blob: e52ec0c49d3b945c1514f8345e1130c2cfae47e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hop.neo4j.shared;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hop.core.Const;
import org.apache.hop.core.encryption.Encr;
import org.apache.hop.core.logging.ILogChannel;
import org.apache.hop.core.logging.LogChannel;
import org.apache.hop.core.row.value.ValueMetaString;
import org.apache.hop.core.util.Utils;
import org.apache.hop.core.variables.IVariables;
import org.apache.hop.core.xml.XmlHandler;
import org.apache.hop.metadata.api.HopMetadata;
import org.apache.hop.metadata.api.HopMetadataBase;
import org.apache.hop.metadata.api.HopMetadataProperty;
import org.apache.hop.metadata.api.IHopMetadata;
import org.neo4j.driver.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.logging.Level;
key = "neo4j-connection",
name = "Neo4j Connection",
description = "A shared connection to a Neo4j server",
image = "neo4j_logo.svg",
documentationUrl = "/metadata-types/neo4j/neo4j-connection.html")
public class NeoConnection extends HopMetadataBase implements IHopMetadata {
@HopMetadataProperty private String server;
@HopMetadataProperty private String databaseName;
@HopMetadataProperty private String boltPort;
@HopMetadataProperty private String browserPort;
@HopMetadataProperty private boolean routing;
@HopMetadataProperty private String routingVariable;
@HopMetadataProperty private String routingPolicy;
@HopMetadataProperty private String username;
@HopMetadataProperty(password = true)
private String password;
@HopMetadataProperty private boolean usingEncryption;
@HopMetadataProperty private String usingEncryptionVariable;
@HopMetadataProperty private boolean trustAllCertificates;
@HopMetadataProperty private String trustAllCertificatesVariable;
@HopMetadataProperty private List<String> manualUrls;
@HopMetadataProperty private String connectionLivenessCheckTimeout;
@HopMetadataProperty private String maxConnectionLifetime;
@HopMetadataProperty private String maxConnectionPoolSize;
@HopMetadataProperty private String connectionAcquisitionTimeout;
@HopMetadataProperty private String connectionTimeout;
@HopMetadataProperty private String maxTransactionRetryTime;
@HopMetadataProperty private boolean version4;
@HopMetadataProperty private String version4Variable;
@HopMetadataProperty private boolean automatic;
@HopMetadataProperty private String automaticVariable;
public NeoConnection() {
boltPort = "7687";
browserPort = "7474";
manualUrls = new ArrayList<>();
version4 = true;
automatic = true;
public NeoConnection(IVariables parent) {
usingEncryption = true;
trustAllCertificates = false;
public NeoConnection(IVariables parent, NeoConnection source) {
this(parent); =;
this.server = source.server;
this.boltPort = source.boltPort;
this.browserPort = source.browserPort;
this.routing = source.routing;
this.routingVariable = source.routingVariable;
this.routingPolicy = source.routingPolicy;
this.username = source.username;
this.password = source.password;
this.usingEncryption = source.usingEncryption;
this.usingEncryptionVariable = source.usingEncryptionVariable;
this.trustAllCertificates = source.trustAllCertificates;
this.trustAllCertificatesVariable = source.trustAllCertificatesVariable;
this.connectionLivenessCheckTimeout = source.connectionLivenessCheckTimeout;
this.maxConnectionLifetime = source.maxConnectionLifetime;
this.maxConnectionPoolSize = source.maxConnectionPoolSize;
this.connectionAcquisitionTimeout = source.connectionAcquisitionTimeout;
this.connectionTimeout = source.connectionTimeout;
this.maxTransactionRetryTime = source.maxTransactionRetryTime;
this.version4 = source.version4;
this.version4Variable = source.version4Variable;
this.automatic = source.automatic;
this.automaticVariable = source.automaticVariable;
public String toString() {
return name == null ? super.toString() : name;
public int hashCode() {
return name == null ? super.hashCode() : name.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (object == this) {
return true;
if (!(object instanceof NeoConnection)) {
return false;
NeoConnection connection = (NeoConnection) object;
return name != null && name.equalsIgnoreCase(;
* Get a Neo4j session to work with
* @param log The logchannel to log to
* @param variables
* @return The Neo4j session
public Session getSession(ILogChannel log, Driver driver, IVariables variables) {
SessionConfig.Builder cfgBuilder = SessionConfig.builder();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(databaseName)) {
String realDatabaseName = variables.resolve(databaseName);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(realDatabaseName)) {
return driver.session(;
* Test this connection to Neo4j
* @throws Exception In case anything goes wrong
* @param variables
public void test(IVariables variables) throws Exception {
try (Driver driver = getDriver(LogChannel.GENERAL, variables)) {
SessionConfig.Builder builder = SessionConfig.builder();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(databaseName)) {
builder = builder.withDatabase(variables.resolve(databaseName));
try (Session session = driver.session( {
// Do something with the session otherwise it doesn't test the connection
Result result ="RETURN 0");
Record record =;
Value value = record.get(0);
int zero = value.asInt();
assert (zero == 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Unable to connect to database '" + name + "' : " + e.getMessage(), e);
public List<URI> getURIs(IVariables variables) throws URISyntaxException {
List<URI> uris = new ArrayList<>();
if (manualUrls != null && !manualUrls.isEmpty()) {
// A manual URL is specified
for (String manualUrl : manualUrls) {
uris.add(new URI(manualUrl));
} else {
// Construct the URIs from the entered values
List<String> serverStrings = new ArrayList<>();
String serversString = variables.resolve(server);
if (isUsingRouting(variables)) {
for (String serverString : serversString.split(",")) {
} else {
for (String serverString : serverStrings) {
// Trim excess spaces from server name
String url = getUrl(Const.trim(serverString), variables);
uris.add(new URI(url));
return uris;
public String getUrl(String hostname, IVariables variables) {
* Construct the following URL:
* neo4://hostname:port
* bolt://hostname:port
* bolt+routing://core-server:port/?policy=MyPolicy
String url = "";
if (isAutomatic(variables) || isUsingRouting(variables)) {
url += "neo4j";
} else {
url += "bolt";
url += "://";
// Hostname
url += hostname;
// Port
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(boltPort) && hostname != null && !hostname.contains(":")) {
url += ":" + variables.resolve(boltPort);
String routingPolicyString = variables.resolve(routingPolicy);
// We don't add these options if the automatic flag is set
if (!isAutomatic(variables)
&& isUsingRouting(variables)
&& StringUtils.isNotEmpty(routingPolicyString)) {
try {
url += "?policy=" + URLEncoder.encode(routingPolicyString, "UTF-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
"Error encoding routing policy context '" + routingPolicyString + "' in connection URL",
url += "?policy=" + routingPolicyString;
return url;
* Get a list of all URLs, not just the first in case of routing.
* @return
* @param variables
public String getUrl(IVariables variables) {
StringBuffer urls = new StringBuffer();
try {
for (URI uri : getURIs(variables)) {
if (urls.length() > 0) {
} catch (Exception e) {
urls.append("ERROR building URLs: " + e.getMessage());
return urls.toString();
public boolean encryptionVariableSet(IVariables variables) {
if (!Utils.isEmpty(usingEncryptionVariable)) {
String value = variables.resolve(usingEncryptionVariable);
if (!Utils.isEmpty(value)) {
return ValueMetaString.convertStringToBoolean(value);
return false;
public boolean trustAllCertificatesVariableSet(IVariables variables) {
if (!Utils.isEmpty(trustAllCertificatesVariable)) {
String value = variables.resolve(trustAllCertificatesVariable);
if (!Utils.isEmpty(value)) {
return ValueMetaString.convertStringToBoolean(value);
return false;
public boolean version4VariableSet(IVariables variables) {
if (!Utils.isEmpty(version4Variable)) {
String value = variables.resolve(version4Variable);
if (!Utils.isEmpty(value)) {
return ValueMetaString.convertStringToBoolean(value);
return false;
public Driver getDriver(ILogChannel log, IVariables variables) {
try {
List<URI> uris = getURIs(variables);
String realUsername = variables.resolve(username);
String realPassword = Encr.decryptPasswordOptionallyEncrypted(variables.resolve(password));
Config.ConfigBuilder configBuilder;
if (!isAutomatic(variables)) {
if (encryptionVariableSet(variables) || usingEncryption) {
configBuilder = Config.builder().withEncryption();
if (trustAllCertificatesVariableSet(variables) || trustAllCertificates) {
configBuilder =
} else {
configBuilder = Config.builder().withoutEncryption();
} else {
configBuilder = Config.builder();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(connectionLivenessCheckTimeout)) {
long seconds = Const.toLong(variables.resolve(connectionLivenessCheckTimeout), -1L);
if (seconds > 0) {
configBuilder =
configBuilder.withConnectionLivenessCheckTimeout(seconds, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(maxConnectionLifetime)) {
long seconds = Const.toLong(variables.resolve(maxConnectionLifetime), -1L);
if (seconds > 0) {
configBuilder = configBuilder.withMaxConnectionLifetime(seconds, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(maxConnectionPoolSize)) {
int size = Const.toInt(variables.resolve(maxConnectionPoolSize), -1);
if (size > 0) {
configBuilder = configBuilder.withMaxConnectionPoolSize(size);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(connectionAcquisitionTimeout)) {
long seconds = Const.toLong(variables.resolve(connectionAcquisitionTimeout), -1L);
if (seconds > 0) {
configBuilder =
configBuilder.withConnectionAcquisitionTimeout(seconds, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(connectionTimeout)) {
long seconds = Const.toLong(variables.resolve(connectionTimeout), -1L);
if (seconds > 0) {
configBuilder = configBuilder.withConnectionTimeout(seconds, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(maxTransactionRetryTime)) {
long seconds = Const.toLong(variables.resolve(maxTransactionRetryTime), -1L);
if (seconds >= 0) {
configBuilder = configBuilder.withMaxTransactionRetryTime(seconds, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Disable info messages: only warnings and above...
configBuilder = configBuilder.withLogging(Logging.javaUtilLogging(Level.WARNING));
Config config =;
if (isUsingRouting(variables)) {
return GraphDatabase.routingDriver(
uris, AuthTokens.basic(realUsername, realPassword), config);
} else {
return GraphDatabase.driver(
uris.get(0), AuthTokens.basic(realUsername, realPassword), config);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"URI syntax problem, check your settings, hostnames especially. For routing use comma separated server values.",
public boolean isUsingRouting(IVariables variables) {
if (!Utils.isEmpty(routingVariable)) {
String value = variables.resolve(routingVariable);
if (!Utils.isEmpty(value)) {
return ValueMetaString.convertStringToBoolean(value);
return routing;
* Checks both the automaticVariable String and automatic boolean to see if this connection is to
* be configured automatically.
* @param variables Used to resolve variable expressions
* @return True if the connection is to be configured automatically.
public boolean isAutomatic(IVariables variables) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(automaticVariable)) {
return isAutomatic();
} else {
String automaticString = variables.resolve(automaticVariable);
Boolean auto = ValueMetaString.convertStringToBoolean(automaticString);
return auto != null && auto;
* Gets name
* @return value of name
public String getName() {
return name;
/** @param name The name to set */
public void setName(String name) { = name;
* Gets server
* @return value of server
public String getServer() {
return server;
/** @param server The server to set */
public void setServer(String server) {
this.server = server;
* Gets databaseName
* @return value of databaseName
public String getDatabaseName() {
return databaseName;
/** @param databaseName The databaseName to set */
public void setDatabaseName(String databaseName) {
this.databaseName = databaseName;
* Gets boltPort
* @return value of boltPort
public String getBoltPort() {
return boltPort;
/** @param boltPort The boltPort to set */
public void setBoltPort(String boltPort) {
this.boltPort = boltPort;
* Gets browserPort
* @return value of browserPort
public String getBrowserPort() {
return browserPort;
/** @param browserPort The browserPort to set */
public void setBrowserPort(String browserPort) {
this.browserPort = browserPort;
* Gets routing
* @return value of routing
public boolean isRouting() {
return routing;
/** @param routing The routing to set */
public void setRouting(boolean routing) {
this.routing = routing;
* Gets routingVariable
* @return value of routingVariable
public String getRoutingVariable() {
return routingVariable;
/** @param routingVariable The routingVariable to set */
public void setRoutingVariable(String routingVariable) {
this.routingVariable = routingVariable;
* Gets routingPolicy
* @return value of routingPolicy
public String getRoutingPolicy() {
return routingPolicy;
/** @param routingPolicy The routingPolicy to set */
public void setRoutingPolicy(String routingPolicy) {
this.routingPolicy = routingPolicy;
* Gets username
* @return value of username
public String getUsername() {
return username;
/** @param username The username to set */
public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
* Gets password
* @return value of password
public String getPassword() {
return password;
/** @param password The password to set */
public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
* Gets usingEncryption
* @return value of usingEncryption
public boolean isUsingEncryption() {
return usingEncryption;
/** @param usingEncryption The usingEncryption to set */
public void setUsingEncryption(boolean usingEncryption) {
this.usingEncryption = usingEncryption;
* Gets usingTrustAllCertificates
* @return value of usingTrustAllCertificates
public boolean isTrustAllCertificates() {
return trustAllCertificates;
/** @param trustAllCertificates The trustAllCertificates to set */
public void setTrustAllCertificates(boolean trustAllCertificates) {
this.trustAllCertificates = trustAllCertificates;
* Gets manualUrls
* @return value of manualUrls
public List<String> getManualUrls() {
return manualUrls;
/** @param manualUrls The manualUrls to set */
public void setManualUrls(List<String> manualUrls) {
this.manualUrls = manualUrls;
* Gets connectionLivenessCheckTimeout
* @return value of connectionLivenessCheckTimeout
public String getConnectionLivenessCheckTimeout() {
return connectionLivenessCheckTimeout;
/** @param connectionLivenessCheckTimeout The connectionLivenessCheckTimeout to set */
public void setConnectionLivenessCheckTimeout(String connectionLivenessCheckTimeout) {
this.connectionLivenessCheckTimeout = connectionLivenessCheckTimeout;
* Gets maxConnectionLifetime
* @return value of maxConnectionLifetime
public String getMaxConnectionLifetime() {
return maxConnectionLifetime;
/** @param maxConnectionLifetime The maxConnectionLifetime to set */
public void setMaxConnectionLifetime(String maxConnectionLifetime) {
this.maxConnectionLifetime = maxConnectionLifetime;
* Gets maxConnectionPoolSize
* @return value of maxConnectionPoolSize
public String getMaxConnectionPoolSize() {
return maxConnectionPoolSize;
/** @param maxConnectionPoolSize The maxConnectionPoolSize to set */
public void setMaxConnectionPoolSize(String maxConnectionPoolSize) {
this.maxConnectionPoolSize = maxConnectionPoolSize;
* Gets connectionAcquisitionTimeout
* @return value of connectionAcquisitionTimeout
public String getConnectionAcquisitionTimeout() {
return connectionAcquisitionTimeout;
/** @param connectionAcquisitionTimeout The connectionAcquisitionTimeout to set */
public void setConnectionAcquisitionTimeout(String connectionAcquisitionTimeout) {
this.connectionAcquisitionTimeout = connectionAcquisitionTimeout;
* Gets connectionTimeout
* @return value of connectionTimeout
public String getConnectionTimeout() {
return connectionTimeout;
/** @param connectionTimeout The connectionTimeout to set */
public void setConnectionTimeout(String connectionTimeout) {
this.connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout;
* Gets maxTransactionRetryTime
* @return value of maxTransactionRetryTime
public String getMaxTransactionRetryTime() {
return maxTransactionRetryTime;
/** @param maxTransactionRetryTime The maxTransactionRetryTime to set */
public void setMaxTransactionRetryTime(String maxTransactionRetryTime) {
this.maxTransactionRetryTime = maxTransactionRetryTime;
* Gets version4
* @return value of version4
public boolean isVersion4() {
return version4;
/** @param version4 The version4 to set */
public void setVersion4(boolean version4) {
this.version4 = version4;
* Gets usingEncryptionVariable
* @return value of usingEncryptionVariable
public String getUsingEncryptionVariable() {
return usingEncryptionVariable;
/** @param usingEncryptionVariable The usingEncryptionVariable to set */
public void setUsingEncryptionVariable(String usingEncryptionVariable) {
this.usingEncryptionVariable = usingEncryptionVariable;
* Gets trustAllCertificatesVariable
* @return value of trustAllCertificatesVariable
public String getTrustAllCertificatesVariable() {
return trustAllCertificatesVariable;
/** @param trustAllCertificatesVariable The trustAllCertificatesVariable to set */
public void setTrustAllCertificatesVariable(String trustAllCertificatesVariable) {
this.trustAllCertificatesVariable = trustAllCertificatesVariable;
* Gets version4Variable
* @return value of version4Variable
public String getVersion4Variable() {
return version4Variable;
/** @param version4Variable The version4Variable to set */
public void setVersion4Variable(String version4Variable) {
this.version4Variable = version4Variable;
* If a connection is set to automatic the Neo4j Java driver figures out encryption and routing
* settings automatically. It results in using a neo4j://hostname:port URL
* @return True if the Neo4j connection is automatic
public boolean isAutomatic() {
return automatic;
/** @param automatic The automatic flag to be set. */
public void setAutomatic(boolean automatic) {
this.automatic = automatic;
/** @return A variable expression which allows you to enable or disable the automatic flag */
public String getAutomaticVariable() {
return automaticVariable;
* @param automaticVariable The variable expression to set which allows you to enable or disable
* the automatic flag
public void setAutomaticVariable(String automaticVariable) {
this.automaticVariable = automaticVariable;