blob: 8cd8578ca157937487e72ed7367a3f7e20c97025 [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes - Hive - Version 4.0.0-alpha-1
** Sub-task
* [HIVE-5312] - Let HiveServer2 run simultaneously in HTTP (over thrift) and Binary (normal thrift transport) mode
* [HIVE-12587] - Support to add partitioned data set to TestPerfCliDriver
* [HIVE-13582] - Support for non-correlated Quantified Comparison Predicates
* [HIVE-14162] - Allow disabling of long running job on Hive On Spark On YARN
* [HIVE-14165] - Remove Hive file listing during split computation
* [HIVE-14669] - Have the actual error reported when a q test fails instead of having to go through the logs
* [HIVE-15757] - Allow EXISTS/NOT EXISTS correlated subquery with aggregates
* [HIVE-15974] - Support real, double precision and numeric data types
* [HIVE-16255] - Support percentile_cont / percentile_disc
* [HIVE-16355] - Service: embedded mode should only be available if service is loaded onto the classpath
* [HIVE-16502] - Relax hard dependency on SessionState in Authentication classes
* [HIVE-16505] - Support "unknown" boolean truth value
* [HIVE-16716] - Clean up javadoc from errors in module ql
* [HIVE-16812] - VectorizedOrcAcidRowBatchReader doesn't filter delete events
* [HIVE-16815] - Clean up javadoc from error for the rest of modules
* [HIVE-16957] - Support CTAS for auto gather column stats
* [HIVE-17040] - Join elimination in the presence of FK relationship
* [HIVE-17043] - Remove non unique columns from group by keys if not referenced later
* [HIVE-17044] - Transform LEFT/RIGHT OUTER into INNER join in the presence of FK relationship
* [HIVE-17231] - ColumnizedDeleteEventRegistry.DeleteReaderValue optimization
* [HIVE-17300] - WebUI query plan graphs
* [HIVE-17317] - Make Dbcp configurable using hive properties in hive-site.xml
* [HIVE-17657] - export/import for MM tables is broken
* [HIVE-17709] - remove sun.misc.Cleaner references
* [HIVE-17838] - Make org.apache.hive.spark.client.rpc logging HoS specific and other logging cleanup
* [HIVE-17879] - Upgrade Datanucleus Maven Plugin
* [HIVE-17917] - VectorizedOrcAcidRowBatchReader.computeOffsetAndBucket optimization
* [HIVE-17921] - Aggregation with struct in LLAP produces wrong result
* [HIVE-18037] - Migrate Slider LLAP package to YARN Service framework for Hadoop 3.x
* [HIVE-18117] - Create TestCliDriver for HDFS EC
* [HIVE-18118] - Explain Extended should indicate if a file being read is an EC file
* [HIVE-18178] - Column stats are not autogathered for materialized views
* [HIVE-18525] - Add explain plan to Hive on Spark Web UI
* [HIVE-18652] - Print Spark metrics on console
* [HIVE-18690] - Integrate with Spark OutputMetrics
* [HIVE-18766] - Race condition during shutdown of RemoteDriver, error messages aren't always sent
* [HIVE-18831] - Differentiate errors that are thrown by Spark tasks
* [HIVE-18862] - qfiles: prepare .q files for using datasets
* [HIVE-18876] - Remove Superfluous Logging in Driver
* [HIVE-18883] - Add findbugs to yetus pre-commit checks
* [HIVE-18915] - Better client logging when a HoS session can't be opened
* [HIVE-18916] - SparkClientImpl doesn't error out if spark-submit fails
* [HIVE-18958] - Fix Spark config warnings
* [HIVE-18986] - Table rename will run java.lang.StackOverflowError in dataNucleus if the table contains large number of columns
* [HIVE-19008] - Improve Spark session id logging
* [HIVE-19053] - RemoteSparkJobStatus#getSparkJobInfo treats all exceptions as timeout errors
* [HIVE-19079] - Add extended query string to Spark job description
* [HIVE-19096] - query result cache interferes with explain analyze
* [HIVE-19162] - SMB : Test tez_smb_1.q stops making SMB join for a query
* [HIVE-19163] - TestAcidOnTez testGetSplitsLocks failure
* [HIVE-19166] - TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver sysdb failure
* [HIVE-19170] - Fix TestMiniDruidKafkaCliDriver
* [HIVE-19176] - Add HoS support to progress bar on Beeline client
* [HIVE-19198] - Few flaky hcatalog tests
* [HIVE-19212] - Fix findbugs yetus pre-commit checks
* [HIVE-19227] - Update golden files for negative tests
* [HIVE-19235] - Update golden files for Minimr tests
* [HIVE-19246] - Update golden files for negative tests
* [HIVE-19267] - Replicate ACID/MM tables write operations.
* [HIVE-19302] - Logging Too Verbose For TableNotFound
* [HIVE-19304] - Update based on config changes in YARN-7142 and YARN-8122
* [HIVE-19313] - TestJdbcWithDBTokenStoreNoDoAs tests are failing
* [HIVE-19332] - Disable compute.query.using.stats for external table
* [HIVE-19334] - Use actual file size rather than stats for fetch task optimization with external tables
* [HIVE-19336] - Disable SMB/Bucketmap join for external tables
* [HIVE-19340] - Disable timeout of transactions opened by replication task at target cluster
* [HIVE-19366] - Vectorization causing TestStreaming.testStreamBucketingMatchesRegularBucketing to fail
* [HIVE-19373] - Add test cases that verifies ALTER change owner type on the HMS
* [HIVE-19408] - Improve show materialized views statement to show more information about invalidation
* [HIVE-19409] - Disable incremental rewriting with outdated materialized views
* [HIVE-19417] - Modify metastore to have/access persistent tables for stats
* [HIVE-19470] - Modify metastore to have application logic to retrieve/update transactional table stats
* [HIVE-19495] - Arrow SerDe itest failure
* [HIVE-19499] - Bootstrap REPL LOAD shall add tasks to create checkpoints for db/tables/partitions.
* [HIVE-19500] - Prevent multiple selectivity estimations for the same variable in conjuctions
* [HIVE-19508] - SparkJobMonitor getReport doesn't print stage progress in order
* [HIVE-19525] - Spark task logs print PLAN PATH excessive number of times
* [HIVE-19532] - merge master-txnstats branch
* [HIVE-19559] - SparkClientImpl shouldn't name redirector thread "RemoteDriver"
* [HIVE-19562] - Flaky test: TestMiniSparkOnYarn FileNotFoundException in spark-submit
* [HIVE-19633] - Remove/Migrate Minimr tests
* [HIVE-19637] - Add slow test report script to testutils
* [HIVE-19641] - sync up hadoop version used by storage-api with hive
* [HIVE-19733] - RemoteSparkJobStatus#getSparkStageProgress inefficient implementation
* [HIVE-19739] - Bootstrap REPL LOAD to use checkpoints to validate and skip the loaded data/metadata.
* [HIVE-19752] - PerfLogger integration for critical Hive-on-S3 paths
* [HIVE-19758] - Set hadoop.version=3.1.0 in standalone-metastore
* [HIVE-19759] - Flaky test: TestRpc#testServerPort
* [HIVE-19764] - Add --SORT_QUERY_RESULTS to hive-blobstore/map_join.q.out
* [HIVE-19765] - Add Parquet specific tests to BlobstoreCliDriver
* [HIVE-19766] - Show the number of rows inserted when execution engine is Spark
* [HIVE-19769] - Create dedicated objects for DB and Table names
* [HIVE-19778] - disable a flaky test: TestCliDriver#input31
* [HIVE-19786] - RpcServer cancelTask log message is incorrect
* [HIVE-19787] - Log message when spark-submit has completed
* [HIVE-19788] - Flaky test: HCatalog-PigServer tests
* [HIVE-19799] - remove jasper dependency
* [HIVE-19800] - Create separate submodules for pre and post upgrade and add rename file logic
* [HIVE-19815] - Repl dump should not propagate the checkpoint and repl source properties
* [HIVE-19820] - add ACID stats support to background stats updater and fix bunch of edge cases found in SU tests
* [HIVE-19851] - upgrade jQuery version
* [HIVE-19852] - update jackson to latest
* [HIVE-19867] - handle concurrent INSERTS
* [HIVE-19882] - Fix QTestUtil session lifecycle
* [HIVE-19892] - Disable query results cache for for HiveServer2 doAs=true
* [HIVE-19899] - Support stored as JsonFile
* [HIVE-19909] - qtests: retire hadoop_major version specific tests; and logics
* [HIVE-19914] - master-txnstats branch - make sure SQL changes are in correct upgrade scripts
* [HIVE-19915] - support txn stats in CachedStore
* [HIVE-19923] - Follow up of HIVE-19615, use UnaryFunction instead of prefix
* [HIVE-19927] - Last Repl ID set by bootstrap dump is incorrect and may cause data loss if have ACID/MM tables.
* [HIVE-19931] - stats_nonpart.q test run shows possibly wrong results and other bugfixes
* [HIVE-19934] - Verify ACID table UPDATE/DELETE commands on transactional stats.
* [HIVE-19944] - Investigate and fix version mismatch of GCP
* [HIVE-19953] - query9.q fails
* [HIVE-19954] - TestTxnCommands2#testNonAcidToAcidConversion1 fails
* [HIVE-19963] - metadata_only_queries.q fails
* [HIVE-19975] - Checking writeIdList per table may not check the commit level of a partition on a partitioned table
* [HIVE-19981] - Managed tables converted to external tables by the HiveStrictManagedMigration utility should be set to delete data when the table is dropped
* [HIVE-19986] - Add logging of runtime statistics indicating when Hdfs Erasure Coding is used by MR
* [HIVE-19995] - Aggregate row traffic for acid tables
* [HIVE-20005] - acid_table_stats, acid_no_buckets, etc - query result change on the branch
* [HIVE-20007] - Hive should carry out timestamp computations in UTC
* [HIVE-20009] - Fix runtime stats for merge statement
* [HIVE-20018] - fix TestReplicationScenarios on the branch
* [HIVE-20019] - Ban commons-logging and log4j
* [HIVE-20029] - add parallel insert, analyze, iow tests
* [HIVE-20037] - Print root cause exception's toString() rather than getMessage()
* [HIVE-20046] - remove NUM_FILES check
* [HIVE-20047] - remove txnID argument for txn stats methods
* [HIVE-20061] - add a config flag to turn off txn stats
* [HIVE-20081] - remove EnvironmentContext usage and add proper request APIs
* [HIVE-20097] - Convert standalone-metastore to a submodule
* [HIVE-20107] - stats_part2.q fails
* [HIVE-20110] - Bypass HMS CachedStore for transactional stats
* [HIVE-20115] - Acid tables should not use footer scan for analyze
* [HIVE-20131] - SQL Script changes for creating txn write notification in 3.2.0 files
* [HIVE-20188] - Split server-specific code outside of standalone metastore-common
* [HIVE-20194] - HiveMetastoreClient should use reflection to instantiate embedded HMS instance
* [HIVE-20195] - Split MetastoreUtils into common and server-specific parts
* [HIVE-20196] - Remove MetastoreConf dependency on server-specific classes
* [HIVE-20219] - verify that analyze and analyze for columns manage txn stats state correctly
* [HIVE-20242] - Query results cache: Improve ability of queries to use pending query results
* [HIVE-20264] - Bootstrap repl dump with concurrent write and drop of ACID table makes target inconsistent.
* [HIVE-20306] - Implement projection spec for fetching only requested fields from partitions
* [HIVE-20307] - Add support for filterspec to the getPartitions with projection API
* [HIVE-20388] - Move common classes out of metastore-server
* [HIVE-20390] - Split TxnUtils into common and server parts.
* [HIVE-20481] - Add the Kafka Key record as part of the row.
* [HIVE-20482] - Remove dependency on metastore-server
* [HIVE-20483] - Really move metastore common classes into metastore-common
* [HIVE-20488] - SparkSubmitSparkClient#launchDriver should parse exceptions, not just errors
* [HIVE-20498] - Support date type for column stats autogather
* [HIVE-20512] - Improve record and memory usage logging in SparkRecordHandler
* [HIVE-20517] - Creation of staging directory and Move operation is taking time in S3
* [HIVE-20531] - Repl load on cloud storage file system can skip redundant move or add partition tasks.
* [HIVE-20613] - CachedStore: Add more UT coverage (outside of .q files)
* [HIVE-20615] - CachedStore: Background refresh thread bug fixes
* [HIVE-20635] - VectorizedOrcAcidRowBatchReader doesn't filter delete events for original files
* [HIVE-20664] - Potential ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in VectorizedOrcAcidRowBatchReader.findMinMaxKeys
* [HIVE-20694] - Additional unit tests for VectorizedOrcAcidRowBatchReader min max key evaluation
* [HIVE-20730] - Do delete event filtering even if hive.acid.index is not there
* [HIVE-20735] - Address some of the review comments plus Kerberos support
* [HIVE-20823] - Make Compactor run in a transaction
* [HIVE-20862] - QueryId no longer shows up in the logs
* [HIVE-20869] - Fix test results file
* [HIVE-20934] - ACID: Query based compactor for minor compaction
* [HIVE-20942] - Worker should heartbeat its own txn
* [HIVE-20943] - Handle Compactor transaction abort properly
* [HIVE-20960] - Make MM compactor run in a transaction and remove CompactorMR.createCompactorMarker()
* [HIVE-20998] - HiveStrictManagedMigration utility should update DB/Table location as last migration steps
* [HIVE-21020] - log which table/partition is being processed by a txn in Worker
* [HIVE-21043] - Enable move optimization for cloud replication with strict managed tables.
* [HIVE-21078] - Replicate column and table level statistics for unpartitioned Hive tables
* [HIVE-21079] - Replicate column statistics for partitions of partitioned table.
* [HIVE-21109] - Support stats replication for ACID tables.
* [HIVE-21159] - Modify Merge statement logic to perform Update split early
* [HIVE-21198] - Introduce a database object reference class
* [HIVE-21266] - Don't run cleaner if compaction is skipped (issue with single delta file)
* [HIVE-21290] - Restore historical way of handling timestamps in Parquet while keeping the new semantics at the same time
* [HIVE-21291] - Restore historical way of handling timestamps in Avro while keeping the new semantics at the same time
* [HIVE-21292] - Break up DDLTask - extract Database related operations
* [HIVE-21401] - Break up DDLTask - extract Table related operations
* [HIVE-21500] - Disable conversion of managed table to external and vice versa at source via alter table.
* [HIVE-21523] - Break up DDLTask - extract View related operations
* [HIVE-21529] - Hive support bootstrap of ACID/MM tables on an existing policy.
* [HIVE-21567] - Break up DDLTask - extract Function related operations
* [HIVE-21584] - Java 11 preparation: system class loader is not URLClassLoader
* [HIVE-21593] - Break up DDLTask - extract Privilege related operations
* [HIVE-21603] - Java 11 preparation: update powermock version
* [HIVE-21635] - Break up DDLTask - extract Workload Management related operations
* [HIVE-21664] - HMS Translation layer - Thrift API changes
* [HIVE-21671] - Replicate Streaming ingestion with transactional batch size as 1.
* [HIVE-21679] - Replicating a CTAS event creating an MM table fails.
* [HIVE-21693] - Break up DDLTask - extract Process related operations
* [HIVE-21703] - Break up DDLTask - extract Partition related operations
* [HIVE-21725] - Break up DDLTask - extract Column and Constraint related operations
* [HIVE-21734] - HMS Translation: Pending items from code review
* [HIVE-21739] - Make metastore DB backward compatible with pre-catalog versions of hive.
* [HIVE-21762] - REPL DUMP to support new format for replication policy input to take included tables list.
* [HIVE-21763] - Incremental replication to allow changing include/exclude tables list in replication policy.
* [HIVE-21797] - Break up DDLTask - extract Storage related operations
* [HIVE-21804] - HMS Translation: External tables with no capabilities returns duplicate entries/
* [HIVE-21812] - Implement get partition related methods on temporary tables
* [HIVE-21814] - Implement list partitions related methods on temporary tables
* [HIVE-21816] - HMS Translation: Refactor tests to work with ACID tables.
* [HIVE-21822] - Expose LlapDaemon metrics through a new API method
* [HIVE-21823] - New metrics to get the average queue length / free executor number for a given time window
* [HIVE-21830] - Break up DDLTask - extract rest of the Alter Table operations
* [HIVE-21832] - New metrics to get the average queue/serving/response time
* [HIVE-21838] - Hive Metastore Translation: Add API call to tell client why table has limited access
* [HIVE-21839] - HMS Translation: Hive need to block create a type of table if the client does not have write capability
* [HIVE-21846] - Create a thread in TezAM which periodically fetches LlapDaemon metrics
* [HIVE-21863] - Improve Vectorizer type casting for WHEN expression
* [HIVE-21874] - Implement add partitions related methods on temporary table
* [HIVE-21875] - Implement drop partition related methods on temporary tables
* [HIVE-21881] - Break up DDLTask - extract rest of the operations
* [HIVE-21891] - Break up DDLTask - cleanup
* [HIVE-21907] - Add a new LlapDaemon Management API method to set the daemon capacity
* [HIVE-21908] - LlapDaemon node status should be reflected in the metrics
* [HIVE-21909] - Publish the LLAP Daemon capacity through ZooKeeper and honor the capacity when scheduling new tasks
* [HIVE-21911] - Pluggable LlapMetricsListener on Tez side to disable / resize Daemons
* [HIVE-21912] - Implement BlacklistingLlapMetricsListener
* [HIVE-21914] - Move Function and Macro related DDL operations into the DDL framework
* [HIVE-21918] - Handle each Alter Database types in a separate desc / operation
* [HIVE-21920] - Extract command authorisation from the Driver
* [HIVE-21947] - Move Materialized View Update under DDL
* [HIVE-21959] - Clean up Concatenate and Msck DDL commands
* [HIVE-21967] - Clean up CreateTableLikeOperation
* [HIVE-21977] - Clean up DescTableOperation
* [HIVE-21981] - When LlapDaemon capacity is set to 0 and the waitqueue is not empty then the queries are stuck
* [HIVE-21983] - Cut DropTableDesc/Operation to drop table, view and materialized view
* [HIVE-21984] - Clean up TruncateTable operation and desc
* [HIVE-21988] - Do not consider nodes with 0 capacity when calculating host affinity
* [HIVE-21996] - Remove unused code from Driver
* [HIVE-22015] - [CachedStore] Add table constraints in CachedStore
* [HIVE-22017] - [ Interface changes ] Keep HMS interfaces backward compatible with changes for HIVE-21637
* [HIVE-22022] - Pushdown IN predicates in the kudu-handler
* [HIVE-22023] - Pushdown Null and NotNull predicates in the kudu-handler
* [HIVE-22028] - Clean up Add Partition
* [HIVE-22048] - Document the kudu-handler integration.
* [HIVE-22084] - Implement exchange partitions related methods on temporary tables
* [HIVE-22087] - HMS Translation: Translate getDatabase() API to alter warehouse location
* [HIVE-22095] - Hive.get() resets the capabilities from HiveConf instead of set capabilities
* [HIVE-22097] - Incompatible java.util.ArrayList for java 11
* [HIVE-22137] - Implement alter/rename partition related methods on temporary tables
* [HIVE-22158] - HMS Translation layer - Disallow non-ACID MANAGED tables.
* [HIVE-22174] - Clean up Drop Partition
* [HIVE-22188] - Clean up the SemanticAnalyzerFactory
* [HIVE-22189] - HMS Translation: Enforce strict locations for managed vs external tables.
* [HIVE-22194] - Break up DDLSemanticAnalyzer - extract Privilege related analyzers
* [HIVE-22212] - Implement append partition related methods on temporary tables
* [HIVE-22222] - Clean up the error handling in Driver - get rid of global variables
* [HIVE-22228] - SemanticAnalyzer cleanup - visibility + types
* [HIVE-22230] - Add support for filtering partitions on temporary tables
* [HIVE-22235] - CommandProcessorResponse should not be an exception
* [HIVE-22242] - Move TempTable and PartitionTree out of SessionHiveMetastoreClient
* [HIVE-22254] - Mappings.NoElementException: no target in mapping, in `MaterializedViewAggregateRule
* [HIVE-22256] - Rewriting fails when `IN` clause has items in different order in MV and query
* [HIVE-22257] - Commutativity of operations is not taken into account, e.g., '+'
* [HIVE-22258] - Rewriting fails for `IN` clauses in MV and query when we use equals or subset in the query
* [HIVE-22259] - Rewriting fails for `BETWEEN` clauses with different ranges in MV and query
* [HIVE-22261] - Support for materialized view rewriting with window functions
* [HIVE-22263] - MV rewriting for distinct and count(distinct) not being triggered
* [HIVE-22266] - Addendum fix to have HS2 pom add explicit curator dependency
* [HIVE-22279] - Enable temporary table partitioning
* [HIVE-22280] - Q tests for partitioned temporary tables
* [HIVE-22291] - HMS Translation: Limit translation to hive default catalog only
* [HIVE-22305] - Add the kudu-handler to the packaging module
* [HIVE-22329] - Create DriverContext
* [HIVE-22338] - Shade dependent jars into the kudu-handler
* [HIVE-22342] - HMS Translation: HIVE-22189 too strict with location for EXTERNAL tables
* [HIVE-22358] - Add schedule shorthands for convinience
* [HIVE-22369] - Handle HiveTableFunctionScan at return path
* [HIVE-22378] - Remove code duplicatoins from return path handling
* [HIVE-22396] - CMV creating a Full ACID partitioned table fails because of no writeId
* [HIVE-22401] - ACID: Refactor CompactorMR
* [HIVE-22436] - Add more logging to the test.
* [HIVE-22498] - Schema tool enhancements to merge catalogs
* [HIVE-22526] - Extract Compiler from Driver
* [HIVE-22608] - Reduce the number of public methods in Driver
* [HIVE-22612] - Replace Base64 in accumulo-handler Package
* [HIVE-22613] - Replace Base64 in hive-hbase-handler Package
* [HIVE-22614] - Replace Base64 in hive-jdbc Package
* [HIVE-22615] - Replace Base64 in hive-common Package
* [HIVE-22617] - Re-Enable PreCommit test org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.TestMTQueries.testMTQueries1
* [HIVE-22624] - Fix results_cache_invalidation and results_cache_lifetime
* [HIVE-22674] - Replace Base64 in serde Package
* [HIVE-22675] - Replace Base64 in hive-standalone-metastore Package
* [HIVE-22676] - Replace Base64 in hive-service Package
* [HIVE-22679] - Replace Base64 in metastore-common Package
* [HIVE-22680] - Replace Base64 in druid-handler Package
* [HIVE-22681] - Replace Base64 in hcatalog-webhcat Package
* [HIVE-22683] - Run Eclipse Cleanup Against beeline Module
* [HIVE-22684] - Run Eclipse Cleanup Against hbase-handler Module
* [HIVE-22749] - ReEnable TopNKey optimization in vectorized q tests
* [HIVE-22803] - Mark scheduled queries executions to help end-user identify it easier
* [HIVE-22809] - Support materialized view rebuild as a scheduled query
* [HIVE-22821] - Add necessary endpoints for proactive cache eviction
* [HIVE-22835] - Extract Executor from Driver
* [HIVE-22940] - Make the datasketches functions available as predefined functions
* [HIVE-22959] - Extend storage-api to expose FilterContext
* [HIVE-22974] - Metastore's table location check should be applied when location changed
* [HIVE-23003] - CliDriver leaves the session id in the threadname on failure
* [HIVE-23005] - Consider Default JDBC Fetch Size From HS2
* [HIVE-23006] - Basic compiler support for Probe MapJoin
* [HIVE-23007] - Do Not Consider Client Session For Default Fetch Size
* [HIVE-23008] - UDAFExampleMaxMinNUtil.sortedMerge must be able to handle all inputs
* [HIVE-23030] - Enable sketch union-s to be rolled up
* [HIVE-23031] - Add option to enable transparent rewrite of count(distinct) into sketch functions
* [HIVE-23036] - ORC PPD eval with sub-millisecond timestamps
* [HIVE-23064] - Remove Calls to printStackTrace in Module hive-exec
* [HIVE-23077] - Remove Calls to printStackTrace in Module hive-jdbc
* [HIVE-23079] - Remove Calls to printStackTrace in Module hive-serde
* [HIVE-23096] - Review Code Path for getResults
* [HIVE-23101] - Fix topnkey_grouping_sets
* [HIVE-23120] - TopNKey related tests should be run by TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver only
* [HIVE-23133] - Numeric operations can have different result across hardware archs
* [HIVE-23134] - Hive & Kudu interaction not available on ARM
* [HIVE-23168] - Implement MJ HashTable contains key functionality
* [HIVE-23169] - [LLAP] propagate ProbeContex to LlapRecordReader
* [HIVE-23171] - Create Tool To Visualize Hive Parser Tree
* [HIVE-23192] - "default" database locationUri should be external warehouse root.
* [HIVE-23197] - Implement selective purge for LRFU
* [HIVE-23198] - Add matching logic between CacheTags and proactive eviction requests
* [HIVE-23209] - ptest2 compilation failure after HIVE-21603 - upgrade mockito-core in testutils/ptest2
* [HIVE-23220] - PostExecOrcFileDump listing order may depend on the underlying filesystem
* [HIVE-23246] - Reduce MiniDruidCluster memory requeirements
* [HIVE-23247] - Increase timeout for some tez tests
* [HIVE-23248] - avro-mapred should not pull in org.mortbay.jetty
* [HIVE-23249] - Prevent infinite loop in TestJdbcWithMiniLlapArrow
* [HIVE-23250] - Scheduled query related qtests may not finish before it's expected
* [HIVE-23251] - Provide a way to have only a selection of datasets loaded
* [HIVE-23252] - Change spark related tests to be optional
* [HIVE-23260] - Add support for unmodified_metadata capability
* [HIVE-23314] - Upgrade to Kudu 1.12
* [HIVE-23321] - Tolerate in tests that metastore is not removing rows from the skewed_string_list_values table
* [HIVE-23322] - Update some tests to better tolerate a more busy environment
* [HIVE-23323] - Add qsplits profile
* [HIVE-23368] - MV rebuild should produce the same view as the one configured at creation time
* [HIVE-23369] - schq_ingest may run twice during a test execution
* [HIVE-23374] - QueryDisplay must be threadsafe
* [HIVE-23387] - Flip the Warehouse.getDefaultTablePath() to return path from ext warehouse
* [HIVE-23388] - CTAS queries should use target's location for staging.
* [HIVE-23396] - Many fixes and improvements to stabilize tests
* [HIVE-23398] - TestBeeLineWithArgs#testRowsAffected is unstable
* [HIVE-23404] - Schedules in the past should be accepted
* [HIVE-23434] - Add option to rewrite PERCENTILE_DISC to sketch functions
* [HIVE-23460] - Add qoption to disable qtests
* [HIVE-23462] - Add option to rewrite CUME_DIST to sketch functions
* [HIVE-23482] - Use junit5 to execute tests
* [HIVE-23525] - TestAcidTxnCleanerService is unstable
* [HIVE-23554] - [LLAP] support ColumnVectorBatch with FilterContext as part of ReadPipeline
* [HIVE-23573] - [HMS] Advance the write id for the table for DDL
* [HIVE-23590] - Close stale PRs automatically
* [HIVE-23596] - LLAP: Encode initial guaranteed task information in containerId
* [HIVE-23598] - Add option to rewrite NTILE and RANK to sketch functions
* [HIVE-23603] - transformDatabase() should work with changes from HIVE-22995
* [HIVE-23617] - Fix FindBug issues in storage-api
* [HIVE-23620] - Explore moving to SpotBugs
* [HIVE-23621] - Enforce ASF headers on source files
* [HIVE-23626] - Build failure is incorrectly reported as tests passed
* [HIVE-23629] - Enforce clean findbugs in PRs
* [HIVE-23631] - Use the test target instead of install
* [HIVE-23638] - Fix FindBug issues in hive-common
* [HIVE-23649] - Fix FindBug issues in hive-service-rpc
* [HIVE-23660] - Provide a way to check test stability
* [HIVE-23677] - RetryTest is unstable
* [HIVE-23686] - Fix Spotbugs issues in hive-shims
* [HIVE-23687] - Fix Spotbugs issues in hive-standalone-metastore-common
* [HIVE-23695] - [CachedStore] Add check/default constraints in CachedStore
* [HIVE-23697] - Fix errors in the metastore upgrade script
* [HIVE-23728] - Run metastore verification tests during precommit
* [HIVE-23730] - Compiler support tracking TS keyColName for Probe MapJoin
* [HIVE-23733] - [LLAP] Extend InputFormat to genIncludedColNames
* [HIVE-23746] - Send task attempts async from AM to daemons
* [HIVE-23767] - Send ValidWriteIDList in request for all the new HMS get_* APIs that are in request/response form
* [HIVE-23820] - [HS2] Send tableId in request for get_table_request API
* [HIVE-23827] - Upgrade to datasketches 1.1.0
* [HIVE-23834] - [CachedStore] Add flag in TableWrapper in CacheStore to check if constraints are set or not
* [HIVE-23878] - Aggregate after join throws off MV rewrite
* [HIVE-23882] - Compiler extensions for MJ probe optimization
* [HIVE-23899] - Replace Base64 in llap Packages
* [HIVE-23931] - Send ValidWriteIdList and tableId to get_*_constraints HMS APIs
* [HIVE-23951] - Support parameterized queries in WHERE/HAVING clause
* [HIVE-24009] - Support partition pruning and other physical transformations for EXECUTE statement
* [HIVE-24012] - Support for rewriting with materialized views containing grouping sets
* [HIVE-24027] - Add support for `intersect` keyword in MV
* [HIVE-24061] - Improve llap task scheduling for better cache hit rate
* [HIVE-24076] - MetastoreDirectSql.getDatabase() needs a space in the query
* [HIVE-24116] - LLAP: Provide an opportunity for preempted tasks to get better locality in next iteration
* [HIVE-24135] - Drop database doesn't delete directory in managed location
* [HIVE-24152] - Comment out test until it is investigated.
* [HIVE-24175] - Ease database managed location restrictions in HMS translation
* [HIVE-24217] - HMS storage backend for HPL/SQL stored procedures
* [HIVE-24224] - Fix skipping header/footer for Hive on Tez on compressed files
* [HIVE-24230] - Integrate HPL/SQL into HiveServer2
* [HIVE-24231] - Enhance shared work optimizer to merge scans with filters on both sides
* [HIVE-24241] - Enable SharedWorkOptimizer to merge downstream operators after an optimization step
* [HIVE-24258] - [CachedStore] Data mismatch between CachedStore and ObjectStore for constraints
* [HIVE-24259] - [CachedStore] Constraints read from cache should be consistent snapshot.
* [HIVE-24271] - Create managed table relies on settings.
* [HIVE-24295] - Apply schema merge to all shared work optimizations
* [HIVE-24340] - Mark phase for proactive cache eviction
* [HIVE-24341] - Sweep phase for proactive cache eviction
* [HIVE-24346] - Store HPL/SQL packages into HMS
* [HIVE-24350] - NullScanTaskDispatcher should use stats
* [HIVE-24355] - Implement hashCode and equals for Partition
* [HIVE-24357] - Exchange SWO table/algorithm strategy
* [HIVE-24360] - SharedWorkOptimizer may create incorrect plans with DPPUnion
* [HIVE-24365] - SWO should not create complex and redundant filter expressions
* [HIVE-24370] - Make the GetPartitionsProjectionSpec generic and add builder methods for tables and partitions in HiveMetaStoreClient
* [HIVE-24377] - Instant deallocation option for proactive cache eviction
* [HIVE-24380] - NullScanTaskDispatcher should liststatus in parallel
* [HIVE-24381] - Compressed text input returns 0 rows if skip header/footer is mentioned
* [HIVE-24386] - Add builder methods for GetTablesRequest and GetPartitionsRequest to HiveMetaStoreClient
* [HIVE-24397] - Add the projection specification to the table request object and add placeholders in
* [HIVE-24405] - Missing datatype for table column in oracle
* [HIVE-24425] - Create table in REMOTE db should fail
* [HIVE-24426] - Spark job fails with fixed LlapTaskUmbilicalServer port
* [HIVE-24447] - Move create/drop/alter table to the provider interface
* [HIVE-24449] - Implement connector provider for Derby DB
* [HIVE-24451] - Add schema changes for MSSQL
* [HIVE-24472] - Optimize LlapTaskSchedulerService::preemptTasksFromMap
* [HIVE-24486] - Enhance shared work optimizer to allow parallel edges
* [HIVE-24497] - Node heartbeats from LLAP Daemon to the client are not matching leading to timeout in cloud environment
* [HIVE-24499] - Throw error when respective connector JDBC jar is not present in the lib/ path.
* [HIVE-24537] - Optimise locking in LlapTaskSchedulerService
* [HIVE-24669] - Improve Filesystem usage in Hive::loadPartitionInternal
* [HIVE-24678] - Add feature toggle to control SWO parallel edge support
* [HIVE-24679] - Reuse FullDPSpecs in loadDynamicPartitions to avoid double listing
* [HIVE-24682] - Collect dynamic partition info in FileSink for direct insert and reuse it in Movetask
* [HIVE-24725] - Collect top priority items from llap cache policy
* [HIVE-24726] - Track required data for cache hydration
* [HIVE-24727] - Cache hydration api in llap proto
* [HIVE-24728] - Low level reader for llap cache hydration
* [HIVE-24729] - Implement strategy for llap cache hydration
* [HIVE-24738] - Reuse committed filelist from directInsert manifest during loadPartition
* [HIVE-24761] - Vectorization: Support PTF - bounded start windows
* [HIVE-24770] - Upgrade should update changed FQN for MultiDelimiterSerDe in HMS DB.
* [HIVE-24812] - Disable sharedworkoptimizer remove semijoin by default
* [HIVE-24821] - Restrict parallel edge creation for invertable RS operators
* [HIVE-24825] - Create AcidMetricsService
* [HIVE-24828] - [HMS] Provide new HMS API to return latest committed compaction record for a given table
* [HIVE-24841] - Parallel edge fixer may run into NPE when RS is missing a duplicate column from the output schema
* [HIVE-24883] - Support ARRAY/STRUCT types in equality SMB and Common merge join
* [HIVE-24887] - getDatabase() to call translation code even if client has no capabilities
* [HIVE-24901] - Re-enable tests in TestBeeLineWithArgs
* [HIVE-24914] - Improve LLAP scheduling by only traversing hosts with capacity
* [HIVE-24945] - PTF: Support vectorization for lead/lag functions
* [HIVE-24955] - New metrics about aborted transactions
* [HIVE-24970] - Reject location and managed locations in DDL for REMOTE databases.
* [HIVE-24980] - Add timeout for failed and did not initiate compaction cleanup
* [HIVE-24997] - HPL/SQL udf doesn't work in tez container mode
* [HIVE-25004] - HPL/SQL subsequent statements are failing after typing a malformed input in beeline
* [HIVE-25005] - Provide default implementation for HMS APIs
* [HIVE-25018] - Create new metrics about Initiator / Cleaner failures
* [HIVE-25019] - Rename metrics that have spaces in the name
* [HIVE-25021] - Divide oldest_open_txn into oldest replication and non-replication transactions
* [HIVE-25033] - HPL/SQL thrift call fails when returning null
* [HIVE-25037] - Create metric: Number of tables with > x aborts
* [HIVE-25044] - Parallel edge fixer may not be able to process semijoin edges
* [HIVE-25049] - LlapDaemon preemption should not be triggered for same Vertex tasks
* [HIVE-25080] - Create metric about oldest entry in "ready for cleaning" state
* [HIVE-25081] - Put metrics collection behind a feature flag
* [HIVE-25083] - Extra reviewer pattern
* [HIVE-25127] - Remove Thrift Exceptions From RawStore getCatalogs
* [HIVE-25138] - Auto disable scheduled queries after repeated failures
* [HIVE-25146] - JMH tests for Multi HT and parallel load
* [HIVE-25149] - Support parallel load for Fast HT implementations
* [HIVE-25183] - Parsing error for Correlated Inner Joins
* [HIVE-25213] - Implement List<Table> getTables() for existing connectors.
* [HIVE-25214] - Add hive authorization support for Data connectors.
* [HIVE-25215] - tables_with_x_aborted_transactions should count partition/unpartitioned tables
* [HIVE-25252] - All new compaction metrics should be lower case
* [HIVE-25259] - Tweak delta metrics with custom MBean for Prometheus
* [HIVE-25282] - Drop/Alter table in REMOTE db should fail
* [HIVE-25297] - Refactor GenericUDFDateDiff
* [HIVE-25318] - Number of initiator hosts metric should ignore manually initiated compactions
* [HIVE-25321] - [HMS] Advance write Id during AlterTableDropPartition
* [HIVE-25332] - Refactor UDF CAST(<Date string> as DATE)
* [HIVE-25334] - Refactor UDF CAST(<Date string> as TIMESTAMP)
* [HIVE-25348] - Skip metrics collection about writes to tables with tblproperty no_auto_compaction=true if CTAS
* [HIVE-25358] - Remove reviewer pattern
* [HIVE-25359] - Changes to metastore API in HIVE-24880 are not backwards compatible
* [HIVE-25362] - LLAP: ensure tasks with locality have a chance to adjust delay
* [HIVE-25378] - Enable removal of old builds on hive ci
* [HIVE-25390] - Metrics compaction_failed_initiator_ratio and compaction_failed_cleaner_ratio should be counters
* [HIVE-25403] - Fix from_unixtime() to consider leap seconds
* [HIVE-25429] - Delta metrics collection may cause number of tez counters to exceed tez.counters.max limit
* [HIVE-25450] - Delta metrics keys should contain database name
* [HIVE-25461] - Add a test case to ensure Truncate table advances the write ID
* [HIVE-25540] - Enable batch update of column stats only for MySql and Postgres
* [HIVE-25554] - Upgrade arrow version to 0.15
* [HIVE-25555] - ArrowColumnarBatchSerDe should store map natively instead of converting to list
* [HIVE-25583] - Support parallel load for HastTables - Interfaces
* [HIVE-25632] - Remove unused code from ptest/ptest2
* [HIVE-25819] - Track event id on target cluster with respect to source cluster
* [HIVE-25895] - Bootstrap tables in table_diff during Incremental Load
* [HIVE-25951] - Re-use methods from RelMdPredicates in HiveRelMdPredicates
* [HIVE-26040] - Fix DirectSqlUpdateStat.getNextCSIdForMPartitionColumnStatistics for mssql
** Bug
* [HIVE-7145] - Remove dependence on apache commons-lang
* [HIVE-9995] - ACID compaction tries to compact a single file
* [HIVE-10296] - Cast exception observed when hive runs a multi join query on metastore (postgres), since postgres pushes the filter into the join, and ignores the condition before applying cast
* [HIVE-11708] - Logical operators raises ClassCastExceptions with NULL
* [HIVE-12254] - Improve logging with yarn/hdfs
* [HIVE-12812] - Enable mapred.input.dir.recursive by default to support union with aggregate function
* [HIVE-14516] - OrcInputFormat.SplitGenerator.callInternal() can be optimized
* [HIVE-14557] - Nullpointer When both SkewJoin and Mapjoin Enabled
* [HIVE-14737] - Problem accessing /logs in a Kerberized Hive Server 2 Web UI
* [HIVE-14898] - HS2 shouldn't log callstack for an empty auth header error
* [HIVE-15177] - Authentication with hive fails when kerberos auth type is set to fromSubject and principal contains _HOST
* [HIVE-15190] - Field names are not preserved in ORC files written with ACID
* [HIVE-15406] - Consider vectorizing the new 'trunc' function
* [HIVE-15820] - comment at the head of beeline -e
* [HIVE-15932] - Add support for: "explain ast"
* [HIVE-15956] - StackOverflowError when drop lots of partitions
* [HIVE-16100] - Dynamic Sorted Partition optimizer loses sibling operators
* [HIVE-16116] - Beeline throws NPE when beeline.hiveconfvariables={} in
* [HIVE-16144] - CompactionInfo doesn't have equals/hashCode but used in Set
* [HIVE-16587] - NPE when inserting complex types with nested null values
* [HIVE-16690] - Configure Tez cartesian product edge based on LLAP cluster size
* [HIVE-16839] - Unbalanced calls to openTransaction/commitTransaction when alter the same partition concurrently
* [HIVE-16906] - Hive ATSHook should check for yarn.timeline-service.enabled before connecting to ATS
* [HIVE-16907] - "INSERT INTO" overwrite old data when destination table encapsulated by backquote
* [HIVE-17020] - Aggressive RS dedup can incorrectly remove OP tree branch
* [HIVE-17193] - HoS: don't combine map works that are targets of different DPPs
* [HIVE-17684] - HoS memory issues with MapJoinMemoryExhaustionHandler
* [HIVE-17840] - HiveMetaStore eats exception if transactionalListeners.notifyEvent fail
* [HIVE-18201] - Disable XPROD_EDGE for sq_count_check() created for scalar subqueries
* [HIVE-18284] - NPE when inserting data with 'distribute by' clause with dynpart sort optimization
* [HIVE-18624] - Parsing time is extremely high (~10 min) for queries with complex select expressions
* [HIVE-18696] - The partition folders might not get cleaned up properly in the HiveMetaStore.add_partitions_core method if an exception occurs
* [HIVE-18702] - INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE doesn't clean the table directory before overwriting
* [HIVE-18735] - Create table like loses transactional attribute
* [HIVE-18767] - Some alterPartitions invocations throw 'NumberFormatException: null'
* [HIVE-18778] - Needs to capture input/output entities in explain
* [HIVE-18786] - NPE in Hive windowing functions
* [HIVE-18827] - useless dynamic value exceptions strike back
* [HIVE-18852] - Misleading error message in alter table validation
* [HIVE-18871] - hive on tez execution error due to set hive.aux.jars.path to hdfs://
* [HIVE-18873] - Skipping predicate pushdown for MR silently at HiveInputFormat can cause storage handlers to produce erroneous result
* [HIVE-18874] - JDBC: HiveConnection shades log4j interfaces
* [HIVE-18920] - CBO: Initialize the Janino providers ahead of 1st query
* [HIVE-18929] - The method humanReadableInt in has a race condition.
* [HIVE-18977] - Listing partitions returns different results with JDO and direct SQL
* [HIVE-19016] - Vectorization and Parquet: Disable vectorization for nested complex types
* [HIVE-19048] - Initscript errors are ignored
* [HIVE-19076] - Fix NPE and TApplicationException in function related HiveMetastore methods
* [HIVE-19081] - Add partition should prevent loading acid files
* [HIVE-19084] - Test case in Hive Query Language fails with a java.lang.AssertionError.
* [HIVE-19097] - related equals and in operators may cause inaccurate stats estimations
* [HIVE-19109] - Vectorization: Enabling vectorization causes TestCliDriver delete_orig_table.q to produce Wrong Results
* [HIVE-19110] - Vectorization: Enabling vectorization causes TestContribCliDriver udf_example_arraymapstruct.q to produce Wrong Results
* [HIVE-19118] - Vectorization: Turning on vectorization in escape_crlf produces wrong results
* [HIVE-19133] - HS2 WebUI phase-wise performance metrics not showing correctly
* [HIVE-19158] - Fix NPE in the HiveMetastore add partition tests
* [HIVE-19181] - Remove BreakableService (unused class)
* [HIVE-19202] - CBO failed due to NullPointerException in HiveAggregate.isBucketedInput()
* [HIVE-19203] - Thread-Safety Issue in HiveMetaStore
* [HIVE-19237] - Only use an operatorId once in a plan
* [HIVE-19245] - Add Apache license to
* [HIVE-19250] - Schema column definitions inconsistencies in MySQL
* [HIVE-19254] - NumberFormatException in MetaStoreUtils.isFastStatsSame
* [HIVE-19258] - add originals support to MM tables (and make the conversion a metadata only operation)
* [HIVE-19265] - Potential NPE and hiding actual exception in Hive#copyFiles
* [HIVE-19312] - MM tables don't work with BucketizedHIF
* [HIVE-19316] - StatsTask fails due to ClassCastException
* [HIVE-19326] - stats auto gather: incorrect aggregation during UNION queries (may lead to incorrect results)
* [HIVE-19353] - Vectorization: ConstantVectorExpression --> RuntimeException: Unexpected column vector type LIST
* [HIVE-19357] - Vectorization: assert_true HiveException erroneously gets suppressed to NULL
* [HIVE-19370] - Issue: ADD Months function on timestamp datatype fields in hive
* [HIVE-19382] - Acquire locks before generating valid transaction list for some operations
* [HIVE-19388] - ClassCastException during VectorMapJoinCommonOperator initialization
* [HIVE-19416] - Create single version transactional table metastore statistics for aggregation queries
* [HIVE-19418] - add background stats updater similar to compactor
* [HIVE-19424] - NPE In MetaDataFormatters
* [HIVE-19430] - ObjectStore.cleanNotificationEvents OutOfMemory on large number of pending events
* [HIVE-19454] - Test failure : org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.TestTxnCommands2.testNonAcidToAcidConversion1 fails with java.lang.AssertionError
* [HIVE-19460] - Improve stats estimations for NOT IN operator
* [HIVE-19463] - TezTask - getting groups may fail (PartialGroupNameException in some tests)
* [HIVE-19467] - Make storage format configurable for temp tables created using LLAP external client
* [HIVE-19468] - Add Apache license to TestTxnConcatenate
* [HIVE-19481] - Tablesample uses incorrect logic to pick files corresponding to buckets.
* [HIVE-19485] - dump directory for non native tables should not be created
* [HIVE-19486] - Discrepancy in HikariCP config naming
* [HIVE-19493] - VectorUDFDateDiffColCol copySelected does not handle nulls correctly
* [HIVE-19498] - Vectorization: CAST expressions produce wrong results
* [HIVE-19504] - Change default value for property
* [HIVE-19516] - TestNegative merge_negative_5 and mm_concatenate are causing timeouts
* [HIVE-19524] - pom.xml typo: "commmons-logging" groupId
* [HIVE-19529] - Vectorization: Date/Timestamp NULL issues
* [HIVE-19530] - Vectorization: Fix JDBCSerde and re-enable vectorization
* [HIVE-19557] - stats: filters for dates are not taking advantage of min/max values
* [HIVE-19564] - Vectorization: Fix NULL / Wrong Results issues in Arithmetic
* [HIVE-19565] - Vectorization: Fix NULL / Wrong Results issues in STRING Functions
* [HIVE-19567] - Fix flakiness in TestTriggers
* [HIVE-19568] - Active/Passive HS2 HA: Disallow direct connection to passive HS2 instance
* [HIVE-19569] - alter table db1.t1 rename db2.t2 generates MetaStoreEventListener.onDropTable()
* [HIVE-19575] - TestAutoPurgeTables seems flaky
* [HIVE-19577] - CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE LIKE and INSERT generate output format mismatch errors
* [HIVE-19578] - HLL merges tempList on every add
* [HIVE-19579] - remove HBase transitive dependency that drags in some snapshot
* [HIVE-19583] - Some yetus working dirs are left on hivepest-server-upstream disk after test
* [HIVE-19588] - Several invocation of file listing when creating VectorizedOrcAcidRowBatchReader
* [HIVE-19589] - Disable TestAutoPurge tests and annotate TestTriggersWorkloadManager with retry
* [HIVE-19590] - mask stats in llap_smb
* [HIVE-19592] - TestWorkloadManager - add retry for now
* [HIVE-19594] - Add custom tmp folders to tests to avoid collisions
* [HIVE-19595] - Regenerate webui port in MiniHS2
* [HIVE-19597] - TestWorkloadManager sometimes hangs
* [HIVE-19602] - Refactor inplace progress code in Hive-on-spark progress monitor to use ProgressMonitor instance
* [HIVE-19605] - TAB_COL_STATS table has no index on db/table name
* [HIVE-19608] - disable flaky tests 2
* [HIVE-19609] - pointless callstacks in the logs as usual
* [HIVE-19613] - GenericUDTFGetSplits should handle fetch task with temp table rewrite
* [HIVE-19614] - GenericUDTFGetSplits does not honor ORDER BY
* [HIVE-19615] - Proper handling of is null and not is null predicate when pushed to Druid
* [HIVE-19619] - Allow comparisons between doubles and bigints
* [HIVE-19628] - possible NPE in LLAP testSigning
* [HIVE-19629] - Enable Decimal64 reader after orc version upgrade
* [HIVE-19631] - reduce epic locking in AbstractService
* [HIVE-19632] - Remove webapps directory from standalone jar
* [HIVE-19639] - a transactional Hive table cannot be imported as an external table
* [HIVE-19643] - MM table conversion doesn't need full ACID structure checks
* [HIVE-19651] - only add arrow dependency once
* [HIVE-19653] - Incorrect predicate pushdown for groupby with grouping sets
* [HIVE-19661] - switch Hive UDFs to use Re2J regex engine
* [HIVE-19663] - refactor LLAP IO report generation
* [HIVE-19675] - Cast to timestamps on Druid time column leads to an exception
* [HIVE-19677] - Disable sample6.q
* [HIVE-19680] - Push down limit is not applied for Druid storage handler.
* [HIVE-19684] - Hive stats optimizer wrongly uses stats against non native tables
* [HIVE-19690] - multi-insert query with multiple GBY, and distinct in only some branches can produce incorrect results
* [HIVE-19691] - Start SessionState in materialized views registry
* [HIVE-19694] - Create Materialized View statement should check for MV name conflicts before running MV's SQL statement.
* [HIVE-19697] - TestReOptimization#testStatCachingMetaStore is flaky
* [HIVE-19698] - TestAMReporter#testMultipleAM is flaky
* [HIVE-19700] - Workaround for JLine issue with UnsupportedTerminal
* [HIVE-19701] - getDelegationTokenFromMetaStore doesn't need to be synchronized
* [HIVE-19703] - GenericUDTFGetSplits never uses num splits argument
* [HIVE-19711] - Refactor Hive Schema Tool
* [HIVE-19713] - itests/hive-jmh should not reference a concreate storage-api version
* [HIVE-19718] - Adding partitions in bulk also fetches table for each partition
* [HIVE-19726] - ORC date PPD is broken
* [HIVE-19730] - fix TestTablesGetExists's flakiness
* [HIVE-19744] - In Beeline if -u is specified the default connection should not be tried at all
* [HIVE-19749] - Acid V1 to V2 upgrade
* [HIVE-19753] - Strict managed tables mode in Hive
* [HIVE-19772] - Streaming ingest V2 API can generate invalid orc file if interrupted
* [HIVE-19777] - NPE in TezSessionState
* [HIVE-19789] - reenable orc_llap test
* [HIVE-19792] - Upgrade orc to 1.5.2 and enable decimal_64 schema evolution tests
* [HIVE-19793] - disable LLAP IO batch-to-row wrapper for ACID deletes/updates
* [HIVE-19801] - JDBC: Add some missing classes to jdbc standalone jar and remove hbase classes
* [HIVE-19806] - Several tests do not properly sort their output
* [HIVE-19810] - StorageHandler fail to ship jars in Tez intermittently
* [HIVE-19813] - SessionState.start don't have to be synchronized
* [HIVE-19814] - RPC Server port is always random for spark
* [HIVE-19817] - Hive streaming API + dynamic partitioning + json/regex writer does not work
* [HIVE-19826] - OrcRawRecordMerger doesn't work for more than one file in non vectorized case
* [HIVE-19833] - reduce LLAP IO min allocation to match ORC variable CB size
* [HIVE-19837] - Setting to have different default location for external tables
* [HIVE-19838] - simplify & fix ColumnizedDeleteEventRegistry load loop
* [HIVE-19850] - Dynamic partition pruning in Tez is leading to 'No work found for tablescan' error
* [HIVE-19853] - Arrow serializer needs to create a TimeStampMicroTZVector instead of TimeStampMicroVector
* [HIVE-19859] - Inspect lock components for DBHiveLock while verifying whether transaction list is valid
* [HIVE-19860] - HiveServer2 ObjectInspectorFactory memory leak with cachedUnionStructObjectInspector
* [HIVE-19861] - Fix temp table path generation for acid table export
* [HIVE-19862] - Postgres init script has a glitch around UNIQUE_DATABASE
* [HIVE-19864] - Address TestTriggersWorkloadManager flakiness
* [HIVE-19866] - improve LLAP cache purge
* [HIVE-19870] - HCatalog dynamic partition query can fail, if the table path is managed by Sentry
* [HIVE-19872] - hive-schema-3.1.0.hive.sql is missing on master and branch-3
* [HIVE-19873] - Cleanup operation log on query cancellation after some delay
* [HIVE-19875] - increase LLAP IO queue size for perf
* [HIVE-19876] - Multiple fixes for Driver.isValidTxnListState
* [HIVE-19877] - Remove setting hive.execution.engine as mr in HiveStreamingConnection
* [HIVE-19886] - Logs may be directed to 2 files if --hiveconf hive.log.file is used
* [HIVE-19888] - Misleading "METASTORE_FILTER_HOOK will be ignored" warning from SessionState
* [HIVE-19891] - inserting into external tables with custom partition directories may cause data loss
* [HIVE-19898] - Disable TransactionalValidationListener when the table is not in the Hive catalog
* [HIVE-19903] - Disable temporary insert-only transactional table
* [HIVE-19904] - Load data rewrite into Tez job fails for ACID
* [HIVE-19912] - Schema evolution checks prints a log line in INFO mode for each vectorized rowbatch, impacts performance
* [HIVE-19920] - Schematool fails in embedded mode when auth is on
* [HIVE-19922] - TestMiniDruidKafkaCliDriver[druidkafkamini_basic] is flaky
* [HIVE-19935] - Hive WM session killed: Failed to update LLAP tasks count
* [HIVE-19938] - Upgrade scripts for information schema
* [HIVE-19946] - VectorizedRowBatchCtx.recordIdColumnVector cannot be shared between different JVMs
* [HIVE-19948] - HiveCli is not splitting the command by semicolon properly if quotes are inside the string
* [HIVE-19951] - Vectorization: Need to disable encoded LLAP I/O for ORC when there is data type conversion (Schema Evolution)
* [HIVE-19956] - Include yarn registry classes to jdbc standalone jar
* [HIVE-19964] - Apply resource plan fails if trigger expression has quotes
* [HIVE-19968] - UDF exception is not throw out
* [HIVE-19969] - Dependency order (dirlist) assessment fails in yetus run
* [HIVE-19972] - Followup to HIVE-19928 : Fix the check for managed table
* [HIVE-19973] - Enable materialized view rewriting by default
* [HIVE-19974] - Show tables statement includes views and materialized views
* [HIVE-19980] - GenericUDTFGetSplits fails when order by query returns 0 rows
* [HIVE-19989] - Metastore uses wrong application name for HADOOP2 metrics
* [HIVE-19990] - Query with interval literal in join condition fails
* [HIVE-19992] - Vectorization: Follow-on to HIVE-19951 --> add call to SchemaEvolution.isOnlyImplicitConversion to disable encoded LLAP I/O for ORC only when data type conversion is not implicit
* [HIVE-19993] - Using a table alias which also appears as a column name is not possible
* [HIVE-19994] - Impala "drop table" fails with Hive Metastore exception
* [HIVE-19997] - Batches for TestMiniDruidCliDriver
* [HIVE-20002] - Shipping jdbd-storage-handler dependency jars in LLAP
* [HIVE-20004] - Wrong scale used by ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal results in incorrect results
* [HIVE-20008] - Fix second compilation errors in ql
* [HIVE-20010] - Fix create view over literals
* [HIVE-20011] - Move away from append mode in proto logging hook
* [HIVE-20013] - Add an Implicit cast to date type for to_date function
* [HIVE-20025] - Clean-up of event files created by HiveProtoLoggingHook.
* [HIVE-20028] - Metastore client cache config is used incorrectly
* [HIVE-20034] - Roll back MetaStore exception handling changes for backward compatibility
* [HIVE-20035] - write booleans as long when serializing to druid
* [HIVE-20038] - Update queries on non-bucketed + partitioned tables throws NPE
* [HIVE-20039] - Bucket pruning: Left Outer Join on bucketed table gives wrong result
* [HIVE-20043] - HiveServer2: SessionState has a static sync block around an AtomicBoolean
* [HIVE-20044] - Arrow Serde should pad char values and handle empty strings correctly
* [HIVE-20051] - Skip authorization for temp tables
* [HIVE-20052] - Arrow serde should fill ArrowColumnVector(Decimal) with the given schema precision/scale
* [HIVE-20059] - Hive streaming should try shade prefix unconditionally on exception
* [HIVE-20062] - TestReplicationScenarios doesn't clean injection properly, causing bizarre interdependent failures
* [HIVE-20065] - metastore should not rely on jackson 1.x
* [HIVE-20066] - is compared to full principal
* [HIVE-20067] - fix InsertEvent on mm tables to not cause failing capability checks
* [HIVE-20069] - Fix reoptimization in case of DPP and Semijoin optimization
* [HIVE-20071] - Migrate to jackson 2.x and prevent usage
* [HIVE-20073] - Additional tests for to_utc_timestamp function based on HIVE-20068
* [HIVE-20074] - Disable TestTriggersWorkloadManager as it is unstable again
* [HIVE-20077] - hcat command should follow same pattern as hive cli for getting HBase jars
* [HIVE-20082] - HiveDecimal to string conversion doesn't format the decimal correctly - master
* [HIVE-20085] - Druid-Hive (managed) table creation fails with strict managed table checks: Table is marked as a managed table but is not transactional
* [HIVE-20088] - Beeline config location path is assembled incorrectly
* [HIVE-20091] - Tez: Add security credentials for FileSinkOperator output
* [HIVE-20093] - LlapOutputFomatService: Use ArrowBuf with Netty for Accounting
* [HIVE-20094] - Update Druid to 0.12.1 version
* [HIVE-20095] - Fix feature to push computation to jdbc external tables
* [HIVE-20098] - Statistics: NPE when getting Date column partition statistics
* [HIVE-20103] - WM: Only Aggregate DAG counters if at least one is used
* [HIVE-20105] - Druid-Hive: tpcds query on timestamp throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot create timestamp, parsing error
* [HIVE-20111] - HBase-Hive (managed) table creation fails with strict managed table checks: Table is marked as a managed table but is not transactional
* [HIVE-20112] - Accumulo-Hive (managed) table creation fails with strict managed table checks: Table is marked as a managed table but is not transactional
* [HIVE-20113] - Shuffle avoidance: Disable 1-1 edges for sorted shuffle
* [HIVE-20116] - TezTask is using parent logger
* [HIVE-20121] - investigate issues with TestReplicationScenariosAcidTables
* [HIVE-20126] - OrcInputFormat does not pass conf to orc reader options
* [HIVE-20127] - fix some issues with LLAP Parquet cache
* [HIVE-20129] - Revert to position based schema evolution for orc tables
* [HIVE-20147] - Hive streaming ingest is contented on synchronized logging
* [HIVE-20149] - TestHiveCli failing/timing out
* [HIVE-20152] - reset db state, when repl dump fails, so rename table can be done
* [HIVE-20153] - Count and Sum UDF consume more memory in Hive 2+
* [HIVE-20165] - Enable ZLIB for streaming ingest
* [HIVE-20168] - ReduceSinkOperator Logging Hidden
* [HIVE-20172] - StatsUpdater failed with GSS Exception while trying to connect to remote metastore
* [HIVE-20174] - Vectorization: Fix NULL / Wrong Results issues in GROUP BY Aggregation Functions
* [HIVE-20179] - Some Tez jar-s are not on classpath so HS2 keeps too long to start
* [HIVE-20183] - Inserting from bucketed table can cause data loss, if the source table contains empty buckets
* [HIVE-20191] - PreCommit patch application doesn't fail if patch is empty
* [HIVE-20192] - HS2 with embedded metastore is leaking JDOPersistenceManager objects.
* [HIVE-20193] - cboInfo is not present in the explain plan json
* [HIVE-20197] - Vectorization: Add DECIMAL_64 testing, add Date/Interval/Timestamp arithmetic, and add more GROUP BY Aggregation tests
* [HIVE-20203] - Arrow SerDe leaks a DirectByteBuffer
* [HIVE-20204] - Type conversion during IN () comparisons is using different rules from other comparison operations
* [HIVE-20207] - Vectorization: Fix NULL / Wrong Results issues in Filter / Compare
* [HIVE-20209] - Metastore connection fails for first attempt in repl dump.
* [HIVE-20210] - Simple Fetch optimizer should lead to MapReduce when filter on non-partition column and conversion is minimal
* [HIVE-20212] - Hiveserver2 in http mode emitting metric default.General.open_connections incorrectly
* [HIVE-20221] - Increase column width for partition_params
* [HIVE-20226] - HMS getNextNotification will throw exception when request maxEvents exceed table's max_rows
* [HIVE-20228] - configure repl configuration directories based on user running hiveserver2
* [HIVE-20244] - forward port HIVE-19704 to master
* [HIVE-20245] - Vectorization: Fix NULL / Wrong Results issues in BETWEEN / IN
* [HIVE-20247] - cleanup issues in LLAP IO after cache OOM
* [HIVE-20248] - clean up some TODOs after txn stats merge
* [HIVE-20256] - Remove unused classes from Hive QL
* [HIVE-20258] - Should Syncronize getInstance in ReplChangeManager
* [HIVE-20263] - Typo in HiveReduceExpressionsWithStatsRule variable
* [HIVE-20274] - HiveServer2 ObjectInspectorFactory leaks for Struct and List object inspectors
* [HIVE-20277] - Vectorization: Case expressions that return BOOLEAN are not supported for FILTER
* [HIVE-20281] - SharedWorkOptimizer fails with 'operator cache contents and actual plan differ'
* [HIVE-20290] - Lazy initialize ArrowColumnarBatchSerDe so it doesn't allocate buffers during GetSplits
* [HIVE-20294] - Vectorization: Fix NULL / Wrong Results issues in COALESCE / ELT
* [HIVE-20298] - Illegal null value in column `TBLS`.`WRITE_ID`
* [HIVE-20299] - potential race in LLAP signer unit test
* [HIVE-20302] - LLAP: non-vectorized execution in IO ignores virtual columns, including ROW__ID
* [HIVE-20303] - INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE db.table PARTITION (...) IF NOT EXISTS throws InvalidTableException
* [HIVE-20311] - add txn stats checks to some more paths
* [HIVE-20315] - Vectorization: Fix more NULL / Wrong Results issues and avoid unnecessary casts/conversions
* [HIVE-20316] - Skip external table file listing for create table event.
* [HIVE-20321] - Vectorization: Cut down memory size of 1 col VectorHashKeyWrapper to <1 CacheLine
* [HIVE-20325] - FlakyTest: TestMiniDruidCliDriver
* [HIVE-20330] - HCatLoader cannot handle multiple InputJobInfo objects for a job with multiple inputs
* [HIVE-20331] - Query with union all, lateral view and Join fails with "cannot find parent in the child operator"
* [HIVE-20336] - Masking and filtering policies for materialized views
* [HIVE-20338] - LLAP: Force synthetic file-id for filesystems which have HDFS protocol impls with POSIX mutation semantics
* [HIVE-20339] - Vectorization: Lift unneeded restriction causing some PTF with RANK not to be vectorized
* [HIVE-20340] - Druid Needs Explicit CASTs from Timestamp to STRING when the output of timestamp function is used as String
* [HIVE-20343] - Hive 3: CTAS does not respect transactional_properties
* [HIVE-20345] - Drop database may hang if the tables get deleted from a different call
* [HIVE-20347] - hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition should work with partitioned CTAS and MV
* [HIVE-20349] - Implement Retry Logic in HiveDruidSplit for Scan Queries
* [HIVE-20352] - Vectorization: Support grouping function
* [HIVE-20353] - Follow redirects when hive connects to a passive druid overlord/coordinator
* [HIVE-20355] - Clean up parameter of HiveConnection.setSchema
* [HIVE-20361] - ReplDumpTaskTest is failing.
* [HIVE-20366] - TPC-DS query78 stats estimates are off for is null filter
* [HIVE-20367] - Vectorization: Support streaming for PTF AVG, MAX, MIN, SUM
* [HIVE-20368] - Remove VectorTopNKeyOperator lock
* [HIVE-20372] - WRTIE_SET typo in TxnHandler
* [HIVE-20378] - don't update stats during alter for txn table conversion
* [HIVE-20379] - Rewriting with partitioned materialized views may reference wrong column
* [HIVE-20383] - Invalid queue name and synchronisation issues in hive proto events hook.
* [HIVE-20384] - Fix flakiness of erasure_commands.q
* [HIVE-20385] - Date: date + int fails to add days
* [HIVE-20391] - HiveAggregateReduceFunctionsRule may infer wrong return type when decomposing aggregate function
* [HIVE-20394] - Optimized and cleaned up HBaseQTest runner
* [HIVE-20397] - HiveStrictManagedMigration updates
* [HIVE-20399] - CTAS w/a custom table location that is not fully qualified fails for MM tables
* [HIVE-20400] - create table should always use a fully qualified path to avoid potential FS ambiguity
* [HIVE-20406] - Nested Coalesce giving incorrect results
* [HIVE-20407] - add txn table alter support to HiveStrictManagedMigration
* [HIVE-20409] - Hive ACID: Update/delete/merge does not clean hdfs staging directory
* [HIVE-20410] - aborted Insert Overwrite on transactional table causes "Not enough history available for..." error
* [HIVE-20411] - Hive.loadPartition doesn't support catalogs
* [HIVE-20412] - NPE in HiveMetaHook
* [HIVE-20413] - "cannot insert NULL" for TXN_WRITE_NOTIFICATION_LOG in Oracle
* [HIVE-20418] - LLAP IO may not handle ORC files that have row index disabled correctly for queries with no columns selected
* [HIVE-20419] - Vectorization: Prevent mutation of VectorPartitionDesc after being used in a hashmap key
* [HIVE-20421] - Illegal character entity '\b' in hive-default.xml.template
* [HIVE-20422] - TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver[udf_coalesce.q] is broken
* [HIVE-20423] - Set NULLS LAST as the default null ordering
* [HIVE-20424] - schematool shall not pollute beeline history
* [HIVE-20431] - txn stats write ID check triggers on set location
* [HIVE-20433] - Implicit String to Timestamp conversion is slow
* [HIVE-20441] - NPE in GenericUDF when hive.allow.udf.load.on.demand is set to true
* [HIVE-20443] - txn stats cleanup in compaction txn handler is unneeded
* [HIVE-20444] - Parameter is not properly quoted in DbNotificationListener.addWriteNotificationLog
* [HIVE-20451] - Metastore client and server tarball issues
* [HIVE-20455] - Log spew from
* [HIVE-20462] - "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS" fails if view already exists
* [HIVE-20467] - Allow IF NOT EXISTS/IF EXISTS in Resource plan creation/drop
* [HIVE-20471] - issues getting the default database path
* [HIVE-20472] - mvn test failing for metastore-tool module
* [HIVE-20476] - CopyUtils used by REPL LOAD and EXPORT/IMPORT operations ignore distcp error.
* [HIVE-20489] - Explain plan of query hangs
* [HIVE-20494] - GenericUDFRestrictInformationSchema is broken after HIVE-19440
* [HIVE-20496] - Vectorization: Vectorized PTF IllegalStateException
* [HIVE-20499] - GetTablesOperation pull all the tables meta irrespective of auth.
* [HIVE-20502] - Fix NPE while running skewjoin_mapjoin10.q when column stats is used.
* [HIVE-20503] - Use datastructure aware estimations during mapjoin selection
* [HIVE-20505] - upgrade org.openjdk.jmh:jmh-core to 1.21
* [HIVE-20508] - Hive does not support user names of type "user@realm"
* [HIVE-20509] - Plan: fix wasted memory in plans with large partition counts
* [HIVE-20510] - Vectorization : Support loading bucketed tables using sorted dynamic partition optimizer
* [HIVE-20511] - REPL DUMP is leaking metastore connections
* [HIVE-20513] - Vectorization: Improve Fast Vector MapJoin Bytes Hash Tables
* [HIVE-20514] - Query with outer join filter is failing with dynamic partition join
* [HIVE-20515] - Empty query results when using results cache and query temp dir, results cache dir in different filesystems
* [HIVE-20522] - HiveFilterSetOpTransposeRule may throw assertion error due to nullability of fields
* [HIVE-20524] - Schema Evolution checking is broken in going from Hive version 2 to version 3 for ALTER TABLE VARCHAR to DECIMAL
* [HIVE-20526] - Add test case for HIVE-20489
* [HIVE-20527] - Intern table descriptors from spark task
* [HIVE-20537] - Multi-column joins estimates with uncorrelated columns different in CBO and Hive
* [HIVE-20540] - Vectorization : Support loading bucketed tables using sorted dynamic partition optimizer - II
* [HIVE-20541] - REPL DUMP on external table with add partition event throws NoSuchElementException.
* [HIVE-20542] - Incremental REPL DUMP progress information log message is incorrect.
* [HIVE-20544] - TOpenSessionReq logs password and username
* [HIVE-20549] - Allow user set query tag, and kill query with tag
* [HIVE-20550] - Switch WebHCat to use beeline to submit Hive queries
* [HIVE-20555] - HiveServer2: Preauthenticated subject for http transport is not retained for entire duration of http communication in some cases
* [HIVE-20561] - Use the position of the Kafka Consumer to track progress instead of Consumer Records offsets
* [HIVE-20563] - Vectorization: CASE WHEN expression fails when THEN/ELSE type and result type are different
* [HIVE-20570] - Union ALL with hive.optimize.union.remove=true has incorrect plan
* [HIVE-20582] - Make hflush in hive proto logging configurable
* [HIVE-20583] - Use canonical hostname only for kerberos auth in HiveConnection
* [HIVE-20593] - Load Data for partitioned ACID tables fails with bucketId out of range: -1
* [HIVE-20595] - Add findbugs-exclude.xml to metastore-server
* [HIVE-20598] - Fix typos in HiveAlgorithmsUtil calculations
* [HIVE-20599] - CAST(INTERVAL_DAY_TIME AS STRING) is throwing SemanticException
* [HIVE-20601] - EnvironmentContext null in ALTER_PARTITION event in DbNotificationListener
* [HIVE-20603] - "Wrong FS" error when inserting to partition after changing table location filesystem
* [HIVE-20607] - TxnHandler should use PreparedStatement to execute direct SQL queries.
* [HIVE-20610] - TestDbNotificationListener should not use /tmp directory
* [HIVE-20612] - Create new join multi-key correlation flag for CBO
* [HIVE-20617] - Fix type of constants in IN expressions to have correct type
* [HIVE-20620] - manifest collisions when inserting into bucketed sorted MM tables with dynamic partitioning
* [HIVE-20621] - GetOperationStatus called in causing incremental slowness
* [HIVE-20625] - Regex patterns not working in SHOW MATERIALIZED VIEWS '<pattern>'
* [HIVE-20627] - Concurrent async queries intermittently fails with LockException and cause memory leak.
* [HIVE-20629] - Hive incremental replication fails with events missing error if database is kept idle for more than an hour
* [HIVE-20631] - Hive returns 20011 error code for re-triable error
* [HIVE-20632] - Query with get_splits UDF fails if materialized view is created on queried table.
* [HIVE-20636] - Improve number of null values estimation after outer join
* [HIVE-20638] - Upgrade version of Jetty to 9.3.25.v20180904
* [HIVE-20647] - HadoopVer was ignored in QTestUtil
* [HIVE-20648] - LLAP: Vector group by operator should use memory per executor
* [HIVE-20649] - LLAP aware memory manager for Orc writers
* [HIVE-20652] - JdbcStorageHandler push join of two different datasource to jdbc driver
* [HIVE-20653] - Schema change in HIVE-19166 should also go to hive-schema-4.0.0.hive.sql
* [HIVE-20656] - Sensible defaults: Map aggregation memory configs are too aggressive
* [HIVE-20657] - pre-allocate LLAP cache at init time
* [HIVE-20659] - Update commons-compress to 1.18 due to security issues
* [HIVE-20662] - Disable TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver.testCliDriver[load_dyn_part3]
* [HIVE-20669] - JdbcStorageHandler push union of two different datasource to jdbc driver
* [HIVE-20671] - Hive Streaming has a broken dependency on metastore-server
* [HIVE-20672] - Logging thread in LlapTaskSchedulerService should report every fixed interval
* [HIVE-20674] - TestJdbcWithMiniLlapArrow.testKillQuery fail frequently
* [HIVE-20676] - HiveServer2: PrivilegeSynchronizer is not set to daemon status
* [HIVE-20677] - JDBC storage handler ordering problem - single split flag
* [HIVE-20678] - HiveHBaseTableOutputFormat should implement HiveOutputFormat to ensure compatibility
* [HIVE-20679] - DDL operations on hive might create large messages for DBNotification
* [HIVE-20680] - Bootstrap is missing partitions in replicated DB when retry after kill query.
* [HIVE-20682] - Async query execution can potentially fail if shared sessionHive is closed by master thread.
* [HIVE-20684] - Analyze table compute stats fails for tables containing timestamp with local time zone column
* [HIVE-20695] - HoS Query fails with hive.exec.parallel=true
* [HIVE-20696] - msck_*.q tests are broken
* [HIVE-20702] - Account for overhead from datastructure aware estimations during mapjoin selection
* [HIVE-20704] - Extend HivePreFilteringRule to support other functions
* [HIVE-20705] - Vectorization: Native Vector MapJoin doesn't support Complex Big Table values
* [HIVE-20706] - external_jdbc_table2.q failing intermittently
* [HIVE-20709] - ASF License issue in HiveJDBCImplementor
* [HIVE-20710] - Constant folding may not create null constants without types
* [HIVE-20711] - Race Condition when Multi-Threading in SessionState.createRootHDFSDir
* [HIVE-20714] - SHOW tblproperties for a single property returns the value in the name column
* [HIVE-20716] - Set default value for hive.cbo.stats.correlated.multi.key.joins to true
* [HIVE-20718] - Add perf cli driver with constraints
* [HIVE-20719] - SELECT statement fails after UPDATE with hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition optimization and vectorization on
* [HIVE-20727] - Disable flaky test: stat_estimate_related_col.q
* [HIVE-20728] - Enable flaky test back: stat_estimate_related_col.q
* [HIVE-20729] - TestJdbcWithMiniLlapArrow.testKillQuery fail frequently
* [HIVE-20733] - GenericUDFOPEqualNS may not use = in plan descriptions
* [HIVE-20734] - Beeline: When beeline-site.xml is and hive CLI redirects to beeline, it should use the system username/dummy password instead of prompting for one
* [HIVE-20737] - Local SparkContext is shared between user sessions and should be closed only when there is no active
* [HIVE-20741] - Disable udaf_context_ngrams.q and udaf_corr.q tests
* [HIVE-20742] - SparkSessionManagerImpl maintenance thread only cleans up session once
* [HIVE-20744] - Use SQL constraints to improve join reordering algorithm
* [HIVE-20746] - HiveProtoHookLogger does not close file at end of day.
* [HIVE-20748] - Disable materialized view rewriting when plan pattern is not allowed
* [HIVE-20751] - Upgrade arrow version to 0.10.0
* [HIVE-20761] - Select for update on notification_sequence table has retry interval and retries count too small.
* [HIVE-20762] - NOTIFICATION_LOG cleanup interval is hardcoded as 60s and is too small.
* [HIVE-20765] - fetch partitions for txn stats validation in get_aggr_stats with one call
* [HIVE-20767] - Multiple project between join operators may affect join reordering using constraints
* [HIVE-20771] - LazyBinarySerDe fails on empty structs.
* [HIVE-20772] - record per-task CPU counters in LLAP
* [HIVE-20775] - Factor cost of each SJ reduction when costing a follow-up reduction
* [HIVE-20778] - Join reordering may not be triggered if all joins in plan are created by decorrelation logic
* [HIVE-20785] - Wrong key name in the JDBC DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys method
* [HIVE-20786] - Maven Build Failed with group id is too big
* [HIVE-20787] - MapJoinBytesTableContainer dummyRow case doesn't handle reuse
* [HIVE-20788] - Extended SJ reduction may backtrack columns incorrectly when creating filters
* [HIVE-20792] - Inserting timestamp with zones truncates the data
* [HIVE-20795] - Rename to follow the naming convention for the tests.
* [HIVE-20801] - ACID: Allow DbTxnManager to ignore non-ACID table read locking
* [HIVE-20805] - Hive does not copy source data when importing as non-hive user
* [HIVE-20806] - Add ASF license for files added in HIVE-20679
* [HIVE-20815] - shall not eat exception
* [HIVE-20817] - Reading Timestamp datatype via HiveServer2 gives errors
* [HIVE-20818] - Views created with a WHERE subquery will regard views referenced in the subquery as direct input
* [HIVE-20820] - MV partition on clause position
* [HIVE-20827] - Inconsistent results for empty arrays
* [HIVE-20829] - JdbcStorageHandler range split throws NPE
* [HIVE-20830] - JdbcStorageHandler range query assertion failure in some cases
* [HIVE-20833] - package.jdo needs to be updated to conform with HIVE-20221 changes
* [HIVE-20834] - Hive QueryResultCache entries keeping reference to SemanticAnalyzer from cached query
* [HIVE-20835] - Interaction between constraints and MV rewriting may create loop in Calcite planner
* [HIVE-20839] - "Cannot find field" error during dynamically partitioned hash join
* [HIVE-20841] - LLAP: Make dynamic ports configurable
* [HIVE-20842] - Fix logic introduced in HIVE-20660 to estimate statistics for group by
* [HIVE-20848] - After setting UpdateInputAccessTimeHook query fail with Table Not Found.
* [HIVE-20854] - Sensible Defaults: Hive's Zookeeper heartbeat interval is 20 minutes, change to 2
* [HIVE-20858] - Serializer is not correctly initialized with configuration in Utilities.createEmptyBuckets()
* [HIVE-20879] - Using null in a projection expression leads to CastException
* [HIVE-20881] - Constant propagation oversimplifies projections
* [HIVE-20888] - TxnHandler: sort() called on immutable lists
* [HIVE-20898] - For time related functions arguments may not be casted to a non nullable type
* [HIVE-20899] - Keytab URI for LLAP YARN Service is restrictive to support HDFS only
* [HIVE-20904] - Yetus fails to resolve module dependencies due to usage of exec plugin in metastore-server
* [HIVE-20905] - querying streaming table fails with out of memory exception
* [HIVE-20910] - Insert in bucketed table fails due to dynamic partition sort optimization
* [HIVE-20911] - External Table Replication for Hive
* [HIVE-20914] - MRScratchDir permission denied when "hive.server2.enable.doAs", "hive.exec.submitviachild" are set to "true" and impersonated/proxy user is used
* [HIVE-20915] - Make dynamic sort partition optimization available to HoS and MR
* [HIVE-20916] - Fix typo in JSONCreateDatabaseMessage and add test for alter database
* [HIVE-20924] - Property '' should be immutable at runtime
* [HIVE-20926] - Semi join reduction hint fails when bloom filter entries are high or when there are no stats
* [HIVE-20930] - VectorCoalesce in FILTER mode doesn't take effect
* [HIVE-20935] - Upload of llap package tarball fails in EC2 causing LLAP service start failure
* [HIVE-20937] - Postgres jdbc query fail with "LIMIT must not be negative"
* [HIVE-20940] - Bridge cases in which Calcite's type resolution is more stricter than Hive.
* [HIVE-20941] - Compactor produces a delete_delta_x_y even if there are no input delete events
* [HIVE-20944] - Not validate stats during query compilation
* [HIVE-20949] - Improve PKFK cardinality estimation in physical planning
* [HIVE-20951] - LLAP: Set Xms to 50% always
* [HIVE-20953] - Remove a function from function registry when it can not be added to the metastore when creating it.
* [HIVE-20969] - HoS sessionId generation can cause race conditions when uploading files to HDFS
* [HIVE-20971] - TestJdbcWithDBTokenStore[*] should both use MiniHiveKdc.getMiniHS2WithKerbWithRemoteHMSWithKerb
* [HIVE-20975] - Fix PreUpgradeTool Orc namespace
* [HIVE-20976] - JDBC queries containing joins gives wrong results
* [HIVE-20978] - "hive.jdbc.*" should add to sqlStdAuthSafeVarNameRegexes
* [HIVE-20979] - Fix memory leak in hive streaming
* [HIVE-20981] - streaming/AbstractRecordWriter leaks HeapMemoryMonitor
* [HIVE-20985] - If select operator inputs are temporary columns vectorization may reuse some of them as output
* [HIVE-20988] - Wrong results for group by queries with primary key on multiple columns
* [HIVE-20989] - JDBC - The GetOperationStatus + log can block query progress via sleep()
* [HIVE-21005] - LLAP: Reading more stripes per-split leaks ZlibCodecs
* [HIVE-21007] - Semi join + Union can lead to wrong plans
* [HIVE-21009] - LDAP - Specify binddn for ldap-search
* [HIVE-21013] - JdbcStorageHandler fail to find partition column in Oracle
* [HIVE-21015] - HCatLoader can't provide statistics for tables not in default DB
* [HIVE-21018] - Grouping/distinct on more than 64 columns should be possible
* [HIVE-21022] - Fix remote metastore tests which use ZooKeeper
* [HIVE-21028] - get_table_meta should use a fetch plan to avoid race conditions ending up in NucleusObjectNotFoundException
* [HIVE-21029] - External table replication for existing deployments running incremental replication.
* [HIVE-21033] - Forgetting to close operation cuts off any more HiveServer2 output
* [HIVE-21035] - Race condition in SparkUtilities#getSparkSession
* [HIVE-21036] - extend OpenTxnRequest with transaction type
* [HIVE-21038] - Fix checkstyle for standalone-metastore
* [HIVE-21039] - CURRENT_TIMESTAMP returns value in UTC time zone
* [HIVE-21041] - NPE, ParseException in getting schema from logical plan
* [HIVE-21048] - Remove needless org.mortbay.jetty from hadoop exclusions
* [HIVE-21061] - CTAS query fails with IllegalStateException for empty source
* [HIVE-21074] - Hive bucketed table query pruning does not work for IS NOT NULL condition
* [HIVE-21075] - Metastore: Drop partition performance downgrade with Postgres DB
* [HIVE-21082] - In HPL/SQL, declare statement does not support variable of type character
* [HIVE-21085] - Materialized views registry starts non-external tez session
* [HIVE-21103] - PartitionManagementTask should not modify DN configs to avoid closing persistence manager
* [HIVE-21104] - PTF with nested structure throws ClassCastException
* [HIVE-21107] - Cannot find field" error during dynamically partitioned hash join
* [HIVE-21111] - ConditionalTask cannot be cast to MapRedTask
* [HIVE-21113] - For HPL/SQL that contains boolean expression with NOT, incorrect SQL may be generated.
* [HIVE-21114] - Create read-only transactions
* [HIVE-21116] - HADOOP_CREDSTORE_PASSWORD is not populated under
* [HIVE-21124] - HPL/SQL does not support the CREATE TABLE LIKE statement
* [HIVE-21132] - Semi join edge is not being removed despite max bloomfilter entries set to 1
* [HIVE-21142] - Druidhandler may miss results when time constrainted by and/ors
* [HIVE-21156] - SharedWorkOptimizer may preserve filter in TS incorrectly
* [HIVE-21164] - ACID: explore how we can avoid a move step during inserts/compaction
* [HIVE-21167] - Bucketing: Bucketing version 1 is incorrectly partitioning data
* [HIVE-21173] - Upgrade Apache Thrift to 0.9.3-1
* [HIVE-21177] - Optimize AcidUtils.getLogicalLength()
* [HIVE-21186] - External tables replication throws NPE if hive.repl.replica.external.table.base.dir is not fully qualified HDFS path.
* [HIVE-21188] - SemanticException for query on view with masked table
* [HIVE-21196] - Support semijoin reduction on multiple column join
* [HIVE-21206] - Bootstrap replication is slow as it opens lot of metastore connections.
* [HIVE-21212] - LLAP: shuffle port config uses internal configuration
* [HIVE-21222] - ACID: When there are no delete deltas skip finding min max keys
* [HIVE-21223] - CachedStore returns null partition when partition does not exist
* [HIVE-21227] - HIVE-20776 causes view access regression
* [HIVE-21232] - LLAP: Add a cache-miss friendly split affinity provider
* [HIVE-21233] - ACID: Make validate_acid_sort_order() Stateful UDF
* [HIVE-21235] - LLAP: make the name of log4j2 properties file configurable
* [HIVE-21236] - SharedWorkOptimizer should check table properties
* [HIVE-21238] - Fix Surrogate Key issue
* [HIVE-21239] - Beeline help LDAP connection example incorrect
* [HIVE-21254] - Pre-upgrade tool should handle exceptions and skip db/tables
* [HIVE-21260] - Hive replication to a target with hive.strict.managed.tables enabled is failing when used HMS on postgres.
* [HIVE-21261] - Incremental REPL LOAD adds redundant COPY and MOVE tasks for external table events.
* [HIVE-21262] - Running schemeAuthority.q and schemeAuthority2.q in parallel can cause flakyness
* [HIVE-21269] - Mandate -update and -delete as DistCp options to sync data files for external tables replication.
* [HIVE-21278] - Fix ambiguity in grammar warnings at compilation time
* [HIVE-21280] - Null pointer exception on running compaction against a MM table.
* [HIVE-21281] - Repl checkpointing doesn't work when retry bootstrap load with partitions of external tables.
* [HIVE-21284] - StatsWork should use footer scan for Parquet
* [HIVE-21286] - Hive should support clean-up of previously bootstrapped tables when retry from different dump.
* [HIVE-21288] - Runtime rowcount calculation is incorrect in vectorized executions
* [HIVE-21293] - Fix ambiguity in grammar warnings at compilation time (II)
* [HIVE-21294] - Vectorization: 1-reducer Shuffle can skip the object hash functions
* [HIVE-21295] - StorageHandler shall convert date to string using Hive convention
* [HIVE-21296] - Dropping varchar partition throw exception
* [HIVE-21301] - Show tables statement to include views and materialized views
* [HIVE-21304] - Make bucketing version usage more robust
* [HIVE-21306] - Upgrade HttpComponents to the latest versions similar to what Hadoop has done.
* [HIVE-21307] - Need to set GzipJSONMessageEncoder as default config for EVENT_MESSAGE_FACTORY.
* [HIVE-21308] - Negative forms of variables are not supported in HPL/SQL
* [HIVE-21320] - get_fields() and get_tables_by_type() are not protected by HMS server access control
* [HIVE-21325] - Hive external table replication failed with Permission denied issue.
* [HIVE-21327] - Predicate is not pushed to Parquet if hive.parquet.timestamp.skip.conversion=true
* [HIVE-21339] - LLAP: Cache hit also initializes an FS object
* [HIVE-21340] - CBO: Prune non-key columns feeding into a SemiJoin
* [HIVE-21342] - Analyze compute stats for column leave behind staging dir on hdfs
* [HIVE-21343] - CBO: CalcitePlanner debug logging is expensive and costly
* [HIVE-21344] - CBO: Reduce compilation time in presence of materialized views
* [HIVE-21368] - Vectorization: Unnecessary Decimal64 -> HiveDecimal conversion
* [HIVE-21376] - Incompatible change in Hive bucket computation
* [HIVE-21387] - Wrong result for UNION query with GROUP BY consisting of PK columns
* [HIVE-21389] - Hive distribution miss after HIVE-21247
* [HIVE-21390] - BI split strategy does not work for blob stores
* [HIVE-21397] - BloomFilter for hive Managed [ACID] table does not work as expected
* [HIVE-21398] - Columns which has estimated statistics should not be considered as unique keys
* [HIVE-21400] - Vectorization: LazyBinarySerializeWrite allocates Field() within the loop
* [HIVE-21402] - Compaction state remains 'working' when major compaction fails
* [HIVE-21403] - Incorrect error code returned when retry bootstrap with different dump.
* [HIVE-21404] - MSSQL upgrade script alters the wrong column
* [HIVE-21406] - Add .factorypath files to .gitignore
* [HIVE-21407] - Parquet predicate pushdown is not working correctly for char column types
* [HIVE-21408] - Disable synthetic join predicates for non-equi joins for unintended cases
* [HIVE-21412] - PostExecOrcFileDump doesn't work with ACID tables
* [HIVE-21415] - Parallel build is failing, trying to download incorrect hadoop-hdfs-client version
* [HIVE-21421] - HiveStatement.getQueryId throws NPE when query is not running.
* [HIVE-21424] - Disable AggregateStatsCache by default
* [HIVE-21430] - INSERT into a dynamically partitioned table with hive.stats.autogather = false throws a MetaException
* [HIVE-21435] - LlapBaseInputFormat should get task number from TASK_ATTEMPT_ID conf if present, while building SubmitWorkRequestProto
* [HIVE-21440] - Fix test_teradatabinaryfile to not run into stackoverflows
* [HIVE-21446] - Hive Server going OOM during hive external table replications
* [HIVE-21460] - ACID: Load data followed by a select * query results in incorrect results
* [HIVE-21462] - Upgrading SQL server backed metastore when changing data type of a column with constraints
* [HIVE-21467] - Remove deprecated junit.framework.Assert imports
* [HIVE-21468] - Case sensitivity in identifier names for JDBC storage handler
* [HIVE-21471] - Replicating conversion of managed to external table leaks HDFS files at target.
* [HIVE-21478] - Metastore cache update shall capture exception
* [HIVE-21479] - NPE during metastore cache update
* [HIVE-21482] - Partition discovery table property is added to non-partitioned external tables
* [HIVE-21489] - EXPLAIN command throws ClassCastException in Hive
* [HIVE-21492] - VectorizedParquetRecordReader can't to read parquet file generated using thrift/custom tool
* [HIVE-21493] - BuddyAllocator - Metrics count for allocated arenas wrong if preallocation is done
* [HIVE-21496] - Automatic sizing of unordered buffer can overflow
* [HIVE-21497] - Direct SQL exception thrown by PartitionManagementTask
* [HIVE-21498] - Upgrade Thrift to 0.13.0
* [HIVE-21499] - should not remove the function from registry if create command failed with AlreadyExistsException
* [HIVE-21507] - Hive swallows NPE if no delegation token found
* [HIVE-21508] - ClassCastException when initializing HiveMetaStoreClient on JDK10 or newer
* [HIVE-21509] - LLAP may cache corrupted column vectors and return wrong query result
* [HIVE-21511] - beeline -f report no such file if file is not on local fs
* [HIVE-21516] - Fix spark downloading for q tests
* [HIVE-21517] - Fix AggregateStatsCache
* [HIVE-21518] - GenericUDFOPNotEqualNS does not run in LLAP
* [HIVE-21531] - Vectorization: all NULL hashcodes are not computed using Murmur3
* [HIVE-21538] - Beeline: password source though the console reader did not pass to connection param
* [HIVE-21539] - GroupBy + where clause on same column results in incorrect query rewrite
* [HIVE-21540] - Query with join condition having date literal throws SemanticException.
* [HIVE-21541] - Fix missing asf headers from HIVE-15406
* [HIVE-21544] - Constant propagation corrupts coalesce/case/when expressions during folding
* [HIVE-21550] - TestObjectStore tests are flaky - A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
* [HIVE-21553] - Upgrade derby version in standalone-metastore
* [HIVE-21557] - Query based compaction fails with NullPointerException: Non-local session path expected to be non-null
* [HIVE-21558] - Query based compaction fails if the temporary FS is different than the table FS
* [HIVE-21561] - Revert removal of TableType.INDEX_TABLE enum
* [HIVE-21564] - Load data into a bucketed table is ignoring partitions specs and loads data into default partition.
* [HIVE-21568] - HiveRelOptUtil.isRowFilteringPlan should skip Project
* [HIVE-21571] - SHOW COMPACTIONS shows column names as its first output row
* [HIVE-21573] - Binary transport shall ignore principal if auth is set to delegationToken
* [HIVE-21582] - Prefix msck configs with metastore
* [HIVE-21583] - KillTriggerActionHandler should use "hive" credential
* [HIVE-21586] - Thrift generated cpp files for metastore do not compile
* [HIVE-21587] - Explain formatted CBO should write row type in JSON
* [HIVE-21591] - Using triggers in non-LLAP mode should not require wm queue
* [HIVE-21597] - WM trigger validation should happen at the time of create or alter
* [HIVE-21600] - GenTezUtils.removeSemiJoinOperator may throw out of bounds exception for TS with multiple children
* [HIVE-21604] - preCommit job should not be triggered on non-patch attachments
* [HIVE-21613] - Queries with join condition having timestamp or timestamp with local time zone literal throw SemanticException
* [HIVE-21619] - Print timestamp type without precision in SQL explain extended
* [HIVE-21624] - LLAP: Cpu metrics at thread level is broken
* [HIVE-21625] - Fix TxnIdUtils.checkEquivalentWriteIds, also provides a comparison method
* [HIVE-21631] - Enhance metastore API to allow bulk-loading materialized views
* [HIVE-21641] - Llap external client returns decimal columns in different precision/scale as compared to beeline
* [HIVE-21646] - Tez: Prevent TezTasks from escaping thread logging context
* [HIVE-21647] - Disable TestReplAcidTablesWithJsonMessage and TestReplicationScenariosAcidTables
* [HIVE-21651] - Move protobuf serde into hive-exec.
* [HIVE-21654] - External table location is not preserved at target when base dir is set as /.
* [HIVE-21660] - Wrong result when union all and later view with explode is used
* [HIVE-21669] - HS2 throws NPE when HiveStatement.getQueryId is invoked and query is closed concurrently.
* [HIVE-21670] - Replacing mockito-all with mockito-core dependency
* [HIVE-21677] - Using strict managed tables for ACID table testing (Replication tests)
* [HIVE-21681] - Describe formatted shows incorrect information for multiple primary keys
* [HIVE-21685] - Wrong simplification in query with multiple IN clauses
* [HIVE-21686] - Brute Force eviction can lead to a random uncontrolled eviction pattern.
* [HIVE-21694] - Hive driver wait time is fixed for task getting executed in parallel.
* [HIVE-21698] - TezSessionState#ensureLocalResources() causes IndexOutOfBoundsException while localizing resources
* [HIVE-21700] - Hive incremental load going OOM while adding load task to the leaf nodes of the DAG.
* [HIVE-21706] - REPL Dump with concurrent drop of external table fails with InvalidTableException.
* [HIVE-21711] - Regression caused by HIVE-21279 for blobstorage fs
* [HIVE-21714] - Insert overwrite on an acid/mm table is ineffective if the input is empty
* [HIVE-21715] - Adding a new partition specified by location (which is empty) leads to Exceptions
* [HIVE-21717] - Rename is failing for directory in move task
* [HIVE-21722] - REPL:: logs are missing in hiveStatement.getQueryLog output during parallel execution mode.
* [HIVE-21729] - Arrow serializer sometimes shifts timestamp by one second
* [HIVE-21730] - HiveStatement.getQueryId throws TProtocolException when response is null.
* [HIVE-21742] - Vectorization: CASE result type casting
* [HIVE-21746] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during dynamically partitioned hash join, with CBO disabled
* [HIVE-21752] - Thread Safety and Memory Leaks in HCatRecordObjectInspectorFactory
* [HIVE-21753] - Update HiveMetastore authorization to enable use of HiveAuthorizer implementation
* [HIVE-21758] - DBInstall tests broken on master and branch-3.1
* [HIVE-21760] - Sharedwork optimization should be bypassed for SMB joins
* [HIVE-21768] - JDBC: Strip the default union prefix for un-enclosed UNION queries
* [HIVE-21776] - Replication fails to replicate a UDF with jar on HDFS during incremental
* [HIVE-21778] - CBO: "Struct is not null" gets evaluated as `nullable` always causing filter miss in the query
* [HIVE-21780] - SetHashGroupByMinReduction should check parent operator number of rows to compute reduction
* [HIVE-21784] - Insert overwrite on an acid (not mm) table is ineffective if the input is empty
* [HIVE-21786] - Update repo URLs in poms
* [HIVE-21791] - Fix Surrogate Key issue for insert with select with limit operations
* [HIVE-21793] - CBO retrieves column stats even if hive.stats.fetch.column.stats is set to false
* [HIVE-21794] - Add materialized view parameters to sqlStdAuthSafeVarNameRegexes
* [HIVE-21795] - Rollup summary row might be missing when a mapjoin is happening on a partitioned table
* [HIVE-21796] - ArrayWritableObjectInspector.equals can take O(2^nesting_depth) time
* [HIVE-21799] - NullPointerException in DynamicPartitionPruningOptimization, when join key is on aggregation column
* [HIVE-21805] - HiveServer2: Use the fast ShutdownHookManager APIs
* [HIVE-21811] - Load data into partitioned table throws NPE if DB is enabled for replication.
* [HIVE-21818] - CBO: Copying TableRelOptHiveTable has metastore traffic
* [HIVE-21825] - Improve client error msg when Active/Passive HA is enabled
* [HIVE-21827] - Multiple calls in SemanticAnalyzer do not go through getTableObjectByName method
* [HIVE-21828] - Tez: Use a pre-parsed TezConfiguration from DagUtils
* [HIVE-21829] - HiveMetaStore authorization issue with AlterTable and DropTable events
* [HIVE-21831] - Stats should be reset correctly during load of a partitioned ACID table
* [HIVE-21834] - Avoid unnecessary calls to simplify filter conditions
* [HIVE-21836] - Update apache directory server version to 1.5.7
* [HIVE-21837] - MapJoin is throwing exception when selected column is having completely null values
* [HIVE-21843] - UNION query with regular expressions for column name does not work
* [HIVE-21862] - ORC ppd produces wrong result with timestamp
* [HIVE-21864] - LlapBaseInputFormat#closeAll() throws ConcurrentModificationException
* [HIVE-21866] - LLAP status service driver may get stuck with wrong Yarn app ID
* [HIVE-21872] - Bucketed tables that load data from data/files/auto_sortmerge_join should be tagged as 'bucketing_version'='1'
* [HIVE-21879] - Disable flaky test TestReplicationScenariosAcidTablesBootstrap.testBootstrapAcidTablesDuringIncrementalWithConcurrentWrites.
* [HIVE-21887] - Multiple implementations of PersistenceManager are on the classpath
* [HIVE-21888] - Set hive.parquet.timestamp.skip.conversion default to true
* [HIVE-21890] - Fix alter_partition_change_col.q qtest inclusion in minillaplocal.query.files
* [HIVE-21892] - Trusted domain authentication should look at X-Forwarded-For header as well
* [HIVE-21902] - HiveServer2 UI: jetty response header needs X-Frame-Options
* [HIVE-21913] - GenericUDTFGetSplits should handle usernames in the same way as LLAP
* [HIVE-21915] - Hive with TEZ UNION ALL and UDTF results in data loss
* [HIVE-21917] - COMPLETED_TXN_COMPONENTS table is never cleaned up unless Compactor runs
* [HIVE-21923] - Vectorized MapJoin may miss results when only the join key is selected
* [HIVE-21925] - HiveConnection retries should support backoff
* [HIVE-21927] - HiveServer Web UI: Setting the HttpOnly option in the cookies
* [HIVE-21928] - Fix for statistics annotation in nested AND expressions
* [HIVE-21932] - IndexOutOfRangeException in FileChksumIterator
* [HIVE-21935] - Hive Vectorization : degraded performance with vectorize UDF
* [HIVE-21938] - Add database and table filter options to PreUpgradeTool
* [HIVE-21939] - protoc:2.5.0 dependence has broken building on aarch64
* [HIVE-21940] - Metastore: Postgres text <-> clob mismatch for PARTITION_PARAMS/PARAM_VALUE
* [HIVE-21941] - Use checkstyle ruleset in Pre Upgrade Tool project
* [HIVE-21942] - Remove useless MetastoreType enum from AbstractCliConfig
* [HIVE-21949] - Revert HIVE-21232 LLAP: Add a cache-miss friendly split affinity provider
* [HIVE-21957] - Create temporary table like should omit transactional properties
* [HIVE-21963] - TransactionalValidationListener.validateTableStructure should check the partition directories in the case of partitioned tables
* [HIVE-21966] - Llap external client - Arrow Serializer throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in some cases
* [HIVE-21970] - Avoid using RegistryUtils.currentUser()
* [HIVE-21971] - HS2 leaks classloader due to `ReflectionUtils::CONSTRUCTOR_CACHE` with temporary functions + GenericUDF
* [HIVE-21975] - Fix incremental compilation
* [HIVE-21976] - Offset should be null instead of zero in Calcite HiveSortLimit
* [HIVE-21986] - HiveServer Web UI: Setting the Strict-Transport-Security in default response header
* [HIVE-21992] - REPL DUMP throws NPE when dumping Create Function event.
* [HIVE-21998] - HIVE-21823 commit message is wrong
* [HIVE-21999] - Add sensitive ABFS configuration properties to HiveConf hidden list
* [HIVE-22001] - AcidUtils.getAcidState() can fail if Cleaner is removing files at the same time
* [HIVE-22003] - Shared work optimizer may leave semijoin branches in plan that are not used
* [HIVE-22007] - Do not push unsupported types to specific JDBC sources from Calcite
* [HIVE-22008] - LIKE Operator should match multi-line input
* [HIVE-22033] - HiveServer2: fix delegation token renewal
* [HIVE-22034] - HiveStrictManagedMigration updates DB location even with --dryRun setting on
* [HIVE-22035] - HiveStrictManagedMigration settings do not always get set with --hiveconf arguments
* [HIVE-22042] - Set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict by default
* [HIVE-22045] - HIVE-21711 introduced regression in data load
* [HIVE-22053] - Function name is not normalized when creating function
* [HIVE-22054] - Avoid recursive listing to check if a directory is empty
* [HIVE-22059] - hive-exec jar doesn't contain (fasterxml) jackson library
* [HIVE-22072] - Altering table to make a column change does not update constraints references
* [HIVE-22075] - Fix the max-reducers=1 regression from HIVE-14200
* [HIVE-22076] - JDK11: Remove ParallelGC in
* [HIVE-22080] - Prevent implicit conversion from String/char/varchar to double/decimal
* [HIVE-22099] - Several date related UDFs can't handle Julian dates properly since HIVE-20007
* [HIVE-22107] - Correlated subquery producing wrong schema
* [HIVE-22109] - Hive.renamePartition expects catalog name to be set instead of using default
* [HIVE-22110] - Initialize ReplChangeManager before starting actual dump
* [HIVE-22114] - insert query for partitioned insert only table failing when all buckets are empty
* [HIVE-22116] - MaterializedView refresh check might return incorrect result when Compaction is run
* [HIVE-22120] - Fix wrong results/ArrayOutOfBound exception in left outer map joins on specific boundary conditions
* [HIVE-22121] - Turning on hive.tez.bucket.pruning produce wrong results
* [HIVE-22122] - TxnHandler.getValidWriteIdsForTable optimization for compacted tables
* [HIVE-22126] - hive-exec packaging should shade guava
* [HIVE-22129] - Hive 3.1 standalone JAR includes Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver
* [HIVE-22134] - Hive 3.1 driver includes org.glassfish.jersey.* which can interfer with an application
* [HIVE-22140] - Metrics: unify codahale metric frequency unit between metastore and hiveserver2
* [HIVE-22148] - S3A delegation tokens are not added in the job config of the Compactor.
* [HIVE-22149] - Metastore: Unify codahale metrics.log json structure between hiveserver2 and metastore services
* [HIVE-22161] - UDF: FunctionRegistry synchronizes on org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.UDFType class
* [HIVE-22162] - MVs are not using ACID tables by default
* [HIVE-22163] - CBO: Enabling CBO turns on stats estimation, even when the estimation is disabled
* [HIVE-22164] - Vectorized Limit operator returns wrong number of results with offset
* [HIVE-22165] - Synchronisation introduced by HIVE-14296 on SessionManager.closeSession causes high latency in a busy hive server
* [HIVE-22169] - Tez: SplitGenerator tries to look for plan files which won't exist for Tez
* [HIVE-22170] - from_unixtime and unix_timestamp should use user session time zone
* [HIVE-22175] - TestBudyAllocator#testMTT test is flaky
* [HIVE-22178] - Parquet FilterPredicate throws CastException after SchemaEvolution.
* [HIVE-22197] - Common Merge join throwing class cast exception
* [HIVE-22200] - Hash collision may cause column resolution to fail
* [HIVE-22201] - ConvertJoinMapJoin#checkShuffleSizeForLargeTable throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if no big table is selected
* [HIVE-22207] - Tez: SplitGenerator throws NumberFormatException when "dfs.block.size" on cluster is "128m"
* [HIVE-22208] - Column name with reserved keyword is unescaped when query including join on table with mask column is re-written
* [HIVE-22209] - Creating a materialized view with no tables should be handled more gracefully
* [HIVE-22210] - Vectorization may reuse computation output columns involved in filtering
* [HIVE-22213] - TxnHander cleanupRecords should only clean records belonging to default catalog
* [HIVE-22219] - Bringing a node manager down blocks restart of LLAP service
* [HIVE-22227] - Tez bucket pruning produces wrong result with shared work optimization
* [HIVE-22231] - Hive query with big size via knox fails with Broken pipe Write failed
* [HIVE-22232] - NPE when hive.order.columnalignment is set to false
* [HIVE-22236] - Fail to create View selecting View containing NOT IN subquery
* [HIVE-22238] - PK/FK selectivity estimation underscales estimations
* [HIVE-22240] - Function percentile_cont fails when array parameter passed
* [HIVE-22243] - Align Apache Thrift version to 0.9.3-1 in standalone-metastore as well
* [HIVE-22244] - Added default ACLs for znodes on a non-kerberized cluster
* [HIVE-22246] - Beeline reflector should handle map types
* [HIVE-22248] - Min value for column in stats is not set correctly for some data types
* [HIVE-22250] - Describe function does not provide description for rank functions
* [HIVE-22252] - Fix caught NullPointerExceptions generated during EXPLAIN
* [HIVE-22269] - Stats miss with "hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition" (SortedDynPartitionOptimizer) leads to wrong reducer count
* [HIVE-22273] - Access check is failed when a temporary directory is removed
* [HIVE-22275] - OperationManager.queryIdOperation does not properly clean up multiple queryIds
* [HIVE-22281] - Create table statement fails with "not supported NULLS LAST for ORDER BY in ASC order"
* [HIVE-22301] - Hive lineage is not generated for insert overwrite queries on partitioned tables
* [HIVE-22311] - Propagate min/max column values from statistics to the optimizer for timestamp type
* [HIVE-22315] - Support Decimal64 column division with decimal64 scalar
* [HIVE-22320] - Cluster and fs type settings can be replaced with a single minicluster setting in CliConfigs
* [HIVE-22321] - Setting default nulls last does not take effect when order direction is specified
* [HIVE-22323] - Fix Desc Table bugs
* [HIVE-22331] - unix_timestamp without argument returns timestamp in millisecond instead of second.
* [HIVE-22332] - Hive should ensure valid schema evolution settings since ORC-540
* [HIVE-22336] - Updates should be pushed to the Metastore backend DB before creating the notification event
* [HIVE-22340] - Prevent shaded imports
* [HIVE-22345] - HIVE-21327 commit message is wrong
* [HIVE-22346] - Yetus is failing rat check
* [HIVE-22351] - Fix incorrect threaded ObjectStore usage in TestObjectStore
* [HIVE-22354] - LLAP status driver may look for worker registration on 'unsecure' ZK nodes
* [HIVE-22356] - CacheTag's compareTo() produces wrong result for edge cases
* [HIVE-22359] - LLAP: when a node restarts with the exact same host/port in kubernetes it is not detected as a task failure
* [HIVE-22360] - MultiDelimitSerDe returns wrong results in last column when the loaded file has more columns than those in table schema
* [HIVE-22373] - File Merge tasks fail when containers are reused
* [HIVE-22374] - Upgrade commons-compress version to 1.19
* [HIVE-22375] - ObjectStore.lockNotificationSequenceForUpdate is leaking query in case of error
* [HIVE-22382] - Support Decimal64 column division with decimal64 Column
* [HIVE-22391] - NPE while checking Hive query results cache
* [HIVE-22393] - HiveStreamingConnection: Exception in beginTransaction causes AbstractRecordWriter to throw NPE, covering up real exception
* [HIVE-22394] - Duplicate Jars in druid classpath causing issues
* [HIVE-22400] - UDF minute with time returns NULL
* [HIVE-22405] - Add ColumnVector support for ProlepticCalendar
* [HIVE-22406] - TRUNCATE TABLE fails due MySQL limitations on limit value
* [HIVE-22407] - Hive metastore upgrade scripts have incorrect (or outdated) comment syntax
* [HIVE-22408] - The fix for CALCITE-2991 creates wrong results on edge case
* [HIVE-22411] - Performance degradation on single row inserts
* [HIVE-22412] - StatsUtils throw NPE when explain
* [HIVE-22416] - MR-related operation logs missing when parallel execution is enabled
* [HIVE-22420] - DbTxnManager.stopHeartbeat() should be thread-safe
* [HIVE-22429] - Migrated clustered tables using bucketing_version 1 on hive 3 uses bucketing_version 2 for inserts
* [HIVE-22431] - Hive JDBC Storage Handler: java.lang.ClassCastException on accessing TINYINT, SMALLINT Data Type From JDBC Data Source
* [HIVE-22433] - Hive JDBC Storage Handler: Incorrect results fetched from BOOLEAN and TIMESTAMP DataType From JDBC Data Source
* [HIVE-22435] - Exception when using VectorTopNKeyOperator operator
* [HIVE-22437] - LLAP Metadata cache NPE on locking metadata.
* [HIVE-22448] - CBO: Expand the multiple count distinct with a group-by key
* [HIVE-22451] - Secure LLAP configurations are still deemed unsecure in Tez AM processes
* [HIVE-22453] - Describe table unnecessarily fetches partitions
* [HIVE-22461] - NPE Metastore Transformer
* [HIVE-22463] - Support Decimal64 column multiplication with decimal64 Column/Scalar
* [HIVE-22473] - Avoid reading table as ACID when table name is starting with "delta", but table is not transactional
* [HIVE-22476] - Hive datediff function provided inconsistent results when hive.fetch.task.conversion is set to none
* [HIVE-22489] - Reduce Sink operator should order nulls by parameter
* [HIVE-22490] - Adding jars with special characters in their path throws error
* [HIVE-22499] - LLAP: Add an EncodedReaderOptions to extend ORC impl for options
* [HIVE-22502] - ConcurrentModificationException in TriggerValidatorRunnable stops trigger processing
* [HIVE-22505] - ClassCastException caused by wrong Vectorized operator selection
* [HIVE-22507] - KeyWrapper comparator create field comparator instances at every comparison
* [HIVE-22508] - KeyWrapperComparator throws exception
* [HIVE-22510] - Support decimal64 operations for column operands with different scales
* [HIVE-22511] - Fix case of Month token in datetime to string conversion
* [HIVE-22513] - Constant propagation of casted column in filter ops can cause incorrect results
* [HIVE-22514] - HiveProtoLoggingHook might consume lots of memory
* [HIVE-22515] - Support cast to decimal64 in Vectorization
* [HIVE-22518] - SQLStdHiveAuthorizerFactoryForTest doesn't work correctly for llap tests
* [HIVE-22519] - TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver#testCliDriver[sysdb_schq] fails intermittently
* [HIVE-22521] - Both Driver and SessionState has a userName
* [HIVE-22523] - The error handler in LlapRecordReader might block if its queue is full
* [HIVE-22527] - Hive on Tez : Job of merging small files will be submitted into another queue (default queue)
* [HIVE-22532] - PTFPPD may push limit incorrectly through Rank/DenseRank function
* [HIVE-22537] - getAcidState() not saving directory snapshot causes multiple calls to S3 api
* [HIVE-22538] - RS deduplication does not always enforce hive.optimize.reducededuplication.min.reducer
* [HIVE-22540] - Vectorization: Decimal64 columns don't work with VectorizedBatchUtil.makeLikeColumnVector(ColumnVector)
* [HIVE-22544] - Disable null sort order at user level
* [HIVE-22546] - Postgres schema not using quoted identifiers for certain tables
* [HIVE-22551] - BytesColumnVector initBuffer should clean vector and length consistently
* [HIVE-22555] - Upgrade ORC version to 1.5.8
* [HIVE-22558] - Metastore: Passwords jceks should be read lazily, in case of connection pools
* [HIVE-22566] - Drop table involved in materialized view leaves the table in inconsistent state
* [HIVE-22572] - NullPointerException when using dynamic semijoin reduction
* [HIVE-22577] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when getting sessionId from worker node name
* [HIVE-22578] - CBO genOPTree is not failsafe for CTAS and VIEW statements
* [HIVE-22582] - Avoid reading table as ACID when table name is starting with "delta" , but table is not transactional and BI Split Strategy is used
* [HIVE-22583] - LLAP cache always misses with non-vectorized serde readers such as OpenCSV
* [HIVE-22588] - Flush the remaining rows for the rest of the grouping sets when switching the vector groupby mode
* [HIVE-22589] - Add storage support for ProlepticCalendar in ORC, Parquet, and Avro
* [HIVE-22593] - Dynamically partitioned MM (insert-only ACID) tables don't compact automatically
* [HIVE-22595] - Dynamic partition inserts fail on Avro table table with external schema
* [HIVE-22599] - Query results cache: 733 permissions check is not necessary
* [HIVE-22606] - AvroSerde logs avro.schema.literal under INFO level
* [HIVE-22609] - Reduce number of FS getFileStatus calls in AcidUtils::getHdfsDirSnapshots
* [HIVE-22622] - Hive allows to create a struct with duplicate attribute names
* [HIVE-22625] - Syntax Error in findPotentialCompactions SQL query for MySql/Postgres
* [HIVE-22630] - Do not retrieve Materialized View definitions for rebuild if query is test SQL
* [HIVE-22635] - Disable scheduled query executor for unittests
* [HIVE-22640] - Decimal64ColumnVector: ClassCastException when partition column type is Decimal
* [HIVE-22645] - Jline can break bash terminal behavior
* [HIVE-22647] - enable session pool by default
* [HIVE-22653] - Remove commons-lang leftovers
* [HIVE-22659] - JClouds needs to be updated to 2.1.3 in ptest
* [HIVE-22661] - Compaction fails on non bucketed table with data loaded inpath
* [HIVE-22663] - Quote all table and column names or do not quote any
* [HIVE-22685] - Fix TestHiveSqlDateTimeFormatter To Work With New Year 2020
* [HIVE-22687] - Query hangs indefinitely if LLAP daemon registers after the query is submitted
* [HIVE-22699] - Mask UDFs should mask numeric value 0
* [HIVE-22700] - Compactions may leak memory when unauthorized
* [HIVE-22704] - Distribution package incorrectly ships the upgrade.order files from the metastore module
* [HIVE-22706] - Jdbc storage handler incorrectly interprets boolean column value in derby
* [HIVE-22707] - MergeJoinWork should be considered while collecting DAG credentials
* [HIVE-22708] - Test fix for http transport
* [HIVE-22709] - NullPointerException during query compilation after HIVE-22578
* [HIVE-22712] - ReExec Driver execute submit the query in default queue irrespective of user defined queue
* [HIVE-22713] - Constant propagation shouldn't be done for Join-Fil(*)-RS structure
* [HIVE-22714] - TestScheduledQueryService is flaky
* [HIVE-22716] - Reading to ByteBuffer is broken in ParquetFooterInputFromCache
* [HIVE-22722] - timestamptz_2 test failure
* [HIVE-22726] - TopN Key optimizer should use array instead of priority queue
* [HIVE-22727] - Add hive db schema changes introduced in HIVE-21884 to the schema upgrade scripts
* [HIVE-22730] - Do not acquire read lock for dummy input
* [HIVE-22733] - After disable operation log property in hive, still HS2 saving the operation log
* [HIVE-22737] - Concurrency: FunctionRegistry::getFunctionInfo is static object locked
* [HIVE-22739] - Schematool should check if upgradeFrom version is identical to current DB schema version
* [HIVE-22744] - TezTask for the vertex with more than one outedge should have proportional sort memory
* [HIVE-22761] - Scheduled query executor fails to report query state as errored if session initialization fails
* [HIVE-22762] - Leap day is incorrectly parsed during cast in Hive
* [HIVE-22763] - 0 is accepted in 12-hour format during timestamp cast
* [HIVE-22767] - Beeline doesn't parse semicolons in comments properly
* [HIVE-22769] - Incorrect query results and query failure during split generation for compressed text files
* [HIVE-22771] - Partition location incorrectly formed in FileOutputCommitterContainer
* [HIVE-22777] - Sorted dynamic partition optimization doesn't work if plan require implicit cast
* [HIVE-22784] - Boundary condition to check if there is nothing to truncate in StringExpr functions
* [HIVE-22788] - Query cause NPE due to implicit cast on ROW__ID
* [HIVE-22793] - Update default settings in HMS Benchmarking tool
* [HIVE-22805] - Vectorization with conditional array or map is not implemented and throws an error
* [HIVE-22808] - HiveRelFieldTrimmer does not handle HiveTableFunctionScan
* [HIVE-22814] - ArrayIndexOutOfBound in the vectorization getDataTypePhysicalVariation
* [HIVE-22815] - reduce the unnecessary file system object creation in MROutput
* [HIVE-22816] - QueryCache: Queries using views can have them cached after CTE expansion
* [HIVE-22824] - JoinProjectTranspose rule should skip Projects containing windowing expression
* [HIVE-22826] - ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN doesn't update list of bucketed column names
* [HIVE-22828] - Decimal64: NVL & CASE statements implicitly convert decimal64 to 128
* [HIVE-22829] - Decimal64: NVL in vectorization miss NPE with CBO on
* [HIVE-22840] - Race condition in formatters of TimestampColumnVector and DateColumnVector
* [HIVE-22841] - ThriftHttpServlet#getClientNameFromCookie should handle CookieSigner IllegalArgumentException on invalid cookie signature
* [HIVE-22853] - Allow JDBC FetchSize to Be Set in Beeline
* [HIVE-22856] - Hive LLAP LlapArrowBatchRecordReader skipping remaining batches when ArrowStreamReader returns a 0 length batch.
* [HIVE-22870] - DML execution on TEZ always outputs the message 'No rows affected'
* [HIVE-22877] - Fix decimal boundary check for casting to Decimal64
* [HIVE-22880] - ACID: All delete event readers should ignore ORC SARGs
* [HIVE-22889] - Trim trailing and leading quotes for HCatCli query processing
* [HIVE-22892] - Unable to compile query if CTE joined
* [HIVE-22896] - Increase fast hashtable size on detecting initial collision
* [HIVE-22898] - CharsetDecoder race condition in OrcRecordUpdater
* [HIVE-22901] - Variable substitution can lead to OOM on circular references
* [HIVE-22903] - Vectorized row_number() resets the row number after one batch in case of constant expression in partition clause
* [HIVE-22905] - Transaction is not aborted when query cancelled, only when session is closed
* [HIVE-22908] - AM caching connections to LLAP based on hostname and port does not work in kubernetes
* [HIVE-22920] - Add row format OpenCSVSerde to the metastore column managed list
* [HIVE-22922] - LLAP: ShuffleHandler may not find shuffle data if pod restarts in k8s
* [HIVE-22925] - Implement TopNKeyFilter efficiency check
* [HIVE-22927] - LLAP should filter tasks in HB, instead of killing all tasks on error attempts
* [HIVE-22929] - Performance: quoted identifier parsing uses throwaway Regex via String.replaceAll()
* [HIVE-22931] - HoS dynamic partitioning fails with blobstore optimizations off
* [HIVE-22933] - Allow connecting kerberos-enabled Hive to connect to a non-kerberos druid cluster
* [HIVE-22934] - Hive server interactive log counters to error stream
* [HIVE-22941] - Empty files are inserted into external tables after HIVE-21714 - workaround
* [HIVE-22948] - QueryCache: Treat query cache locations as temporary storage
* [HIVE-22951] - Fix invalid repo url in pom
* [HIVE-22952] - Use LinkedHashMap in
* [HIVE-22967] - Support hive.reloadable.aux.jars.path for Hive on Tez
* [HIVE-22970] - Add a qoption to enable tests to use transactional mode
* [HIVE-22972] - Allow table id to be set for table creation requests
* [HIVE-22973] - Handle 0 length batches in LlapArrowRowRecordReader
* [HIVE-22976] - Oracle and MSSQL upgrade script missing the addition of WM_RESOURCEPLAN_FK1 constraint
* [HIVE-22978] - Fix decimal precision and scale inference for aggregate rewriting in Calcite
* [HIVE-22981] - DataFileReader is not closed in AvroGenericRecordReader#extractWriterTimezoneFromMetadata
* [HIVE-22982] - TopN Key efficiency check might disable filter too soon
* [HIVE-22985] - Failed compaction always throws TxnAbortedException
* [HIVE-22987] - ClassCastException in VectorCoalesce when DataTypePhysicalVariation is null
* [HIVE-22988] - LLAP: If consistent splits is disabled ordering instances is not required
* [HIVE-22996] - BasicStats parsing should check proactively for null or empty string
* [HIVE-23004] - Support Decimal64 operations across multiple vertices
* [HIVE-23009] - SEL operator created by DynamicPartitionPruningOptimization does not populate colExprMap
* [HIVE-23011] - Shared work optimizer should check residual predicates when comparing joins
* [HIVE-23019] - Fix TestTxnCommandsForMmTable test case
* [HIVE-23027] - Fix syntax error in llap
* [HIVE-23028] - Should not use group parameter when run tests in standalone-metastore-common
* [HIVE-23033] - MSSQL metastore schema init script doesn't initialize NOTIFICATION_SEQUENCE
* [HIVE-23035] - Scheduled query executor may hang in case TezAMs are launched on-demand
* [HIVE-23042] - Merge queries to a single one for updating MIN_OPEN_TXNS table
* [HIVE-23047] - Calculate the epoch on DB side
* [HIVE-23058] - Compaction task reattempt fails with FileAlreadyExistsException
* [HIVE-23060] - Query failing with error "Grouping sets expression is not in GROUP BY key. Error encountered near token"
* [HIVE-23068] - Error when submitting fragment to LLAP via external client: IllegalStateException: Only a single registration allowed per entity
* [HIVE-23082] - PK/FK stat rescale doesn't work in some cases
* [HIVE-23088] - Using Strings from log4j breaks non-log4j users
* [HIVE-23095] - NDV might be overestimated for a table with ~70 value
* [HIVE-23097] - LLAP: LLAPServiceDriver is wrongly using fixed llap- prefix for tarball name
* [HIVE-23111] - MsckPartitionExpressionProxy should filter partitions
* [HIVE-23114] - Insert overwrite with dynamic partitioning is not working correctly with direct insert
* [HIVE-23123] - Disable export/import of views and materialized views
* [HIVE-23128] - SHOW CREATE TABLE Creates Incorrect Syntax When Database Specified
* [HIVE-23142] - HiveStrictManagedMigration fails with tables that have null location
* [HIVE-23144] - LLAP: Let QueryTracker cleanup on serviceStop
* [HIVE-23151] - LLAP: default hive.llap.file.cleanup.delay.seconds=0s
* [HIVE-23153] - deregister from zookeeper is not properly worked on kerberized environment
* [HIVE-23158] - Optimize S3A recordReader policy for Random IO formats
* [HIVE-23163] - Class TrustDomainAuthenticationTest should be abstract
* [HIVE-23164] - Server is not properly terminated because of non-daemon threads
* [HIVE-23178] - Add Tez Total Order Partitioner
* [HIVE-23179] - Show create table is not showing SerDe Properties in unicode
* [HIVE-23181] - Remove snakeyaml lib from Hive distribution
* [HIVE-23184] - Upgrade druid to 0.17.1
* [HIVE-23190] - LLAP: modify IndexCache to pass filesystem object to TezSpillRecord
* [HIVE-23195] - set hive.cluster.delegation.token.gc-interval to 15 minutes instead of an hour
* [HIVE-23206] - Project not defined correctly after reordering a join
* [HIVE-23211] - Fix metastore schema differences between init scripts, and upgrade scripts
* [HIVE-23215] - Make FilterContext and MutableFilterContext interfaces
* [HIVE-23230] - "get_splits" UDF ignores limit clause while creating splits.
* [HIVE-23232] - Fix flaky TestJdbcWithServiceDiscovery.testKillQueryWithDifferentServerZKTurnedOff
* [HIVE-23233] - Using default operation logs location cause hive service session testing failed
* [HIVE-23239] - Remove snakeyaml lib from Hive distribution via transitive dependency
* [HIVE-23240] - loadDynamicPartition complains about static partitions even when they are provided in the description
* [HIVE-23242] - Fix flaky tests testHouseKeepingThreadExistence in TestMetastoreHousekeepingLeaderEmptyConfig and TestMetastoreHousekeepingLeader
* [HIVE-23263] - Add fix order to cbo_rp_limit.q queries + improve readability
* [HIVE-23265] - Duplicate rowsets are returned with Limit and Offset set
* [HIVE-23273] - Add fix order to cbo_limit.q queries + improve readability
* [HIVE-23286] - The clean-up in case of an aborted FileSinkOperator is not correct for ACID direct insert
* [HIVE-23295] - Possible NPE when on getting predicate literal list when dynamic values are not available
* [HIVE-23302] - Create HiveJdbcDatabaseAccessor for JDBC storage handler
* [HIVE-23305] - NullPointerException in LlapTaskSchedulerService addNode due to race condition
* [HIVE-23306] - RESET command does not work if there is a config set by System.getProperty
* [HIVE-23317] - partition_wise_fileformat15 and 16 tests are flapping because of result order changes
* [HIVE-23319] - multi_insert_partitioned is flaky
* [HIVE-23339] - SBA does not check permissions for DB location specified in Create or Alter database query
* [HIVE-23345] - INT64 Parquet timestamps cannot be read into bigint Hive type
* [HIVE-23347] - MSCK REPAIR cannot discover partitions with upper case directory names.
* [HIVE-23354] - Remove file size sanity checking from compareTempOrDuplicateFiles
* [HIVE-23355] - Fix quoting behavior when masking is enabled
* [HIVE-23356] - Hash aggregation is always disabled while processing querys with grouping sets expressions.
* [HIVE-23358] - MSCK REPAIR should remove all insignificant zeroes from numeric partition values
* [HIVE-23371] - StatsUtils.getConstValue may log misleading exception
* [HIVE-23389] - FilterMergeRule can lead to AssertionError
* [HIVE-23392] - Metastore upgrade script TXN_LOCK_TBL rename inconsistency
* [HIVE-23408] - Hive on Tez : Kafka storage handler broken in secure environment
* [HIVE-23409] - If TezSession application reopen fails for Timeline service down, default TezSession from SessionPool is closed after a retry
* [HIVE-23423] - Check of disabling hash aggregation ignores grouping set
* [HIVE-23435] - Full outer join result is missing rows
* [HIVE-23436] - Staging directory is not removed for stats gathering tasks
* [HIVE-23442] - ACID major compaction doesn't read base directory correctly if it was written by insert overwrite
* [HIVE-23443] - LLAP speculative task pre-emption seems to be not working
* [HIVE-23444] - Concurrent ACID direct inserts may fail with FileNotFoundException
* [HIVE-23453] - IntelliJ compile errors in StaticPermanentFunctionChecker and TestVectorGroupByOperator
* [HIVE-23454] - Querying hive table which has Materialized view fails with HiveAccessControlException
* [HIVE-23476] - LLAP: Preallocate arenas for mmap case as well
* [HIVE-23480] - Test may fail due to a incorrect usage of a third party library
* [HIVE-23498] - Disable HTTP Trace method on ThriftHttpCliService
* [HIVE-23501] - AOOB in VectorDeserializeRow when complex types are converted to primitive types
* [HIVE-23509] - MapJoin AssertionError: Capacity must be power of 2
* [HIVE-23529] - CTAS is broken for uniontype when row_deserialize
* [HIVE-23531] - Major CRUD QB compaction failing with ClassCastException when vectorization off
* [HIVE-23534] - NPE in RetryingMetaStoreClient#invoke when catching MetaException with no message
* [HIVE-23544] - Add missing StageType enum values to thrift file after HIVE-23351
* [HIVE-23551] - Acid: Update queries should treat dirCache as read-only in AcidUtils
* [HIVE-23561] - FIX Arrow Decimal serialization for native VectorRowBatches
* [HIVE-23580] - deleteOnExit set is not cleaned up, causing memory pressure
* [HIVE-23582] - LLAP: Make SplitLocationProvider impl pluggable
* [HIVE-23591] - When Worker fails to connect to metastore it should wait before retrying
* [HIVE-23592] - Routine "makeIntPair" is Not Correct
* [HIVE-23593] - Schemainit fails with NoSuchFieldError
* [HIVE-23601] - Hive Statement Clear Statement Handle on Error
* [HIVE-23602] - Use Java Concurrent Package for Operation Handle Set
* [HIVE-23606] - LLAP: Delay In DirectByteBuffer Clean Up For EncodedReaderImpl
* [HIVE-23607] - Permission Issue: Create view on another view succeeds but alter view fails
* [HIVE-23614] - Always pass HiveConfig to removeTempOrDuplicateFiles
* [HIVE-23615] - Do not deference null pointers in Beeline Commands Class
* [HIVE-23633] - Close Metastore JDO query objects properly
* [HIVE-23665] - Rewrite last_value to first_value to enable streaming results
* [HIVE-23666] - checkHashModeEfficiency is skipped when a groupby operator doesn't have a grouping set
* [HIVE-23678] - Don't enforce ASF license headers on target files
* [HIVE-23684] - Large underestimation in NDV stats when input and join cardinality ratio is big
* [HIVE-23688] - Vectorization: IndexArrayOutOfBoundsException For map type column which includes null value
* [HIVE-23703] - Major QB compaction with multiple FileSinkOperators results in data loss and one original file
* [HIVE-23704] - Thrift HTTP Server Does Not Handle Auth Handle Correctly
* [HIVE-23706] - Fix nulls first sorting behavior
* [HIVE-23711] - Some IDE generated files should not be checked for license header by rat plugin
* [HIVE-23712] - metadata-only queries return incorrect results with empty acid partition
* [HIVE-23715] - Fix zookeeper ssl keystore password handling issues
* [HIVE-23716] - Support Anti Join in Hive
* [HIVE-23717] - In jdbcUrl add config to create External + purge table by default
* [HIVE-23726] - Create table may throw MetaException(message:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not create a Path from a null string)
* [HIVE-23729] - LLAP text cache fails when using multiple tables/schemas on the same files
* [HIVE-23756] - Added more constraints to the package.jdo file
* [HIVE-23762] - TestPigHBaseStorageHandler tests are flaky
* [HIVE-23763] - Query based minor compaction produces wrong files when rows with different buckets Ids are processed by the same FileSinkOperator
* [HIVE-23768] - Metastore's update service wrongly strips partition column stats from the cache
* [HIVE-23779] - BasicStatsTask Info is not getting printed in beeline console
* [HIVE-23780] - Fail dropTable if acid cleanup fails
* [HIVE-23799] - Fix AcidUtils.parseBaseOrDeltaBucketFilename handling of data loaded by LOAD DATA
* [HIVE-23822] - Sorted dynamic partition optimization could remove auto stat task
* [HIVE-23829] - Compute Stats Incorrect for Binary Columns
* [HIVE-23830] - Remove shutdownhook after query is completed
* [HIVE-23836] - Make "cols" dependent so that it cascade deletes
* [HIVE-23846] - Avoid unnecessary serialization and deserialization of bitvectors
* [HIVE-23847] - Extracting hive-parser module broke exec jar upload in tez
* [HIVE-23849] - Hive skips the creation of ColumnAccessInfo when creating a view
* [HIVE-23850] - Allow PPD when subject is not a column with grouping sets present
* [HIVE-23851] - MSCK REPAIR Command With Partition Filtering Fails While Dropping Partitions
* [HIVE-23855] - TestQueryShutdownHooks is flaky
* [HIVE-23868] - Windowing function spec: support 0 preceeding/following
* [HIVE-23871] - ObjectStore should properly handle MicroManaged Table properties
* [HIVE-23873] - Querying Hive JDBCStorageHandler table fails with NPE when CBO is off
* [HIVE-23887] - Reset table level basic/column stats during import.
* [HIVE-23894] - SubmitDag should not be retried incase of query cancel
* [HIVE-23898] - Query fails if identifier contains double quotes or semicolon char
* [HIVE-23911] - CBO fails when query has distinct in function and having clause
* [HIVE-23917] - Reset key access count during eviction in VectorGroupByOperator
* [HIVE-23925] - Flaky test TestJdbcWithMiniHS2
* [HIVE-23929] - Run compaction as partition owner
* [HIVE-23947] - Cache affinity is unset for text files read by LLAP
* [HIVE-23952] - Reuse VectorAggregationBuffer to reduce GC pressure in VectorGroupByOperator
* [HIVE-23962] - Make bin/hive pick user defined jdbc url
* [HIVE-23963] - UnsupportedOperationException in queries 74 and 84 while applying HiveCardinalityPreservingJoinRule
* [HIVE-23966] - Minor query-based compaction always results in delta dirs with minWriteId=1
* [HIVE-23972] - Add external client ID to LLAP external client
* [HIVE-23979] - Resolve spotbugs errors in,, and
* [HIVE-24001] - Don't cache MapWork in tez/ObjectCache during query-based compaction
* [HIVE-24020] - Automatic Compaction not working in existing partitions for Streaming Ingest with Dynamic Partition
* [HIVE-24023] - Hive parquet reader can't read files with length=0
* [HIVE-24030] - Upgrade ORC to 1.5.10
* [HIVE-24031] - Infinite planning time on syntactically big queries
* [HIVE-24036] - Kryo Exception while serializing plan for getSplits UDF call
* [HIVE-24039] - Update jquery version to mitigate CVE-2020-11023
* [HIVE-24045] - No logging related to when default database is created
* [HIVE-24048] - Harmonise Jackson components to version 2.10.latest - Hive
* [HIVE-24068] - Add re-execution plugin for handling DAG submission and unmanaged AM failures
* [HIVE-24069] - HiveHistory should log the task that ends abnormally
* [HIVE-24072] - HiveAggregateJoinTransposeRule may try to create an invalid transformation
* [HIVE-24074] - Incorrect handling of timestamp in Parquet/Avro when written in certain time zones in versions before Hive 3.x
* [HIVE-24077] - Streaming Ingest v2 does not send heartbeats
* [HIVE-24089] - Run QB compaction as table directory user with impersonation
* [HIVE-24092] - Implement additional JDBC methods required by JDBC storage handler
* [HIVE-24094] - cast type mismatch and use is not null, the results are error if cbo is true
* [HIVE-24096] - Abort failed compaction's txn on TException or IOException
* [HIVE-24097] - correct NPE exception in HiveMetastoreAuthorizer
* [HIVE-24104] - NPE due to null key columns in ReduceSink after deduplication
* [HIVE-24113] - NPE in GenericUDFToUnixTimeStamp
* [HIVE-24138] - Llap external client flow is broken due to netty shading
* [HIVE-24144] - getIdentifierQuoteString in HiveDatabaseMetaData returns incorrect value
* [HIVE-24145] - Fix preemption issues in reducers and file sink operators
* [HIVE-24147] - Table column names are not extracted correctly in Hive JDBC storage handler
* [HIVE-24149] - HiveStreamingConnection doesn't close HMS connection
* [HIVE-24151] - MultiDelimitSerDe shifts data if strings contain non-ASCII characters
* [HIVE-24158] - Cleanup isn't complete in OrcFileMergeOperator#closeOp
* [HIVE-24160] - Scheduled executions must allow state transition EXECUTING->TIMED_OUT
* [HIVE-24162] - Query based compaction looses bloom filter
* [HIVE-24163] - Dynamic Partitioning Insert for MM table fails during MoveTask
* [HIVE-24168] - Disable hdfsEncryptionShims cache during query-based compaction
* [HIVE-24172] - Fix TestMmCompactorOnMr
* [HIVE-24179] - Memory leak in HS2 DbTxnManager when compiling SHOW LOCKS statement
* [HIVE-24182] - Ranger authorization issue with permanent UDFs
* [HIVE-24188] - CTLT from MM to External or External to MM are failing with hive.strict.managed.tables &
* [HIVE-24193] - Select query on renamed hive acid table does not produce any output
* [HIVE-24199] - Incorrect result when subquey in exists contains limit
* [HIVE-24209] - Incorrect search argument conversion for NOT BETWEEN operation when vectorization is enabled
* [HIVE-24210] - PartitionManagementTask fails if one of tables dropped after fetching TableMeta
* [HIVE-24213] - Incorrect exception in the Merge MapJoinTask into its child MapRedTask optimizer
* [HIVE-24225] - FIX S3A recordReader policy selection
* [HIVE-24229] - DirectSql fails in case of OracleDB
* [HIVE-24232] - Incorrect translation of rollup expression from Calcite
* [HIVE-24233] - except subquery throws nullpointer with cbo disabled
* [HIVE-24235] - Drop and recreate table during MR compaction leaves behind base/delta directory
* [HIVE-24236] - Connection leak in TxnHandler
* [HIVE-24245] - Vectorized PTF with count and distinct over partition producing incorrect results.
* [HIVE-24253] - HMS and HS2 needs to support keystore/truststores types besides JKS by config
* [HIVE-24255] - StorageHandler with select-limit query is returning 0 rows
* [HIVE-24256] - REPL LOAD fails because of unquoted column name
* [HIVE-24264] - Fix failed-to-read errors in precommit runs
* [HIVE-24266] - Committed rows in hflush'd ACID files may be missing from query result
* [HIVE-24276] - HiveServer2 loggerconf jsp Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability
* [HIVE-24288] - Files created by CompileProcessor have incorrect permissions
* [HIVE-24291] - Compaction Cleaner prematurely cleans up deltas
* [HIVE-24292] - hive webUI should support keystoretype by config
* [HIVE-24293] - Integer overflow in llap collision mask
* [HIVE-24294] - TezSessionPool sessions can throw AssertionError
* [HIVE-24297] - LLAP buffer collision causes NPE
* [HIVE-24304] - Query containing UNION fails with OOM
* [HIVE-24305] - avro decimal schema is not properly populating scale/precision if value is enclosed in quote
* [HIVE-24314] - compactor.Cleaner should not set state "mark cleaned" if it didn't remove any files
* [HIVE-24322] - In case of direct insert, the attempt ID has to be checked when reading the manifest files
* [HIVE-24325] - Cardinality preserving join optimization fails when column is backtracked to a constant
* [HIVE-24336] - Turn off the direct insert for EXPLAIN ANALYZE queries
* [HIVE-24342] - isPathEncrypted should make sure resolved path also from HDFS
* [HIVE-24345] - Re-enable flaky test: TestCleanupService#testEventualCleanupService_finishesCleanupBeforeExit
* [HIVE-24347] - Fix failing test: TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver.testCliDriver[cardinality_preserving_join_opt2]
* [HIVE-24378] - Leading and trailing spaces are not removed before decimal conversion
* [HIVE-24387] - Metastore access through JDBC handler does not use correct database accessor
* [HIVE-24390] - Spelling fixes
* [HIVE-24395] - Intermittent failures to initialize dockerized Postgres metastore in tests
* [HIVE-24410] - Query-based compaction hangs because of doAs
* [HIVE-24411] - Make ThreadPoolExecutorWithOomHook more awareness of OutOfMemoryError
* [HIVE-24435] - Vectorized unix_timestamp is inconsistent with non-vectorized counterpart
* [HIVE-24446] - Materialized View plan alters explicit cast type in query
* [HIVE-24453] - Direct SQL error when parsing create_time value for database
* [HIVE-24467] - ConditionalTask remove tasks that not selected exists thread safety problem
* [HIVE-24474] - Failed compaction always logs TxnAbortedException (again)
* [HIVE-24478] - Subquery GroupBy with Distinct SemanticException: Invalid column reference
* [HIVE-24481] - Skipped compaction can cause data corruption with streaming
* [HIVE-24489] - TPC-DS dockerized tests fail due to stale entries in MIN_HISTORY_LEVEL metastore table
* [HIVE-24491] - setting custom job name is ineffective if the tez session pool is configured or in case of session reuse.
* [HIVE-24501] - UpdateInputAccessTimeHook should not update stats
* [HIVE-24504] - VectorFileSinkArrowOperator does not serialize complex types correctly
* [HIVE-24508] - Parquet Timestamp is local time NOT UTC when set TZ on linux
* [HIVE-24523] - Vectorized read path for LazySimpleSerde does not honor the SERDEPROPERTIES for timestamp
* [HIVE-24530] - Potential NPE in FileSinkOperator.closeRecordwriters method
* [HIVE-24539] - OrcInputFormat schema generation should respect column delimiter
* [HIVE-24548] - CompactionHeartbeater leaks metastore connections
* [HIVE-24550] - Cleanup only transaction information for the current DriverContext
* [HIVE-24552] - Possible HMS connections leak or accumulation in loadDynamicPartitions
* [HIVE-24554] - TestCompactor fails to compile since HIVE-24477
* [HIVE-24569] - LLAP daemon leaks file descriptors/log4j appenders
* [HIVE-24570] - Hive on spark tmp file should be delete when driver process finished
* [HIVE-24575] - VectorGroupByOperator reusing keys can lead to wrong results
* [HIVE-24579] - Incorrect Result For Groupby With Limit
* [HIVE-24584] - IndexOutOfBoundsException from Kryo when running msck repair
* [HIVE-24585] - NPE in VectorizedOrcAcidRowBatchReader if LLAP is used with IO disabled
* [HIVE-24590] - Operation Logging still leaks the log4j Appenders
* [HIVE-24625] - CTAS with TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='false') loads data into incorrect directory
* [HIVE-24626] - LLAP: reader threads could be starvated if all IO elevator threads are busy to enqueue to another readers with full queue
* [HIVE-24628] - Decimal values are displayed as scientific notation in beeline
* [HIVE-24646] - Strict type checks are not enforced between bigints and doubles
* [HIVE-24656] - CBO fails for queries with is null on map and array types
* [HIVE-24666] - Vectorized UDFToBoolean may unable to filter rows if input is string
* [HIVE-24677] - Fix typoed vectorization package declaration
* [HIVE-24683] - Hadoop23Shims getFileId prone to NPE for non-existing paths
* [HIVE-24685] - Remove HiveSubQRemoveRelBuilder
* [HIVE-24694] - Early connection close to release server resources during creating
* [HIVE-24751] - Kill trigger in workload manager fails with "No privilege" exception when authorization is disabled.
* [HIVE-24764] - insert overwrite on a partition resets row count stats in other partitions
* [HIVE-24785] - Fix HIVE_COMPACTOR_COMPACT_MM property
* [HIVE-24786] - JDBC HttpClient should retry for idempotent and unsent http methods
* [HIVE-24792] - Potential thread leak in Operation
* [HIVE-24797] - Disable validate default values when parsing Avro schemas
* [HIVE-24803] - WorkloadManager doesn't update allocation and metrics after Kill Trigger action
* [HIVE-24804] - Introduce check: RANGE with offset PRECEDING/FOLLOWING requires at least one ORDER BY column
* [HIVE-24809] - Build failure while resolving javax.el dependency
* [HIVE-24813] - thrift regeneration is failing with cannot find symbol TABLE_IS_CTAS
* [HIVE-24816] - Upgrade jackson to or 2.11.0+ due to CVE-2020-25649
* [HIVE-24817] - "not in" clause returns incorrect data when there is coercion
* [HIVE-24823] - Fix ide error in BasePartitionEvaluator
* [HIVE-24827] - Hive aggregation query returns incorrect results for non text files
* [HIVE-24829] - CorrelationUtilities#replaceReduceSinkWithSelectOperator misses KEY mappings
* [HIVE-24839] - SubStrStatEstimator.estimate throws NullPointerException
* [HIVE-24840] - Materialized View incremental rebuild produces wrong result set after compaction
* [HIVE-24849] - Create external table socket timeout when location has large number of files
* [HIVE-24851] - resources leak on exception in AvroGenericRecordReader constructor
* [HIVE-24853] - HMS leaks queries in case of timeout
* [HIVE-24858] - UDFClassLoader leak in Configuration.CACHE_CLASSES
* [HIVE-24863] - Wrong property value in UDAF percentile_cont/disc description
* [HIVE-24876] - Disable /longconf.jsp page on HS2 web UI for non admin users
* [HIVE-24881] - Abort old open replication txns
* [HIVE-24882] - Compaction task reattempt fails with FileAlreadyExistsException for DeleteEventWriter
* [HIVE-24898] - Beeline does not honor the credential provided in property-file
* [HIVE-24902] - Incorrect result after fold CASE into COALESCE
* [HIVE-24908] - Adding Respect/Ignore nulls as a UDAF parameter is ambiguous
* [HIVE-24920] - TRANSLATED_TO_EXTERNAL tables may write to the same location
* [HIVE-24928] - In case of non-native tables use basic statistics from HiveStorageHandler
* [HIVE-24930] - Operator.setDone() short-circuit from child op is not used in vectorized codepath (if childSize == 1)
* [HIVE-24934] - VectorizedExpressions annotation is not needed in GenericUDFSQCountCheck
* [HIVE-24936] - Fix file name parsing and copy file move.
* [HIVE-24949] - Fail to rename a partition with customized catalog
* [HIVE-24951] - Table created with Uppercase name using CTAS does not produce result for select queries
* [HIVE-24954] - MetastoreTransformer is disabled during testing
* [HIVE-24957] - Wrong results when subquery has COALESCE in correlation predicate
* [HIVE-24966] - RuntimeException in CBO if HMS stats are modified externally
* [HIVE-24975] - Bug in ValidWriteIdList comparison in TxnIdUtils
* [HIVE-24976] - CBO: count(distinct) in a window function fails CBO
* [HIVE-24998] - IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM failing with SemanticException
* [HIVE-24999] - HiveSubQueryRemoveRule generates invalid plan for IN subquery with multiple correlations
* [HIVE-25000] - TestReplWithJsonMessageFormat / TestReplicationScenarios fail in recent precommit tests
* [HIVE-25009] - Compaction worker and initiator version check can cause NPE if the COMPACTION_QUEUE is empty
* [HIVE-25012] - Parsing table alias is failing if query has table properties specified
* [HIVE-25017] - Fix response in GetLatestCommittedCompaction
* [HIVE-25040] - Drop database cascade cannot remove persistent functions
* [HIVE-25051] - Callers can access uninitialized MessageBuilder instance causing NPE
* [HIVE-25054] - Upgrade jodd-core due to CVE-2018-21234
* [HIVE-25062] - Iceberg: Fix date partition transform insert issue
* [HIVE-25079] - Create new metric about number of writes to tables with manually disabled compaction
* [HIVE-25085] - MetaStore Clients are being shared across different sessions
* [HIVE-25093] - date_format() UDF is returning output in UTC time zone only
* [HIVE-25095] - Beeline/hive -e command can't deal with query with trailing quote
* [HIVE-25104] - Backward incompatible timestamp serialization in Parquet for certain timezones
* [HIVE-25116] - Exclude slf4j from hive-exec uber Jar included by avatica
* [HIVE-25117] - Vector PTF ClassCastException with Decimal64
* [HIVE-25121] - Fix qfile results due to disabling discovery.partitions
* [HIVE-25131] - PreAlterPartitionEvent should have table owner details that can authorized in ranger/sentry
* [HIVE-25142] - Rehashing in map join fast hash table causing corruption for large keys
* [HIVE-25150] - Tab characters are not removed before decimal conversion similar to space character which is fixed as part of HIVE-24378
* [HIVE-25163] - UnsupportedTemporalTypeException when starting llap
* [HIVE-25170] - Data error in constant propagation caused by wrong colExprMap generated in SemanticAnalyzer
* [HIVE-25192] - Nullify summary for non-native tables
* [HIVE-25203] - HiveQueryResultSet and client operation are not expected to be closed twice
* [HIVE-25209] - SELECT query with SUM function producing unexpected result
* [HIVE-25219] - Backward incompatible timestamp serialization in Avro for certain timezones
* [HIVE-25220] - Query with union fails CBO with OOM
* [HIVE-25222] - Fix reading Iceberg tables with a comma in column names
* [HIVE-25223] - Select with limit returns no rows on non native table
* [HIVE-25224] - Multi insert statements involving tables with different bucketing_versions results in error
* [HIVE-25229] - Hive lineage is not generated for columns on CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW
* [HIVE-25242] - Query performs extremely slow with hive.vectorized.adaptor.usage.mode = chosen
* [HIVE-25243] - Llap external client - Handle nested values when the parent struct is null
* [HIVE-25250] - Fix TestHS2ImpersonationWithRemoteMS.testImpersonation
* [HIVE-25257] - Incorrect row order validation for query-based MAJOR compaction
* [HIVE-25258] - Incorrect row order after query-based MINOR compaction
* [HIVE-25261] - RetryingHMSHandler should wrap the MetaException with short description of the target
* [HIVE-25265] - Fix TestHiveIcebergStorageHandlerWithEngine
* [HIVE-25268] - date_format udf returns wrong results for dates prior to 1900 if the local timezone is other than UTC
* [HIVE-25274] - TestLimitOperator fails if default engine is Tez
* [HIVE-25278] - HiveProjectJoinTransposeRule may do invalid transformations with windowing expressions
* [HIVE-25283] - Schema evolution fails on output mismatch after alter table
* [HIVE-25287] - NPE on insertions into Iceberg-backed tables
* [HIVE-25299] - Casting timestamp to numeric data types is incorrect for non-UTC timezones
* [HIVE-25303] - CTAS tries to place data files in managed WH path
* [HIVE-25306] - Change Date/Timestamp parser from LENIENT to STRICT
* [HIVE-25307] - Hive Server 2 crashes when Thrift library encounters particular security protocol issue
* [HIVE-25329] - CTAS creates a managed table as non-ACID table
* [HIVE-25331] - Create database query doesn't create MANAGEDLOCATION directory
* [HIVE-25338] - AIOBE in conv UDF if input is empty
* [HIVE-25356] - JDBCSplitFilterAboveJoinRule's onMatch method throws exception
* [HIVE-25360] - Iceberg vectorized ORC reads don't support column reordering
* [HIVE-25364] - NPE while estimating row count in external JDBC tables
* [HIVE-25365] - Insufficient privileges to show partitions when partition columns are authorized
* [HIVE-25375] - Partition column rename support for Iceberg tables
* [HIVE-25376] - Iceberg vectorized ORC reads fail on reordered partition columns
* [HIVE-25377] - Creating Iceberg table where some columns has comments but the last one does not fails
* [HIVE-25384] - Bump ORC to 1.6.9
* [HIVE-25404] - Inserts inside merge statements are rewritten incorrectly for partitioned tables
* [HIVE-25410] - CommonMergeJoin fails for ARRAY join keys with varying size
* [HIVE-25415] - Disable auto-assign reviewer on forks
* [HIVE-25420] - Ignore time type column in Iceberg testing for vectorized runs
* [HIVE-25422] - Break up TestHiveIcebergStorageHandlerWithEngine test
* [HIVE-25430] - compactor.Worker.markFailed should catch and log any kind of exception
* [HIVE-25443] - Arrow SerDe Cannot serialize/deserialize complex data types When there are more than 1024 values
* [HIVE-25449] - datediff() gives wrong output when run in a tez task with some non-UTC timezone
* [HIVE-25458] - unix_timestamp() with string input give wrong result
* [HIVE-25479] - Browser SSO auth may fail intermittently on chrome browser in virtual environments
* [HIVE-25480] - Fix Time Travel with CBO
* [HIVE-25498] - Query with more than 31 count distinct functions returns wrong result
* [HIVE-25504] - Fix HMS C++ Thrift client compilation
* [HIVE-25505] - Incorrect results with header. skip.header.line.count if first line is blank
* [HIVE-25506] - Ignore mulitple password sources in JdbcStorageHandler.
* [HIVE-25509] - CLIService.closeOperation should not fail if operation handle is not present
* [HIVE-25521] - Data corruption when concatenating files with different compressions in same table/partition
* [HIVE-25530] - AssertionError when query involves multiple JDBC tables and views
* [HIVE-25532] - Missing authorization info for KILL QUERY command
* [HIVE-25541] - JsonSerDe: TBLPROPERTY treating nested json as String
* [HIVE-25545] - Add/Drop constraints events on table should create authorizable events in HS2
* [HIVE-25547] - ALTER VIEW AS SELECT statement should create authorizable events in HiveServer2
* [HIVE-25549] - Wrong results for window function with expression in PARTITION BY or ORDER BY clause
* [HIVE-25551] - Schema upgrade for MSSQL fails when adding TYPE column in DBS table
* [HIVE-25561] - Killed task should not commit file.
* [HIVE-25563] - Iceberg table operations hang a long time if metadata is missing/corrupted
* [HIVE-25570] - Hive should send full URL path for authorization for the command insert overwrite location
* [HIVE-25577] - unix_timestamp() is ignoring the time zone value
* [HIVE-25582] - Empty result when using offset limit with MR
* [HIVE-25590] - Able to create views referencing temporary tables and materialized views
* [HIVE-25591] - CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE fails for JDBC tables stored in non-default schema
* [HIVE-25610] - Handle partition field comments for Iceberg tables
* [HIVE-25626] - CBO fails when JDBC table specifies password via dbcp.password.uri
* [HIVE-25633] - Prevent shutdown of MetaStore scheduled worker ThreadPool
* [HIVE-25634] - Eclipse compiler bumps into AIOBE during ObjectStore compilation
* [HIVE-25646] - Thrift metastore URI reverse resolution could fail in some environments
* [HIVE-25659] - Metastore direct sql queries with IN/(NOT IN) should be split based on max parameters allowed by SQL DB
* [HIVE-25673] - Column pruning fix for MR tasks
* [HIVE-25675] - Intermittent PSQLException when trying to connect to Postgres in tests
* [HIVE-25676] - Uncaught exception in QTestDatabaseHandler#afterTest causes unrelated test failures
* [HIVE-25680] - Authorize #get_table_meta HiveMetastore Server API to use any of the HiveMetastore Authorization model
* [HIVE-25683] - Close reader in AcidUtils.isRawFormatFile
* [HIVE-25685] - HBaseStorageHandler: ensure that hbase properties are present in final JobConf for Tez
* [HIVE-25686] - UDFSpace result length calculation is incorrect after HADOOP-17901 and HADOOP-17905
* [HIVE-25691] - LLAP: ShuffleHandler port should respect value in config
* [HIVE-25692] - ExceptionHandler may mask checked exceptions
* [HIVE-25706] - ShuffleHandler: Make sure of properly releasing netty reference counted objects
* [HIVE-25716] - Fix flaky test TestCompactionMetrics#testOldestReadyForCleaningAge
* [HIVE-25721] - Outer join result is wrong
* [HIVE-25729] - ThriftUnionObjectInspector should be notified when fully inited
* [HIVE-25734] - Wrongly-typed constant in case expression leads to incorrect empty result
* [HIVE-25736] - Close ORC readers
* [HIVE-25746] - Compaction Failure Counter counted incorrectly
* [HIVE-25749] - Check if RelMetadataQuery.collations() returns null to avoid NPE
* [HIVE-25750] - Beeline: Creating a standalone tarball by isolating dependencies
* [HIVE-25751] - Ignore exceptions related to interruption when the limit is reached
* [HIVE-25757] - Use cached database type to choose metastore backend queries
* [HIVE-25766] - java.util.NoSuchElementException in HiveFilterProjectTransposeRule if predicate has no InputRef
* [HIVE-25773] - Column descriptors might not deleted via direct sql
* [HIVE-25774] - Add ASF license for newly created files in standalone-metastore
* [HIVE-25780] - DistinctExpansion creates more than 64 grouping sets II
* [HIVE-25786] - Auto-close browser window/tab after successful auth with SSO(SAML) authentication
* [HIVE-25792] - Recompile the query if CBO has failed
* [HIVE-25794] - CombineHiveRecordReader: log statements in a loop leads to memory pressure
* [HIVE-25795] - [CVE-2021-44228] Update log4j2 version to 2.15.0
* [HIVE-25801] - Custom queue settings is not honoured by Query based compaction StatsUpdater
* [HIVE-25804] - Update log4j2 version to 2.16.0 to incorporate further CVE-2021-44228 hardening
* [HIVE-25805] - Wrong result when rebuilding MV with count(col) incrementally
* [HIVE-25806] - Possible leak in LlapCacheAwareFs - Parquet, LLAP IO
* [HIVE-25825] - upgrade log4j 2.16.0 to 2.17.0+ due to CVE-2021-45105
* [HIVE-25830] - Hive::loadPartitionInternal occur connection leak
* [HIVE-25839] - Upgrade Log4j2 to 2.17.1 due to CVE-2021-44832
* [HIVE-25844] - Exception deserialization error-s may cause beeline to terminate immediately
* [HIVE-25854] - Port Iceberg Hive fix - ORC vectorization fails after split offsets are considered during split generation
* [HIVE-25856] - Intermittent null ordering in plans of queries with GROUP BY and LIMIT
* [HIVE-25859] - load_non_hdfs_path.q fails on master: .1.txt.crc does not exist
* [HIVE-25873] - Fix nested partition statements in Explain DDL
* [HIVE-25883] - Enhance Compaction Cleaner to skip when there is nothing to do
* [HIVE-25894] - Table migration to Iceberg doesn't remove HMS partitions
* [HIVE-25912] - Drop external table at root of s3 bucket throws NPE
* [HIVE-25914] - Cleaner updates Initiator cycle metric
* [HIVE-25917] - Use default value for 'hive.default.nulls.last' when no config is available instead of false
* [HIVE-25919] - ClassCastException when pushing boolean column predicate in HBaseStorageHandler
* [HIVE-25926] - Move all logging from AcidMetricService to AcidMetricLogger
* [HIVE-25942] - Upgrade commons-io to 2.8.0 due to CVE-2021-29425
* [HIVE-25947] - Compactor job queue cannot be set per table via
* [HIVE-25955] - Partitioned tables migrated to Iceberg aren't cached in LLAP
* [HIVE-25957] - Fix password based authentication with SAML enabled
* [HIVE-25960] - Fix S3a recursive listing logic
* [HIVE-25964] - Create iceberg table with ranger authorization failed with storage URI NullPointerException
* [HIVE-25970] - Missing messages in HS2 operation logs
* [HIVE-25973] - JsonReporter and JsonFileMetricsReporter writing the same file
* [HIVE-25986] - Statement id is incorrect in case of load in path to MM table
* [HIVE-25994] - Analyze table runs into ClassNotFoundException-s
* [HIVE-25995] - Build from source distribution archive fails
* [HIVE-25997] - Build from source distribution archive fails
* [HIVE-26001] - LlapServiceDriver: forward hiveconf from commandline to AsyncTaskCreateUdfFile
* [HIVE-26010] - Compactions not picked up by cleaner if CQ_COMMIT_TIME is null and delayed cleaning is enabled
* [HIVE-26022] - Error: ORA-00904 when initializing metastore schema in Oracle
* [HIVE-26033] - Repl Load fails with Wrong FS error.
* [HIVE-26048] - Missing quotation mark in findReadyToClean query
* [HIVE-26049] - Inconsistent TBL_NAME lengths in HMS schema
** New Feature
* [HIVE-685] - add UDFquote
* [HIVE-12971] - Hive Support for Kudu
* [HIVE-16924] - Support distinct in presence of Group By
* [HIVE-17896] - TopNKey: Create a standalone vectorizable TopNKey operator
* [HIVE-18320] - Support ACID Tables Replication
* [HIVE-18728] - Secure webHCat with SSL
* [HIVE-18842] - CLUSTERED ON/DISTRIBUTED ON+SORTED ON support for materialized views
* [HIVE-19307] - Support ArrowOutputStream in LlapOutputFormatService
* [HIVE-20202] - Add profiler endpoint to HS2 and LLAP
* [HIVE-20225] - SerDe to support Teradata Binary Format
* [HIVE-20249] - LLAP IO: NPE during refCount decrement
* [HIVE-20377] - Hive Kafka Storage Handler
* [HIVE-20420] - Provide a fallback authorizer when no other authorizer is in use
* [HIVE-20538] - Allow to store a key value together with a transaction.
* [HIVE-20556] - Expose an API to retrieve the TBL_ID from TBLS in the metastore tables
* [HIVE-20639] - Add ability to Write Data from Hive Table/Query to Kafka Topic
* [HIVE-20683] - Add the Ability to push Dynamic Between and Bloom filters to Druid
* [HIVE-20700] - Add config to disable rollup for druid
* [HIVE-20707] - Automatic partition management
* [HIVE-20720] - Add partition column option to JDBC handler
* [HIVE-20723] - Allow per table specification of compaction yarn queue
* [HIVE-20768] - Adding Tumbling Window UDF
* [HIVE-20882] - Support Hive replication to a target cluster with hive.strict.managed.tables enabled.
* [HIVE-21044] - Add SLF4J reporter to the metastore metrics system
* [HIVE-21058] - Make Compactor run in a transaction (Umbrella)
* [HIVE-21215] - Read Parquet INT64 timestamp
* [HIVE-21216] - Write Parquet INT64 timestamp
* [HIVE-21270] - A UDTF to show schema (column names and types) of given query
* [HIVE-21283] - Create Synonym mid for substr, position for locate
* [HIVE-21427] - Syslog storage handler
* [HIVE-21663] - Hive Metastore Translation Layer
* [HIVE-21672] - HiveServer2 needs to support sidecar's 'ldap.xml' file
* [HIVE-21761] - Support table level replication in Hive
* [HIVE-21783] - Avoid authentication for connection from the same domain
* [HIVE-21787] - Metastore table cache LRU eviction
* [HIVE-21833] - Ranger Authorization in Hive based on object ownership
* [HIVE-21841] - Leader election in HMS to run housekeeping tasks.
* [HIVE-21857] - Sort conditions in a filter predicate to accelerate query processing
* [HIVE-21867] - Sort semijoin conditions to accelerate query processing
* [HIVE-21921] - Support for correlated quantified predicates
* [HIVE-22043] - Make LLAP's Yarn package dir on HDFS configurable
* [HIVE-22392] - Hive JDBC Storage Handler: Support For Writing Data to JDBC Data Source
* [HIVE-23949] - Introduce caching layer in HS2 to accelerate query compilation
* [HIVE-24025] - Add getAggrStatsFor to HS2 cache
* [HIVE-24275] - Configurations to delay the deletion of obsolete files by the Cleaner
* [HIVE-24329] - Add HMS notification for compaction commit
* [HIVE-24337] - Cache delete delta files in LLAP cache
* [HIVE-24543] - Support SAML 2.0 as an authentication mechanism
* [HIVE-24855] - Introduce virtual colum ROW__IS__DELETED
* [HIVE-24886] - Support simple equality operations between MAP/LIST/STRUCT data types
* [HIVE-24893] - Download data from Thriftserver through JDBC
* [HIVE-25008] - Migrate hive table data into Iceberg format.
* [HIVE-25255] - Support ALTER TABLE REPLACE COLUMNS for Iceberg
* [HIVE-25256] - Support ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN for Iceberg
* [HIVE-25286] - Set stats to inaccurate when an Iceberg table is modified outside Hive
* [HIVE-25344] - Add a possibility to query Iceberg table snapshots based on the timestamp or the snapshot id
* [HIVE-25361] - Allow Iceberg table update columns command
* [HIVE-25445] - Enable JdbcStorageHandler to get password from AWS Secrets Service.
* [HIVE-25453] - Add LLAP IO support for Iceberg ORC tables
* [HIVE-25457] - Implement querying Iceberg table metadata
* [HIVE-25880] - Add configuration option to exclude rules by a regex on their description
** Improvement
* [HIVE-4367] - enhance TRUNCATE syntax to drop data of external table
* [HIVE-6980] - Drop table by using direct sql
* [HIVE-10362] - Support Type check/conversion in dynamic partition column
* [HIVE-12371] - Adding a timeout connection parameter for JDBC
* [HIVE-13457] - Create HS2 REST API endpoints for monitoring information
* [HIVE-14302] - Tez: Optimized Hashtable can support DECIMAL keys of same precision
* [HIVE-14388] - Add number of rows inserted message after insert command in Beeline
* [HIVE-14431] - Recognize COALESCE as CASE
* [HIVE-14493] - Partitioning support for materialized views
* [HIVE-14535] - add insert-only ACID tables to Hive
* [HIVE-16490] - Hive should not use private HDFS APIs for encryption
* [HIVE-16861] - MapredParquetOutputFormat - Save Some Array Allocations
* [HIVE-17061] - Add Support for Column List in Insert Clause
* [HIVE-17503] - CBO: Add "Explain CBO" to print Calcite trees
* [HIVE-17979] - Tez: Improve ReduceRecordSource passDownKey copying
* [HIVE-18038] - org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.session.OperationLog - Review
* [HIVE-18394] - Materialized view: "Create Materialized View" should default to rewritable ones
* [HIVE-18415] - Lower "Updating Partition Stats" Logging Level
* [HIVE-18453] - ACID: Add "CREATE TRANSACTIONAL TABLE" syntax to unify ACID ORC & Parquet support
* [HIVE-18469] - HS2UI: Introduce separate option to show query on web ui
* [HIVE-18533] - Add option to use InProcessLauncher to submit spark jobs
* [HIVE-18545] - Add UDF to parse complex types from json
* [HIVE-18583] - Enable DateRangeRules
* [HIVE-18620] - Improve error message while dropping a table that is part of a materialized view
* [HIVE-18705] - Improve HiveMetaStoreClient.dropDatabase
* [HIVE-18724] - Improve error handling for subqueries referencing columns(correlated) of its grand-parent query
* [HIVE-18725] - Improve error handling for subqueries if there is wrong column reference
* [HIVE-18845] - SHOW COMAPCTIONS should show host name
* [HIVE-18866] - Semijoin and analyze: Implement a Long -> Hash64 vector fast-path
* [HIVE-18880] - Change Log to Debug in CombineHiveInputFormat
* [HIVE-18881] - Lower Logging for FSStatsAggregator
* [HIVE-18882] - Minor Logging Improvements in Hive Metastore Client Connection
* [HIVE-18902] - Lower Logging Level for Cleaning Up "local RawStore"
* [HIVE-18903] - Lower Logging Level for ObjectStore
* [HIVE-18906] - Lower Logging for "Using direct SQL"
* [HIVE-18908] - FULL OUTER JOIN to MapJoin
* [HIVE-19023] - Druid storage Handler still using old select query when the CBO fails
* [HIVE-19041] - Thrift deserialization of Partition objects should intern fields
* [HIVE-19046] - Refactor the common parts of the HiveMetastore add_partition_core and add_partitions_pspec_core methods
* [HIVE-19064] - Add mode to support delimited identifiers enclosed within double quotation
* [HIVE-19077] - Handle duplicate ptests requests standing in queue at the same time
* [HIVE-19104] - When test MetaStore is started with retry the instances should be independent
* [HIVE-19106] - Hive ZooKeeper Locking - Throw and Log
* [HIVE-19113] - Bucketing: Make CLUSTERED BY do CLUSTER BY if no explicit sorting is specified
* [HIVE-19204] - Detailed errors from some tasks are not displayed to the client because the tasks don't set exception when they fail
* [HIVE-19228] - Remove commons-httpclient 3.x usage
* [HIVE-19242] - CliAdapter silently ignores excluded qfiles
* [HIVE-19259] - Create view on tables having union all fail with "Table not found"
* [HIVE-19261] - Avro SerDe's InstanceCache should not be synchronized on retrieve
* [HIVE-19263] - Improve ugly exception handling in HiveMetaStore
* [HIVE-19285] - Add logs to the subclasses of MetaDataOperation
* [HIVE-19360] - CBO: Add an "optimizedSQL" to QueryPlan object
* [HIVE-19390] - Useless error messages logged for dummy table stats
* [HIVE-19403] - Demote 'Pattern' Logging
* [HIVE-19404] - Revise DDL Task Result Logging
* [HIVE-19421] - Upgrade version of Jetty to 9.3.20.v20170531
* [HIVE-19432] - HIVE-7575: GetTablesOperation is too slow if the hive has too many databases and tables
* [HIVE-19441] - Use LLAP test Driver for Druid test suites
* [HIVE-19464] - Upgrade Parquet to 1.10.0
* [HIVE-19465] - Upgrade ORC to 1.5.0
* [HIVE-19490] - Locking on Insert into for non native and managed tables.
* [HIVE-19503] - Create a test that checks for dropPartitions with directSql
* [HIVE-19560] - Retry test runner and retry rule for flaky tests
* [HIVE-19572] - Add option to mask stats and data size in q files
* [HIVE-19647] - use bitvectors in IN operators
* [HIVE-19662] - Upgrade Avro to 1.8.2
* [HIVE-19668] - Over 30% of the heap wasted by duplicate org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken's and duplicate strings
* [HIVE-19669] - Upgrade ORC to 1.5.1
* [HIVE-19674] - Group by Decimal Constants push down to Druid tables.
* [HIVE-19682] - Provide option for GenericUDTFGetSplits to return only schema metadata
* [HIVE-19767] - HiveServer2 should take hiveconf for non Hive properties
* [HIVE-19770] - Support for CBO for queries with multiple same columns in select
* [HIVE-19776] - HiveServer2.startHiveServer2 retries of start has concurrency issues
* [HIVE-19783] - Retrieve only locations in HiveMetaStore.dropPartitionsAndGetLocations
* [HIVE-19809] - Remove Deprecated Code From Utilities Class
* [HIVE-19824] - Improve online datasize estimations for MapJoins
* [HIVE-19831] - Hiveserver2 should skip doAuth checks for CREATE DATABASE/TABLE if database/table already exists
* [HIVE-19846] - Removed Deprecated Calls From FileUtils-getJarFilesByPath
* [HIVE-19902] - Provide Metastore micro-benchmarks
* [HIVE-19926] - Remove deprecated hcatalog streaming
* [HIVE-19937] - Intern fields in MapWork on deserialization
* [HIVE-19940] - Push predicates with deterministic UDFs with RBO
* [HIVE-19985] - ACID: Skip decoding the ROW__ID sections for read-only queries
* [HIVE-20006] - Make materializations invalidation cache work with multiple active remote metastores
* [HIVE-20015] - Populate ArrayList with Constructor
* [HIVE-20020] - Hive contrib jar should not be in lib
* [HIVE-20032] - Don't serialize hashCode for repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions
* [HIVE-20041] - ResultsCache: Improve logging for concurrent queries
* [HIVE-20079] - Populate more accurate rawDataSize for parquet format
* [HIVE-20090] - Extend creation of semijoin reduction filters to be able to discover new opportunities
* [HIVE-20102] - Add a couple of additional tests for query parsing
* [HIVE-20118] - SessionStateUserAuthenticator.getGroupNames() is always empty
* [HIVE-20130] - Better logging for information schema synchronizer
* [HIVE-20135] - Fix incompatible change in TimestampColumnVector to default to UTC
* [HIVE-20136] - Code Review of ArchiveUtils Class
* [HIVE-20137] - Truncate for Transactional tables should use base_x
* [HIVE-20150] - TopNKey pushdown
* [HIVE-20156] - Printing Stacktrace to STDERR
* [HIVE-20158] - Do Not Print StackTraces to STDERR in Base64TextOutputFormat
* [HIVE-20159] - Do Not Print StackTraces to STDERR in ConditionalResolverSkewJoin
* [HIVE-20160] - Do Not Print StackTraces to STDERR in OperatorFactory
* [HIVE-20161] - Do Not Print StackTraces to STDERR in ParseDriver
* [HIVE-20162] - Do Not Print StackTraces to STDERR in AbstractJoinTaskDispatcher
* [HIVE-20163] - Simplify StringSubstrColStart Initialization
* [HIVE-20166] - LazyBinaryStruct Warn Level Logging
* [HIVE-20169] - Print Final Rows Processed in MapOperator
* [HIVE-20170] - Improve JoinOperator "rows for join key" Logging
* [HIVE-20213] - Upgrade Calcite to 1.17.0
* [HIVE-20218] - make sure Statement.executeUpdate() returns number of rows affected
* [HIVE-20223] - SLF4J Parameterized Logging
* [HIVE-20224] - Remove Logging Guards
* [HIVE-20233] - Code formatting improvements to
* [HIVE-20236] - Do Not Print StackTraces to STDERR in DDLTask
* [HIVE-20237] - Do Not Print StackTraces to STDERR in HiveMetaStore
* [HIVE-20239] - Do Not Print StackTraces to STDERR in MapJoinProcessor
* [HIVE-20241] - Support partitioning spec in CTAS statements
* [HIVE-20246] - Configurable collecting stats by using DO_NOT_UPDATE_STATS table property
* [HIVE-20255] - Review
* [HIVE-20260] - NDV of a column shouldn't be scaled when row count is changed by filter on another column
* [HIVE-20262] - Implement stats annotation rule for the UDTFOperator
* [HIVE-20267] - Expanding WebUI to include form to dynamically config log levels
* [HIVE-20278] - Druid Scan Query avoid copying from List -> Map -> List
* [HIVE-20279] - HiveContextAwareRecordReader slows down Druid Scan queries.
* [HIVE-20291] - Allow HiveStreamingConnection to receive a WriteId
* [HIVE-20292] - Bad join ordering in tpcds query93 with primary constraint defined
* [HIVE-20295] - Remove !isNumber check after failed constant interpretation
* [HIVE-20296] - Improve HivePointLookupOptimizerRule to be able to extract from more sophisticated contexts
* [HIVE-20300] - VectorFileSinkArrowOperator
* [HIVE-20312] - Allow arrow clients to use their own BufferAllocator with LlapOutputFormatService
* [HIVE-20314] - Include partition pruning in materialized view rewriting
* [HIVE-20344] - PrivilegeSynchronizer for SBA might hit AccessControlException
* [HIVE-20350] - Unnecessary value assignment
* [HIVE-20357] - Introduce initOrUpgradeSchema option to schema tool
* [HIVE-20360] - QTest: ignore driver/qtest exclusions if -Dqfile param is set
* [HIVE-20364] - Update default for
* [HIVE-20371] - Fix definition for add_write_notification_log in hive_metastore.thrift.
* [HIVE-20374] - Write Hive version information to Parquet footer
* [HIVE-20382] - Materialized views: Introduce heuristic to favour incremental rebuild
* [HIVE-20389] - NPE in SessionStateUserAuthenticator when authenticator=SessionStateUserAuthenticator
* [HIVE-20425] - Use a custom range of port for embedded Derby used by Druid.
* [HIVE-20427] - Remove Druid Mock tests from CliDriver
* [HIVE-20432] - Rewrite BETWEEN to IN for integer types for stats estimation
* [HIVE-20439] - Use the inflated memory limit during join selection for llap
* [HIVE-20440] - Create better cache eviction policy for SmallTableCache
* [HIVE-20449] - DruidMiniTests - Move creation of druid table from allTypesOrc to test setup phase
* [HIVE-20466] - Improve org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.FunctionTask Experience
* [HIVE-20477] - OptimizedSql is not shown if the expression contains INs
* [HIVE-20480] - Implement column stats annotation rules for the UDTFOperator: Follow up for HIVE-20262
* [HIVE-20484] - Disable Block Cache By Default With HBase SerDe
* [HIVE-20486] - Kafka: Use Row SerDe + vectorization
* [HIVE-20490] - UDAF: Add an 'approx_distinct' to Hive
* [HIVE-20491] - Fix mapjoin size estimations for Fast implementation
* [HIVE-20493] - Unit test getGroupNames for SessionStateUserAuthenticator
* [HIVE-20506] - HOS times out when cluster is full while Hive-on-MR waits
* [HIVE-20521] - HS2 doAs=true has permission issue with hadoop.tmp.dir, with MR and S3A filesystem
* [HIVE-20545] - Ability to exclude potentially large parameters in HMS Notifications
* [HIVE-20552] - Get Schema from LogicalPlan faster
* [HIVE-20553] - more acid stats tests
* [HIVE-20558] - Change default of hive.hashtable.key.count.adjustment to 0.99
* [HIVE-20560] - Set hive.llap.memory.oversubscription.max.executors.per.query to be 1/3rd of num of executors per node
* [HIVE-20568] - There is no need to convert the dbname to pattern while pulling tablemeta
* [HIVE-20572] - Change default value of hive.tez.llap.min.reducer.per.executor
* [HIVE-20580] - OrcInputFormat.isOriginal() should not rely on hive.acid.key.index
* [HIVE-20590] - Allow merge statement to have column schema
* [HIVE-20604] - Minor compaction disables ORC column stats
* [HIVE-20609] - Create SSD cache dir if it doesnt exist already
* [HIVE-20618] - During join selection BucketMapJoin might be choosen for non bucketed tables
* [HIVE-20619] - Include MultiDelimitSerDe in HIveServer2 By Default
* [HIVE-20623] - Shared work: Extend sharing of map-join cache entries in LLAP
* [HIVE-20626] - Log more details when druid metastore transaction fails in callback
* [HIVE-20640] - Upgrade Hive to use ORC 1.5.3
* [HIVE-20644] - Avoid exposing sensitive infomation through a Hive Runtime exception
* [HIVE-20646] - Partition filter condition is not pushed down to metastore query if it has IS NOT NULL.
* [HIVE-20651] - JdbcStorageHandler password should be encrypted
* [HIVE-20660] - Group by statistics estimation could be improved by bounding the total number of rows to source table
* [HIVE-20661] - Dynamic partitions loading calls add partition for every partition 1-by-1
* [HIVE-20686] - Sync QueryIDs across hive and druid
* [HIVE-20692] - Enable folding of NOT x IS (NOT) [TRUE|FALSE] expressions
* [HIVE-20698] - Better error instead of NPE when timestamp is null for any row when ingesting to druid
* [HIVE-20701] - Allow HiveStreaming to receive a key value to commit atomically together with the transaction
* [HIVE-20703] - Put dynamic sort partition optimization under cost based decision
* [HIVE-20712] - HivePointLookupOptimizer should extract deep cases
* [HIVE-20722] - Switch HS2 CompileLock to use fair locks
* [HIVE-20738] - Enable Delete Event filtering in VectorizedOrcAcidRowBatchReader
* [HIVE-20740] - Remove global lock in ObjectStore.setConf method
* [HIVE-20752] - In case of LLAP start failure add info how to find YARN logs
* [HIVE-20776] - Run HMS filterHooks on server-side in addition to client-side
* [HIVE-20794] - Use Zookeeper for metastore service discovery
* [HIVE-20796] - jdbc URL can contain sensitive information that should not be logged
* [HIVE-20797] - Print Number of Locks Acquired
* [HIVE-20804] - Further improvements to group by optimization with constraints
* [HIVE-20807] - Refactor LlapStatusServiceDriver
* [HIVE-20821] - Rewrite SUM0 into SUM + COALESCE combination
* [HIVE-20822] - Improvements to push computation to JDBC from Calcite
* [HIVE-20826] - Enhance HiveSemiJoin rule to convert join + group by on left side to Left Semi Join
* [HIVE-20831] - Add Session ID to Operation Logging
* [HIVE-20847] - Review of NullScan Code
* [HIVE-20850] - Push case conditional from projections to dimension tables if possible
* [HIVE-20853] - Expose ShuffleHandler.registerDag in the llap daemon API
* [HIVE-20859] - clean up invocation of Worker/Cleaner/Initiator in test code
* [HIVE-20873] - Use Murmur hash for VectorHashKeyWrapperTwoLong to reduce hash collision
* [HIVE-20880] - Update default value for
* [HIVE-20886] - Fix NPE: GenericUDFLower
* [HIVE-20891] - Call alter_partition in batch when dynamically loading partitions
* [HIVE-20894] - Clean Up JDBC HiveQueryResultSet
* [HIVE-20895] - Utilize Switch Statements in JdbcColumn Class
* [HIVE-20903] - Cleanup code inspection issue on the druid adapter.
* [HIVE-20918] - Flag to enable/disable pushdown of computation from Calcite into JDBC connection
* [HIVE-20919] - Break up UpdateDeleteSemanticAnalyzer
* [HIVE-20920] - Use SQL constraints to improve join reordering algorithm (II)
* [HIVE-20932] - Vectorize Druid Storage Handler Reader
* [HIVE-20936] - Allow the Worker thread in the metastore to run outside of it
* [HIVE-20954] - Vector RS operator is not using uniform hash function for TPC-DS query 95
* [HIVE-20961] - Retire NVL implementation
* [HIVE-20974] - TezTask should set task exception on failures
* [HIVE-20983] - Vectorization: Scale up small hashtables, when collisions are detected
* [HIVE-20992] - Split the config "" into more meaningful configs
* [HIVE-21001] - Upgrade to calcite-1.19
* [HIVE-21004] - Less object creation for Hive Kafka reader
* [HIVE-21006] - Extend SharedWorkOptimizer to remove semijoins when there is a reutilization opportunity
* [HIVE-21021] - Scalar subquery with only aggregate in subquery (no group by) has unnecessary sq_count_check branch
* [HIVE-21032] - Refactor HiveMetaTool
* [HIVE-21034] - Add option to schematool to drop Hive databases
* [HIVE-21040] - msck does unnecessary file listing at last level of directory tree
* [HIVE-21045] - Add HMS total api count stats and connection pool stats to metrics
* [HIVE-21046] - Push IN clause with struct values to JDBC sources
* [HIVE-21050] - Use Parquet LogicalTypes
* [HIVE-21065] - Upgrade Hive to use ORC 1.5.4
* [HIVE-21071] - Improve getInputSummary
* [HIVE-21073] - Remove Extra String Object
* [HIVE-21077] - Database and catalogs should have creation time
* [HIVE-21083] - Remove the requirement to specify the truststore location when TLS to the database is turned on
* [HIVE-21095] - 'Show create table' should not display a time zone for timestamp with local time zone
* [HIVE-21099] - Do Not Print StackTraces to STDERR in ConditionalResolverMergeFiles
* [HIVE-21126] - Allow session level queries in LlapBaseInputFormat#getSplits() before actual get_splits() call
* [HIVE-21134] - Hive Build Version as UDF
* [HIVE-21138] - Fix some of the alerts raised by
* [HIVE-21143] - Add rewrite rules to open/close Between operators
* [HIVE-21145] - Enable cbo to use runtime statistics during re-optimization
* [HIVE-21148] - Use StandardCharsets Where Possible
* [HIVE-21149] - Refactor LlapServiceDriver
* [HIVE-21152] - Rewrite if expression to case and recognize simple case as an if
* [HIVE-21171] - Skip creating scratch dirs for tez if RPC is on
* [HIVE-21182] - Skip setting up hive scratch dir during planning
* [HIVE-21183] - Interrupt wait time for FileCacheCleanupThread
* [HIVE-21184] - Add explain and explain formatted CBO plan with cost information
* [HIVE-21187] - OptimizedSql is not shown when the expression contains BETWEENs
* [HIVE-21189] - hive.merge.nway.joins should default to false
* [HIVE-21199] - Replace all occurences of new Byte with Byte.valueOf
* [HIVE-21217] - Optimize range calculation for PTF
* [HIVE-21224] - Upgrade tests JUnit3 to JUnit4
* [HIVE-21225] - ACID: getAcidState() should cache a recursive dir listing locally
* [HIVE-21226] - Exclude read-only transactions from ValidTxnList
* [HIVE-21228] - Replace all occurences of new Integer with Integer.valueOf
* [HIVE-21230] - LEFT OUTER JOIN does not generate transitive IS NOT NULL filter on right side (HiveJoinAddNotNullRule bails out for outer joins)
* [HIVE-21231] - HiveJoinAddNotNullRule support for range predicates
* [HIVE-21240] - JSON SerDe Re-Write
* [HIVE-21241] - Migrate TimeStamp Parser From Joda Time
* [HIVE-21246] - Un-bury DelimitedJSONSerDe from
* [HIVE-21247] - Webhcat beeline in secure mode
* [HIVE-21252] - LazyTimestamp - Use String Equals
* [HIVE-21253] - Support DB2 in JDBC StorageHandler
* [HIVE-21255] - Remove QueryConditionBuilder in JdbcStorageHandler
* [HIVE-21264] - Improvements Around CharTypeInfo
* [HIVE-21275] - Lower Logging Level in Operator Class for Group Tracing
* [HIVE-21279] - Avoid moving/rename operation in FileSink op for SELECT queries
* [HIVE-21297] - Replace all occurences of new Long, Boolean, Double etc with the corresponding .valueOf
* [HIVE-21298] - Move Hive Schema Tool classes to their own package to have cleaner structure
* [HIVE-21305] - LLAP: Option to skip cache for ETL queries
* [HIVE-21312] - FSStatsAggregator::connect is slow
* [HIVE-21316] - Comparision of varchar column and string literal should happen in varchar
* [HIVE-21329] - Custom Tez runtime unordered output buffer size depending on operator pipeline
* [HIVE-21336] - HMS Index PCS_STATS_IDX too long for Oracle when NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS=char
* [HIVE-21337] - HMS Metadata migration from Postgres/Derby to other DBs fail
* [HIVE-21338] - Remove order by and limit for aggregates
* [HIVE-21341] - Sensible defaults : hive.server2.idle.operation.timeout and hive.server2.idle.session.timeout are too high
* [HIVE-21356] - Upgrade Jackson to 2.9.8
* [HIVE-21363] - Ldap auth issue: group filter match should be case insensitive
* [HIVE-21365] - Refactor Hep planner steps in CBO
* [HIVE-21371] - Make NonSyncByteArrayOutputStream Overflow Conscious
* [HIVE-21372] - Use Apache Commons IO To Read Stream To String
* [HIVE-21377] - Using Oracle as HMS DB with DirectSQL
* [HIVE-21382] - Group by keys reduction optimization - keys are not reduced in query23
* [HIVE-21383] - JDBC storage handler: Use catalog and schema to retrieve tables if specified
* [HIVE-21384] - Upgrade to dbcp2 in JDBC storage handler
* [HIVE-21385] - Allow disabling pushdown of non-splittable computation to JDBC sources
* [HIVE-21386] - Extend the fetch task enhancement done in HIVE-21279 to make it work with query result cache
* [HIVE-21388] - Constant UDF is not pushed to JDBCStorage Handler
* [HIVE-21395] - Refactor HiveSemiJoinRule
* [HIVE-21399] - Adjust statically depending on group by statistics
* [HIVE-21416] - Log git apply tries with p0, p1, and p2
* [HIVE-21422] - Add metrics to LRFU cache policy
* [HIVE-21423] - Do not check for whitespace issues in generated code
* [HIVE-21425] - Use DirectExecutorService for getInputSummary
* [HIVE-21426] - Remove Utilities Global Random
* [HIVE-21443] - Better usability for SHOW COMPACTIONS
* [HIVE-21445] - Support range check for DECIMAL type in stats annotation
* [HIVE-21449] - implement 'WITHIN GROUP' clause
* [HIVE-21455] - Too verbose logging in AvroGenericRecordReader
* [HIVE-21457] - Perf optimizations in ORC split-generation
* [HIVE-21484] - Metastore API getVersion() should return real version
* [HIVE-21512] - Upgrade jms-api to 2.0.2
* [HIVE-21525] - [cosmetic] reformat code in
* [HIVE-21526] - JSONDropDatabaseMessage needs to have the full database object.
* [HIVE-21537] - Scalar query rewrite could be improved to not generate an extra join if subquery is guaranteed to produce atmost one row
* [HIVE-21547] - Temp Tables: Use stORC format for temporary tables
* [HIVE-21563] - Improve Table#getEmptyTable performance by disable registerAllFunctionsOnce
* [HIVE-21576] - Introduce CAST...FORMAT and limited list of SQL:2016 datetime formats
* [HIVE-21578] - Introduce SQL:2016 formats FM, FX, and nested strings
* [HIVE-21579] - Introduce more complex SQL:2016 datetime formats
* [HIVE-21580] - Introduce ISO 8601 week numbering SQL:2016 formats
* [HIVE-21592] - OptimizedSql is not shown when the expression contains CONCAT
* [HIVE-21633] - Estimate range for value generated by aggregate function in statistics annotation
* [HIVE-21634] - Materialized view rewriting over aggregate operators containing with grouping sets
* [HIVE-21636] - ReplaceAll() -> replace() for non regex strings
* [HIVE-21645] - Include CBO json plan in explain formatted
* [HIVE-21650] - QOutProcessor should provide configurable partial masks for qtests
* [HIVE-21661] - Add option to check q file syntax before execution
* [HIVE-21662] - Refactor some functionality from QTestUtil to separate classes
* [HIVE-21696] - Include partition columns and column stats in explain cbo formatted
* [HIVE-21728] - WorkloadManager logging fix
* [HIVE-21777] - Maven jar goal is producing warning due to missing dependency
* [HIVE-21785] - Add task queue/runtime stats per LLAP daemon to output
* [HIVE-21789] - HiveFileFormatUtils.getRecordWriter is unnecessary
* [HIVE-21815] - Stats in ORC file are parsed twice
* [HIVE-21835] - Unnecessary null checks in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.StatsOptimizer
* [HIVE-21842] - Code cleanup in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.stats.StatsUtils.collectStatistics
* [HIVE-21851] - FireEventResponse should include event id when available
* [HIVE-21858] - Default to store runtime statistics in the metastore
* [HIVE-21868] - Vectorize CAST...FORMAT
* [HIVE-21869] - Clean up the Kafka storage handler readme and examples
* [HIVE-21884] - Scheduled query support
* [HIVE-21889] - Add reexecution configuration keys to the whitelist
* [HIVE-21894] - Hadoop credential password storage for the Kafka Storage handler when security is SSL
* [HIVE-21905] - Generics improvement around the FetchOperator class
* [HIVE-21919] - Refactor Driver
* [HIVE-21924] - Split text files even if header/footer exists
* [HIVE-21933] - Remove unused methods from Utilities
* [HIVE-21934] - Materialized view on top of Druid not pushing everything
* [HIVE-21944] - Remove unused methods, fields and variables from Vectorizer
* [HIVE-21948] - Implement parallel processing in Pre Upgrade Tool
* [HIVE-21954] - QTest: support for running qtests on various metastore DBs
* [HIVE-21965] - Implement parallel processing in HiveStrictManagedMigration
* [HIVE-21968] - Remove index related codes
* [HIVE-21972] - "show transactions" display the header twice
* [HIVE-21973] - SHOW LOCKS prints the headers twice
* [HIVE-21979] - TestReplication tests time out regularily
* [HIVE-21980] - Parsing time can be high in case of deeply nested subqueries
* [HIVE-21987] - Hive is unable to read Parquet int32 annotated with decimal
* [HIVE-22037] - HS2 should log when shutting down due to OOM
* [HIVE-22040] - Drop partition throws exception with 'Failed to delete parent: File does not exist' when the partition's parent path does not exists
* [HIVE-22046] - Differentiate among column stats computed by different engines
* [HIVE-22057] - Early bailout in SharedWorkOptimizer if all tables are referenced only once
* [HIVE-22063] - Ranger Authorization in Hive based on object ownership - HMS code path
* [HIVE-22065] - Code cleanup around org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez.RecordProcessor
* [HIVE-22066] - Upgrade Apache parent POM to version 21
* [HIVE-22068] - Return the last event id dumped as repl status to avoid notification event missing error.
* [HIVE-22074] - Slow compilation due to IN to OR transformation
* [HIVE-22079] - Post order walker for iterating over expression tree
* [HIVE-22081] - Hivemetastore Performance: Compaction Initiator Thread overwhelmed if there are too many Table/partitions are eligible for compaction
* [HIVE-22089] - Upgrade jackson to 2.9.9
* [HIVE-22090] - Upgrade jetty to 9.3.27
* [HIVE-22102] - Reduce HMS call when creating HiveSession
* [HIVE-22106] - PCR: Remove cross-query synchronization for the partition-eval
* [HIVE-22112] - update jackson version in disconnected poms
* [HIVE-22115] - Prevent the creation of query-router logger in HS2 as per property
* [HIVE-22118] - Log the table name while skipping the compaction because it's sorted table/partitions
* [HIVE-22145] - Avoid optimizations for analyze compute statistics
* [HIVE-22151] - Turn off hybrid grace hash join by default
* [HIVE-22168] - remove excessive logging by llap cache.
* [HIVE-22192] - Remove ObjectPair classes
* [HIVE-22195] - Configure authentication type for Zookeeper when different from the default cluster wide
* [HIVE-22199] - Ugrade findbugs to 3.0.5
* [HIVE-22204] - Beeline option to show/not show execution report
* [HIVE-22205] - Upgrade zookeeper and curator versions
* [HIVE-22211] - Change maven phase to generate test sources
* [HIVE-22214] - Explain vectorization should disable user level explain
* [HIVE-22217] - Better Logging for Hive JAR Reload
* [HIVE-22221] - Llap external client - Need to reduce LlapBaseInputFormat#getSplits() footprint
* [HIVE-22239] - Scale data size using column value ranges
* [HIVE-22241] - Implement UDF to interpret date/timestamp using its internal representation and Gregorian-Julian hybrid calendar
* [HIVE-22245] - Make qtest feature parser reuseable
* [HIVE-22270] - Upgrade commons-io to 2.6
* [HIVE-22278] - Upgrade log4j to 2.12.1
* [HIVE-22282] - Obtain LLAP delegation token only when LLAP is configured for Kerberos authentication
* [HIVE-22284] - Improve LLAP CacheContentsTracker to collect and display correct statistics
* [HIVE-22292] - Implement Hypothetical-Set Aggregate Functions
* [HIVE-22297] - qtests: add regex based replacer
* [HIVE-22298] - Allow Llap IO cache for reading tables without delete delta
* [HIVE-22303] - TestObjectStore starts some deadline timers which are never stopped
* [HIVE-22327] - Repl: Ignore read-only transactions in notification log
* [HIVE-22330] - Maximize smallBuffer usage in BytesColumnVector
* [HIVE-22339] - Change default time for MVs refresh in registry
* [HIVE-22343] - Fix incorrect spelling of 'artifectId' in pom.xml
* [HIVE-22357] - Schema mismatch between the Hive table definition and the "hive.sql.query" Parameter
* [HIVE-22366] - Multiple metastore calls for same table and constraints during planning
* [HIVE-22376] - Cancelled query still prints exception if it was stuck in waiting for lock
* [HIVE-22403] - Print ENV Variables In Command Line Help Debug Mode
* [HIVE-22414] - Make LLAP CacheTags more memory efficient
* [HIVE-22419] - Improve Messages Emitted From HiveMetaStoreClient
* [HIVE-22421] - Improve Logging If Configuration File Not Found
* [HIVE-22423] - Improve Logging In HadoopThriftAuthBridge
* [HIVE-22425] - ReplChangeManager Not Debug Logging Database Name
* [HIVE-22426] - Use DependencyManagement in Root POM for itests
* [HIVE-22427] - PersistenceManagerProvider Logs a Warning About datanucleus.autoStartMechanismMode
* [HIVE-22428] - Remove superfluous "Failed to get database" WARN Logging in ObjectStore
* [HIVE-22430] - Avoid creation of additional RS for limit if it is equal to zero
* [HIVE-22444] - Clean up Project POM Files
* [HIVE-22458] - Add more constraints on showing partitions
* [HIVE-22464] - Implement support for NULLS FIRST/LAST in TopNKeyOperator
* [HIVE-22465] - Add ssl conf in TezConfigurationFactory
* [HIVE-22469] - Lower Metastore DB Connection Pool Size in QTests
* [HIVE-22479] - Fix typo in GenericUDF
* [HIVE-22481] - Expose null sort order at default level
* [HIVE-22483] - Vectorize UDF datetime_legacy_hybrid_calendar
* [HIVE-22484] - Remove Calls to printStackTrace
* [HIVE-22485] - Cross product should set the conf in UnorderedPartitionedKVEdgeConfig
* [HIVE-22486] - Send only accessed columns for masking policies request
* [HIVE-22491] - Use Collections emptyList
* [HIVE-22492] - Amortize lock contention due to LRFU accounting
* [HIVE-22493] - Scheduled Query Execution Failure in Tests
* [HIVE-22506] - Read-only transactions feature flag
* [HIVE-22512] - Use direct SQL to fetch column privileges in refreshPrivileges
* [HIVE-22517] - Sysdb related qtests also output the sysdb sql commands to q.out
* [HIVE-22524] - CommandProcessorException should utilize standard Exception fields
* [HIVE-22525] - Refactor HiveOpConverter
* [HIVE-22531] - Fix a couple whitespace errors in error messages
* [HIVE-22533] - Fix possible LLAP daemon web UI vulnerabilities
* [HIVE-22539] - HiveServer2 SPNEGO authentication should skip if authorization header is empty
* [HIVE-22553] - Expose locks and transactions in sys db
* [HIVE-22568] - Process compaction candidates in parallel by the Initiator
* [HIVE-22569] - PartitionPruner use Collections Class
* [HIVE-22587] - hive.stats.ndv.error parameter documentation issue in
* [HIVE-22592] - Remove redundant calls to AcidUtils#getAcidState in Worker and CompactorMR
* [HIVE-22594] - Reorder metastore thrift structures
* [HIVE-22596] - RawStore used by Initiator is not thread-safe
* [HIVE-22597] - Include More Context in Database NoSuchObjectException
* [HIVE-22627] - Add schema changes introduced in HIVE-21443 to the schema upgrade scripts
* [HIVE-22629] - AST Node Children can be quite expensive to build due to List resizing
* [HIVE-22631] - Avoid deep copying partition list in listPartitionsByExpr
* [HIVE-22632] - Improve estimateRowSizeFromSchema
* [HIVE-22637] - Avoid cost based rules during generating expressions from AST
* [HIVE-22648] - Upgrade Parquet to 1.11.0
* [HIVE-22652] - TopNKey push through Group by with Grouping sets
* [HIVE-22666] - Introduce TopNKey operator for PTF Reduce Sink
* [HIVE-22703] - Compaction configuration check when starting HMS/HS2
* [HIVE-22705] - LLAP cache is polluted by query-based compactor
* [HIVE-22719] - Remove Log from HiveConf::getLogIdVar
* [HIVE-22720] - Optimise AuthenticationProviderFactory::getAuthenticationProvider
* [HIVE-22724] - Reduce number of DB calls in ObjectStore, TxnHandler
* [HIVE-22725] - Lazy evaluate HiveMetastore::fireReadTablePreEvent table computation
* [HIVE-22729] - Provide a failure reason for failed compactions
* [HIVE-22735] - TopNKey operator deduplication
* [HIVE-22741] - Speed up ObjectStore method getTableMeta
* [HIVE-22745] - Config option to turn off read locks
* [HIVE-22746] - Make TypeCheckProcFactory generic
* [HIVE-22751] - Move locking in HiveServer2::isDeregisteredWithZooKeeper to ZooKeeperHiveHelper
* [HIVE-22753] - Fix gradual mem leak: Operationlog related appenders should be cleared up on errors
* [HIVE-22754] - Trim some extra HDFS find file name calls that can be deduced using current TXN watermark
* [HIVE-22770] - Skip interning of MapWork fields during deserialization
* [HIVE-22772] - Log opType and session level information for each operation
* [HIVE-22774] - Usability improvements of scheduled queries
* [HIVE-22775] - Use the qt:authorizer option in qtests
* [HIVE-22780] - Upgrade slf4j version to 1.7.30
* [HIVE-22781] - Add ability to immediately execute a scheduled query
* [HIVE-22782] - Consolidate metastore call to fetch constraints
* [HIVE-22785] - Update/delete/merge statements not optimized through CBO
* [HIVE-22786] - Vectorization: Agg with distinct can be optimised in HASH mode
* [HIVE-22795] - Create new parser and udf module from ql
* [HIVE-22798] - Fix/Optimize: PrimitiveTypeInfo::getPrimitiveTypeEntry
* [HIVE-22801] - Debug log is flooded with some debug dump stack
* [HIVE-22804] - Ensure ANSI quotes are used for mysql connections
* [HIVE-22818] - Preparation for jetty 9.4.26 upgrade
* [HIVE-22819] - Refactor Hive::listFilesCreatedByQuery to make it faster for object stores
* [HIVE-22825] - Reduce directory lookup cost for acid tables
* [HIVE-22827] - Update Flatbuffer version
* [HIVE-22831] - Add option in HiveStrictManagedMigration to also move tables converted to external living in old WH
* [HIVE-22832] - Parallelise direct insert directory cleaning process
* [HIVE-22842] - Timestamp/date vectors in Arrow serializer should use correct calendar for value representation
* [HIVE-22864] - Add option to DatabaseRule to run the Schema Tool in verbose mode for tests
* [HIVE-22866] - Add more testcases for scheduled queries
* [HIVE-22867] - Add partitioning support to VectorTopNKeyOperator
* [HIVE-22872] - Support multiple executors for scheduled queries
* [HIVE-22873] - Make it possible to identify which hs2 instance executed a scheduled query
* [HIVE-22876] - Do not enforce files by checkstyle
* [HIVE-22881] - Revise non-recommended Calcite api calls
* [HIVE-22885] - HiveMetaStore should log end time for operation requests
* [HIVE-22893] - Enhance data size estimation for fields computed by UDFs
* [HIVE-22899] - Make sure qtests clean up copied files from test directories
* [HIVE-22900] - Predicate Push Down Of Like Filter While Fetching Partition Data From MetaStore
* [HIVE-22914] - Make Hive Connection ZK Interactions Easier to Troubleshoot
* [HIVE-22923] - Extract cumulative cost metadata from HiveRelMdDistinctRowCount metadata provider
* [HIVE-22942] - Replace PTest with an alternative
* [HIVE-22944] - Upgrade to Kryo5
* [HIVE-22957] - Support Partition Filtering In MSCK REPAIR TABLE Command
* [HIVE-22962] - Reuse HiveRelFieldTrimmer instance across queries
* [HIVE-22964] - MM table split computation is very slow
* [HIVE-22966] - LLAP: Consider including waitTime for comparing attempts in same vertex
* [HIVE-22971] - Eliminate file rename in insert-only compactor
* [HIVE-22975] - Optimise TopNKeyFilter with boundary checks
* [HIVE-22979] - Support total file size in statistics annotation
* [HIVE-22983] - Fix the comments on ConstantPropagate
* [HIVE-22995] - Add support for location for managed tables on database
* [HIVE-23000] - Improve travis.yml
* [HIVE-23002] - Optimise LazyBinaryUtils.writeVLong
* [HIVE-23018] - Provide a bulk API to fire multiple insert events
* [HIVE-23026] - Allow for custom YARN application name for TEZ queries
* [HIVE-23029] - LLAP: Shuffle Handler should support Index Cache configuration
* [HIVE-23037] - Print Logging Information for Exception in AcidUtils tryListLocatedHdfsStatus
* [HIVE-23045] - Zookeeper SSL/TLS support
* [HIVE-23051] - Clean up BucketCodec
* [HIVE-23052] - Optimize lock enqueueing in TxnHandler
* [HIVE-23053] - Clean Up Stats Mergers
* [HIVE-23057] - ColumnStatsMergerFactory NPE Possible
* [HIVE-23062] - Hive to check Yarn RM URL in TLS and Yarn HA mode for custom Tez queue
* [HIVE-23073] - Shade netty and upgrade to netty 4.1.48.Final
* [HIVE-23078] - Remove HiveDriver SecurityManager Check
* [HIVE-23080] - Clean Up HivePreparedStatement
* [HIVE-23083] - Enable fast serialization in xprod edge
* [HIVE-23084] - Implement kill query in multiple HS2 environment
* [HIVE-23089] - Add constraint checks to CBO plan
* [HIVE-23093] - Create new metastore config value for jdbc max batch size
* [HIVE-23094] - Implement Explain CBO of Update and Delete statements
* [HIVE-23098] - Allow Operation assertState to Accept a Collection
* [HIVE-23099] - Improve Logger for Operation Child Classes
* [HIVE-23100] - Create RexNode factory and use it in CalcitePlanner
* [HIVE-23103] - Oracle statement batching
* [HIVE-23104] - Minimize critical paths of TxnHandler::commitTxn and abortTxn
* [HIVE-23106] - Cleanup CalcitePlanner genOPTree exception handling
* [HIVE-23108] - Cleanup
* [HIVE-23113] - Clean Up HiveCallableStatement
* [HIVE-23117] - Review of HiveStatement Class
* [HIVE-23118] - Option for exposing compile time counters as tez counters
* [HIVE-23122] - LLAP: TaskExecutorService should log details about task eviction decision details
* [HIVE-23124] - Review of SQLOperation Class
* [HIVE-23135] - Add RelDistribution trait to HiveSortExchange
* [HIVE-23140] - Optimise file move in CTAS
* [HIVE-23180] - Remove unused variables from tez build dag
* [HIVE-23183] - Make TABLE Token Optional in TRUNCATE Statement
* [HIVE-23191] - Prevent redundant output descriptor config serialization
* [HIVE-23194] - Use Queue Instead of List for CollectOperator
* [HIVE-23196] - Reduce number of delete calls to NN during Context::clear
* [HIVE-23207] - Create integration tests for TxnManager for different rdbms metastores
* [HIVE-23208] - Update guaranteed capacity in ZK only when WM is enabled
* [HIVE-23210] - Fix shortestjobcomparator when jobs submitted have 1 task their vertices
* [HIVE-23212] - SemanticAnalyzer::getStagingDirectoryPathname should check for encryption zone only when needed
* [HIVE-23213] - HiveStrictManagedMigration should handle legacy Kudu tables
* [HIVE-23214] - Remove skipCorrupt from OrcEncodedDataConsumer
* [HIVE-23216] - Add new api as replacement of get_partitions_by_expr to return PartitionSpec instead of Partitions
* [HIVE-23218] - LlapRecordReader queue limit computation is not optimal
* [HIVE-23258] - Remove BoneCP Connection Pool
* [HIVE-23261] - Check whether encryption is enabled in the cluster before moving files
* [HIVE-23262] - Remove dependency on activemq
* [HIVE-23266] - Remove QueryWrapper from ObjectStore
* [HIVE-23267] - Reduce dependency on groovy
* [HIVE-23268] - Eliminate beanutils transitive dependency
* [HIVE-23269] - Unsafe comparing bigints and strings
* [HIVE-23275] - Represent UNBOUNDED in window functions in CBO correctly
* [HIVE-23277] - HiveProtoLogger should carry out JSON conversion in its own thread
* [HIVE-23278] - Remove dependency on bouncycastle
* [HIVE-23280] - Trigger compaction with old aborted txns
* [HIVE-23281] - ObjectStore::convertToStorageDescriptor can be optimised to reduce calls to DB for ACID tables
* [HIVE-23282] - Reduce number of DB calls in ObjectStore::getPartitionsByExprInternal
* [HIVE-23283] - Generate random temp ID for lock enqueue and commitTxn
* [HIVE-23284] - Remove dependency on mariadb-java-client
* [HIVE-23287] - Reduce dependency on icu4j
* [HIVE-23291] - Add Hive to DatabaseType in JDBC storage handler
* [HIVE-23292] - Reduce PartitionDesc payload in MapWork
* [HIVE-23294] - Remove sync bottleneck in TezConfigurationFactory
* [HIVE-23298] - Disable RS deduplication step in Optimizer if it is run in TezCompiler
* [HIVE-23307] - Cache ColumnIndex in HiveBaseResultSet
* [HIVE-23310] - Add .asf.yaml
* [HIVE-23318] - TxnHandler should delete from MATERIALIZATION_REBUILD_LOCKS on need basis
* [HIVE-23324] - Parallelise compaction directory cleaning process
* [HIVE-23338] - Bump jackson version to 2.10.0
* [HIVE-23340] - TxnHandler cleanup
* [HIVE-23344] - Bump scala version to 2.12.4, spark to 2.4.5
* [HIVE-23350] - Upgrade DBCP To DBCP 2.7.0
* [HIVE-23363] - Upgrade DataNucleus dependency to 5.2
* [HIVE-23365] - Put RS deduplication optimization under cost based decision
* [HIVE-23372] - Project not defined correctly after reordering a join ADDENDUM - fix sharedwork.q
* [HIVE-23375] - Track MJ HashTable Load time
* [HIVE-23376] - Avoid repeated SHA computation in GenericUDTFGetSplits for hive-exec jar
* [HIVE-23393] - LLapInputFormat reader policy for Random IO formats
* [HIVE-23407] - Prompt Beeline Users To Enable Verbose Logging on Error
* [HIVE-23410] - ACID: Improve the delete and update operations to avoid the move step
* [HIVE-23414] - Detail Hive Java Compatibility
* [HIVE-23424] - Remove Dependency on Log4J from hive-shims-common
* [HIVE-23429] - LLAP: Optimize retrieving queryId details in LlapTaskCommunicator
* [HIVE-23446] - LLAP: Reduce IPC connection misses to AM for short queries
* [HIVE-23449] - LLAP: Reduce mkdir and config creations in submitWork hotpath
* [HIVE-23451] - FileSinkOperator calls deleteOnExit (hdfs call) twice for the same file
* [HIVE-23467] - Add a skip.trash config for HMS to skip trash when deleting external table data
* [HIVE-23468] - LLAP: Optimise OrcEncodedDataReader to avoid FS init to NN
* [HIVE-23478] - Fix flaky special_character_in_tabnames_quotes_1 test
* [HIVE-23485] - Bound GroupByOperator stats using largest NDV among columns
* [HIVE-23487] - Optimise PartitionManagementTask
* [HIVE-23488] - Optimise PartitionManagementTask::Msck::repair
* [HIVE-23491] - Move ParseDriver to parser module
* [HIVE-23492] - Remove unnecessary FileSystem#exists calls from ql module
* [HIVE-23494] - Upgrade Apache parent POM to version 23
* [HIVE-23495] - AcidUtils.getAcidState cleanup
* [HIVE-23499] - REPL: Immutable repl dumps should be reusable across multiple repl loads
* [HIVE-23506] - Move getAcidVersionFrom...File utility methods to TestTxnCommands
* [HIVE-23520] - REPL: repl dump could add support for immutable dataset
* [HIVE-23521] - REPL: Optimise partition loading during bootstrap
* [HIVE-23526] - Beeline may throw the misleading exception
* [HIVE-23530] - Use SQL functions instead of compute_stats UDAF to compute column statistics
* [HIVE-23533] - Remove an FS#exists call from AcidUtils#getLogicalLength
* [HIVE-23535] - Bump Minimum Required Version of Maven to 3.0.5
* [HIVE-23536] - Provide an option to skip stats generation for major compaction
* [HIVE-23546] - Skip authorization when user is a superuser
* [HIVE-23553] - Upgrade ORC version to 1.6.7
* [HIVE-23555] - Cancel compaction jobs when hive.compactor.worker.timeout is reached
* [HIVE-23556] - Support hive.metastore.limit.partition.request for get_partitions_ps
* [HIVE-23587] - Remove JODA Time From LlapServiceDriver
* [HIVE-23595] - Do not query task guaranteed status when wlm off
* [HIVE-23608] - Change an FS#exists call to FS#isFile call in AcidUtils
* [HIVE-23612] - Option for HiveStrictManagedMigration to impersonate a user for FS operations
* [HIVE-23618] - Add notification events for default/check constraints and enable replication.
* [HIVE-23619] - Add new plugin to rerun queries when Tez AM is down due to lost node
* [HIVE-23624] - Add metastore metrics to show the compaction status
* [HIVE-23627] - Review of GroupByOperator
* [HIVE-23628] - Add Default Message for Github PRs
* [HIVE-23683] - Add enqueue time to compaction
* [HIVE-23689] - Bump Tez version to 0.9.2
* [HIVE-23702] - Add metastore metrics to show age of the oldest initiated compaction
* [HIVE-23723] - Limit operator pushdown through LOJ
* [HIVE-23727] - Improve SQLOperation log handling when canceling background
* [HIVE-23734] - Untangle LlapRecordReader Includes construction
* [HIVE-23736] - Disable topn in ReduceSinkOp if a TNK is introduced
* [HIVE-23738] - DBLockManager::lock() : Move lock request to debug level
* [HIVE-23741] - Store CacheTags in the file cache level
* [HIVE-23760] - Upgrading to Kafka 2.5 Clients
* [HIVE-23764] - Remove unnecessary getLastFlushLength when checking delete delta files
* [HIVE-23774] - Reduce log level at aggrColStatsForPartitions in
* [HIVE-23786] - HMS Server side filter
* [HIVE-23791] - Optimize ACID stats generation
* [HIVE-23797] - Throw exception when no metastore found in zookeeper
* [HIVE-23800] - Add hooks when HiveServer2 stops due to OutOfMemoryError
* [HIVE-23806] - Avoid clearing column stat states in all partition in case schema is extended
* [HIVE-23818] - Use String Switch-Case Statement in StatUtils
* [HIVE-23819] - Use ranges in ValidReadTxnList serialization
* [HIVE-23824] - LLAP - add API to look up ORC metadata for certain Path
* [HIVE-23825] - Create a flag to turn off _orc_acid_version file creation
* [HIVE-23826] - Reuse column vectors in LlapRecordReader for ACID data too
* [HIVE-23840] - Use LLAP to get orc metadata
* [HIVE-23843] - Improve key evictions in VectorGroupByOperator
* [HIVE-23852] - Natively support Date type in ReduceSink operator
* [HIVE-23853] - CRUD based compaction also should update ACID file version metadata
* [HIVE-23856] - Beeline Should Print Binary Data in Base64
* [HIVE-23865] - Use More Java Collections Class
* [HIVE-23869] - Move alter statements in parser to new file
* [HIVE-23870] - Optimise multiple text conversions in WritableHiveCharObjectInspector.getPrimitiveJavaObject / HiveCharWritable
* [HIVE-23874] - Add Debug Logging to HiveQueryResultSet
* [HIVE-23875] - Add VSCode files to gitignore
* [HIVE-23880] - Bloom filters can be merged in a parallel way in VectorUDAFBloomFilterMerge
* [HIVE-23892] - Remove interpretation for character RexLiteral
* [HIVE-23901] - Overhead of Logger in ColumnStatsMerger damage the performance
* [HIVE-23908] - Rewrite plan to join back tables: handle root input is an Aggregate
* [HIVE-23915] - Improve Github PR Template
* [HIVE-23930] - Upgrade to tez 0.10.0
* [HIVE-23937] - Take null ordering into consideration when pushing TNK through inner joins
* [HIVE-23938] - LLAP: JDK11 - some GC log file rotation related jvm arguments cannot be used anymore
* [HIVE-23939] - SharedWorkOptimizer: take the union of columns in mergeable TableScans
* [HIVE-23940] - Add TPCH tables (scale factor 0.001) as qt datasets
* [HIVE-23941] - Refactor TypeCheckProcFactory to be database agnostic
* [HIVE-23956] - Delete delta directory file information should be pushed to execution side
* [HIVE-23958] - HiveServer2 should support additional keystore/truststores types besides JKS
* [HIVE-23959] - Provide an option to wipe out column stats for partitioned tables in case of column removal
* [HIVE-23965] - Improve plan regression tests using TPCDS30TB metastore dump and custom configs
* [HIVE-23973] - Use SQL constraints to improve join reordering algorithm (III)
* [HIVE-23975] - Reuse evicted keys from aggregation buffers
* [HIVE-23976] - Enable vectorization for multi-col semi join reducers
* [HIVE-23987] - Upgrade arrow version to 0.11.0
* [HIVE-23988] - Remove unused method
* [HIVE-23989] - Read isMetastoreRemote flag from system var in StartMiniHS2Cluster
* [HIVE-23996] - Remove unused line in UDFArgumentException
* [HIVE-23997] - Some logs in ConstantPropagateProcFactory are not straightforward
* [HIVE-24022] - Optimise HiveMetaStoreAuthorizer.createHiveMetaStoreAuthorizer
* [HIVE-24024] - Improve logging around CompactionTxnHandler
* [HIVE-24026] - HMS/Ranger Spark view authorization plan
* [HIVE-24041] - Extend semijoin conversion rules
* [HIVE-24051] - Hive lineage information exposed in ExecuteWithHookContext
* [HIVE-24063] - SqlFunctionConverter#getHiveUDF handles cast before geting FunctionInfo
* [HIVE-24065] - Bloom filters can be cached after deserialization in VectorInBloomFilterColDynamicValue
* [HIVE-24081] - Enable pre-materializing CTEs referenced in scalar subqueries
* [HIVE-24084] - Push Aggregates thru joins in case it re-groups previously unique columns
* [HIVE-24087] - FK side join elimination in presence of PK-FK constraint
* [HIVE-24093] - Remove unused hive.debug.localtask
* [HIVE-24106] - Abort polling on the operation state when the current thread is interrupted
* [HIVE-24107] - Fix typo in ReloadFunctionsOperation
* [HIVE-24108] - AddToClassPathAction should use TezClassLoader
* [HIVE-24120] - Plugin for external DatabaseProduct in standalone HMS
* [HIVE-24143] - Include convention in JDBC converter operator in Calcite plan
* [HIVE-24146] - Cleanup TaskExecutionException in GenericUDTFExplode
* [HIVE-24154] - Missing simplification opportunity with IN and EQUALS clauses
* [HIVE-24157] - Strict mode to fail on CAST timestamp <-> numeric
* [HIVE-24159] - Kafka storage handler broken in secure environment pt2: short-circuit on non-secure environment
* [HIVE-24161] - Support Oracle CLOB type in beeline
* [HIVE-24176] - Create query-level cache for HMS requests and extend existing local HS2 HMS cache
* [HIVE-24183] - Clean up local HS2 HMS cache code
* [HIVE-24190] - LLAP: ShuffleHandler might return DISK_ERROR_EXCEPTION according to TEZ-4233
* [HIVE-24191] - Introduce configurable user to run compaction as
* [HIVE-24192] - Properly log TaskExecutorService eviction details
* [HIVE-24201] - WorkloadManager can support delayed move if destination pool does not have enough sessions
* [HIVE-24202] - Clean up local HS2 HMS cache code (II)
* [HIVE-24203] - Implement stats annotation rule for the LateralViewJoinOperator
* [HIVE-24205] - Optimise CuckooSetBytes
* [HIVE-24207] - LimitOperator can leverage ObjectCache to bail out quickly
* [HIVE-24221] - Use vectorizable expression to combine multiple columns in semijoin bloom filters
* [HIVE-24222] - Upgrade ORC to 1.5.12
* [HIVE-24234] - Improve checkHashModeEfficiency in VectorGroupByOperator
* [HIVE-24262] - Optimise NullScanTaskDispatcher for cloud storage
* [HIVE-24270] - Move scratchdir cleanup to background
* [HIVE-24278] - Implement an UDF for throwing exception in arbitrary vertex
* [HIVE-24282] - Show columns shouldn't sort output columns unless explicitly mentioned.
* [HIVE-24321] - Implement Default getSerDeStats in AbstractSerDe
* [HIVE-24324] - Remove deprecated API usage from Avro
* [HIVE-24332] - Make AbstractSerDe Superclass of all Classes
* [HIVE-24348] - Beeline: Isolating dependencies and execution with java
* [HIVE-24353] - performance: Refactor TimestampTZ parsing
* [HIVE-24392] - Send table id in get_parttions_by_names_req api
* [HIVE-24394] - Enable printing explain to console at query start
* [HIVE-24396] - [New Feature] Add data connector support for remote datasources
* [HIVE-24399] - Optimize Deserializer creation
* [HIVE-24401] - COMPACTOR_CRUD_QUERY_BASED description in HiveConf is outdated
* [HIVE-24403] - change min_history_level schema change to be compatible with previous version
* [HIVE-24408] - Upgrade Parquet to 1.11.1
* [HIVE-24409] - Use LazyBinarySerDe2 in PlanUtils::getReduceValueTableDesc
* [HIVE-24412] - Extract common parts of HiveDeCorrelator
* [HIVE-24415] - HiveSplitGenerator blocks Tez dispatcher
* [HIVE-24416] - Optimise HiveCharWritable::getStrippedValue
* [HIVE-24423] - Improve DbNotificationListener Thread
* [HIVE-24424] - Use PreparedStatements in DbNotificationListener getNextNLId
* [HIVE-24432] - Delete Notification Events in Batches
* [HIVE-24436] - Fix Avro NULL_DEFAULT_VALUE compatibility issue
* [HIVE-24456] - Column masking/hashing function in hive should use SH512 if FIPS mode is enabled
* [HIVE-24458] - Allow access to SArgs without converting to disjunctive normal form
* [HIVE-24460] - Refactor Get Next Event ID for DbNotificationListener
* [HIVE-24468] - Use Event Time instead of Current Time in Notification Log DB Entry
* [HIVE-24473] - Make Hive buildable with HBase 2.x GA versions
* [HIVE-24475] - Generalize fixacidkeyindex utility
* [HIVE-24477] - Separate production and test code in TxnDbUtil
* [HIVE-24479] - Introduce setting to set lower bound of hash aggregation reduction.
* [HIVE-24488] - Make docker host configurable for metastoredb/perf tests
* [HIVE-24510] - Vectorize compute_bit_vector
* [HIVE-24520] - Fix stackoverflow error in HiveMetaStore::get_partitions_by_names
* [HIVE-24524] - LLAP ShuffleHandler: upgrade to Netty4 and remove Netty3 dependency from hive where it's possible
* [HIVE-24525] - Invite reviewers automatically by file name patterns
* [HIVE-24535] - Cleanup AcidUtils.Directory and remove unnecessary filesystem listings
* [HIVE-24541] - Add config to set a default storage handler class
* [HIVE-24542] - Prepare Guava for Upgrades
* [HIVE-24556] - Optimize DefaultGraphWalker for case when node has no grandchildren
* [HIVE-24559] - Fix some spelling issues
* [HIVE-24560] - Move Logging and Column Name,Type Parsing to AbstractSerde Class
* [HIVE-24564] - Extend PPD filter transitivity to be able to discover new opportunities
* [HIVE-24581] - Remove AcidUtils call from OrcInputformat for non transactional tables
* [HIVE-24586] - Rename compaction "attempted" status
* [HIVE-24587] - DataFileReader is not closed in AvroGenericRecordReader#extractWriterProlepticFromMetadata
* [HIVE-24588] - Run tests using specific log4j2 configuration conveniently
* [HIVE-24596] - Explain ddl for debugging
* [HIVE-24601] - Control CBO fallback behavior via property
* [HIVE-24602] - Retry compaction after configured time
* [HIVE-24613] - Support Values clause without Insert
* [HIVE-24615] - Remove unnecessary FileSystem listing from Initiator
* [HIVE-24616] - Add Logging to Track Query Status
* [HIVE-24617] - Review beeline Driver Scanning Code
* [HIVE-24627] - Add Debug Logging to Hive JDBC Connection
* [HIVE-24629] - Invoke optional output committer in TezProcessor
* [HIVE-24630] - clean up multiple parseDelta implementation in AcidUtils
* [HIVE-24632] - Replace with null when GenericUDFBaseCompare has a non-interpretable val
* [HIVE-24633] - Support CTE with column labels
* [HIVE-24637] - Make Tez progress log interval configurable
* [HIVE-24638] - Redundant filter in scalar subquery
* [HIVE-24643] - Access Operation state directly where possible
* [HIVE-24657] - Make Beeline Logging Dependencies Explicit
* [HIVE-24658] - Move LogUtil Class to Metastore Server from Common
* [HIVE-24659] - Remove Commons Logger from serde Package
* [HIVE-24660] - Remove Commons Logger from jdbc-handler Package
* [HIVE-24661] - Do Not "Stringify" Exception in Logger messages
* [HIVE-24664] - Support column aliases in Values clause
* [HIVE-24668] - Improve FileSystem usage in dynamic partition handling
* [HIVE-24670] - DeleteReaderValue should not allocate empty vectors for delete delta files
* [HIVE-24673] - Migrate NegativeCliDriver and NegativeMinimrCliDriver to llap
* [HIVE-24693] - Convert timestamps to zoned times without string operations
* [HIVE-24704] - Ensure that all Operator column expressions refer to a column in the RowSchema
* [HIVE-24705] - Create/Alter/Drop tables based on storage handlers in HS2 should be authorized by Ranger/Sentry
* [HIVE-24710] - Optimise PTF iteration for count(*) to reduce CPU and IO cost
* [HIVE-24715] - Increase bucketId range
* [HIVE-24719] - There's a getAcidState call without impersonation in compactor.Worker
* [HIVE-24722] - LLAP cache hydration
* [HIVE-24723] - Use ExecutorService in TezSessionPool
* [HIVE-24736] - Make buffer tracking in LLAP cache with BP wrapper more accurate
* [HIVE-24739] - Clarify Usage of Thrift TServerEventHandler and Count Number of Messages Processed
* [HIVE-24741] - get_partitions_ps_with_auth performance can be improved when requesting all the partitions
* [HIVE-24746] - PTF: TimestampValueBoundaryScanner can be optimised during range computation
* [HIVE-24752] - Returned operation's drilldown link may be broken
* [HIVE-24758] - Log Tez Task DAG ID, DAG Session ID, HS2 Hostname
* [HIVE-24769] - HiveMetaStore getTables() doesn't have Owner information to filter on it
* [HIVE-24772] - Revamp Server Request Error Logging
* [HIVE-24802] - Show operation log at webui
* [HIVE-24805] - Compactor: Initiator shouldn't fetch table details again and again for partitioned tables
* [HIVE-24806] - Compactor: Initiator should lazy evaluate findUserToRunAs()
* [HIVE-24808] - Cache Parsed Dates
* [HIVE-24810] - Use JDK 8 String Switch in TruncDateFromTimestamp
* [HIVE-24811] - Extend Cached Dates to Other Areas
* [HIVE-24832] - Remove Spring Artifacts from Log4j Properties Files
* [HIVE-24835] - Replace HiveSubQueryFinder with RexUtil.SubQueryFinder
* [HIVE-24837] - Upgrade httpclient to 4.5.13+
* [HIVE-24838] - Reduce FS creation in Warehouse::getDnsPath for object stores
* [HIVE-24854] - Incremental Materialized view refresh in presence of update/delete operations
* [HIVE-24857] - Trigger Tez output commit after close operation
* [HIVE-24862] - Fix race condition causing NPE during dynamic partition loading
* [HIVE-24865] - Implement Respect/Ignore Nulls in first/last_value
* [HIVE-24867] - Create iceberg-handler module in Hive
* [HIVE-24868] - Support specifying Respect/Ignore Nulls in function parameter list
* [HIVE-24892] - Replace getContentSummary::getLength with listStatus(recursive) for blobstores
* [HIVE-24911] - Metastore: Create index on SDS.CD_ID for Postgres
* [HIVE-24922] - Remove redundant code and improve readability
* [HIVE-24929] - Allow correlated exists subqueries with windowing clause
* [HIVE-24931] - Remove Read/WriteEntity parameters from TaskCompiler#optimizeOperatorPlan
* [HIVE-24937] - Fix sync bottleneck in SyslogParser
* [HIVE-24943] - Initiator: Optimise when tables/partitions are not eligible for compaction
* [HIVE-24962] - Enable partition pruning for Iceberg tables
* [HIVE-24965] - Describe table partition stats fetch should be configurable
* [HIVE-24981] - Add control file option to HiveStrictManagedMigration for DB/table selection
* [HIVE-24987] - hive.metastore.disallow.incompatible.col.type.changes is too restrictive for some storage formats
* [HIVE-24991] - Enable fetching deleted rows in vectorized mode
* [HIVE-25001] - Improvement for some debug-logging guards
* [HIVE-25003] - Move iceberg-handler under a hive-iceberg module
* [HIVE-25014] - Optimise ObjectStore::updateTableColumnStatistics
* [HIVE-25029] - Remove travis builds
* [HIVE-25046] - Log CBO plans right after major transformations
* [HIVE-25047] - Remove unused fields/methods and deprecated calls in HiveProject
* [HIVE-25058] - PTF: TimestampValueBoundaryScanner can be optimised during range computation pt2 - isDistanceGreater
* [HIVE-25061] - PTF: Improve ValueBoundaryScanner
* [HIVE-25064] - Create separate shader maven module for Iceberg libraries
* [HIVE-25066] - Show whether a materialized view supports incremental review or not
* [HIVE-25072] - Optimise ObjectStore::alterPartitions
* [HIVE-25075] - Hive::loadPartitionInternal establishes HMS connection for every partition for external tables
* [HIVE-25101] - Remove HBase libraries from Hive distribution
* [HIVE-25105] - Support Parquet as default MV storage format
* [HIVE-25107] - Classpath logging should be on DEBUG level
* [HIVE-25108] - Do Not Log and Throw MetaExceptions
* [HIVE-25112] - Simplify TXN Compactor Heartbeat Thread
* [HIVE-25151] - Remove Unused Interner from HiveMetastoreChecker
* [HIVE-25152] - Remove Superfluous Logging Code
* [HIVE-25155] - Bump ORC to 1.6.8
* [HIVE-25160] - Automatically pass on iceberg-handler jar as job dependency
* [HIVE-25173] - Fix build failure of hive-pre-upgrade due to missing dependency on pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm
* [HIVE-25176] - Print DAG ID to Console
* [HIVE-25177] - Add Additional Debugging Help for HBase Reader
* [HIVE-25180] - Update netty to 4.1.60.Final
* [HIVE-25185] - Improve Logging On Polling Tez Session from Pool
* [HIVE-25200] - Alter table add columns support for Iceberg tables
* [HIVE-25208] - Refactor Iceberg commit to the MoveTask/MoveWork
* [HIVE-25216] - Vectorized reading of ORC tables via Iceberg
* [HIVE-25235] - Remove ThreadPoolExecutorWithOomHook
* [HIVE-25238] - Make SSL cipher suites configurable for Hive Web UI and HS2
* [HIVE-25240] - Query Text based MaterializedView rewrite of subqueries
* [HIVE-25253] - Incremental rebuild of partitioned insert only materialized views
* [HIVE-25254] - Upgrade to tez 0.10.1
* [HIVE-25276] - Enable automatic statistics generation for Iceberg tables
* [HIVE-25277] - Slow Hive partition deletion for Cloud object stores with expensive ListFiles
* [HIVE-25281] - Add optional fields to enable returning filemetadata for tables and partitions
* [HIVE-25311] - Slow compilation of union operators with >100 branches
* [HIVE-25312] - Upgrade netty to 4.1.65.Final
* [HIVE-25313] - Upgrade commons-codec to 1.15
* [HIVE-25320] - Purge hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition
* [HIVE-25325] - Add TRUNCATE TABLE support for Hive Iceberg tables
* [HIVE-25349] - Skip password authentication when a trusted header is present in the Http request
* [HIVE-25354] - Handle unsupported queries for Iceberg tables
* [HIVE-25370] - Improve SharedWorkOptimizer performance
* [HIVE-25391] - Turn off priv synchronizer by default
* [HIVE-25476] - Remove Unused Dependencies for JDBC Driver
* [HIVE-25477] - Clean Up JDBC Code
* [HIVE-25482] - Add option to enable connectionLeak detection for Hikari datasource
* [HIVE-25485] - Transform selects of literals under a UNION ALL to inline table scan
* [HIVE-25501] - Provide a configurable filter for removing useless properties from PartitionDesc objects before MapWork serialization
* [HIVE-25508] - Partitioned tables created with CTAS queries doesnt have lineage informations
* [HIVE-25517] - Follow up on HIVE-24951: External Table created with Uppercase name using CTAS does not produce result for select queries
* [HIVE-25520] - Enable concatenate for external table.
* [HIVE-25522] - NullPointerException in TxnHandler
* [HIVE-25531] - Remove the core classified hive-exec artifact
* [HIVE-25535] - Control cleaning obsolete directories/files of a table via property
* [HIVE-25553] - Support Map data-type natively in Arrow format
* [HIVE-25564] - Enable dropping HMS tables despite Iceberg metadata problems
* [HIVE-25569] - Enable table definition over a single file
* [HIVE-25580] - Increase the performance of getTableColumnStatistics and getPartitionColumnStatistics
* [HIVE-25586] - Add Iceberg to list of allowed serdes for incompatible col type changes
* [HIVE-25594] - Setup JDBC databases in tests via QT options
* [HIVE-25618] - Stack trace is difficult to find when qtest fails during setup/teardown
* [HIVE-25628] - Avoid unnecessary file ops if Iceberg table is LLAP cached
* [HIVE-25630] - Transformer fixes
* [HIVE-25637] - Hive on Tez: inserting data failing into the non native hive external table managed by kafka storage handler
* [HIVE-25642] - Log a warning if multiple Compaction Worker versions are running compactions
* [HIVE-25650] - Make workerId and workerVersionId optional in the FindNextCompactRequest
* [HIVE-25651] - Enable LLAP cache affinity for Iceberg ORC splits
* [HIVE-25652] - Add constraints in result of “SHOW CREATE TABLE ”
* [HIVE-25656] - Get materialized view state based on number of affected rows of transactions
* [HIVE-25670] - Avoid getTable() calls for foreign key tables not used in a query
* [HIVE-25679] - Use serdeContants collection delim in MultiDelimSerDe
* [HIVE-25682] - Increase bucketId range - qtest
* [HIVE-25689] - Remove deprecated DataUtil from iceberg-handler
* [HIVE-25695] - Make spark views authorization in hive configurable.
* [HIVE-25702] - Upgrade Iceberg dependency to 0.12.1
* [HIVE-25714] - Some tests are flaky because docker is not able to start in 5 seconds
* [HIVE-25724] - Support External only tables for particular databases.
* [HIVE-25735] - Improve statestimator in UDFWhen/UDFCase
* [HIVE-25738] - NullIf doesn't support complex types
* [HIVE-25753] - Improving performance of getLatestCommittedCompactionInfo
* [HIVE-25764] - Add reason for the compaction failure message
* [HIVE-25772] - Use ClusteredWriter when writing to Iceberg tables
* [HIVE-25783] - Refine standalone-metastore module pom.xml files
* [HIVE-25791] - Improve SFS exception messages
* [HIVE-25796] - Allow metastore clients to fetch remaining events if some of the events are cleaned up
* [HIVE-25800] - loadDynamicPartitions in should not load all partitions of a managed table
* [HIVE-25814] - Add entry in replication_metrics table for skipped replication iterations.
* [HIVE-25828] - Remove unused import and method in ParseUtils
* [HIVE-25829] - Tez exec mode support for credential provider for jobs
* [HIVE-25841] - Improve performance of deleteColumnStatsState
* [HIVE-25862] - Persist the time of last run of the initiator
* [HIVE-25874] - Slow filter evaluation of nest struct fields in vectorized executions
* [HIVE-25884] - Improve rule description for rules defined as subclasses
* [HIVE-25892] - Group HMSHandler's thread locals into a single context
* [HIVE-25896] - Remove getThreadId from IHMSHandler
* [HIVE-25902] - Vectorized reading of Parquet tables via Iceberg
* [HIVE-25922] - Upgrade Iceberg dependency to 0.13.0
* [HIVE-25927] - Fix DataWritableReadSupport
* [HIVE-25938] - Print excluded rules from CBO
* [HIVE-25943] - Introduce compaction cleaner failed attempts threshold
* [HIVE-25944] - Format pom.xml-s
* [HIVE-25958] - Optimise BasicStatsNoJobTask
* [HIVE-25959] - Expose Compaction Observability delta metrics using the JsonReporter
* [HIVE-25961] - Altering partition specification parameters for Iceberg tables are not working
* [HIVE-25971] - Tez task shutdown getting delayed due to cached thread pool not closed
* [HIVE-25975] - Optimize ClusteredWriter for bucketed Iceberg tables
* [HIVE-25981] - Avoid checking for archived parts in analyze table
* [HIVE-25990] - Optimise multiple copies in case of CTAS in external tables for Object stores
* [HIVE-26016] - Remove duplicate table exists check in create_table_core api of HMSHandler
* [HIVE-26029] - Upgrade netty to 4.1.75.Final due to CVE
** Test
* [HIVE-18823] - Vectorization: introduce qtest for SUM (IF/WHEN) with vectorization for ORC
* [HIVE-19515] - TestRpc.testServerPort is consistently failing
* [HIVE-19545] - Enable TestCliDriver#fouter_join_ppr.q
* [HIVE-19551] - Enable TestBeeLineWithArgs#testQueryProgress and TestBeeLineWithArgs#testQueryProgressParallel
* [HIVE-19552] - Enable TestMiniDruidKafkaCliDriver#druidkafkamini_basic.q
* [HIVE-19555] - Enable TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver#tez_dynpart_hashjoin_1.q and TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver#tez_vector_dynpart_hashjoin_1.q
* [HIVE-19573] - Fix flaky TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver#explainuser_4.q
* [HIVE-19603] - Decrease batch size of TestMinimrCliDriver
* [HIVE-19612] - Add option to mask lineage in q files
* [HIVE-19616] - Enable TestAutoPurgeTables test
* [HIVE-19617] - Rename test tables to avoid collisions during execution in batches
* [HIVE-19620] - Change tmp directory used by PigServer in HCat tests
* [HIVE-19626] - Change tmp staging mapred directory for CliDriver
* [HIVE-19649] - Clean up inputs in JDBC PreparedStatement. Add unit tests.
* [HIVE-19654] - Change tmp staging mapred directory for TestBlobstoreCliDriver
* [HIVE-19655] - Mask stats for TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver#smb_mapjoin_15
* [HIVE-19699] - Re-enable TestReOptimization
* [HIVE-19706] - Disable TestJdbcWithMiniHS2#testHttpRetryOnServerIdleTimeout
* [HIVE-19707] - Enable TestJdbcWithMiniHS2#testHttpRetryOnServerIdleTimeout
* [HIVE-19731] - Change staging tmp directory used by TestHCatLoaderComplexSchema
* [HIVE-19782] - Flash out TestObjectStore.testDirectSQLDropParitionsCleanup
* [HIVE-19816] - TestWorkloadManager.testAsyncSessionInitFailures is flaky
* [HIVE-19897] - Add more tests for parallel compilation
* [HIVE-20123] - Fix masking tests after HIVE-19617
* [HIVE-20217] - bucket7.q test results should be sorted
* [HIVE-20301] - Enable vectorization for materialized view rewriting tests
* [HIVE-20335] - Add tests for materialized view rewriting with composite aggregation functions
* [HIVE-20396] - Test HS2 open_connection metrics
* [HIVE-20450] - Add replication test for LOAD command on ACID table.
* [HIVE-20465] - ProxyFileSystem.listStatusIterator function override required once migrated to Hadoop 3.2.0+
* [HIVE-20575] - Fix flaky connection metric tests
* [HIVE-20691] - Fix org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestMiniLlapCliDriver.testCliDriver[cttl]
* [HIVE-20836] - Fix TestJdbcDriver2.testYarnATSGuid flakiness
* [HIVE-20860] - Fix or disable TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver.testCliDriver[cbo_limit]
* [HIVE-20964] - Create a test that checks the level of the parallel compilation
* [HIVE-20972] - Enable TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver cbo_limit and cbo_rp_limit
* [HIVE-21396] - TestCliDriver#vector_groupby_reduce is flaky - rounding error
* [HIVE-21444] - Additional tests for materialized view rewriting
* [HIVE-21602] - Dropping an external table created by migration case should delete the data directory.
* [HIVE-21657] - Disable flaky cbo_rp_limit.q in TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver
* [HIVE-21732] - Configurable injection of load for LLAP task execution
* [HIVE-22580] - Flakyness in TestDbTxnManager2
* [HIVE-22584] - Flakyness in TestTaskExecutorService.testSetCapacity
* [HIVE-22598] - Fix TestCompactor.testDisableCompactionDuringReplLoad flakyness
* [HIVE-22616] - Disable PreCommit test org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.TestMTQueries.testMTQueries1
* [HIVE-22721] - Add option for queries to only read from LLAP cache
* [HIVE-23848] - TestHiveMetaStoreChecker and TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver tests are failing in master
* [HIVE-25067] - Add more tests to Iceberg partition pruning
* [HIVE-25264] - Add tests to verify Hive can read/write after schema change on Iceberg table
* [HIVE-25279] - Fix q.outs caused by concurrent commits of HIVE-25240 and HIVE-25229
* [HIVE-25291] - Fix q.out files after HIVE-25240
* [HIVE-25394] - Enable vectorization for TestIcebergCliDriver dynamic_partition_pruning.q
* [HIVE-25909] - Add test for 'hive.default.nulls.last' property for windows with ordering
* [HIVE-26042] - Fix flaky streaming tests
** Wish
* [HIVE-22728] - Limit the scope of uniqueness of constraint name to table
** Task
* [HIVE-12342] - Set default value of hive.optimize.index.filter to true
* [HIVE-17084] - Turn on hive.stats.fetch.column.stats configuration flag
* [HIVE-18319] - Upgrade to Hadoop 3.0.0
* [HIVE-18729] - Druid Time column type
* [HIVE-18875] - Enable SMB Join by default in Tez
* [HIVE-19026] - Configurable serde for druid kafka indexing
* [HIVE-19306] - Arrow batch serializer
* [HIVE-19308] - Provide an Arrow stream reader for external LLAP clients
* [HIVE-19488] - Enable CM root based on db parameter, identifying a db as source of replication.
* [HIVE-19509] - Disable tests that are failing continuously
* [HIVE-19667] - Remove distribution management tag from pom.xml
* [HIVE-19708] - Repl copy retrying with cm path even if the failure is due to network issue
* [HIVE-19725] - Add ability to dump non-native tables in replication metadata dump
* [HIVE-19812] - Disable external table replication by default via a configuration property
* [HIVE-19829] - Incremental replication load should create tasks in execution phase rather than semantic phase
* [HIVE-19880] - Repl Load to return recoverable vs non-recoverable error codes
* [HIVE-19881] - Allow metadata-only dump for database which are not source of replication
* [HIVE-19924] - Tag distcp jobs run by Repl Load
* [HIVE-19928] - Load Data for managed tables should set the owner of loaded files to a configurable user
* [HIVE-19967] - SMB Join : Need Optraits for PTFOperator ala GBY Op
* [HIVE-19970] - Replication dump has a NPE when table is empty
* [HIVE-19971] - TestRuntimeStats.testCleanup() is flaky
* [HIVE-20045] - Update hidden config list
* [HIVE-20060] - Refactor HiveSchemaTool and MetastoreSchemaTool
* [HIVE-20078] - Remove ATSHook
* [HIVE-20120] - Incremental repl load DAG generation is causing OOM error.
* [HIVE-20201] - Hive shouldn't use HBase's Base64 implementation
* [HIVE-20293] - Support Replication of ACID table truncate operation
* [HIVE-20320] - Turn on hive.optimize.remove.sq_count_check flag
* [HIVE-20326] - Create constraints with RELY as default instead of NO RELY
* [HIVE-20329] - Long running repl load (incr/bootstrap) causing OOM error
* [HIVE-20402] - ITest needs explicit dependency on hbase-common test-jar
* [HIVE-20447] - Add JSON Outputformat support
* [HIVE-20535] - Add new configuration to set the size of the global compile lock
* [HIVE-20536] - Add Surrogate Keys function to Hive
* [HIVE-20539] - Remove dependency on
* [HIVE-20546] - Upgrade to Apache Druid 0.13.0-incubating
* [HIVE-20637] - Allow any udfs with 0 arguments or with constant arguments as part of default clause
* [HIVE-20763] - Add google cloud storage (gs) to the exim uri schema whitelist
* [HIVE-21473] - Bumping jackson version to 2.9.8
* [HIVE-21474] - Preparation for bumping guava version
* [HIVE-21612] - Upgrade druid to 0.14.0-incubating
* [HIVE-21668] - Remove tomcat dependencies even from tests
* [HIVE-21844] - HMS schema Upgrade Script is failing with NPE
* [HIVE-21991] - Upgrade ORC version to 1.5.6
* [HIVE-22055] - select count gives incorrect result after loading data from text file
* [HIVE-22094] - queries failing with ClassCastException: hive.ql.exec.vector.DecimalColumnVector cannot be cast to hive.ql.exec.vector.Decimal64ColumnVector
* [HIVE-22132] - Upgrade commons-lang3 version to 3.9
* [HIVE-22136] - Turn on tez.bucket.pruning
* [HIVE-22182] - SemanticAnalyzer populates map which is not used at all
* [HIVE-22183] - Prepare for ZooKeeper 3.5 upgrade
* [HIVE-22185] - HADOOP-15832 will cause problems with tests using MiniYarn clusters
* [HIVE-22191] - Simplify SemanticAnalyzer by removing unused code
* [HIVE-22202] - Remove unnecessary code from
* [HIVE-22225] - add owner name for create database if missing
* [HIVE-22274] - Upgrade Calcite version to 1.21.0
* [HIVE-22286] - Disable flaky TestBuddyAllocator#testMTT test
* [HIVE-22289] - Regenerate test output for tests broken due to commit race
* [HIVE-22398] - Remove Yarn queue management via ShimLoader.
* [HIVE-22422] - Missing documentation from HiveSqlDateTimeFormatter: list of date-based patterns
* [HIVE-22554] - ACID: Wait timeout for blocking compaction should be configurable
* [HIVE-22698] - Support Statement#closeOnCompletion()
* [HIVE-22891] - Skip PartitionDesc Extraction In CombineHiveRecord For Non-LLAP Execution Mode
* [HIVE-22968] - Set hive.parquet.timestamp.time.unit default to micros
* [HIVE-23119] - Test sort_acid should be run by TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver only
* [HIVE-23130] - User friendly error message when MV rewriting fails
* [HIVE-23132] - Add test of Explain CBO of Merge statements
* [HIVE-23445] - Remove mapreduce.workflow.* configs
* [HIVE-23447] - Avoid sending configs to tasks and AM which are only relevant for HS2
* [HIVE-23456] - Upgrade Calcite version to 1.25.0
* [HIVE-23483] - Remove DynamicSerDe
* [HIVE-23517] - Update perf driver queries: q4 q11 q74
* [HIVE-23742] - Remove unintentional execution of TPC-DS query39 in qtests
* [HIVE-23751] - QTest: Override #mkdirs() method in ProxyFileSystem To Align After HADOOP-16582
* [HIVE-23790] - The error message length of 2000 is exceeded for scheduled query
* [HIVE-23813] - Fix MetricsMaintTask run frequency
* [HIVE-23881] - Deprecate get_open_txns to use get_open_txns_req method.
* [HIVE-23888] - Simplify special_character_in_tabnames_1.q
* [HIVE-24011] - Flaky test AsyncResponseHandlerTest
* [HIVE-24015] - Disable query-based compaction on MR execution engine
* [HIVE-24044] - Implement listPartitionNames on temporary tables
* [HIVE-24498] - Package facebook thrift classes into hive-exec jar
* [HIVE-24534] - Prevent comparisons between characters and decimals types when strict checks enabled
* [HIVE-24958] - Create Iceberg catalog module in Hive
* [HIVE-25006] - Commit Iceberg writes in HiveMetaHook instead of TezAM
* [HIVE-25015] - Port Iceberg unreleased Hive fixes to the iceberg module
* [HIVE-25027] - Hide Iceberg module behind a profile
* [HIVE-25098] - [CVE-2020-13949] Upgrade thrift from 0.13.0 to 0.14.1
* [HIVE-25201] - Remove Caffein shading from Iceberg
* [HIVE-25368] - Code does not build in IDE and a small fix
* [HIVE-25371] - Add myself to thrift file reviewers
* [HIVE-25584] - [llap-ext-client] Load data from a Text file for Map dataType is giving errors
* [HIVE-25613] - Port Iceberg Hive fixes to the iceberg module
* [HIVE-25624] - Drop DummyCliDriver and related code from tests
* [HIVE-25625] - Drop TestCompareCliDriver and related code from tests
* [HIVE-25629] - Drop support of multiple qfiles in QTestUtil, output and result processors
* [HIVE-25636] - Bump Xerce2 to 2.12.1
* [HIVE-25645] - Query-based compaction doesn't work when partition column type is boolean
* [HIVE-25655] - Remove ElapsedTimeLoggingWrapper from tests
* [HIVE-25665] - Checkstyle LGPL files must not be in the release sources/binaries
* [HIVE-25681] - Drop support for multi-threaded qtest execution via QTestRunnerUtils
* [HIVE-25684] - Many (~16K) skipped tests in TestGenericUDFInitializeOnCompareUDF
* [HIVE-25697] - Upgrade commons-compress to 1.21
* [HIVE-25701] - Declare JDBC drivers as runtime & optional dependencies
* [HIVE-25726] - Upgrade velocity to 2.3 due to CVE-2020-13936
* [HIVE-25744] - Support backward compatibility of thrift struct CreationMetadata
* [HIVE-25784] - Upgrade Arrow version to 2.0.0
* [HIVE-25816] - Log CBO plan after rule application for debugging purposes
* [HIVE-25832] - Exclude Category-X JDBC drivers from binary distribution
* [HIVE-25920] - Bump Xerce2 to 2.12.2
* [HIVE-25935] - Cleanup IMetaStoreClient#getPartitionsByNames APIs
* [HIVE-25945] - Upgrade H2 database version to 2.1.210
* [HIVE-26002] - Preparing for 4.0.0-alpha-1 development
* [HIVE-26025] - Remove IMetaStoreClient#listPartitionNames which is not used