blob: f89aa827cd33a8660d1823a3790df1edc76cd3be [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.ValidTxnList;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.ValidWriteIdList;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.classification.RetrySemantics;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.annotation.NoReconnect;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.partition.spec.PartitionSpecProxy;
import org.apache.thrift.TException;
* Wrapper around hive metastore thrift api
public interface IMetaStoreClient {
* Returns whether current client is compatible with conf argument or not
* @return
boolean isCompatibleWith(Configuration conf);
* Set added jars path info to MetaStoreClient.
* @param addedJars the hive.added.jars.path. It is qualified paths separated by commas.
void setHiveAddedJars(String addedJars);
* Returns true if the current client is using an in process metastore (local metastore).
* @return
boolean isLocalMetaStore();
* Tries to reconnect this MetaStoreClient to the MetaStore.
void reconnect() throws MetaException;
* close connection to meta store
void close();
* set meta variable which is open to end users
void setMetaConf(String key, String value) throws MetaException, TException;
* get current meta variable
String getMetaConf(String key) throws MetaException, TException;
* Create a new catalog.
* @param catalog catalog object to create.
* @throws AlreadyExistsException A catalog of this name already exists.
* @throws InvalidObjectException There is something wrong with the passed in catalog object.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually either in the database or trying to
* create the directory for the catalog.
* @throws TException general thrift exception.
void createCatalog(Catalog catalog)
throws AlreadyExistsException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Alter an existing catalog.
* @param catalogName the name of the catalog to alter.
* @param newCatalog the new catalog object. All relevant details of the catalog should be
* set, don't rely on the system to figure out what you changed and only copy
* that in.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no catalog of this name exists
* @throws InvalidObjectException an attempt was made to make an unsupported change (such as
* catalog name).
* @throws MetaException usually indicates a database error
* @throws TException general thrift exception
void alterCatalog(String catalogName, Catalog newCatalog)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get a catalog object.
* @param catName Name of the catalog to fetch.
* @return The catalog.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no catalog of this name exists.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually in the database.
* @throws TException general thrift exception.
Catalog getCatalog(String catName) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get a list of all catalogs known to the system.
* @return list of catalog names
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually in the database.
* @throws TException general thrift exception.
List<String> getCatalogs() throws MetaException, TException;
* Drop a catalog. Catalogs must be empty to be dropped, there is no cascade for dropping a
* catalog.
* @param catName name of the catalog to drop
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no catalog of this name exists.
* @throws InvalidOperationException The catalog is not empty and cannot be dropped.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually in the database.
* @throws TException general thrift exception.
void dropCatalog(String catName)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* Get the names of all databases in the default catalog that match the given pattern.
* @param databasePattern pattern for the database name to patch
* @return List of database names.
* @throws MetaException error accessing RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<String> getDatabases(String databasePattern) throws MetaException, TException;
* Get all databases in a catalog whose names match a pattern.
* @param catName catalog name. Can be null, in which case the default catalog is assumed.
* @param databasePattern pattern for the database name to match
* @return list of database names
* @throws MetaException error accessing RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<String> getDatabases(String catName, String databasePattern)
throws MetaException, TException;
* Get the names of all databases in the MetaStore.
* @return List of database names in the default catalog.
* @throws MetaException error accessing RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<String> getAllDatabases() throws MetaException, TException;
* Get all databases in a catalog.
* @param catName catalog name. Can be null, in which case the default catalog is assumed.
* @return list of all database names
* @throws MetaException error accessing RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<String> getAllDatabases(String catName) throws MetaException, TException;
* Get the names of all tables in the specified database that satisfy the supplied
* table name pattern.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tablePattern pattern for table name to conform to
* @return List of table names.
* @throws MetaException error fetching information from the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownDBException indicated database to search in does not exist.
List<String> getTables(String dbName, String tablePattern)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException;
* Get the names of all tables in the specified database that satisfy the supplied
* table name pattern.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tablePattern pattern for table name to conform to
* @return List of table names.
* @throws MetaException error fetching information from the RDBMS
* @throws TException general thrift error
* @throws UnknownDBException indicated database to search in does not exist.
List<String> getTables(String catName, String dbName, String tablePattern)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException;
* Get the names of all tables in the specified database that satisfy the supplied
* table name pattern and table type (MANAGED_TABLE || EXTERNAL_TABLE || VIRTUAL_VIEW)
* @param dbName Name of the database to fetch tables in.
* @param tablePattern pattern to match for table names.
* @param tableType Type of the table in the HMS store. VIRTUAL_VIEW is for views.
* @return List of table names.
* @throws MetaException error fetching information from the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownDBException indicated database does not exist.
List<String> getTables(String dbName, String tablePattern, TableType tableType)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException;
* Get the names of all tables in the specified database that satisfy the supplied
* table name pattern and table type (MANAGED_TABLE || EXTERNAL_TABLE || VIRTUAL_VIEW)
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName Name of the database to fetch tables in.
* @param tablePattern pattern to match for table names.
* @param tableType Type of the table in the HMS store. VIRTUAL_VIEW is for views.
* @return List of table names.
* @throws MetaException error fetching information from the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownDBException indicated database does not exist.
List<String> getTables(String catName, String dbName, String tablePattern, TableType tableType)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException;
* Retrieve all materialized views that have rewriting enabled. This will use the default catalog.
* @return List of materialized views.
* @throws MetaException error fetching from the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownDBException no such database
List<Table> getAllMaterializedViewObjectsForRewriting()
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException;
* Get the names of all the tables along with extended table metadata
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName Name of the database to fetch tables from.
* @param tablePattern pattern to match the tables names.
* @param requestedFields An int bitmask to indicate the depth of the returned objects
* @param processorCapabilities A list of "capabilities" possessed by the caller, to be matched with table's params
* @param processorId Any string id to identify the caller/client, for logging purposes only.
* @param limit Maximum size of the result set. <=0 indicates no limit
* @return List of ExtendedTableInfo that match the input arguments.
* @throws MetaException Thrown if there is error on fetching from DBMS.
* @throws TException Thrown if there is a thrift transport exception.
public List<ExtendedTableInfo> getTablesExt(String catName, String dbName, String tablePattern, int requestedFields,
int limit) throws MetaException, TException;
* Get materialized views that have rewriting enabled. This will use the default catalog.
* @param dbName Name of the database to fetch materialized views from.
* @return List of materialized view names.
* @throws MetaException error fetching from the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownDBException no such database
List<String> getMaterializedViewsForRewriting(String dbName)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException;
* Get materialized views that have rewriting enabled.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName Name of the database to fetch materialized views from.
* @return List of materialized view names.
* @throws MetaException error fetching from the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownDBException no such database
List<String> getMaterializedViewsForRewriting(String catName, String dbName)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException;
* Fetches just table name and comments. Useful when you need full table name
* (catalog.database.table) but don't need extra information like partition columns that
* require additional fetches from the database.
* @param dbPatterns database pattern to match, or null for all databases
* @param tablePatterns table pattern to match.
* @param tableTypes list of table types to fetch.
* @return list of TableMeta objects with information on matching tables
* @throws MetaException something went wrong with the fetch from the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownDBException No databases match the provided pattern.
List<TableMeta> getTableMeta(String dbPatterns, String tablePatterns, List<String> tableTypes)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException;
* Fetches just table name and comments. Useful when you need full table name
* (catalog.database.table) but don't need extra information like partition columns that
* require additional fetches from the database.
* @param catName catalog to search in. Search cannot cross catalogs.
* @param dbPatterns database pattern to match, or null for all databases
* @param tablePatterns table pattern to match.
* @param tableTypes list of table types to fetch.
* @return list of TableMeta objects with information on matching tables
* @throws MetaException something went wrong with the fetch from the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownDBException No databases match the provided pattern.
List<TableMeta> getTableMeta(String catName, String dbPatterns, String tablePatterns,
List<String> tableTypes)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException;
* Get the names of all tables in the specified database.
* @param dbName database name
* @return List of table names.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong with the fetch from the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownDBException No databases match the provided pattern.
List<String> getAllTables(String dbName) throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException;
* Get the names of all tables in the specified database.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database name
* @return List of table names.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong with the fetch from the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownDBException No databases match the provided pattern.
List<String> getAllTables(String catName, String dbName)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException;
* Get a list of table names that match a filter.
* The filter operators are LIKE, &lt;, &lt;=, &gt;, &gt;=, =, &lt;&gt;
* In the filter statement, values interpreted as strings must be enclosed in quotes,
* while values interpreted as integers should not be. Strings and integers are the only
* supported value types.
* The currently supported key names in the filter are:
* Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_OWNER, which filters on the tables' owner's name
* and supports all filter operators
* Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_LAST_ACCESS, which filters on the last access times
* and supports all filter operators except LIKE
* Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS, which filters on the tables' parameter keys and values
* and only supports the filter operators = and &lt;&gt;.
* Append the parameter key name to HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS in the filter statement.
* For example, to filter on parameter keys called "retention", the key name in the filter
* statement should be Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS + "retention"
* Also, = and &lt;&gt; only work for keys that exist in the tables.
* E.g., filtering on tables where key1 &lt;&gt; value will only
* return tables that have a value for the parameter key1.
* Some example filter statements include:
* filter = Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_OWNER + " like \".*test.*\" and " +
* filter = Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_OWNER + " = \"test_user\" and (" +
* Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS + "retention = \"30\" or " +
* Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS + "retention = \"90\")"
* @param dbName
* The name of the database from which you will retrieve the table names
* @param filter
* The filter string
* @param maxTables
* The maximum number of tables returned
* @return A list of table names that match the desired filter
* @throws InvalidOperationException invalid filter
* @throws UnknownDBException no such database
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<String> listTableNamesByFilter(String dbName, String filter, short maxTables)
throws TException, InvalidOperationException, UnknownDBException;
* Get a list of table names that match a filter.
* The filter operators are LIKE, &lt;, &lt;=, &gt;, &gt;=, =, &lt;&gt;
* In the filter statement, values interpreted as strings must be enclosed in quotes,
* while values interpreted as integers should not be. Strings and integers are the only
* supported value types.
* The currently supported key names in the filter are:
* Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_OWNER, which filters on the tables' owner's name
* and supports all filter operators
* Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_LAST_ACCESS, which filters on the last access times
* and supports all filter operators except LIKE
* Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS, which filters on the tables' parameter keys and values
* and only supports the filter operators = and &lt;&gt;.
* Append the parameter key name to HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS in the filter statement.
* For example, to filter on parameter keys called "retention", the key name in the filter
* statement should be Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS + "retention"
* Also, = and &lt;&gt; only work for keys that exist in the tables.
* E.g., filtering on tables where key1 &lt;&gt; value will only
* return tables that have a value for the parameter key1.
* Some example filter statements include:
* filter = Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_OWNER + " like \".*test.*\" and " +
* filter = Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_OWNER + " = \"test_user\" and (" +
* Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS + "retention = \"30\" or " +
* Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS + "retention = \"90\")"
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName
* The name of the database from which you will retrieve the table names
* @param filter
* The filter string
* @param maxTables
* The maximum number of tables returned
* @return A list of table names that match the desired filter
* @throws InvalidOperationException invalid filter
* @throws UnknownDBException no such database
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<String> listTableNamesByFilter(String catName, String dbName, String filter, int maxTables)
throws TException, InvalidOperationException, UnknownDBException;
* Drop the table.
* @param dbname
* The database for this table
* @param tableName
* The table to drop
* @param deleteData
* Should we delete the underlying data
* @param ignoreUnknownTab
* don't throw if the requested table doesn't exist
* @throws MetaException
* Could not drop table properly.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException
* The table wasn't found.
* @throws TException
* A thrift communication error occurred
void dropTable(String dbname, String tableName, boolean deleteData,
boolean ignoreUnknownTab) throws MetaException, TException,
* Drop the table.
* @param dbname
* The database for this table
* @param tableName
* The table to drop
* @param deleteData
* Should we delete the underlying data
* @param ignoreUnknownTab
* don't throw if the requested table doesn't exist
* @param ifPurge
* completely purge the table (skipping trash) while removing data from warehouse
* @throws MetaException
* Could not drop table properly.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException
* The table wasn't found.
* @throws TException
* A thrift communication error occurred
@Deprecated // TODO: deprecate all methods without a catalog here; a single layer (e.g. should handle current-catalog
void dropTable(String dbname, String tableName, boolean deleteData,
boolean ignoreUnknownTab, boolean ifPurge) throws MetaException, TException,
* Drop the table.
* @param dbname
* The database for this table
* @param tableName
* The table to drop
* @throws MetaException
* Could not drop table properly.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException
* The table wasn't found.
* @throws TException
* A thrift communication error occurred
void dropTable(String dbname, String tableName)
throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException;
* Drop a table.
* @param catName catalog the table is in.
* @param dbName database the table is in.
* @param tableName table name.
* @param deleteData whether associated data should be deleted.
* @param ignoreUnknownTable whether a non-existent table name should be ignored
* @param ifPurge whether dropped data should be immediately removed rather than placed in HDFS
* trash.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually in the RDBMS or storage.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No table of this name exists, only thrown if
* ignoreUnknownTable is false.
* @throws TException general thrift error.
void dropTable(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, boolean deleteData,
boolean ignoreUnknownTable, boolean ifPurge)
throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Drop a table. Equivalent to
* {@link #dropTable(String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean)} with ifPurge set to
* false.
* @param catName catalog the table is in.
* @param dbName database the table is in.
* @param tableName table name.
* @param deleteData whether associated data should be deleted.
* @param ignoreUnknownTable whether a non-existent table name should be ignored
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually in the RDBMS or storage.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No table of this name exists, only thrown if
* ignoreUnknownTable is false.
* @throws TException general thrift error.
default void dropTable(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, boolean deleteData,
boolean ignoreUnknownTable)
throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
dropTable(catName, dbName, tableName, deleteData, ignoreUnknownTable, false);
* Drop a table. Equivalent to
* {@link #dropTable(String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean)} with deleteData
* set and ignoreUnknownTable set to true and ifPurge set to false.
* @param catName catalog the table is in.
* @param dbName database the table is in.
* @param tableName table name.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually in the RDBMS or storage.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No table of this name exists, only thrown if
* ignoreUnknownTable is false.
* @throws TException general thrift error.
default void dropTable(String catName, String dbName, String tableName)
throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException {
dropTable(catName, dbName, tableName, true, true, false);
* Truncate the table/partitions in the DEFAULT database.
* @param dbName
* The db to which the table to be truncate belongs to
* @param tableName
* The table to truncate
* @param partNames
* List of partitions to truncate. NULL will truncate the whole table/all partitions
* @throws MetaException Failure in the RDBMS or storage
* @throws TException Thrift transport exception
void truncateTable(String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partNames) throws MetaException, TException;
void truncateTable(String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partNames,
String validWriteIds, long writeId) throws TException;
* Truncate the table/partitions in the DEFAULT database.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName
* The db to which the table to be truncate belongs to
* @param tableName
* The table to truncate
* @param partNames
* List of partitions to truncate. NULL will truncate the whole table/all partitions
* @throws MetaException Failure in the RDBMS or storage
* @throws TException Thrift transport exception
void truncateTable(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partNames)
throws MetaException, TException;
* Recycles the files recursively from the input path to the cmroot directory either by copying or moving it.
* @param request Inputs for path of the data files to be recycled to cmroot and
* isPurge flag when set to true files which needs to be recycled are not moved to Trash
* @return Response which is currently void
CmRecycleResponse recycleDirToCmPath(CmRecycleRequest request) throws MetaException, TException;
* Check whether a table exists in the default catalog.
* @param databaseName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @return true if the indicated table exists, false if not
* @throws MetaException error fetching form the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownDBException the indicated database does not exist.
boolean tableExists(String databaseName, String tableName)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException;
* Check whether a table exists.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @return true if the indicated table exists, false if not
* @throws MetaException error fetching form the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownDBException the indicated database does not exist.
boolean tableExists(String catName, String dbName, String tableName)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownDBException;
* Get a Database Object in the default catalog
* @param databaseName name of the database to fetch
* @return the database
* @throws NoSuchObjectException The database does not exist
* @throws MetaException Could not fetch the database
* @throws TException A thrift communication error occurred
Database getDatabase(String databaseName)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get a database.
* @param catalogName catalog name. Can be null, in which case
* {@link Warehouse#DEFAULT_CATALOG_NAME} will be assumed.
* @param databaseName database name
* @return the database object
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No database with this name exists in the specified catalog
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually in the RDBMS
* @throws TException general thrift error
Database getDatabase(String catalogName, String databaseName)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get a table object in the default catalog.
* @param dbName
* The database the table is located in.
* @param tableName
* Name of the table to fetch.
* @return An object representing the table.
* @throws MetaException
* Could not fetch the table
* @throws TException
* A thrift communication error occurred
* @throws NoSuchObjectException
* In case the table wasn't found.
Table getTable(String dbName, String tableName) throws MetaException,
TException, NoSuchObjectException;
* Get a table object in the default catalog.
* @param dbName
* The database the table is located in.
* @param tableName
* Name of the table to fetch.
* @param getColumnStats
* get the column stats, if available, when true
* @param engine engine sending the request
* @return An object representing the table.
* @throws MetaException
* Could not fetch the table
* @throws TException
* A thrift communication error occurred
* @throws NoSuchObjectException
* In case the table wasn't found.
Table getTable(String dbName, String tableName, boolean getColumnStats, String engine) throws MetaException,
TException, NoSuchObjectException;
* Get a table object.
* @param catName catalog the table is in.
* @param dbName database the table is in.
* @param tableName table name.
* @return table object.
* @throws MetaException Something went wrong, usually in the RDBMS.
* @throws TException general thrift error.
Table getTable(String catName, String dbName, String tableName) throws MetaException, TException;
* Get a table object.
* @param catName catalog the table is in.
* @param dbName database the table is in.
* @param tableName table name.
* @param validWriteIdList applicable snapshot
* @return table object.
* @throws MetaException Something went wrong, usually in the RDBMS.
* @throws TException general thrift error.
Table getTable(String catName, String dbName, String tableName,
String validWriteIdList) throws TException;
* Get a table object.
* @param catName catalog the table is in.
* @param dbName database the table is in.
* @param tableName table name.
* @param validWriteIdList applicable snapshot
* @param getColumnStats get the column stats, if available, when true
* @param engine engine sending the request
* @return table object.
* @throws MetaException Something went wrong, usually in the RDBMS.
* @throws TException general thrift error.
Table getTable(String catName, String dbName, String tableName,
String validWriteIdList, boolean getColumnStats, String engine) throws TException;
* Get tables as objects (rather than just fetching their names). This is more expensive and
* should only be used if you actually need all the information about the tables.
* @param dbName
* The database the tables are located in.
* @param tableNames
* The names of the tables to fetch
* @return A list of objects representing the tables.
* Only the tables that can be retrieved from the database are returned. For example,
* if none of the requested tables could be retrieved, an empty list is returned.
* There is no guarantee of ordering of the returned tables.
* @throws InvalidOperationException
* The input to this operation is invalid (e.g., the list of tables names is null)
* @throws UnknownDBException
* The requested database could not be fetched.
* @throws TException
* A thrift communication error occurred
* @throws MetaException
* Any other errors
List<Table> getTableObjectsByName(String dbName, List<String> tableNames)
throws MetaException, InvalidOperationException, UnknownDBException, TException;
* Get tables as objects (rather than just fetching their names). This is more expensive and
* should only be used if you actually need all the information about the tables.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName
* The database the tables are located in.
* @param tableNames
* The names of the tables to fetch
* @return A list of objects representing the tables.
* Only the tables that can be retrieved from the database are returned. For example,
* if none of the requested tables could be retrieved, an empty list is returned.
* There is no guarantee of ordering of the returned tables.
* @throws InvalidOperationException
* The input to this operation is invalid (e.g., the list of tables names is null)
* @throws UnknownDBException
* The requested database could not be fetched.
* @throws TException
* A thrift communication error occurred
* @throws MetaException
* Any other errors
List<Table> getTableObjectsByName(String catName, String dbName, List<String> tableNames)
throws MetaException, InvalidOperationException, UnknownDBException, TException;
* Returns the invalidation information for the materialized views given as input.
Materialization getMaterializationInvalidationInfo(CreationMetadata cm, String validTxnList)
throws MetaException, InvalidOperationException, UnknownDBException, TException;
* Updates the creation metadata for the materialized view.
void updateCreationMetadata(String dbName, String tableName, CreationMetadata cm)
throws MetaException, TException;
* Updates the creation metadata for the materialized view.
void updateCreationMetadata(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, CreationMetadata cm)
throws MetaException, TException;
* Add a partition to a table and get back the resulting Partition object. This creates an
* empty default partition with just the partition values set.
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param partVals partition values
* @return the partition object
* @throws InvalidObjectException no such table
* @throws AlreadyExistsException a partition with these values already exists
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Partition appendPartition(String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partVals)
throws InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException, TException;
* Add a partition to a table and get back the resulting Partition object. This creates an
* empty default partition with just the partition values set.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param partVals partition values
* @return the partition object
* @throws InvalidObjectException no such table
* @throws AlreadyExistsException a partition with these values already exists
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Partition appendPartition(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partVals)
throws InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException, TException;
* Add a partition to a table and get back the resulting Partition object. This creates an
* empty default partition with just the partition value set.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tableName table name.
* @param name name of the partition, should be in the form partkey=partval.
* @return new partition object.
* @throws InvalidObjectException No such table.
* @throws AlreadyExistsException Partition of this name already exists.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Partition appendPartition(String dbName, String tableName, String name)
throws InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException, TException;
* Add a partition to a table and get back the resulting Partition object. This creates an
* empty default partition with just the partition value set.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tableName table name.
* @param name name of the partition, should be in the form partkey=partval.
* @return new partition object.
* @throws InvalidObjectException No such table.
* @throws AlreadyExistsException Partition of this name already exists.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Partition appendPartition(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, String name)
throws InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException, TException;
* Add a partition to the table.
* @param partition
* The partition to add
* @return The partition added
* @throws InvalidObjectException
* Could not find table to add to
* @throws AlreadyExistsException
* Partition already exists
* @throws MetaException
* Could not add partition
* @throws TException
* Thrift exception
Partition add_partition(Partition partition)
throws InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException, TException;
* Add partitions to the table.
* @param partitions
* The partitions to add
* @throws InvalidObjectException
* Could not find table to add to
* @throws AlreadyExistsException
* Partition already exists
* @throws MetaException
* Could not add partition
* @throws TException
* Thrift exception
int add_partitions(List<Partition> partitions)
throws InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException, TException;
* Add a partitions using a spec proxy.
* @param partitionSpec partition spec proxy
* @return number of partitions that were added
* @throws InvalidObjectException the partitionSpec is malformed.
* @throws AlreadyExistsException one or more of the partitions already exist.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS or storage.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
int add_partitions_pspec(PartitionSpecProxy partitionSpec)
throws InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException, TException;
* Add partitions to the table.
* @param partitions The partitions to add
* @param ifNotExists only add partitions if they don't exist
* @param needResults Whether the results are needed
* @return the partitions that were added, or null if !needResults
List<Partition> add_partitions(
List<Partition> partitions, boolean ifNotExists, boolean needResults)
throws InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException, TException;
* Get a partition.
* @param dbName database name
* @param tblName table name
* @param partVals partition values for this partition, must be in the same order as the
* partition keys of the table.
* @return the partition object
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such partition
* @throws MetaException error access the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Partition getPartition(String dbName, String tblName, List<String> partVals)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get a partition.
* @param req
* @return GetPartitionResponse
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such partition
* @throws MetaException error access the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
GetPartitionResponse getPartitionRequest(GetPartitionRequest req)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get a partition.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database name
* @param tblName table name
* @param partVals partition values for this partition, must be in the same order as the
* partition keys of the table.
* @return the partition object
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such partition
* @throws MetaException error access the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Partition getPartition(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, List<String> partVals)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Move a partition from one table to another
* @param partitionSpecs key value pairs that describe the partition to be moved.
* @param sourceDb database of the source table
* @param sourceTable name of the source table
* @param destdb database of the destination table
* @param destTableName name of the destination table
* @return partition object
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS or storage
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table, for either source or destination table
* @throws InvalidObjectException error in partition specifications
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Partition exchange_partition(Map<String, String> partitionSpecs,
String sourceDb, String sourceTable, String destdb,
String destTableName) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException,
InvalidObjectException, TException;
* Move a partition from one table to another
* @param partitionSpecs key value pairs that describe the partition to be moved.
* @param sourceCat catalog of the source table
* @param sourceDb database of the source table
* @param sourceTable name of the source table
* @param destCat catalog of the destination table, for now must the same as sourceCat
* @param destdb database of the destination table
* @param destTableName name of the destination table
* @return partition object
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS or storage
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table, for either source or destination table
* @throws InvalidObjectException error in partition specifications
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Partition exchange_partition(Map<String, String> partitionSpecs, String sourceCat,
String sourceDb, String sourceTable, String destCat, String destdb,
String destTableName) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException,
InvalidObjectException, TException;
* With the one partitionSpecs to exchange, multiple partitions could be exchanged.
* e.g., year=2015/month/day, exchanging partition year=2015 results to all the partitions
* belonging to it exchanged. This function returns the list of affected partitions.
* @param partitionSpecs key value pairs that describe the partition(s) to be moved.
* @param sourceDb database of the source table
* @param sourceTable name of the source table
* @param destdb database of the destination table
* @param destTableName name of the destination table
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS or storage
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table, for either source or destination table
* @throws InvalidObjectException error in partition specifications
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @return the list of the new partitions
List<Partition> exchange_partitions(Map<String, String> partitionSpecs,
String sourceDb, String sourceTable, String destdb,
String destTableName) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException,
InvalidObjectException, TException;
* With the one partitionSpecs to exchange, multiple partitions could be exchanged.
* e.g., year=2015/month/day, exchanging partition year=2015 results to all the partitions
* belonging to it exchanged. This function returns the list of affected partitions.
* @param partitionSpecs key value pairs that describe the partition(s) to be moved.
* @param sourceCat catalog of the source table
* @param sourceDb database of the source table
* @param sourceTable name of the source table
* @param destCat catalog of the destination table, for now must the same as sourceCat
* @param destdb database of the destination table
* @param destTableName name of the destination table
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS or storage
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table, for either source or destination table
* @throws InvalidObjectException error in partition specifications
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @return the list of the new partitions
List<Partition> exchange_partitions(Map<String, String> partitionSpecs, String sourceCat,
String sourceDb, String sourceTable, String destCat,
String destdb, String destTableName)
throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, TException;
* Get a Partition by name.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tblName table name.
* @param name - partition name i.e. 'ds=2010-02-03/ts=2010-02-03 18%3A16%3A01'
* @return the partition object
* @throws MetaException error access the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Partition getPartition(String dbName, String tblName, String name)
throws MetaException, UnknownTableException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Get a Partition by name.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tblName table name.
* @param name - partition name i.e. 'ds=2010-02-03/ts=2010-02-03 18%3A16%3A01'
* @return the partition object
* @throws MetaException error access the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Partition getPartition(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, String name)
throws MetaException, UnknownTableException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Get a Partition along with authorization information.
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param pvals partition values, must be in the same order as the tables partition keys
* @param userName name of the calling user
* @param groupNames groups the call
* @return the partition
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws UnknownTableException no such table
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such partition
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Partition getPartitionWithAuthInfo(String dbName, String tableName,
List<String> pvals, String userName, List<String> groupNames)
throws MetaException, UnknownTableException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Get a Partition along with authorization information.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param pvals partition values, must be in the same order as the tables partition keys
* @param userName name of the calling user
* @param groupNames groups the call
* @return the partition
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws UnknownTableException no such table
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such partition
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Partition getPartitionWithAuthInfo(String catName, String dbName, String tableName,
List<String> pvals, String userName, List<String> groupNames)
throws MetaException, UnknownTableException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Get a list of partittions for a table.
* @param db_name database name
* @param tbl_name table name
* @param max_parts maximum number of parts to return, -1 for all
* @return the list of partitions
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No such table.
* @throws MetaException error accessing RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<Partition> listPartitions(String db_name, String tbl_name, short max_parts)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get a list of partittions for a table.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param db_name database name
* @param tbl_name table name
* @param max_parts maximum number of parts to return, -1 for all
* @return the list of partitions
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No such table.
* @throws MetaException error accessing RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<Partition> listPartitions(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name, int max_parts)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get a list of partitions from a table, returned in the form of PartitionSpecProxy
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tableName table name.
* @param maxParts maximum number of partitions to return, or -1 for all
* @return a PartitionSpecProxy
* @throws TException thrift transport error
PartitionSpecProxy listPartitionSpecs(String dbName, String tableName, int maxParts)
throws TException;
* Get a list of partitions from a table, returned in the form of PartitionSpecProxy
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tableName table name.
* @param maxParts maximum number of partitions to return, or -1 for all
* @return a PartitionSpecProxy
* @throws TException thrift transport error
PartitionSpecProxy listPartitionSpecs(String catName, String dbName, String tableName,
int maxParts) throws TException;
* Get a list of partitions based on a (possibly partial) list of partition values.
* @param db_name database name.
* @param tbl_name table name.
* @param part_vals partition values, in order of the table partition keys. These can be
* partial, or .* to match all values for a particular key.
* @param max_parts maximum number of partitions to return, or -1 for all.
* @return list of partitions
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the database or processing the partition values.
* @throws TException thrift transport error.
List<Partition> listPartitions(String db_name, String tbl_name,
List<String> part_vals, short max_parts) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get a list of partitions based on a (possibly partial) list of partition values.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param db_name database name.
* @param tbl_name table name.
* @param part_vals partition values, in order of the table partition keys. These can be
* partial, or .* to match all values for a particular key.
* @param max_parts maximum number of partitions to return, or -1 for all.
* @return list of partitions
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the database or processing the partition values.
* @throws TException thrift transport error.
List<Partition> listPartitions(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name,
List<String> part_vals, int max_parts)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* List Names of partitions in a table.
* @param db_name database name.
* @param tbl_name table name.
* @param max_parts maximum number of parts of fetch, or -1 to fetch them all.
* @return list of partition names.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No such table.
* @throws MetaException Error accessing the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<String> listPartitionNames(String db_name, String tbl_name,
short max_parts) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* List Names of partitions in a table.
* @param req
* @return GetPartitionNamesPsResponse
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No such table.
* @throws MetaException Error accessing the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
GetPartitionNamesPsResponse listPartitionNamesRequest(GetPartitionNamesPsRequest req)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* List Names of partitions in a table.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param db_name database name.
* @param tbl_name table name.
* @param max_parts maximum number of parts of fetch, or -1 to fetch them all.
* @return list of partition names.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No such table.
* @throws MetaException Error accessing the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<String> listPartitionNames(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name,
int max_parts) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get a list of partition names matching a partial specification of the partition values.
* @param db_name database name.
* @param tbl_name table name.
* @param part_vals partial list of partition values. These must be given in the order of the
* partition keys. If you wish to accept any value for a particular key you
* can pass ".*" for that value in this list.
* @param max_parts maximum number of partition names to return, or -1 to return all that are
* found.
* @return list of matching partition names.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table.
List<String> listPartitionNames(String db_name, String tbl_name,
List<String> part_vals, short max_parts)
throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException;
* Get a list of partition names matching a partial specification of the partition values.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param db_name database name.
* @param tbl_name table name.
* @param part_vals partial list of partition values. These must be given in the order of the
* partition keys. If you wish to accept any value for a particular key you
* can pass ".*" for that value in this list.
* @param max_parts maximum number of partition names to return, or -1 to return all that are
* found.
* @return list of matching partition names.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table.
List<String> listPartitionNames(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name,
List<String> part_vals, int max_parts)
throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException;
* Get a list of partition names matching the specified filter and return in order if specified.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tblName table name.
* @param defaultPartName default partition name.
* @param exprBytes expression, serialized from ExprNodeDesc.
* @param order ordered the resulting list.
* @param maxParts maximum number of partition names to return, or -1 to return all that are
* found.
* @return list of matching partition names.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table.
List<String> listPartitionNames(String catName, String dbName, String tblName,
String defaultPartName, byte[] exprBytes, String order, short maxParts)
throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException;
* Get a list of partition names matching the specified filter and return in order if specified.
* @param request request
* @return list of matching partition names.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table.
List<String> listPartitionNames(PartitionsByExprRequest request)
throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException;
* Get a list of partition values
* @param request request
* @return reponse
* @throws MetaException error accessing RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table
PartitionValuesResponse listPartitionValues(PartitionValuesRequest request)
throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException;
* Get number of partitions matching specified filter
* @param dbName the database name
* @param tableName the table name
* @param filter the filter string,
* for example "part1 = \"p1_abc\" and part2 &lt;= "\p2_test\"". Filtering can
* be done only on string partition keys.
* @return number of partitions
* @throws MetaException error accessing RDBMS or processing the filter
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table
* @throws TException thrift transport error
int getNumPartitionsByFilter(String dbName, String tableName,
String filter) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Get number of partitions matching specified filter
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName the database name
* @param tableName the table name
* @param filter the filter string,
* for example "part1 = \"p1_abc\" and part2 &lt;= "\p2_test\"". Filtering can
* be done only on string partition keys.
* @return number of partitions
* @throws MetaException error accessing RDBMS or processing the filter
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table
* @throws TException thrift transport error
int getNumPartitionsByFilter(String catName, String dbName, String tableName,
String filter) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Get list of partitions matching specified filter
* @param db_name the database name
* @param tbl_name the table name
* @param filter the filter string,
* for example "part1 = \"p1_abc\" and part2 &lt;= "\p2_test\"". Filtering can
* be done only on string partition keys.
* @param max_parts the maximum number of partitions to return,
* all partitions are returned if -1 is passed
* @return list of partitions
* @throws MetaException Error accessing the RDBMS or processing the filter.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No such table.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<Partition> listPartitionsByFilter(String db_name, String tbl_name,
String filter, short max_parts) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Get list of partitions matching specified filter
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param db_name the database name
* @param tbl_name the table name
* @param filter the filter string,
* for example "part1 = \"p1_abc\" and part2 &lt;= "\p2_test\"". Filtering can
* be done only on string partition keys.
* @param max_parts the maximum number of partitions to return,
* all partitions are returned if -1 is passed
* @return list of partitions
* @throws MetaException Error accessing the RDBMS or processing the filter.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No such table.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<Partition> listPartitionsByFilter(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name,
String filter, int max_parts)
throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Get a list of partitions in a PartitionSpec, using a filter to select which partitions to
* fetch.
* @param db_name database name
* @param tbl_name table name
* @param filter SQL where clause filter
* @param max_parts maximum number of partitions to fetch, or -1 for all
* @return PartitionSpec
* @throws MetaException error accessing RDBMS or processing the filter
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No table matches the request
* @throws TException thrift transport error
PartitionSpecProxy listPartitionSpecsByFilter(String db_name, String tbl_name,
String filter, int max_parts)
throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Get a list of partitions in a PartitionSpec, using a filter to select which partitions to
* fetch.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param db_name database name
* @param tbl_name table name
* @param filter SQL where clause filter
* @param max_parts maximum number of partitions to fetch, or -1 for all
* @return PartitionSpec
* @throws MetaException error accessing RDBMS or processing the filter
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No table matches the request
* @throws TException thrift transport error
PartitionSpecProxy listPartitionSpecsByFilter(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name,
String filter, int max_parts)
throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Get list of {@link PartitionSpec} matching specified serialized expression.
* @param req PartitionsByExprRequest object
* @return whether the resulting list contains partitions which may or may not match the expr
* @throws TException thrift transport error or error executing the filter.
boolean listPartitionsSpecByExpr(PartitionsByExprRequest req, List<PartitionSpec> result)
throws TException;
* Get list of partitions matching specified serialized expression
* @param db_name the database name
* @param tbl_name the table name
* @param expr expression, serialized from ExprNodeDesc
* @param max_parts the maximum number of partitions to return,
* all partitions are returned if -1 is passed
* @param default_partition_name Default partition name from configuration. If blank, the
* metastore server-side configuration is used.
* @param result the resulting list of partitions
* @return whether the resulting list contains partitions which may or may not match the expr
* @throws TException thrift transport error or error executing the filter.
boolean listPartitionsByExpr(String db_name, String tbl_name,
byte[] expr, String default_partition_name, short max_parts, List<Partition> result)
throws TException;
* Get list of partitions matching specified serialized expression
* @param catName catalog name
* @param db_name the database name
* @param tbl_name the table name
* @param expr expression, serialized from ExprNodeDesc
* @param max_parts the maximum number of partitions to return,
* all partitions are returned if -1 is passed
* @param default_partition_name Default partition name from configuration. If blank, the
* metastore server-side configuration is used.
* @param result the resulting list of partitions
* @return whether the resulting list contains partitions which may or may not match the expr
* @throws TException thrift transport error or error executing the filter.
boolean listPartitionsByExpr(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name, byte[] expr,
String default_partition_name, int max_parts, List<Partition> result)
throws TException;
* List partitions, fetching the authorization information along with the partitions.
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param maxParts maximum number of partitions to fetch, or -1 for all
* @param userName user to fetch privileges for
* @param groupNames groups to fetch privileges for
* @return the list of partitions
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no partitions matching the criteria were found
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<Partition> listPartitionsWithAuthInfo(String dbName,
String tableName, short maxParts, String userName, List<String> groupNames)
throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException;
* List partitions, fetching the authorization information along with the partitions.
* @param req
* @return GetPartitionsPsWithAuthResponse
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no partitions matching the criteria were found
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
GetPartitionsPsWithAuthResponse listPartitionsWithAuthInfoRequest(GetPartitionsPsWithAuthRequest req)
throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException;
* List partitions, fetching the authorization information along with the partitions.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param maxParts maximum number of partitions to fetch, or -1 for all
* @param userName user to fetch privileges for
* @param groupNames groups to fetch privileges for
* @return the list of partitions
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no partitions matching the criteria were found
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<Partition> listPartitionsWithAuthInfo(String catName, String dbName, String tableName,
int maxParts, String userName, List<String> groupNames)
throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException;
* Get partitions by a list of partition names.
* @param db_name database name
* @param tbl_name table name
* @param part_names list of partition names
* @return list of Partition objects
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No such partitions
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<Partition> getPartitionsByNames(String db_name, String tbl_name,
List<String> part_names) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get partitions by a list of partition names.
* @param req
* @return PartitionsResponse
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No such partitions
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
PartitionsResponse getPartitionsRequest(PartitionsRequest req)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get partitions by a list of partition names.
* @param db_name database name
* @param tbl_name table name
* @param part_names list of partition names
* @param getColStats if true include statistics in the Partition object
* @param engine engine sending the request
* @return list of Partition objects
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No such partitionscatName
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<Partition> getPartitionsByNames(String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_names,
boolean getColStats, String engine) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get partitions by a list of partition names.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param db_name database name
* @param tbl_name table name
* @param part_names list of partition names
* @return list of Partition objects
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No such partitions
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<Partition> getPartitionsByNames(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name,
List<String> part_names)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get partitions by a list of partition names.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param db_name database name
* @param tbl_name table name
* @param part_names list of partition names
* @param getColStats if true, column statistics is added to the Partition objects
* @param engine engine sending the request
* @return list of Partition objects
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No such partitions
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<Partition> getPartitionsByNames(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name,
List<String> part_names, boolean getColStats, String engine)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* List partitions along with privilege information for a user or groups
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param partialPvals partition values, can be partial
* @param maxParts maximum number of partitions to fetch, or -1 for all
* @param userName user to fetch privilege information for
* @param groupNames group to fetch privilege information for
* @return the list of partitions
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no partitions matching the criteria were found
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<Partition> listPartitionsWithAuthInfo(String dbName,
String tableName, List<String> partialPvals, short maxParts, String userName,
List<String> groupNames) throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException;
* List partitions along with privilege information for a user or groups
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param partialPvals partition values, can be partial
* @param maxParts maximum number of partitions to fetch, or -1 for all
* @param userName user to fetch privilege information for
* @param groupNames group to fetch privilege information for
* @return the list of partitions
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no partitions matching the criteria were found
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<Partition> listPartitionsWithAuthInfo(String catName, String dbName, String tableName,
List<String> partialPvals, int maxParts, String userName,
List<String> groupNames)
throws MetaException, TException, NoSuchObjectException;
* Mark an event as having occurred on a partition.
* @param db_name database name
* @param tbl_name table name
* @param partKVs key value pairs that describe the partition
* @param eventType type of the event
* @throws MetaException error access the RDBMS
* @throws NoSuchObjectException never throws this AFAICT
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownTableException no such table
* @throws UnknownDBException no such database
* @throws UnknownPartitionException no such partition
* @throws InvalidPartitionException partition partKVs is invalid
void markPartitionForEvent(String db_name, String tbl_name, Map<String,String> partKVs,
PartitionEventType eventType) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException,
UnknownTableException, UnknownDBException, UnknownPartitionException, InvalidPartitionException;
* Mark an event as having occurred on a partition.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param db_name database name
* @param tbl_name table name
* @param partKVs key value pairs that describe the partition
* @param eventType type of the event
* @throws MetaException error access the RDBMS
* @throws NoSuchObjectException never throws this AFAICT
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownTableException no such table
* @throws UnknownDBException no such database
* @throws UnknownPartitionException no such partition
* @throws InvalidPartitionException partition partKVs is invalid
void markPartitionForEvent(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name, Map<String,String> partKVs,
PartitionEventType eventType) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException,
UnknownTableException, UnknownDBException, UnknownPartitionException, InvalidPartitionException;
* Determine whether a partition has been marked with a particular event type.
* @param db_name database name
* @param tbl_name table name.
* @param partKVs key value pairs that describe the partition.
* @param eventType event type
* @throws MetaException error access the RDBMS
* @throws NoSuchObjectException never throws this AFAICT
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownTableException no such table
* @throws UnknownDBException no such database
* @throws UnknownPartitionException no such partition
* @throws InvalidPartitionException partition partKVs is invalid
boolean isPartitionMarkedForEvent(String db_name, String tbl_name, Map<String,String> partKVs,
PartitionEventType eventType) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException,
UnknownTableException, UnknownDBException, UnknownPartitionException, InvalidPartitionException;
* Determine whether a partition has been marked with a particular event type.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param db_name database name
* @param tbl_name table name.
* @param partKVs key value pairs that describe the partition.
* @param eventType event type
* @throws MetaException error access the RDBMS
* @throws NoSuchObjectException never throws this AFAICT
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws UnknownTableException no such table
* @throws UnknownDBException no such database
* @throws UnknownPartitionException no such partition
* @throws InvalidPartitionException partition partKVs is invalid
boolean isPartitionMarkedForEvent(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name, Map<String,String> partKVs,
PartitionEventType eventType) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException,
UnknownTableException, UnknownDBException, UnknownPartitionException, InvalidPartitionException;
* @param partVals
* @throws TException
* @throws MetaException
void validatePartitionNameCharacters(List<String> partVals) throws TException, MetaException;
* @param tbl
* @throws AlreadyExistsException
* @throws InvalidObjectException
* @throws MetaException
* @throws NoSuchObjectException
* @throws TException
* @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface#create_table(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.CreateTableRequest)
void createTable(Table tbl) throws AlreadyExistsException,
InvalidObjectException, MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* @param request CreateTableRequest
* @throws AlreadyExistsException
* @throws InvalidObjectException
* @throws MetaException
* @throws NoSuchObjectException
* @throws TException
void createTable(CreateTableRequest request) throws AlreadyExistsException,
InvalidObjectException, MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Alter a table
* @param databaseName database name
* @param tblName table name
* @param table new table object, should be complete representation of the table, not just the
* things you want to change.
* @throws InvalidOperationException something is wrong with the new table object or an
* operation was attempted that is not allowed (such as changing partition columns).
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually in the RDBMS
* @throws TException general thrift exception
void alter_table(String databaseName, String tblName, Table table)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* Alter a table. Equivalent to
* {@link #alter_table(String, String, String, Table, EnvironmentContext)} with
* EnvironmentContext set to null.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tblName table name.
* @param newTable new table object, should be complete representation of the table, not just the
* things you want to change.
* @throws InvalidOperationException something is wrong with the new table object or an
* operation was attempted that is not allowed (such as changing partition columns).
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually in the RDBMS
* @throws TException general thrift exception
default void alter_table(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, Table newTable)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
alter_table(catName, dbName, tblName, newTable, null);
* Alter a table.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tblName table name.
* @param newTable new table object, should be complete representation of the table, not just the
* things you want to change.
* @param envContext options for the alter.
* @throws InvalidOperationException something is wrong with the new table object or an
* operation was attempted that is not allowed (such as changing partition columns).
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually in the RDBMS
* @throws TException general thrift exception
void alter_table(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, Table newTable,
EnvironmentContext envContext)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* @deprecated Use alter_table_with_environmentContext instead of alter_table with cascade option
* passed in EnvironmentContext using {@code StatsSetupConst.CASCADE}
void alter_table(String defaultDatabaseName, String tblName, Table table,
boolean cascade) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* Alter a table.
* @param databaseName database name
* @param tblName table name
* @param table new table object, should be complete representation of the table, not just the
* things you want to change.
* @param environmentContext options for the alter.
* @throws InvalidOperationException something is wrong with the new table object or an
* operation was attempted that is not allowed (such as changing partition columns).
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually in the RDBMS
* @throws TException general thrift exception
void alter_table_with_environmentContext(String databaseName, String tblName, Table table,
EnvironmentContext environmentContext) throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException,
void alter_table(String catName, String databaseName, String tblName, Table table,
EnvironmentContext environmentContext, String validWriteIdList)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* Create a new database.
* @param db database object. If the catalog name is null it will be assumed to be
* {@link Warehouse#DEFAULT_CATALOG_NAME}.
* @throws InvalidObjectException There is something wrong with the database object.
* @throws AlreadyExistsException There is already a database of this name in the specified
* catalog.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually in the RDBMS
* @throws TException general thrift error
void createDatabase(Database db)
throws InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException, TException;
* Drop a database.
* @param name name of the database to drop.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No such database exists.
* @throws InvalidOperationException The database cannot be dropped because it is not empty.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually either in the RDMBS or in storage.
* @throws TException general thrift error.
void dropDatabase(String name)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* Drop a database.
* @param name name of the database to drop.
* @param deleteData whether to drop the underlying HDFS directory.
* @param ignoreUnknownDb whether to ignore an attempt to drop a non-existant database
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No database of this name exists in the specified catalog and
* ignoreUnknownDb is false.
* @throws InvalidOperationException The database cannot be dropped because it is not empty.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually either in the RDMBS or in storage.
* @throws TException general thrift error.
void dropDatabase(String name, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreUnknownDb)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* Drop a database.
* @param name database name.
* @param deleteData whether to drop the underlying HDFS directory.
* @param ignoreUnknownDb whether to ignore an attempt to drop a non-existant database
* @param cascade whether to drop contained tables, etc. If this is false and there are
* objects still in the database the drop will fail.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No database of this name exists in the specified catalog and
* ignoreUnknownDb is false.
* @throws InvalidOperationException The database contains objects and cascade is false.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually either in the RDBMS or storage.
* @throws TException general thrift error.
void dropDatabase(String name, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreUnknownDb, boolean cascade)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* Drop a database.
* @param catName Catalog name. This can be null, in which case
* {@link Warehouse#DEFAULT_CATALOG_NAME} will be assumed.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param deleteData whether to drop the underlying HDFS directory.
* @param ignoreUnknownDb whether to ignore an attempt to drop a non-existant database
* @param cascade whether to drop contained tables, etc. If this is false and there are
* objects still in the database the drop will fail.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No database of this name exists in the specified catalog and
* ignoreUnknownDb is false.
* @throws InvalidOperationException The database contains objects and cascade is false.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually either in the RDBMS or storage.
* @throws TException general thrift error.
void dropDatabase(String catName, String dbName, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreUnknownDb,
boolean cascade)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* Drop a database. Equivalent to
* {@link #dropDatabase(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean)} with cascade = false.
* @param catName Catalog name. This can be null, in which case
* {@link Warehouse#DEFAULT_CATALOG_NAME} will be assumed.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param deleteData whether to drop the underlying HDFS directory.
* @param ignoreUnknownDb whether to ignore an attempt to drop a non-existant database
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No database of this name exists in the specified catalog and
* ignoreUnknownDb is false.
* @throws InvalidOperationException The database contains objects and cascade is false.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually either in the RDBMS or storage.
* @throws TException general thrift error.
default void dropDatabase(String catName, String dbName, boolean deleteData,
boolean ignoreUnknownDb)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
dropDatabase(catName, dbName, deleteData, ignoreUnknownDb, false);
* Drop a database. Equivalent to
* {@link #dropDatabase(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean)} with deleteData =
* true, ignoreUnknownDb = false, cascade = false.
* @param catName Catalog name. This can be null, in which case
* {@link Warehouse#DEFAULT_CATALOG_NAME} will be assumed.
* @param dbName database name.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No database of this name exists in the specified catalog and
* ignoreUnknownDb is false.
* @throws InvalidOperationException The database contains objects and cascade is false.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually either in the RDBMS or storage.
* @throws TException general thrift error.
default void dropDatabase(String catName, String dbName)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
dropDatabase(catName, dbName, true, false, false);
* Alter a database.
* @param name database name.
* @param db new database object.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No database of this name exists in the specified catalog.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually in the RDBMS.
* @throws TException general thrift error.
void alterDatabase(String name, Database db)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Alter a database.
* @param catName Catalog name. This can be null, in which case
* {@link Warehouse#DEFAULT_CATALOG_NAME} will be assumed.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param newDb new database object.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No database of this name exists in the specified catalog.
* @throws MetaException something went wrong, usually in the RDBMS.
* @throws TException general thrift error.
void alterDatabase(String catName, String dbName, Database newDb)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Drop a partition.
* @param db_name database name
* @param tbl_name table name
* @param part_vals partition values, in the same order as the partition keys
* @param deleteData
* delete the underlying data or just delete the partition in metadata
* @return true or false
* @throws NoSuchObjectException partition does not exist
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS or the storage.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
boolean dropPartition(String db_name, String tbl_name,
List<String> part_vals, boolean deleteData) throws NoSuchObjectException,
MetaException, TException;
* Drop a partition.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param db_name database name
* @param tbl_name table name
* @param part_vals partition values, in the same order as the partition keys
* @param deleteData
* delete the underlying data or just delete the partition in metadata
* @return true or false
* @throws NoSuchObjectException partition does not exist
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS or the storage.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
boolean dropPartition(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name,
List<String> part_vals, boolean deleteData) throws NoSuchObjectException,
MetaException, TException;
* Drop a partition with the option to purge the partition data directly,
* rather than to move data to trash.
* @param db_name Name of the database.
* @param tbl_name Name of the table.
* @param part_vals Specification of the partitions being dropped.
* @param options PartitionDropOptions for the operation.
* @return True (if partitions are dropped), else false.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException partition does not exist
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS or the storage.
* @throws TException thrift transport error.
boolean dropPartition(String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals,
PartitionDropOptions options)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Drop a partition with the option to purge the partition data directly,
* rather than to move data to trash.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param db_name Name of the database.
* @param tbl_name Name of the table.
* @param part_vals Specification of the partitions being dropped.
* @param options PartitionDropOptions for the operation.
* @return True (if partitions are dropped), else false.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException partition does not exist
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS or the storage.
* @throws TException thrift transport error.
boolean dropPartition(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals,
PartitionDropOptions options)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Drop partitions based on an expression.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tblName table name.
* @param partExprs I don't understand this fully, so can't completely explain it. The second
* half of the object pair is an expression used to determine which partitions
* to drop. The first half has something to do with archive level, but I
* don't understand what. I'm also not sure what happens if you pass multiple
* expressions.
* @param deleteData whether to delete the data as well as the metadata.
* @param ifExists if true, it is not an error if no partitions match the expression(s).
* @return list of deleted partitions.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No partition matches the expression(s), and ifExists was false.
* @throws MetaException error access the RDBMS or storage.
* @throws TException Thrift transport error.
List<Partition> dropPartitions(String dbName, String tblName,
List<Pair<Integer, byte[]>> partExprs, boolean deleteData,
boolean ifExists) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Drop partitions based on an expression.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tblName table name.
* @param partExprs I don't understand this fully, so can't completely explain it. The second
* half of the object pair is an expression used to determine which partitions
* to drop. The first half has something to do with archive level, but I
* don't understand what. I'm also not sure what happens if you pass multiple
* expressions.
* @param deleteData whether to delete the data as well as the metadata.
* @param ifExists if true, it is not an error if no partitions match the expression(s).
* @return list of deleted partitions.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No partition matches the expression(s), and ifExists was false.
* @throws MetaException error access the RDBMS or storage.
* @throws TException Thrift transport error.
default List<Partition> dropPartitions(String catName, String dbName, String tblName,
List<Pair<Integer, byte[]>> partExprs,
boolean deleteData, boolean ifExists)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
return dropPartitions(catName, dbName, tblName, partExprs,
* Drop partitions based on an expression.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tblName table name.
* @param partExprs I don't understand this fully, so can't completely explain it. The second
* half of the object pair is an expression used to determine which partitions
* to drop. The first half has something to do with archive level, but I
* don't understand what. I'm also not sure what happens if you pass multiple
* expressions.
* @param deleteData whether to delete the data as well as the metadata.
* @param ifExists if true, it is not an error if no partitions match the expression(s).
* @param needResults if true, the list of deleted partitions will be returned, if not, null
* will be returned.
* @return list of deleted partitions.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No partition matches the expression(s), and ifExists was false.
* @throws MetaException error access the RDBMS or storage.
* @throws TException Thrift transport error.
* @deprecated Use {@link #dropPartitions(String, String, String, List, boolean, boolean, boolean)}
List<Partition> dropPartitions(String dbName, String tblName,
List<Pair<Integer, byte[]>> partExprs, boolean deleteData,
boolean ifExists, boolean needResults) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Drop partitions based on an expression.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tblName table name.
* @param partExprs I don't understand this fully, so can't completely explain it. The second
* half of the object pair is an expression used to determine which partitions
* to drop. The first half has something to do with archive level, but I
* don't understand what. I'm also not sure what happens if you pass multiple
* expressions.
* @param deleteData whether to delete the data as well as the metadata.
* @param ifExists if true, it is not an error if no partitions match the expression(s).
* @param needResults if true, the list of deleted partitions will be returned, if not, null
* will be returned.
* @return list of deleted partitions, if needResults is true
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No partition matches the expression(s), and ifExists was false.
* @throws MetaException error access the RDBMS or storage.
* @throws TException Thrift transport error.
default List<Partition> dropPartitions(String catName, String dbName, String tblName,
List<Pair<Integer, byte[]>> partExprs, boolean deleteData,
boolean ifExists, boolean needResults)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
return dropPartitions(catName, dbName, tblName, partExprs,
* Generalization of dropPartitions(),
* @param dbName Name of the database
* @param tblName Name of the table
* @param partExprs Partition-specification
* @param options Boolean options for dropping partitions
* @return List of Partitions dropped
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No partition matches the expression(s), and ifExists was false.
* @throws MetaException error access the RDBMS or storage.
* @throws TException On failure
List<Partition> dropPartitions(String dbName, String tblName,
List<Pair<Integer, byte[]>> partExprs,
PartitionDropOptions options)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Generalization of dropPartitions(),
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName Name of the database
* @param tblName Name of the table
* @param partExprs Partition-specification
* @param options Boolean options for dropping partitions
* @return List of Partitions dropped
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No partition matches the expression(s), and ifExists was false.
* @throws MetaException error access the RDBMS or storage.
* @throws TException On failure
List<Partition> dropPartitions(String catName, String dbName, String tblName,
List<Pair<Integer, byte[]>> partExprs,
PartitionDropOptions options)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Drop a partition.
* @param db_name database name.
* @param tbl_name table name.
* @param name partition name.
* @param deleteData whether to delete the data or just the metadata.
* @return true if the partition was dropped.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such partition.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS or storage
* @throws TException thrift transport error
boolean dropPartition(String db_name, String tbl_name,
String name, boolean deleteData) throws NoSuchObjectException,
MetaException, TException;
* Drop a partition.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param db_name database name.
* @param tbl_name table name.
* @param name partition name.
* @param deleteData whether to delete the data or just the metadata.
* @return true if the partition was dropped.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such partition.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS or storage
* @throws TException thrift transport error
boolean dropPartition(String catName, String db_name, String tbl_name,
String name, boolean deleteData)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* updates a partition to new partition
* @param dbName
* database of the old partition
* @param tblName
* table name of the old partition
* @param newPart
* new partition
* @throws InvalidOperationException
* if the old partition does not exist
* @throws MetaException
* if error in updating metadata
* @throws TException
* if error in communicating with metastore server
void alter_partition(String dbName, String tblName, Partition newPart)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* updates a partition to new partition
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName
* database of the old partition
* @param tblName
* table name of the old partition
* @param newPart
* new partition
* @throws InvalidOperationException
* if the old partition does not exist
* @throws MetaException
* if error in updating metadata
* @throws TException
* if error in communicating with metastore server
default void alter_partition(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, Partition newPart)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
alter_partition(catName, dbName, tblName, newPart, null);
* updates a partition to new partition
* @param dbName
* database of the old partition
* @param tblName
* table name of the old partition
* @param newPart
* new partition
* @throws InvalidOperationException
* if the old partition does not exist
* @throws MetaException
* if error in updating metadata
* @throws TException
* if error in communicating with metastore server
void alter_partition(String dbName, String tblName, Partition newPart, EnvironmentContext environmentContext)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
void alter_partition(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, Partition newPart,
EnvironmentContext environmentContext, String writeIdList)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* updates a partition to new partition
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName
* database of the old partition
* @param tblName
* table name of the old partition
* @param newPart
* new partition
* @throws InvalidOperationException
* if the old partition does not exist
* @throws MetaException
* if error in updating metadata
* @throws TException
* if error in communicating with metastore server
void alter_partition(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, Partition newPart,
EnvironmentContext environmentContext)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* updates a list of partitions
* @param dbName
* database of the old partition
* @param tblName
* table name of the old partition
* @param newParts
* list of partitions
* @throws InvalidOperationException
* if the old partition does not exist
* @throws MetaException
* if error in updating metadata
* @throws TException
* if error in communicating with metastore server
void alter_partitions(String dbName, String tblName, List<Partition> newParts)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* updates a list of partitions
* @param dbName
* database of the old partition
* @param tblName
* table name of the old partition
* @param newParts
* list of partitions
* @param environmentContext key value pairs to pass to alter function.
* @throws InvalidOperationException
* if the old partition does not exist
* @throws MetaException
* if error in updating metadata
* @throws TException
* if error in communicating with metastore server
void alter_partitions(String dbName, String tblName, List<Partition> newParts,
EnvironmentContext environmentContext)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
void alter_partitions(String dbName, String tblName, List<Partition> newParts,
EnvironmentContext environmentContext,
String writeIdList, long writeId)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* updates a list of partitions
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName
* database of the old partition
* @param tblName
* table name of the old partition
* @param newParts
* list of partitions
* @throws InvalidOperationException
* if the old partition does not exist
* @throws MetaException
* if error in updating metadata
* @throws TException
* if error in communicating with metastore server
default void alter_partitions(String catName, String dbName, String tblName,
List<Partition> newParts)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
alter_partitions(catName, dbName, tblName, newParts, new EnvironmentContext(), null, -1);
* updates a list of partitions
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName
* database of the old partition
* @param tblName
* table name of the old partition
* @param newParts
* list of partitions
* @param environmentContext key value pairs to pass to alter function.
* @throws InvalidOperationException
* if the old partition does not exist
* @throws MetaException
* if error in updating metadata
* @throws TException
* if error in communicating with metastore server
void alter_partitions(String catName, String dbName, String tblName, List<Partition> newParts,
EnvironmentContext environmentContext,
String writeIdList, long writeId)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* rename a partition to a new partition
* @param dbname
* database of the old partition
* @param tableName
* table name of the old partition
* @param part_vals
* values of the old partition
* @param newPart
* new partition
* @throws InvalidOperationException
* if srcFs and destFs are different, or trying to rename to an already existing partition name
* @throws MetaException
* if error in updating metadata
* @throws TException
* if error in communicating with metastore server
void renamePartition(final String dbname, final String tableName, final List<String> part_vals,
final Partition newPart)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* rename a partition to a new partition
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbname
* database of the old partition
* @param tableName
* table name of the old partition
* @param part_vals
* values of the old partition
* @param newPart
* new partition
* @throws InvalidOperationException
* if srcFs and destFs are different, or trying to rename to an already existing partition name
* @throws MetaException
* if error in updating metadata
* @throws TException
* if error in communicating with metastore server
void renamePartition(String catName, String dbname, String tableName, List<String> part_vals,
Partition newPart, String validWriteIds)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException;
* Get schema for a table, excluding the partition columns.
* @param db database name
* @param tableName table name
* @return list of field schemas describing the table's schema
* @throws UnknownTableException no such table
* @throws UnknownDBException no such database
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<FieldSchema> getFields(String db, String tableName)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownTableException,
* Get schema for a table, excluding the partition columns.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param db database name
* @param tableName table name
* @return list of field schemas describing the table's schema
* @throws UnknownTableException no such table
* @throws UnknownDBException no such database
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<FieldSchema> getFields(String catName, String db, String tableName)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownTableException,
* Get schema for a table, excluding the partition columns.
* @param req
* @return GetFieldsResponse
* @throws UnknownTableException no such table
* @throws UnknownDBException no such database
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
GetFieldsResponse getFieldsRequest(GetFieldsRequest req)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownTableException,
* Get schema for a table, including the partition columns.
* @param db database name
* @param tableName table name
* @return list of field schemas describing the table's schema
* @throws UnknownTableException no such table
* @throws UnknownDBException no such database
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<FieldSchema> getSchema(String db, String tableName)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownTableException,
* Get schema for a table, including the partition columns.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param db database name
* @param tableName table name
* @return list of field schemas describing the table's schema
* @throws UnknownTableException no such table
* @throws UnknownDBException no such database
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<FieldSchema> getSchema(String catName, String db, String tableName)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownTableException,
* Get schema for a table, including the partition columns.
* @param req
* @return GetSchemaResponse
* @throws UnknownTableException no such table
* @throws UnknownDBException no such database
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
GetSchemaResponse getSchemaRequest(GetSchemaRequest req)
throws MetaException, TException, UnknownTableException,
* @param name
* name of the configuration property to get the value of
* @param defaultValue
* the value to return if property with the given name doesn't exist
* @return value of the specified configuration property
* @throws TException
* @throws ConfigValSecurityException
String getConfigValue(String name, String defaultValue)
throws TException, ConfigValSecurityException;
* @param name
* the partition name e.g. ("ds=2010-03-03/hr=12")
* @return a list containing the partition col values, in the same order as the name
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
List<String> partitionNameToVals(String name)
throws MetaException, TException;
* @param name
* the partition name e.g. ("ds=2010-03-03/hr=12")
* @return a map from the partition col to the value, as listed in the name
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
Map<String, String> partitionNameToSpec(String name)
throws MetaException, TException;
* Write table level column statistics to persistent store
* @param statsObj
* @return boolean indicating the status of the operation
* @throws NoSuchObjectException
* @throws InvalidObjectException
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
* @throws InvalidInputException
boolean updateTableColumnStatistics(ColumnStatistics statsObj)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException,
* Write partition level column statistics to persistent store
* @param statsObj
* @return boolean indicating the status of the operation
* @throws NoSuchObjectException
* @throws InvalidObjectException
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
* @throws InvalidInputException
boolean updatePartitionColumnStatistics(ColumnStatistics statsObj)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException,
* Get the column statistics for a set of columns in a table. This should only be used for
* non-partitioned tables. For partitioned tables use
* {@link #getPartitionColumnStatistics(String, String, List, List)}.
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param colNames list of column names
* @param engine engine sending the request
* @return list of column statistics objects, one per column
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<ColumnStatisticsObj> getTableColumnStatistics(String dbName, String tableName,
List<String> colNames, String engine) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
List<ColumnStatisticsObj> getTableColumnStatistics(String dbName, String tableName,
List<String> colNames, String engine, String validWriteIdList)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get the column statistics for a set of columns in a table. This should only be used for
* non-partitioned tables. For partitioned tables use
* {@link #getPartitionColumnStatistics(String, String, String, List, List)}.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param colNames list of column names
* @param engine engine sending the request
* @return list of column statistics objects, one per column
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<ColumnStatisticsObj> getTableColumnStatistics(String catName, String dbName, String tableName,
List<String> colNames, String engine) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
List<ColumnStatisticsObj> getTableColumnStatistics(String catName, String dbName, String tableName,
List<String> colNames, String engine, String validWriteIdList)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get the column statistics for a set of columns in a partition.
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param partNames partition names. Since these are names they should be of the form
* "key1=value1[/key2=value2...]"
* @param colNames list of column names
* @param engine engine sending the request
* @return map of columns to statistics
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such partition
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Map<String, List<ColumnStatisticsObj>> getPartitionColumnStatistics(String dbName,
String tableName, List<String> partNames, List<String> colNames, String engine)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
Map<String, List<ColumnStatisticsObj>> getPartitionColumnStatistics(String dbName,
String tableName, List<String> partNames, List<String> colNames,
String engine, String validWriteIdList)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get the column statistics for a set of columns in a partition.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param partNames partition names. Since these are names they should be of the form
* "key1=value1[/key2=value2...]"
* @param colNames list of column names
* @param engine engine sending the request
* @return map of columns to statistics
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such partition
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Map<String, List<ColumnStatisticsObj>> getPartitionColumnStatistics(
String catName, String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partNames, List<String> colNames,
String engine) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
Map<String, List<ColumnStatisticsObj>> getPartitionColumnStatistics(
String catName, String dbName, String tableName,
List<String> partNames, List<String> colNames,
String engine, String validWriteIdList)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Delete partition level column statistics given dbName, tableName, partName and colName, or
* all columns in a partition.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tableName table name.
* @param partName partition name.
* @param colName column name, or null for all columns
* @param engine engine, or null for all engines
* @return boolean indicating outcome of the operation
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such partition exists
* @throws InvalidObjectException error dropping the stats data
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws InvalidInputException input is invalid or null.
boolean deletePartitionColumnStatistics(String dbName, String tableName,
String partName, String colName, String engine) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException,
InvalidObjectException, TException, InvalidInputException;
* Delete partition level column statistics given dbName, tableName, partName and colName, or
* all columns in a partition.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param tableName table name.
* @param partName partition name.
* @param colName column name, or null for all columns
* @param engine engine, or null for all engines
* @return boolean indicating outcome of the operation
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such partition exists
* @throws InvalidObjectException error dropping the stats data
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws InvalidInputException input is invalid or null.
boolean deletePartitionColumnStatistics(String catName, String dbName, String tableName,
String partName, String colName, String engine)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, InvalidObjectException, TException, InvalidInputException;
* Delete table level column statistics given dbName, tableName and colName, or all columns in
* a table. This should be used for non-partitioned tables.
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param colName column name, or null to drop stats for all columns
* @param engine engine, or null for all engines
* @return boolean indicating the outcome of the operation
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No such table
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws InvalidObjectException error dropping the stats
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws InvalidInputException bad input, like a null table name.
boolean deleteTableColumnStatistics(String dbName, String tableName, String colName, String engine) throws
NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, InvalidObjectException, TException, InvalidInputException;
* Delete table level column statistics given dbName, tableName and colName, or all columns in
* a table. This should be used for non-partitioned tables.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param colName column name, or null to drop stats for all columns
* @param engine engine, or null for all engines
* @return boolean indicating the outcome of the operation
* @throws NoSuchObjectException No such table
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws InvalidObjectException error dropping the stats
* @throws TException thrift transport error
* @throws InvalidInputException bad input, like a null table name.
boolean deleteTableColumnStatistics(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, String colName, String engine)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, InvalidObjectException, TException, InvalidInputException;
* @param role
* role object
* @return true on success
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
boolean create_role(Role role)
throws MetaException, TException;
* @param role_name
* role name
* @return true on success
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
boolean drop_role(String role_name) throws MetaException, TException;
* list all role names
* @return list of names
* @throws TException
* @throws MetaException
List<String> listRoleNames() throws MetaException, TException;
* @param role_name
* @param user_name
* @param principalType
* @param grantor
* @param grantorType
* @param grantOption
* @return true on success
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
boolean grant_role(String role_name, String user_name,
PrincipalType principalType, String grantor, PrincipalType grantorType,
boolean grantOption) throws MetaException, TException;
* @param role_name
* role name
* @param user_name
* user name
* @param principalType
* @return true on success
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
boolean revoke_role(String role_name, String user_name,
PrincipalType principalType, boolean grantOption) throws MetaException, TException;
* @param principalName
* @param principalType
* @return list of roles
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
List<Role> list_roles(String principalName, PrincipalType principalType)
throws MetaException, TException;
* Return the privileges that the user, group have directly and indirectly through roles
* on the given hiveObject
* @param hiveObject
* @param user_name
* @param group_names
* @return the privilege set
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
PrincipalPrivilegeSet get_privilege_set(HiveObjectRef hiveObject,
String user_name, List<String> group_names) throws MetaException,
* Return the privileges that this principal has directly over the object (not through roles).
* @param principal_name
* @param principal_type
* @param hiveObject
* @return list of privileges
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
List<HiveObjectPrivilege> list_privileges(String principal_name,
PrincipalType principal_type, HiveObjectRef hiveObject)
throws MetaException, TException;
* @param privileges
* @return true on success
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
boolean grant_privileges(PrivilegeBag privileges)
throws MetaException, TException;
* @param privileges
* @return true on success
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
boolean revoke_privileges(PrivilegeBag privileges, boolean grantOption)
throws MetaException, TException;
* @param authorizer
* @param objToRefresh
* @return true on success
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
boolean refresh_privileges(HiveObjectRef objToRefresh, String authorizer, PrivilegeBag grantPrivileges)
throws MetaException, TException;
* This is expected to be a no-op when in local mode,
* which means that the implementation will return null.
* @param owner the intended owner for the token
* @param renewerKerberosPrincipalName
* @return the string of the token
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
String getDelegationToken(String owner, String renewerKerberosPrincipalName)
throws MetaException, TException;
* @param tokenStrForm
* @return the new expiration time
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
long renewDelegationToken(String tokenStrForm) throws MetaException, TException;
* @param tokenStrForm
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
void cancelDelegationToken(String tokenStrForm) throws MetaException, TException;
String getTokenStrForm() throws IOException;
boolean addToken(String tokenIdentifier, String delegationToken) throws TException;
boolean removeToken(String tokenIdentifier) throws TException;
String getToken(String tokenIdentifier) throws TException;
List<String> getAllTokenIdentifiers() throws TException;
int addMasterKey(String key) throws MetaException, TException;
void updateMasterKey(Integer seqNo, String key)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
boolean removeMasterKey(Integer keySeq) throws TException;
String[] getMasterKeys() throws TException;
* Create a new function.
* @param func function specification
* @throws InvalidObjectException the function object is invalid
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
void createFunction(Function func)
throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Alter a function.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param funcName function name.
* @param newFunction new function specification. This should be complete, not just the changes.
* @throws InvalidObjectException the function object is invalid
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
void alterFunction(String dbName, String funcName, Function newFunction)
throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Alter a function.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param funcName function name.
* @param newFunction new function specification. This should be complete, not just the changes.
* @throws InvalidObjectException the function object is invalid
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
void alterFunction(String catName, String dbName, String funcName, Function newFunction)
throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Drop a function.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param funcName function name.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such function
* @throws InvalidObjectException not sure when this is thrown
* @throws InvalidInputException not sure when this is thrown
* @throws TException thrift transport error
void dropFunction(String dbName, String funcName) throws MetaException,
NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, InvalidInputException, TException;
* Drop a function.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param funcName function name.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such function
* @throws InvalidObjectException not sure when this is thrown
* @throws InvalidInputException not sure when this is thrown
* @throws TException thrift transport error
void dropFunction(String catName, String dbName, String funcName) throws MetaException,
NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, InvalidInputException, TException;
* Get a function.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param funcName function name.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Function getFunction(String dbName, String funcName)
throws MetaException, TException;
* Get a function.
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param funcName function name.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
Function getFunction(String catName, String dbName, String funcName)
throws MetaException, TException;
* Get all functions matching a pattern
* @param dbName database name.
* @param pattern to match. This is a java regex pattern.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<String> getFunctions(String dbName, String pattern)
throws MetaException, TException;
* Get all functions matching a pattern
* @param catName catalog name.
* @param dbName database name.
* @param pattern to match. This is a java regex pattern.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<String> getFunctions(String catName, String dbName, String pattern)
throws MetaException, TException;
* Get all functions in the default catalog.
* @return list of functions
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport error
GetAllFunctionsResponse getAllFunctions() throws MetaException, TException;
GetOpenTxnsResponse getOpenTxns() throws TException ;
* Get a structure that details valid transactions.
* @return list of valid transactions
* @throws TException
ValidTxnList getValidTxns() throws TException;
* Get a structure that details valid transactions.
* @param currentTxn The current transaction of the caller. This will be removed from the
* exceptions list so that the caller sees records from his own transaction.
* @return list of valid transactions and also valid write IDs for each input table.
* @throws TException
ValidTxnList getValidTxns(long currentTxn) throws TException;
* Get a structure that details valid transactions.
* @param currentTxn The current transaction of the caller. This will be removed from the
* exceptions list so that the caller sees records from his own transaction.
* @param excludeTxnTypes list of transaction types that should be excluded from the valid transaction list.
* @return list of valid transactions and also valid write IDs for each input table.
* @throws TException
ValidTxnList getValidTxns(long currentTxn, List<TxnType> excludeTxnTypes) throws TException;
* Get a structure that details valid write ids.
* @param fullTableName full table name of format &lt;db_name&gt;.&lt;table_name&gt;
* @return list of valid write ids for the given table
* @throws TException
ValidWriteIdList getValidWriteIds(String fullTableName) throws TException;
* Get a structure that details valid write ids.
* @param fullTableName full table name of format &lt;db_name&gt;.&lt;table_name&gt;
* @param writeId The write id to get the corresponding txn
* @return list of valid write ids for the given table
* @throws TException
ValidWriteIdList getValidWriteIds(String fullTableName, Long writeId) throws TException;
* Get a structure that details valid write ids list for all tables read by current txn.
* @param tablesList list of tables (format: &lt;db_name&gt;.&lt;table_name&gt;) read from the current transaction
* for which needs to populate the valid write ids
* @param validTxnList snapshot of valid txns for the current txn
* @return list of valid write ids for the given list of tables.
* @throws TException
List<TableValidWriteIds> getValidWriteIds(List<String> tablesList, String validTxnList)
throws TException;
* Initiate a transaction.
* @param user User who is opening this transaction. This is the Hive user,
* not necessarily the OS user. It is assumed that this user has already been
* authenticated and authorized at this point.
* @return transaction identifier
* @throws TException
long openTxn(String user) throws TException;
* Initiate a transaction with given type.
* @param user User who is opening this transaction.
* @param txnType Type of needed transaction.
* @return transaction identifier
* @throws TException
long openTxn(String user, TxnType txnType) throws TException;
* Initiate a transaction at the target cluster.
* @param replPolicy The replication policy to uniquely identify the source cluster.
* @param srcTxnIds The list of transaction ids at the source cluster
* @param user The user who has fired the repl load command.
* @return transaction identifiers
* @throws TException
List<Long> replOpenTxn(String replPolicy, List<Long> srcTxnIds, String user) throws TException;
* Initiate a batch of transactions. It is not guaranteed that the
* requested number of transactions will be instantiated. The system has a
* maximum number instantiated per request, controlled by hive.txn.max
* in hive-site.xml. If the user requests more than this
* value, only the configured max will be returned.
* <p>Increasing the number of transactions requested in the batch will
* allow applications that stream data into Hive to place more commits in a
* single file, thus reducing load on the namenode and making reads of the
* data more efficient. However, opening more transactions in a batch will
* also result in readers needing to keep a larger list of open
* transactions to ignore, potentially slowing their reads. Users will
* need to test in their system to understand the optimal number of
* transactions to request in a batch.
* </p>
* @param user User who is opening this transaction. This is the Hive user,
* not necessarily the OS user. It is assumed that this user has already been
* authenticated and authorized at this point.
* @param numTxns number of requested transactions to open
* @return list of opened txn ids. As noted above, this may be less than
* requested, so the user should check how many were returned rather than
* optimistically assuming that the result matches the request.
* @throws TException
OpenTxnsResponse openTxns(String user, int numTxns) throws TException;
* Rollback a transaction. This will also unlock any locks associated with
* this transaction.
* @param txnid id of transaction to be rolled back.
* @throws NoSuchTxnException if the requested transaction does not exist.
* Note that this can result from the transaction having timed out and been
* deleted.
* @throws TException
void rollbackTxn(long txnid) throws NoSuchTxnException, TException;
* Rollback a transaction. This will also unlock any locks associated with
* this transaction.
* @param srcTxnid id of transaction at source while is rolled back and to be replicated.
* @param replPolicy the replication policy to identify the source cluster
* @throws NoSuchTxnException if the requested transaction does not exist.
* Note that this can result from the transaction having timed out and been
* deleted.
* @throws TException
void replRollbackTxn(long srcTxnid, String replPolicy) throws NoSuchTxnException, TException;
* Commit a transaction. This will also unlock any locks associated with
* this transaction.
* @param txnid id of transaction to be committed.
* @throws NoSuchTxnException if the requested transaction does not exist.
* This can result fro the transaction having timed out and been deleted by
* the compactor.
* @throws TxnAbortedException if the requested transaction has been
* aborted. This can result from the transaction timing out.
* @throws TException
void commitTxn(long txnid)
throws NoSuchTxnException, TxnAbortedException, TException;
* Like commitTxn but it will atomically store as well a key and a value. This
* can be useful for example to know if the transaction corresponding to
* txnid has been committed by later querying with DESCRIBE EXTENDED TABLE.
* TABLE_PARAMS from the metastore must already have a row with the TBL_ID
* corresponding to the table in the parameters and PARAM_KEY the same as key
* in the parameters. The way to update this table is with an ALTER command
* to overwrite/create the table properties.
* @param txnid id of transaction to be committed.
* @param tableId id of the table to associate the key/value with
* @param key key to be committed. It must start with "_meta". The reason
* for this is to prevent important keys being updated, like owner.
* @param value value to be committed.
* @throws NoSuchTxnException if the requested transaction does not exist.
* This can result fro the transaction having timed out and been deleted by
* the compactor.
* @throws TxnAbortedException if the requested transaction has been
* aborted. This can result from the transaction timing out.
* @throws IllegalStateException if not exactly one row corresponding to
* tableId and key are found in TABLE_PARAMS while updating.
* @throws TException
void commitTxnWithKeyValue(long txnid, long tableId,
String key, String value) throws NoSuchTxnException,
TxnAbortedException, TException;
* Commit a transaction. This will also unlock any locks associated with
* this transaction.
* @param rqst Information containing the txn info and write event information
* of transaction at source which is committed and to be replicated
* @throws NoSuchTxnException if the requested transaction does not exist.
* This can result fro the transaction having timed out and been deleted by
* the compactor.
* @throws TxnAbortedException if the requested transaction has been
* aborted. This can result from the transaction timing out.
* @throws TException
void commitTxn(CommitTxnRequest rqst)
throws NoSuchTxnException, TxnAbortedException, TException;
* Abort a list of transactions. This is for use by "ABORT TRANSACTIONS" in the grammar.
* @throws TException
void abortTxns(List<Long> txnids) throws TException;
* Allocate a per table write ID and associate it with the given transaction.
* @param txnId id of transaction to which the allocated write ID to be associated.
* @param dbName name of DB in which the table belongs.
* @param tableName table to which the write ID to be allocated
* @throws TException
long allocateTableWriteId(long txnId, String dbName, String tableName) throws TException;
* Replicate Table Write Ids state to mark aborted write ids and writeid high water mark.
* @param validWriteIdList Snapshot of writeid list when the table/partition is dumped.
* @param dbName Database name
* @param tableName Table which is written.
* @param partNames List of partitions being written.
* @throws TException in case of failure to replicate the writeid state
void replTableWriteIdState(String validWriteIdList, String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partNames)
throws TException;
* Allocate a per table write ID and associate it with the given transaction.
* @param txnIds ids of transaction batchto which the allocated write ID to be associated.
* @param dbName name of DB in which the table belongs.
* @param tableName table to which the write ID to be allocated
* @throws TException
List<TxnToWriteId> allocateTableWriteIdsBatch(List<Long> txnIds, String dbName, String tableName) throws TException;
* Allocate a per table write ID and associate it with the given transaction. Used by replication load task.
* @param dbName name of DB in which the table belongs.
* @param tableName table to which the write ID to be allocated
* @param replPolicy Used by replication task to identify the source cluster.
* @param srcTxnToWriteIdList List of txn to write id map sent from the source cluster.
* @throws TException
List<TxnToWriteId> replAllocateTableWriteIdsBatch(String dbName, String tableName, String replPolicy,
List<TxnToWriteId> srcTxnToWriteIdList) throws TException;
* Get the maximum allocated writeId for the given table
* @param dbName name of DB in which the table belongs.
* @param tableName table from which the writeId is queried
* @return the maximum allocated writeId
* @throws TException
long getMaxAllocatedWriteId(String dbName, String tableName) throws TException;
* Seed an ACID table with the given writeId. If the table already contains writes it will fail.
* @param dbName name of DB in which the table belongs.
* @param tableName table to which the writeId will be set
* @param seedWriteId the start value of writeId
* @throws TException
void seedWriteId(String dbName, String tableName, long seedWriteId) throws TException;
* Seed or increment the global txnId to the given value.
* If the actual txnId is greater or equal than the seed value, it wil fail
* @param seedTxnId The seed value for the next transactions
* @throws TException
void seedTxnId(long seedTxnId) throws TException;
* Show the list of currently open transactions. This is for use by "show transactions" in the
* grammar, not for applications that want to find a list of current transactions to work with.
* Those wishing the latter should call {@link #getValidTxns()}.
* @return List of currently opened transactions, included aborted ones.
* @throws TException
GetOpenTxnsInfoResponse showTxns() throws TException;
* Request a set of locks. All locks needed for a particular query, DML,
* or DDL operation should be batched together and requested in one lock
* call. This avoids deadlocks. It also avoids blocking other users who
* only require some of the locks required by this user.
* <p>If the operation requires a transaction (INSERT, UPDATE,
* or DELETE) that transaction id must be provided as part this lock
* request. All locks associated with a transaction will be released when
* that transaction is committed or rolled back.</p>
* *
* <p>Once a lock is acquired, {@link #heartbeat(long, long)} must be called
* on a regular basis to avoid the lock being timed out by the system.</p>
* @param request The lock request. {@link LockRequestBuilder} can be used
* construct this request.
* @return a lock response, which will provide two things,
* the id of the lock (to be used in all further calls regarding this lock)
* as well as a state of the lock. If the state is ACQUIRED then the user
* can proceed. If it is WAITING the user should wait and call
* {@link #checkLock(long)} before proceeding. All components of the lock
* will have the same state.
* @throws NoSuchTxnException if the requested transaction does not exist.
* This can result fro the transaction having timed out and been deleted by
* the compactor.
* @throws TxnAbortedException if the requested transaction has been
* aborted. This can result from the transaction timing out.
* @throws TException
LockResponse lock(LockRequest request)
throws NoSuchTxnException, TxnAbortedException, TException;
* Check the status of a set of locks requested via a
* {@link #lock(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.LockRequest)} call.
* Once a lock is acquired, {@link #heartbeat(long, long)} must be called
* on a regular basis to avoid the lock being timed out by the system.
* @param lockid lock id returned by lock().
* @return a lock response, which will provide two things,
* the id of the lock (to be used in all further calls regarding this lock)
* as well as a state of the lock. If the state is ACQUIRED then the user
* can proceed. If it is WAITING the user should wait and call
* this method again before proceeding. All components of the lock
* will have the same state.
* @throws NoSuchTxnException if the requested transaction does not exist.
* This can result fro the transaction having timed out and been deleted by
* the compactor.
* @throws TxnAbortedException if the requested transaction has been
* aborted. This can result from the transaction timing out.
* @throws NoSuchLockException if the requested lockid does not exist.
* This can result from the lock timing out and being unlocked by the system.
* @throws TException
LockResponse checkLock(long lockid)
throws NoSuchTxnException, TxnAbortedException, NoSuchLockException,
* Unlock a set of locks. This can only be called when the locks are not
* assocaited with a transaction.
* @param lockid lock id returned by
* {@link #lock(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.LockRequest)}
* @throws NoSuchLockException if the requested lockid does not exist.
* This can result from the lock timing out and being unlocked by the system.
* @throws TxnOpenException if the locks are are associated with a
* transaction.
* @throws TException
void unlock(long lockid)
throws NoSuchLockException, TxnOpenException, TException;
* Show all currently held and waiting locks.
* @return List of currently held and waiting locks.
* @throws TException
ShowLocksResponse showLocks() throws TException;
* Show all currently held and waiting locks.
* @param showLocksRequest SHOW LOCK request
* @return List of currently held and waiting locks.
* @throws TException
ShowLocksResponse showLocks(ShowLocksRequest showLocksRequest) throws TException;
* Send a heartbeat to indicate that the client holding these locks (if
* any) and that opened this transaction (if one exists) is still alive.
* The default timeout for transactions and locks is 300 seconds,
* though it is configurable. To determine how often to heartbeat you will
* need to ask your system administrator how the metastore thrift service
* has been configured.
* @param txnid the id of the open transaction. If no transaction is open
* (it is a DDL or query) then this can be set to 0.
* @param lockid the id of the locks obtained. If no locks have been
* obtained then this can be set to 0.
* @throws NoSuchTxnException if the requested transaction does not exist.
* This can result fro the transaction having timed out and been deleted by
* the compactor.
* @throws TxnAbortedException if the requested transaction has been
* aborted. This can result from the transaction timing out.
* @throws NoSuchLockException if the requested lockid does not exist.
* This can result from the lock timing out and being unlocked by the system.
* @throws TException
void heartbeat(long txnid, long lockid)
throws NoSuchLockException, NoSuchTxnException, TxnAbortedException,
* Send heartbeats for a range of transactions. This is for the streaming ingest client that
* will have many transactions open at once. Everyone else should use
* {@link #heartbeat(long, long)}.
* @param min minimum transaction id to heartbeat, inclusive
* @param max maximum transaction id to heartbeat, inclusive
* @return a pair of lists that tell which transactions in the list did not exist (they may
* have already been closed) and which were aborted.
* @throws TException
HeartbeatTxnRangeResponse heartbeatTxnRange(long min, long max) throws TException;
* Send a request to compact a table or partition. This will not block until the compaction is
* complete. It will instead put a request on the queue for that table or partition to be
* compacted. No checking is done on the dbname, tableName, or partitionName to make sure they
* refer to valid objects. It is assumed this has already been done by the caller.
* @param dbname Name of the database the table is in. If null, this will be assumed to be
* 'default'.
* @param tableName Name of the table to be compacted. This cannot be null. If partitionName
* is null, this must be a non-partitioned table.
* @param partitionName Name of the partition to be compacted
* @param type Whether this is a major or minor compaction.
* @throws TException
void compact(String dbname, String tableName, String partitionName, CompactionType type)
throws TException;
void compact(String dbname, String tableName, String partitionName, CompactionType type,
Map<String, String> tblproperties) throws TException;
* Send a request to compact a table or partition. This will not block until the compaction is
* complete. It will instead put a request on the queue for that table or partition to be
* compacted. No checking is done on the dbname, tableName, or partitionName to make sure they
* refer to valid objects. It is assumed this has already been done by the caller. At most one
* Compaction can be scheduled/running for any given resource at a time.
* @param dbname Name of the database the table is in. If null, this will be assumed to be
* 'default'.
* @param tableName Name of the table to be compacted. This cannot be null. If partitionName
* is null, this must be a non-partitioned table.
* @param partitionName Name of the partition to be compacted
* @param type Whether this is a major or minor compaction.
* @param tblproperties the list of tblproperties to override for this compact. Can be null.
* @return id of newly scheduled compaction or id/state of one which is already scheduled/running
* @throws TException
CompactionResponse compact2(String dbname, String tableName, String partitionName, CompactionType type,
Map<String, String> tblproperties) throws TException;
* Get a list of all compactions.
* @return List of all current compactions. This includes compactions waiting to happen,
* in progress, and finished but waiting to clean the existing files.
* @throws TException
ShowCompactResponse showCompactions() throws TException;
* @deprecated in Hive 1.3.0/2.1.0 - will be removed in 2 releases
void addDynamicPartitions(long txnId, long writeId, String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partNames)
throws TException;
* Send a list of partitions to the metastore to indicate which partitions were loaded
* dynamically.
* @param txnId id of the transaction
* @param writeId table write id for this txn
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param partNames partition name, as constructed by Warehouse.makePartName
* @throws TException
void addDynamicPartitions(long txnId, long writeId, String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partNames,
DataOperationType operationType)
throws TException;
* Performs the commit/rollback to the metadata storage for insert operator from external storage handler.
* @param table table name
* @param overwrite true if the insert is overwrite
* @throws MetaException
void insertTable(Table table, boolean overwrite) throws MetaException;
* A filter provided by the client that determines if a given notification event should be
* returned.
interface NotificationFilter {
* Whether a notification event should be accepted
* @param event
* @return if true, event will be added to list, if false it will be ignored
boolean accept(NotificationEvent event);
* Get the next set of notifications from the database.
* @param lastEventId The last event id that was consumed by this reader. The returned
* notifications will start at the next eventId available after this eventId.
* @param maxEvents Maximum number of events to return. If &lt; 1, then all available events will
* be returned.
* @param filter User provided filter to remove unwanted events. If null, all events will be
* returned.
* @return list of notifications, sorted by eventId. It is guaranteed that the events are in
* the order that the operations were done on the database.
* @throws TException
NotificationEventResponse getNextNotification(long lastEventId, int maxEvents,
NotificationFilter filter) throws TException;
* Get the last used notification event id.
* @return last used id
* @throws TException
CurrentNotificationEventId getCurrentNotificationEventId() throws TException;
* Get the number of events from given eventID for the input database.
* @return number of events
* @throws TException
NotificationEventsCountResponse getNotificationEventsCount(NotificationEventsCountRequest rqst)
throws TException;
* Request that the metastore fire an event. Currently this is only supported for DML
* operations, since the metastore knows when DDL operations happen.
* @param request
* @return response, type depends on type of request
* @throws TException
@InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({"Apache Hive, HCatalog"})
FireEventResponse fireListenerEvent(FireEventRequest request) throws TException;
* Add a event related to write operations in an ACID table.
* @param rqst message containing information for acid write operation.
* @throws TException
@InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({"Apache Hive, HCatalog"})
void addWriteNotificationLog(WriteNotificationLogRequest rqst) throws TException;
class IncompatibleMetastoreException extends MetaException {
IncompatibleMetastoreException(String message) {
* get all role-grants for users/roles that have been granted the given role
* Note that in the returned list of RolePrincipalGrants, the roleName is
* redundant as it would match the role_name argument of this function
* @param getPrincRoleReq
* @return
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
GetPrincipalsInRoleResponse get_principals_in_role(GetPrincipalsInRoleRequest getPrincRoleReq)
throws MetaException, TException;
* get all role-grants for roles that have been granted to given principal
* Note that in the returned list of RolePrincipalGrants, the principal information
* redundant as it would match the principal information in request
* @param getRolePrincReq
* @return
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
GetRoleGrantsForPrincipalResponse get_role_grants_for_principal(
GetRoleGrantsForPrincipalRequest getRolePrincReq) throws MetaException, TException;
* Get aggregated column stats for a set of partitions.
* @param dbName database name
* @param tblName table name
* @param colNames list of column names
* @param partName list of partition names (not values).
* @param engine engine sending the request
* @return aggregated stats for requested partitions
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport exception
AggrStats getAggrColStatsFor(String dbName, String tblName,
List<String> colNames, List<String> partName, String engine) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
AggrStats getAggrColStatsFor(String dbName, String tblName,
List<String> colNames, List<String> partName,
String engine, String writeIdList) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Get aggregated column stats for a set of partitions.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database name
* @param tblName table name
* @param colNames list of column names
* @param partNames list of partition names (not values).
* @param engine engine sending the request
* @return aggregated stats for requested partitions
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS
* @throws TException thrift transport exception
AggrStats getAggrColStatsFor(String catName, String dbName, String tblName,
List<String> colNames, List<String> partNames,
String engine)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
AggrStats getAggrColStatsFor(String catName, String dbName, String tblName,
List<String> colNames, List<String> partNames,
String engine, String writeIdList)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Set table or partition column statistics.
* @param request request object, contains all the table, partition, and statistics information
* @return true if the set was successful.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException the table, partition, or columns specified do not exist.
* @throws InvalidObjectException the stats object is not valid.
* @throws MetaException error accessing the RDBMS.
* @throws TException thrift transport error.
* @throws InvalidInputException the input is invalid (eg, a null table name)
boolean setPartitionColumnStatistics(SetPartitionsStatsRequest request)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException, InvalidInputException;
* Flush any catalog objects held by the metastore implementation. Note that this does not
* flush statistics objects. This should be called at the beginning of each query.
void flushCache();
* Gets file metadata, as cached by metastore, for respective file IDs.
* The metadata that is not cached in metastore may be missing.
Iterable<Entry<Long, ByteBuffer>> getFileMetadata(List<Long> fileIds) throws TException;
Iterable<Entry<Long, MetadataPpdResult>> getFileMetadataBySarg(
List<Long> fileIds, ByteBuffer sarg, boolean doGetFooters) throws TException;
* Cleares the file metadata cache for respective file IDs.
void clearFileMetadata(List<Long> fileIds) throws TException;
* Adds file metadata for respective file IDs to metadata cache in metastore.
void putFileMetadata(List<Long> fileIds, List<ByteBuffer> metadata) throws TException;
boolean isSameConfObj(Configuration c);
boolean cacheFileMetadata(String dbName, String tableName, String partName,
boolean allParts) throws TException;
* Get a primary key for a table.
* @param request Request info
* @return List of primary key columns
* @throws MetaException error reading the RDBMS
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no primary key exists on this table, or maybe no such table
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<SQLPrimaryKey> getPrimaryKeys(PrimaryKeysRequest request)
throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Get a foreign key for a table.
* @param request Request info
* @return List of foreign key columns
* @throws MetaException error reading the RDBMS
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no foreign key exists on this table, or maybe no such table
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<SQLForeignKey> getForeignKeys(ForeignKeysRequest request) throws MetaException,
NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Get a unique constraint for a table.
* @param request Request info
* @return List of unique constraint columns
* @throws MetaException error reading the RDBMS
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no unique constraint on this table, or maybe no such table
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<SQLUniqueConstraint> getUniqueConstraints(UniqueConstraintsRequest request) throws MetaException,
NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Get a not null constraint for a table.
* @param request Request info
* @return List of not null constraint columns
* @throws MetaException error reading the RDBMS
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no not null constraint on this table, or maybe no such table
* @throws TException thrift transport error
List<SQLNotNullConstraint> getNotNullConstraints(NotNullConstraintsRequest request) throws MetaException,
NoSuchObjectException, TException;
List<SQLDefaultConstraint> getDefaultConstraints(DefaultConstraintsRequest request) throws MetaException,
NoSuchObjectException, TException;
List<SQLCheckConstraint> getCheckConstraints(CheckConstraintsRequest request) throws MetaException,
NoSuchObjectException, TException;
void createTableWithConstraints(
org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table tTbl,
List<SQLPrimaryKey> primaryKeys, List<SQLForeignKey> foreignKeys,
List<SQLUniqueConstraint> uniqueConstraints,
List<SQLNotNullConstraint> notNullConstraints,
List<SQLDefaultConstraint> defaultConstraints,
List<SQLCheckConstraint> checkConstraints)
throws AlreadyExistsException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Drop a constraint. This can be used for primary keys, foreign keys, unique constraints, or
* not null constraints.
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param constraintName name of the constraint
* @throws MetaException RDBMS access error
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such constraint exists
* @throws TException thrift transport error
void dropConstraint(String dbName, String tableName, String constraintName)
throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Drop a constraint. This can be used for primary keys, foreign keys, unique constraints, or
* not null constraints.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database name
* @param tableName table name
* @param constraintName name of the constraint
* @throws MetaException RDBMS access error
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such constraint exists
* @throws TException thrift transport error
void dropConstraint(String catName, String dbName, String tableName, String constraintName)
throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Add a primary key.
* @param primaryKeyCols Primary key columns.
* @throws MetaException error reading or writing to the RDBMS or a primary key already exists
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table exists
* @throws TException thrift transport error
void addPrimaryKey(List<SQLPrimaryKey> primaryKeyCols) throws
MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Add a foreign key
* @param foreignKeyCols Foreign key definition
* @throws MetaException error reading or writing to the RDBMS or foreign key already exists
* @throws NoSuchObjectException one of the tables in the foreign key does not exist.
* @throws TException thrift transport error
void addForeignKey(List<SQLForeignKey> foreignKeyCols) throws
MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Add a unique constraint
* @param uniqueConstraintCols Unique constraint definition
* @throws MetaException error reading or writing to the RDBMS or unique constraint already exists
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table
* @throws TException thrift transport error
void addUniqueConstraint(List<SQLUniqueConstraint> uniqueConstraintCols) throws
MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Add a not null constraint
* @param notNullConstraintCols Notnull constraint definition
* @throws MetaException error reading or writing to the RDBMS or not null constraint already
* exists
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no such table
* @throws TException thrift transport error
void addNotNullConstraint(List<SQLNotNullConstraint> notNullConstraintCols) throws
MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
void addDefaultConstraint(List<SQLDefaultConstraint> defaultConstraints) throws
MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
void addCheckConstraint(List<SQLCheckConstraint> checkConstraints) throws
MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, TException;
* Gets the unique id of the backing database instance used for storing metadata
* @return unique id of the backing database instance
* @throws MetaException if HMS is not able to fetch the UUID or if there are multiple UUIDs found in the database
* @throws TException in case of Thrift errors
String getMetastoreDbUuid() throws MetaException, TException;
void createResourcePlan(WMResourcePlan resourcePlan, String copyFromName)
throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException;
WMFullResourcePlan getResourcePlan(String resourcePlanName, String ns)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
List<WMResourcePlan> getAllResourcePlans(String ns)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
void dropResourcePlan(String resourcePlanName, String ns)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
WMFullResourcePlan alterResourcePlan(String resourcePlanName, String ns, WMNullableResourcePlan resourcePlan,
boolean canActivateDisabled, boolean isForceDeactivate, boolean isReplace)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException;
WMFullResourcePlan getActiveResourcePlan(String ns) throws MetaException, TException;
WMValidateResourcePlanResponse validateResourcePlan(String resourcePlanName, String ns)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException;
void createWMTrigger(WMTrigger trigger)
throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException;
void alterWMTrigger(WMTrigger trigger)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException;
void dropWMTrigger(String resourcePlanName, String triggerName, String ns)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
List<WMTrigger> getTriggersForResourcePlan(String resourcePlan, String ns)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException;
void createWMPool(WMPool pool)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException;
void alterWMPool(WMNullablePool pool, String poolPath)
throws NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException, TException;
void dropWMPool(String resourcePlanName, String poolPath, String ns)
throws TException;
void createOrUpdateWMMapping(WMMapping mapping, boolean isUpdate)
throws TException;
void dropWMMapping(WMMapping mapping)
throws TException;
void createOrDropTriggerToPoolMapping(String resourcePlanName, String triggerName,
String poolPath, boolean shouldDrop, String ns) throws AlreadyExistsException, NoSuchObjectException,
InvalidObjectException, MetaException, TException;
* Create a new schema. This is really a schema container, as there will be specific versions
* of the schema that have columns, etc.
* @param schema schema to create
* @throws AlreadyExistsException if a schema of this name already exists
* @throws NoSuchObjectException database references by this schema does not exist
* @throws MetaException general metastore error
* @throws TException general thrift error
void createISchema(ISchema schema) throws TException;
* Alter an existing schema.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database the schema is in
* @param schemaName name of the schema
* @param newSchema altered schema object
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no schema with this name could be found
* @throws MetaException general metastore error
* @throws TException general thrift error
void alterISchema(String catName, String dbName, String schemaName, ISchema newSchema) throws TException;
* Fetch a schema.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database the schema is in
* @param name name of the schema
* @return the schema or null if no such schema
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no schema matching this name exists
* @throws MetaException general metastore error
* @throws TException general thrift error
ISchema getISchema(String catName, String dbName, String name) throws TException;
* Drop an existing schema. If there are schema versions of this, this call will fail.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database the schema is in
* @param name name of the schema to drop
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no schema with this name could be found
* @throws InvalidOperationException attempt to drop a schema that has versions
* @throws MetaException general metastore error
* @throws TException general thrift error
void dropISchema(String catName, String dbName, String name) throws TException;
* Add a new version to an existing schema.
* @param schemaVersion version object to add
* @throws AlreadyExistsException a version of this schema with the same version id already exists
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no schema with this name could be found
* @throws MetaException general metastore error
* @throws TException general thrift error
void addSchemaVersion(SchemaVersion schemaVersion) throws TException;
* Get a specific version of a schema.
* @param dbName database the schema is in
* @param schemaName name of the schema
* @param version version of the schema
* @return the schema version or null if no such schema version
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no schema matching this name and version exists
* @throws MetaException general metastore error
* @throws TException general thrift error
SchemaVersion getSchemaVersion(String catName, String dbName, String schemaName, int version) throws TException;
* Get the latest version of a schema.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database the schema is in
* @param schemaName name of the schema
* @return latest version of the schema or null if the schema does not exist or there are no
* version of the schema.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no versions of schema matching this name exist
* @throws MetaException general metastore error
* @throws TException general thrift error
SchemaVersion getSchemaLatestVersion(String catName, String dbName, String schemaName) throws TException;
* Get all the extant versions of a schema.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database the schema is in
* @param schemaName name of the schema.
* @return list of all the schema versions or null if this schema does not exist or has no
* versions.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no versions of schema matching this name exist
* @throws MetaException general metastore error
* @throws TException general thrift error
List<SchemaVersion> getSchemaAllVersions(String catName, String dbName, String schemaName) throws TException;
* Drop a version of a schema. Given that versions are supposed to be immutable you should
* think really hard before you call this method. It should only be used for schema versions
* that were added in error and never referenced any data.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database the schema is in
* @param schemaName name of the schema
* @param version version of the schema
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no matching version of the schema could be found
* @throws MetaException general metastore error
* @throws TException general thrift error
void dropSchemaVersion(String catName, String dbName, String schemaName, int version) throws TException;
* Find all schema versions that have columns that match a query.
* @param rqst query, this can include column names, namespaces (actually stored in the
* description field in FieldSchema), and types.
* @return The (possibly empty) list of schema name/version pairs that match.
* @throws MetaException general metastore error
* @throws TException general thrift error
FindSchemasByColsResp getSchemaByCols(FindSchemasByColsRqst rqst) throws TException;
* Map a schema version to a serde. This mapping is one-to-one, thus this will destroy any
* previous mappings for this schema version.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database the schema is in
* @param schemaName name of the schema
* @param version version of the schema
* @param serdeName name of the serde
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no matching version of the schema could be found or no serde
* of the provided name could be found
* @throws MetaException general metastore error
* @throws TException general thrift error
void mapSchemaVersionToSerde(String catName, String dbName, String schemaName, int version, String serdeName) throws TException;
* Set the state of a schema version.
* @param catName catalog name
* @param dbName database the schema is in
* @param schemaName name of the schema
* @param version version of the schema
* @param state state to set the schema too
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no matching version of the schema could be found
* @throws InvalidOperationException attempt to make a state change that is not valid
* @throws MetaException general metastore error
* @throws TException general thrift error
void setSchemaVersionState(String catName, String dbName, String schemaName, int version, SchemaVersionState state) throws TException;
* Add a serde. This is primarily intended for use with SchemaRegistry objects, since serdes
* are automatically added when needed as part of creating and altering tables and partitions.
* @param serDeInfo serde to add
* @throws AlreadyExistsException serde of this name already exists
* @throws MetaException general metastore error
* @throws TException general thrift error
void addSerDe(SerDeInfo serDeInfo) throws TException;
* Fetch a serde. This is primarily intended for use with SchemaRegistry objects, since serdes
* are automatically fetched along with other information for tables and partitions.
* @param serDeName name of the serde
* @return the serde.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException no serde with this name exists.
* @throws MetaException general metastore error
* @throws TException general thrift error
SerDeInfo getSerDe(String serDeName) throws TException;
* Acquire the materialization rebuild lock for a given view. We need to specify the fully
* qualified name of the materialized view and the open transaction ID so we can identify
* uniquely the lock.
* @param dbName db name for the materialized view
* @param tableName table name for the materialized view
* @param txnId transaction id for the rebuild
* @return the response from the metastore, where the lock id is equal to the txn id and
* the status can be either ACQUIRED or NOT ACQUIRED
LockResponse lockMaterializationRebuild(String dbName, String tableName, long txnId) throws TException;
* Method to refresh the acquisition of a given materialization rebuild lock.
* @param dbName db name for the materialized view
* @param tableName table name for the materialized view
* @param txnId transaction id for the rebuild
* @return true if the lock could be renewed, false otherwise
boolean heartbeatLockMaterializationRebuild(String dbName, String tableName, long txnId) throws TException;
/** Adds a RuntimeStat for metastore persistence. */
void addRuntimeStat(RuntimeStat stat) throws TException;
/** Reads runtime statistics. */
List<RuntimeStat> getRuntimeStats(int maxWeight, int maxCreateTime) throws TException;
* Generic Partition request API, providing different ways of filtering and controlling output.
* The API entry point is getPartitionsWithSpecs(), which is based on a single
* request/response object model.
* The request (GetPartitionsRequest) defines any filtering that should be done for partitions
* as well as the list of fields that should be returned (this is called ProjectionSpec).
* Projection is simply a list of dot separated strings which represent the fields which should
* be returned. Projection may also include whitelist or blacklist of parameters to include in
* the partition. When both blacklist and whitelist are present, the blacklist supersedes the
* whitelist in case of conflicts.
* Partition filter spec is the generalization of various types of partition filtering.
* Partitions can be filtered by names, by values or by partition expressions.
GetPartitionsResponse getPartitionsWithSpecs(GetPartitionsRequest request) throws TException;
* Get the next compaction job to do.
* @param workerId id of the worker requesting.
* @return next compaction job encapsulated in a {@link CompactionInfoStruct}.
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
OptionalCompactionInfoStruct findNextCompact(String workerId) throws MetaException, TException;
* Set the compaction highest write id.
* @param cr compaction job being done.
* @param txnId transaction id.
* @throws TException
void updateCompactorState(CompactionInfoStruct cr, long txnId) throws TException;
* Get columns.
* @param cr compaction job.
* @return
* @throws TException
List<String> findColumnsWithStats(CompactionInfoStruct cr) throws TException;
* Mark a finished compaction as cleaned.
* @param cr compaction job.
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
void markCleaned(CompactionInfoStruct cr) throws MetaException, TException;
* Mark a finished compaction as compacted.
* @param cr compaction job.
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
void markCompacted(CompactionInfoStruct cr) throws MetaException, TException;
* Mark a finished compaction as failed.
* @param cr compaction job.
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
void markFailed(CompactionInfoStruct cr) throws MetaException, TException;
* Set the hadoop id for a compaction.
* @param jobId mapreduce job id that will do the compaction.
* @param cqId compaction id.
* @throws MetaException
* @throws TException
void setHadoopJobid(String jobId, long cqId) throws MetaException, TException;
* Gets the version string of the metastore server which this client is connected to
* @return String representation of the version number of Metastore server (eg: 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT)
String getServerVersion() throws TException;
* Returns details about a scheduled query by name.
* @throws NoSuchObjectException if an object by the given name dosen't exists.
ScheduledQuery getScheduledQuery(ScheduledQueryKey scheduleKey) throws TException;
* Carries out maintenance of scheduled queries (insert/update/drop).
void scheduledQueryMaintenance(ScheduledQueryMaintenanceRequest request) throws MetaException, TException;
* Checks whenever a query is available for execution.
* @return optionally a scheduled query to be processed.
ScheduledQueryPollResponse scheduledQueryPoll(ScheduledQueryPollRequest request) throws MetaException, TException;
* Registers the progress a scheduled query being executed.
void scheduledQueryProgress(ScheduledQueryProgressInfo info) throws TException;
* Adds replication metrics for the replication policies.
* @param replicationMetricList
* @throws MetaException
void addReplicationMetrics(ReplicationMetricList replicationMetricList) throws MetaException, TException;
ReplicationMetricList getReplicationMetrics(GetReplicationMetricsRequest
replicationMetricsRequest) throws MetaException, TException;