNullEnums() {
// tests the default values for the enum parameters
// also covers the accessors for the enum attributes
final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, null, PROXY1, false,
null, null); // here are defaults
Assert.assertFalse("default tunnelling", route.isTunnelled());
Assert.assertEquals("untunnelled", TunnelType.PLAIN, route.getTunnelType());
Assert.assertFalse("default layering", route.isLayered());
Assert.assertEquals("unlayered", LayerType.PLAIN, route.getLayerType());
public void testEqualsHashcodeClone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
final HttpHost[] chain0 = { };
final HttpHost[] chain1 = { PROXY1 };
final HttpHost[] chain3 = { PROXY1, PROXY2, PROXY3 };
final HttpHost[] chain4 = { PROXY1, PROXY3, PROXY2 };
// create some identical routes
final HttpRoute route1a = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute route1b = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute route1c = (HttpRoute) route1a.clone();
Assert.assertEquals("1a 1a", route1a, route1a);
Assert.assertEquals("1a 1b", route1a, route1b);
Assert.assertEquals("1a 1c", route1a, route1c);
Assert.assertEquals("hashcode 1a", route1a.hashCode(), route1a.hashCode());
Assert.assertEquals("hashcode 1b", route1a.hashCode(), route1b.hashCode());
Assert.assertEquals("hashcode 1c", route1a.hashCode(), route1c.hashCode());
Assert.assertEquals("toString 1a", route1a.toString(), route1a.toString());
Assert.assertEquals("toString 1b", route1a.toString(), route1b.toString());
Assert.assertEquals("toString 1c", route1a.toString(), route1c.toString());
// now create some differing routes
final HttpRoute route2a = new HttpRoute(TARGET2, LOCAL41, chain3, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute route2b = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL42, chain3, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute route2c = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL61, chain3, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute route2d = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, null, chain3, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute route2e = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, (HttpHost[]) null,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute route2f = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain0, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute route2g = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain1, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute route2h = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain4, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute route2i = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3, true,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute route2j = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3, false,
TunnelType.TUNNELLED, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute route2k = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.LAYERED);
// check a special case first: 2f should be the same as 2e
Assert.assertEquals("2e 2f", route2e, route2f);
Assert.assertEquals("hashcode 2e 2f", route2e.hashCode(), route2f.hashCode());
Assert.assertEquals("toString 2e 2f", route2e.toString(), route2f.toString());
Assert.assertNotEquals("1a 2a", route1a, route2a);
Assert.assertNotEquals("1a 2b", route1a, route2b);
Assert.assertNotEquals("1a 2c", route1a, route2c);
Assert.assertNotEquals("1a 2d", route1a, route2d);
Assert.assertNotEquals("1a 2e", route1a, route2e);
Assert.assertNotEquals("1a 2f", route1a, route2f);
Assert.assertNotEquals("1a 2g", route1a, route2g);
Assert.assertNotEquals("1a 2h", route1a, route2h);
Assert.assertNotEquals("1a 2i", route1a, route2i);
Assert.assertNotEquals("1a 2j", route1a, route2j);
Assert.assertNotEquals("1a 2k", route1a, route2k);
// repeat the checks in the other direction
// there could be problems with detecting null attributes
Assert.assertNotEquals("2a 1a", route2a, route1a);
Assert.assertNotEquals("2b 1a", route2b, route1a);
Assert.assertNotEquals("2c 1a", route2c, route1a);
Assert.assertNotEquals("2d 1a", route2d, route1a);
Assert.assertNotEquals("2e 1a", route2e, route1a);
Assert.assertNotEquals("2f 1a", route2f, route1a);
Assert.assertNotEquals("2g 1a", route2g, route1a);
Assert.assertNotEquals("2h 1a", route2h, route1a);
Assert.assertNotEquals("2i 1a", route2i, route1a);
Assert.assertNotEquals("2j 1a", route2j, route1a);
Assert.assertNotEquals("2k 1a", route2k, route1a);
// don't check hashCode, it's not guaranteed to be different
Assert.assertNotEquals("toString 1a 2a", route1a.toString(), route2a.toString());
Assert.assertNotEquals("toString 1a 2b", route1a.toString(), route2b.toString());
Assert.assertNotEquals("toString 1a 2c", route1a.toString(), route2c.toString());
Assert.assertNotEquals("toString 1a 2d", route1a.toString(), route2d.toString());
Assert.assertNotEquals("toString 1a 2e", route1a.toString(), route2e.toString());
Assert.assertNotEquals("toString 1a 2f", route1a.toString(), route2f.toString());
Assert.assertNotEquals("toString 1a 2g", route1a.toString(), route2g.toString());
Assert.assertNotEquals("toString 1a 2h", route1a.toString(), route2h.toString());
Assert.assertNotEquals("toString 1a 2i", route1a.toString(), route2i.toString());
Assert.assertNotEquals("toString 1a 2j", route1a.toString(), route2j.toString());
Assert.assertNotEquals("toString 1a 2k", route1a.toString(), route2k.toString());
// now check that all of the routes are different from eachother
// except for those that aren't :-)
final Set<HttpRoute> routes = new HashSet<>();
//routes.add(route2f); // 2f is the same as 2e
Assert.assertEquals("some routes are equal", 11, routes.size());
// and a run of cloning over the set
for (final HttpRoute origin : routes) {
final HttpRoute cloned = (HttpRoute) origin.clone();
Assert.assertEquals("clone of " + origin, origin, cloned);
Assert.assertTrue("clone of " + origin, routes.contains(cloned));
// and don't forget toString
final Set<String> routestrings = new HashSet<>();
//routestrings.add(route2f.toString()); // 2f is the same as 2e
Assert.assertEquals("some route.toString() are equal",
11, routestrings.size());
// finally, compare with nonsense
Assert.assertNotEquals("route equals null", null, route1a);
Assert.assertNotEquals("route equals string", "route1a", route1a);
public void testHopping() {
// test getHopCount() and getHopTarget() with different proxy chains
final HttpHost[] proxies = null;
final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, null, proxies, true,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
Assert.assertEquals("A: hop count", 1, route.getHopCount());
Assert.assertEquals("A: hop 0", TARGET1, route.getHopTarget(0));
Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> route.getHopTarget(1));
Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> route.getHopTarget(-1));
final HttpHost[] proxies2 = new HttpHost[]{ PROXY3 };
final HttpRoute route2 = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL62, proxies2, false,
TunnelType.TUNNELLED, LayerType.PLAIN);
Assert.assertEquals("B: hop count", 2, route2.getHopCount());
Assert.assertEquals("B: hop 0", PROXY3, route2.getHopTarget(0));
Assert.assertEquals("B: hop 1", TARGET1, route2.getHopTarget(1));
Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> route2.getHopTarget(2));
Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> route2.getHopTarget(-2));
final HttpHost[] proxies3 = new HttpHost[]{ PROXY3, PROXY1, PROXY2 };
final HttpRoute route3 = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL42, proxies3, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.LAYERED);
Assert.assertEquals("C: hop count", 4, route3.getHopCount());
Assert.assertEquals("C: hop 0", PROXY3 , route3.getHopTarget(0));
Assert.assertEquals("C: hop 1", PROXY1 , route3.getHopTarget(1));
Assert.assertEquals("C: hop 2", PROXY2 , route3.getHopTarget(2));
Assert.assertEquals("C: hop 3", TARGET1, route3.getHopTarget(3));
Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> route3.getHopTarget(4));
Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> route3.getHopTarget(Integer.MIN_VALUE));
public void testCstr1() {
final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(TARGET2);
final HttpRoute should = new HttpRoute
(TARGET2, null, (HttpHost[]) null, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
Assert.assertEquals("bad convenience route", route, should);
public void testCstr3() {
// test convenience constructor with 3 arguments
HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(TARGET2, LOCAL61, false);
HttpRoute should = new HttpRoute
(TARGET2, LOCAL61, (HttpHost[]) null, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
Assert.assertEquals("bad convenience route 3/insecure", route, should);
route = new HttpRoute(TARGET2, null, true);
should = new HttpRoute(TARGET2, null, (HttpHost[]) null, true,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
Assert.assertEquals("bad convenience route 3/secure", route, should);
public void testCstr4() {
// test convenience constructor with 4 arguments
HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(TARGET2, null, PROXY2, false);
HttpRoute should = new HttpRoute
(TARGET2, null, new HttpHost[]{ PROXY2 }, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
Assert.assertEquals("bad convenience route 4/insecure", route, should);
route = new HttpRoute(TARGET2, LOCAL42, PROXY1, true);
should = new HttpRoute
(TARGET2, LOCAL42, new HttpHost[]{ PROXY1 }, true,
TunnelType.TUNNELLED, LayerType.LAYERED);
Assert.assertEquals("bad convenience route 4/secure", route, should);
// this constructor REQUIRES a proxy to be specified
Assert.assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () ->
new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL61, null, false));
public void testCstr6() {
// test convenience constructor with 6 arguments
HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute
(TARGET2, null, PROXY2, true,
TunnelType.TUNNELLED, LayerType.PLAIN);
HttpRoute should = new HttpRoute
(TARGET2, null, new HttpHost[]{ PROXY2 }, true,
TunnelType.TUNNELLED, LayerType.PLAIN);
Assert.assertEquals("bad convenience route 6/proxied", route, should);
route = new HttpRoute
(TARGET2, null, (HttpHost) null, true,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.LAYERED);
should = new HttpRoute
(TARGET2, null, (HttpHost[]) null, true,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.LAYERED);
Assert.assertEquals("bad convenience route 6/direct", route, should);
// handling of null vs. empty chain is checked in the equals tests
public void testImmutable() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
final HttpHost[] proxies = new HttpHost[]{ PROXY1, PROXY2, PROXY3 };
final HttpRoute route1 = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, null, proxies, false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
final HttpRoute route2 = (HttpRoute) route1.clone();
final HttpRoute route3 = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, null,
proxies.clone(), false,
TunnelType.PLAIN, LayerType.PLAIN);
// modify the array that was passed to the constructor of route1
proxies[1] = PROXY3;
proxies[2] = PROXY2;
Assert.assertEquals("route differs from clone", route2, route1);
Assert.assertEquals("route was modified", route3, route1);