Updated release notes for HttpClient 5.0-alpha2 release

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpcomponents/httpclient/trunk@1794202 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/RELEASE_NOTES.txt b/RELEASE_NOTES.txt
index af97b5e..8874180 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,66 @@
 Release 5.0-ALPHA2
+This is a major release that introduces support for HTTP/2 protocol and event driven
+messaging APIs consistent for all supported HTTP protocol versions.
+HttpClient ships with two client implementations:
+* Classic: it is based on the classic (blocking) I/O model; largely compatible
+  with the 4.x APIs; supports HTTP/1.1 only.
+* Async: based on NIO model; new event driven APIs consistent for all supported
+  HTTP protocol versions; supports both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2.
+Notable changes and features included in the 5.0 series are:
+* Partial support for HTTP/2 protocol and conformance to requirements and
+  recommendations of the latest HTTP/2 protocol specification (RFC 7540, RFC 7541)
+  Supported features:
+    ** HPACK header compression
+    ** stream multiplexing (client and server)
+    ** flow control
+    ** response push
+    ** message trailers
+    ** expect-continue handshake
+    ** connection validation (ping)
+    ** application-layer protocol negotiation (ALPN) on Java 1.9+
+    ** TLS 1.2 security features
+* Improved conformance to requirements and recommendations of the latest HTTP/1.1 protocol
+  specification (RFC 7230, RFC 7231)
+* Redesigned connection pool implementation with reduced pool lock contention.
+* Package name space changed to 'org.apache.hc.client5'
+* Maven group id changed to 'org.apache.httpcomponents.client5'
+* Apache Log4j2 logging APIs used for internal logging instead of Commons Logging APIs
+Fetures presently that are presently NOT supported:
+* HTTP/2 transport (classic)
+* HTTP tunneling (async)
+* Automatic response content decompression (async)
+* Caching (async)
+HttpClient 5.0 releases can be co-located with earlier versions.
+Please note that as of 5.0 HttpClient requires Java 1.7 or newer.
+Please note that at this point 5.0 APIs are considered API experimental and unstable and are
+expected to change in the coming releases without providing a migration path.
@@ -10,21 +70,37 @@
 * [HTTPCLIENT-1715] NTLMEngineImpl.Type1Message not thread safe but declared as a constant.
   Contributed by Olivier Lafontaine <olafontaine at gmail.com>, Gary Gregory <ggregory at apache.org>
+* [HTTPCLIENT-1716] redirect handling of unsafe methods defined by RFC 7231.
+  Contributed by Oleg Kalnichevski <olegk at apache.org>
 * [HTTPCLIENT-1717] Make fluent API .Content.Content(byte[], ContentType) public.
   Contributed by Cash Costello <cash.costello at gmail.com>
+* [HTTPCLIENT-1730] added #setValidateAfterInactivity to HttpClientBuilder.
+  Contributed by Oleg Kalnichevski <olegk at apache.org>
+* [HTTPCLIENT-1752] Allow to configure the OSGI clients with relaxed SSL checks.
+  Contributed by Simone Tripodi <simonetripodi at apache.org>
+* [HTTPCLIENT-1748] Improved compatibility with system authentication API in applets.
+  Contributed by Sebastien Caille <sebastien.caille at gmail.com>
 * [HTTPCLIENT-1786] Port from Apache Commons Logging to Apache Log4j 2.
   Contributed by Gary Gregory <ggregory at apache.org>
 * [HTTPCLIENT-1817] Add a "Trust All" TrustStrategy implementation.
   Contributed by Gary Gregory <ggregory at apache.org>
-* [HTTPCLIENT-1817] Add a "Trust All" TrustStrategy implementation.
-  Contributed by Gary Gregory <ggregory at apache.org>
-* [HTTPCLIENT-1836] DefaultHostnameVerifier#getSubjectAltNames(X509Certificate) throws java.lang.ClassCastException.
+* [HTTPCLIENT-1836] DefaultHostnameVerifier#getSubjectAltNames(X509Certificate) throws
+  java.lang.ClassCastException.
   Contributed by Gary Gregory <ggregory at apache.org>, Ilian Iliev <ilian_iliev at yahoo.com>
+* [HTTPCLIENT-1691] HttpClient instance used internally by HC Fluent to take system properties into
+  account by default.
+  Contributed by Oleg Kalnichevski <olegk at apache.org>
 Release 5.0-ALPHA1