added missing closing quote
diff --git a/content/blog/2023/03/hop-2.4.0/index.adoc b/content/blog/2023/03/hop-2.4.0/index.adoc
index 310ba13..8cfbbe8 100644
--- a/content/blog/2023/03/hop-2.4.0/index.adoc
+++ b/content/blog/2023/03/hop-2.4.0/index.adoc
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 A new[Data Validator^] transform. This transform allows you to add data validations which can each validate the input data for the various fields in the input rows.
-image:/img/Release-2.4/data-validator-transform.png[Data Validator transform, width="65%]
+image:/img/Release-2.4/data-validator-transform.png[Data Validator transform, width="65%"]
 You can now change the default behavior of the environment dropdown box (show all environments) to only show the environments for the selected project. (Configuration perspective -> Plugins -> Projects -> check "Restrict environment list to active project")