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title: Apache Hop
description: Apache Hop - The Hop Orchestration Platform aims to facilitate all aspects of data and metadata orchestration.
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# Apache Hop
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<h2 style="text-align: left">See Apache Hop in action</h2>
Seeing is believing! Check out Apache Hop Web in the demo servers below.
<p><a class="button-dark" href="" target="_blank">Hop Web (Latest release)</a></p>
<p><a class="button-dark" href="" target="_blank">Hop Web (Development version)</a></p>
<p>Both demo servers are publicly available and are reset every 30 minutes.</p>
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<div id="democontainer">
<iframe id="demoiframe" src="" style=" width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: scroll;
border: 0;
transform: scale(0.3);
position: absolute;
transform-origin: 0 0; " ></iframe>
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## Metadata Driven
Hop is entirely metadata driven. Every object type in Hop describes how data is read, manipulated or written, or how workflows and pipelines need to be orchestrated.</br>
Metadata is what drives Hop internally as well. Hop uses a kernel architecture with a robust engine. Plugins add functionality to the engine through their own metadata.
<!--p><a class="button-dark" href="/link/to/doc/page/on/metadata">Read more on Hop Metadata</a></p-->
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<img src="./img/GenericTransform.svg" alt="Driven By Metadata"/>
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<img src="./img/beam-logo.svg" alt="Driven By Metadata"/>
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## Design Once, Run Anywhere
Hop workflows and pipelines are definitions of how data needs to be processed. </br>Once designed, a pipeline can be executed on any supported runtime.
Hop has built-in support to run pipelines locally and remotely in the native Hop runtime, or on <a href="" target="blank">Apache Spark</a>, <a href="" target="blank">Apache Flink</a> or <a href="" target="blank">Google Dataflow</a> through the <a href="" target="blank">Apache Beam</a> runtimes.
<!--p><a class="button-dark" href="/components/latest/eips/enterprise-integration-patterns.html">Read more on runtimes</a></p-->
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## Visual Development
Hop workflows and pipelines are developed visually through an intuitive drag and drop interface. </br>
Visual development allows data developers and data engineers to keep focus on the business logic that needs to be implemented, on <i>what</i> needs to be done instead of <i>how</i> it needs to be done.
<!--p><a class="button-dark" href="/components/latest/eips/enterprise-integration-patterns.html">Read more on Hop Gui</a></p-->
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<img src="./img/eyeglasses.svg" alt="Driven By Metadata"/>
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<img src="./img/cycle.svg" alt="Driven By Metadata"/>
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## Built-in Life Cycle Management
Managing, testing and deploying workflows and pipelines can be a daunting task.</br>
Developers and engineers can manage the entire project life cycle from the Hop Gui: switch between projects, environments, runtime configurations, manage git versions etc.
<!--p><a class="button-dark" href="/components/latest/eips/enterprise-integration-patterns.html">Read more on LCM</a></p-->
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# Apache &amp; Open Source
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![20 years of Apache Software foundation](/img/apache-20.png)
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**Hop is your project!**
Hop is an [Apache Software Foundation]( project, available under the [Apache v2 license]( It's a complete open community, always listening to proposals and comments.
[Sources](./community/sources/), [mailing lists](./community/mailing-list/), [issue tracker](./community/support/): it's fully open, you can access directly.
We also love contributions: don't hesitate to [contribute](./community/contributing/). You can contribute by <a href="">editing this page</a>!
[Be Involved In The Community](./community/contributing/)
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