blob: 731a09bfc06113796309fe3735be03c7e2329ab3 [file] [log] [blame]
This file contains information for developers and testers.
Running unit and checkin tests:
By default only some of the tests in standalone-metastore are run. This is
done to keep the runtime of the unit tests under 5 minutes. These are referred
to as the unit tests. The remainder of the tests are referred to as checkin
tests and are run by the CI process. It is also advised that you run the
checkin tests before loading a patch.
To run just the checkin tests:
'mvn test -Dtest.groups=org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.annotation.MetastoreCheckinTest'
To run all the tests:
'mvn test -Dtest.groups=""'. At the moment this takes around 25 minutes.
When adding a test, if you want it to run as part of the unit tests annotate it
with MetastoreUnitTest. To make it part of the checkin tests annotate it with
MetastoreCheckinTest. We want to keep the unit test runs as quick as possible.
If you write a test that takes more than 5 seconds to run the whole test class
please put it in the checkin tests. If it tests something that needs to be
tested in unit test runs break it into multiple classes so that a
quick test can be done for the unit tests and more in depth testing as part
of the checkin tests.
There are checkin tests for testing installation and upgrade of the
metastore on Derby, MySQL (actually MariaDB is used), Oracle, Postgres, and SQLServer.
For each DB type we runs two tests, one that installs the latest version of the
database and one that installs the latest version minus one and then upgrades
the database.
The tests (except Derby) rely on Docker so the latter needs to be installed and configured
properly (e.g., memory more than 3.5GB).
Run a single test:
mvn test -Dtest.groups=MetastoreCheckinTest -Dtest=TestDerby
Supported databases for testing:
By adding -Dverbose.schematool the Schema Tool output becomes more detailed.
If you wish to use one of these containers to run your own tests against a
non-Derby version of the metastore, you can do that as well. You must specify
that only the install test be run (-Dtest=TestMysql#install) and tell it to leave the docker container
running by adding You will then need
to stop and remove the container yourself once you have finished. The container
is recreated for each run of the test, so you cannot rerun the test until you
have stopped and removed it. You can construct the connection values to put in
metastore-site.xml from the information in the DatabaseRule and its subclasses.