blob: c7829e80964f9a2076597fa680a6f5c789370b4f [file] [log] [blame]
-- MV source tables are iceberg tables but MV is not
set hive.txn.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager;
drop table if exists tbl_ice;
drop table if exists tbl_ice_v2;
create external table tbl_ice(a int, b string, c int) stored by iceberg stored as orc tblproperties ('format-version'='1');
create external table tbl_ice_v2(d int, e string, f int) stored by iceberg stored as orc tblproperties ('format-version'='2');
insert into tbl_ice_v2 values (1, 'one v2', 50), (4, 'four v2', 53), (5, 'five v2', 54);
create materialized view mat1 disable rewrite as
select tbl_ice.b, tbl_ice.c, tbl_ice_v2.e from tbl_ice join tbl_ice_v2 on tbl_ice.a=tbl_ice_v2.d where tbl_ice.c > 52;
-- view should be empty
select * from mat1;
alter materialized view mat1 enable rewrite;
-- view is up-to-date, use it
explain cbo
select tbl_ice.b, tbl_ice.c, tbl_ice_v2.e from tbl_ice join tbl_ice_v2 on tbl_ice.a=tbl_ice_v2.d where tbl_ice.c > 52;
-- insert some new values to one of the source tables
insert into tbl_ice values (1, 'one', 50), (2, 'two', 51), (3, 'three', 52), (4, 'four', 53), (5, 'five', 54);
-- view is outdated, can not be used
explain cbo
select tbl_ice.b, tbl_ice.c, tbl_ice_v2.e from tbl_ice join tbl_ice_v2 on tbl_ice.a=tbl_ice_v2.d where tbl_ice.c > 52;
explain cbo
alter materialized view mat1 rebuild;
alter materialized view mat1 rebuild;
-- view should contain data
select * from mat1;
-- view is up-to-date again, use it
explain cbo
select tbl_ice.b, tbl_ice.c, tbl_ice_v2.e from tbl_ice join tbl_ice_v2 on tbl_ice.a=tbl_ice_v2.d where tbl_ice.c > 52;