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:documentationPath: /pipeline/transforms/
:language: en_US
:description: The Doris Bulk loader transform allows you to bulk insert data to DorisDB
= image:transforms/icons/dorisbulkloader.svg[Doris Bulk Loader transform Icon, role="image-doc-icon"] Doris Bulk Loader
[%noheader,cols="3a,1a", role="table-no-borders" ]
== Description
Apache Doris is a modern MPP analytical database product. It can provide sub-second queries and efficient real-time data analysis. With it's distributed architecture, up to 10PB level datasets will be well supported and easy to operate.
Apache Doris can meet various data analysis demands, including history data reports, real-time data analysis, interactive data analysis, and exploratory data analysis. Make your data analysis easier!
The Doris Bulk Loader allows you to insert data into Apache Doris at high speed and volume, making it a faster way to load data than using the traditional database insert statements.
== Supported Engines
[%noheader,cols="2,1a",frame=none, role="table-supported-engines"]
!Hop Engine! image:check_mark.svg[Supported, 24]
!Spark! image:question_mark.svg[Maybe Supported, 24]
!Flink! image:question_mark.svg[Maybe Supported, 24]
!Dataflow! image:question_mark.svg[Maybe Supported, 24]
== Options
=== General
|Transform name
|Name of the transform; This name has to be unique in a single pipeline
|FE Host
|Hostname of the FE Host
|Port used to connect to the FE Host
|Database Name
|The database you want to connect to
|Table Name
|Table name to bulk load records to
|Login User
|User used to connect to the database
|Login Password
|Password to connect to the database
|Data Field
|The Data has to be combined to a single field, this can be a csv style field or json data
|Indicator to tell the transform it is expecting CSV style or JSON style data
|Line Delimiter
|The Delimiter used to indicate line endings
|Column separator
|When using CSV style data this will indicate what character to split fields on
|Buffer Size
|Size of the buffer in bytes (0 = unlimited)
|Buffer Count
|Buffer Size * Buffer Count is the max capacity to buffer data before doing real stream load (0 = unlimited)
=== Headers
|Use this to add extra option to the bulk load command