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:description: As a relatively young platform, Hop covers a area of functionalities that is both wide and deep. This page provides an overview of topic that may be of interest to you.
= Hop User Manual
The Apache Hop User Manual contains all the information you need to develop and deploy data solutions with Apache Hop.
We've listed a number of starting points that might find useful to you.
Check the full list of topics on the left hand side.
If you're a developer and want to extend Hop, want to build new functionality or want to fix a bug you found, check the[developer documentation]
TIP: Hop treats documentation as any other part of software that can have bugs or missing features.
If you find any incorrect information or are missing a crucial piece of documentation, please[create a JIRA ticket].
|image:icons/developer.svg[width="50px"]|Check the[documentation contribution guide] if you'd like to help us improve the Hop documentation.
|image:icons/play.svg[width="50px"]|The xref:getting-started/index.adoc[Getting Started Guide] will help you to get started with Hop in no time
|image:icons/logo_icon.svg[width="50px"]|Check the xref:hop-gui/index.adoc[Hop Gui] guide for information about how to develop, run, test, debug and deploy Hop pipelines
|image:icons/workflow.svg[width="50px"]|xref:workflow/workflows.adoc[Workflows] are Hop's tool to orchestrate workflows and pipelines, perform environment validations, error handling and much more with the available xref:workflow/actions.adoc[actions]
|image:icons/pipeline.svg[width="50px"]|xref:pipeline/pipelines.adoc[Pipelines] are Hop's work horse: read from sources, write to targets and perform just about any manipulation on your data through hundreds of xref:pipeline/transforms.adoc[transforms].
|image:icons/database.svg[width="50px"]|Check the list of supported xref:database/databases.adoc[databases]
|image:icons/beam-logo.svg[width="50px"]|Check the xref:pipeline/pipeline-run-configurations/pipeline-run-configurations.adoc[Run Configurations] if you want to find out more about running your Hop pipelines on Apache Spark, Apache Flink or Google Dataflow over Apache Beam.