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:documentationPath: /pipeline/transforms/
:language: en_US
:description: The Token Replacement transform replaces tokens in an input string or file.
= image:transforms/icons/token.svg[Token Replacement transform Icon, role="image-doc-icon"] Token Replacement
[%noheader,cols="3a,1a", role="table-no-borders" ]
== Description
The Token Replacement transform replaces tokens in an input string or file.
The transform can then output this data either to a file or a field on the stream.
A token contains a start string, a name, and an end string.
For example ${my_token} could be a token.
The start string, and end string are configurable and can be any series of characters.
When replacing tokens in a file, this transform reads the entire file.
It does not operate on a single line at a time.
When replacing tokens in a file it is a best practice to output to a file also to prevent Hop from having to read the entire file into memory.
== Supported Engines
[%noheader,cols="2,1a",frame=none, role="table-supported-engines"]
!Hop Engine! image:check_mark.svg[Supported, 24]
!Spark! image:question_mark.svg[Maybe Supported, 24]
!Flink! image:question_mark.svg[Maybe Supported, 24]
!Dataflow! image:question_mark.svg[Maybe Supported, 24]
== Options
=== Input Tab
* Input Type - Where to read the field to do the token replacement from.
Either text, field, or file.
* Input Type Text
** Input Text - The text to token replace
* Input Type Field
** Input Field - The input field to token replace
* Input Type File
** Input filename - The name of the file to token replace
** Filename is in field?
- Is the name of the file to token replace in a field?
** Input filename field - The field the name of the file is in.
** Add Input filename to result?
- Add the input filename(s) to the result files list.
=== Output Tab
* Output Type - Where to put the token replaced string.
Either field or file.
* Output Type Field
** Output field name - The name of the field to put the token replaced string in.
* Output Type File
** Output filename - The name of the file to write to.
** Filename is in field?
- Is the name of the output file in a field?
** Output filename field - The name of the field the output filename is in.
** Append output file?
- If the output file already exists should it be appended to.
If not checked, Pentaho will overwrite the file if it exists.
** Create parent folder?
- Should Pentaho create the parent folder?
** Output format - The format of the new line delimiter for the output file.
** Output encoding - The character encoding to use when writing the file.
** Split every - Split the output file into a new file every n rows.
** Include stepnr in filename?
- Should the step number be included in the output filename?
** Include partition nr in filename?
- Should the partition number be included in the output filename?
** Include date in filename?
- Should the curren date be included in the output filename?
** Include time in filename?
- Should the current time be included in the output filename?
** Specify date format?
- Do you want to specify the date format to include in the output filename?
** Date time format - The date/time format to include in the output filename.
** Add output filenames to result?
- Add the output filename(s) to the result files list.
=== Tokens Tab
* Token start string - The string that indicates the start of a token.
* Token end string - The string that indicates the end of a token.
Everything between the token start string and the token end string is the token name.
* Stream name - The name of the field on the stream containing the value to replace the token with.
* Token name - The name of the token to replace.
* Get Fields button - Gets the list of input fields, and tries to map them to an Avro field by an exact name match.