blob: 4eee6ecf1143be9c9423e46cc912f7ffc58af5da [file] [log] [blame]
set hive.explain.user=false;
create table iceTbl (id int, name string) Stored by Iceberg;
-- creating branch requires table to have current snapshot. here insert some values to generate current snapshot
insert into iceTbl values(1, 'jack');
-- create s branch test_branch_1 with default values based on the current snapshotId
explain alter table iceTbl create branch test_branch_1;
alter table iceTbl create branch test_branch_1;
-- check the values, one value
select * from iceTbl for system_version as of 'test_branch_1';
-- create a branch test_branch_2 which could be retained 5 days based on the current snapshotId
insert into iceTbl values(2, 'bob');
explain alter table iceTbl create branch test_branch_2 retain 5 days;
alter table iceTbl create branch test_branch_2 retain 5 days;
-- check the values, two values
select * from iceTbl for system_version as of 'test_branch_2';
-- create a branch test_branch_3 with 5 snapshots based on the current snapshotId
insert into iceTbl values(3, 'tom');
explain alter table iceTbl create branch test_branch_3 with snapshot retention 5 snapshots;
alter table iceTbl create branch test_branch_3 with snapshot retention 5 snapshots;
-- check the values, three values
select * from iceTbl for system_version as of 'test_branch_3';
-- create a branch test_branch_4 based on the current snapshotId that has 5 snapshots, each of which is retained for 5 days
insert into iceTbl values(4, 'lisa');
explain alter table iceTbl create branch test_branch_4 with snapshot retention 5 snapshots 5 days;
alter table iceTbl create branch test_branch_4 with snapshot retention 5 snapshots 5 days;
-- check the values, four values
select * from iceTbl for system_version as of 'test_branch_4';