blob: d5a51cb87b61a327da9301ee6a79ea5e82aa83e3 [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:alltypesorc
set hive.explain.user=false;
SET hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=true;
SET hive.vectorized.execution.mapjoin.native.enabled=true;
set hive.fetch.task.conversion=none;
-- Using cint and cstring1 in test queries
create table small_alltypesorc1a_n1 as select * from alltypesorc where cint is not null and cstring1 is not null order by ctinyint, csmallint, cint, cbigint, cfloat, cdouble, cstring1, cstring2, ctimestamp1, ctimestamp2, cboolean1, cboolean2 limit 5;
create table small_alltypesorc2a_n1 as select * from alltypesorc where cint is null and cstring1 is not null order by ctinyint, csmallint, cint, cbigint, cfloat, cdouble, cstring1, cstring2, ctimestamp1, ctimestamp2, cboolean1, cboolean2 limit 5;
create table small_alltypesorc3a_n1 as select * from alltypesorc where cint is not null and cstring1 is null order by ctinyint, csmallint, cint, cbigint, cfloat, cdouble, cstring1, cstring2, ctimestamp1, ctimestamp2, cboolean1, cboolean2 limit 5;
create table small_alltypesorc4a_n1 as select * from alltypesorc where cint is null and cstring1 is null order by ctinyint, csmallint, cint, cbigint, cfloat, cdouble, cstring1, cstring2, ctimestamp1, ctimestamp2, cboolean1, cboolean2 limit 5;
select * from small_alltypesorc1a_n1;
select * from small_alltypesorc2a_n1;
select * from small_alltypesorc3a_n1;
select * from small_alltypesorc4a_n1;
create table small_alltypesorc_a_n1 stored as orc as select * from
(select * from (select * from small_alltypesorc1a_n1) sq1
union all
select * from (select * from small_alltypesorc2a_n1) sq2
union all
select * from (select * from small_alltypesorc3a_n1) sq3
union all
select * from (select * from small_alltypesorc4a_n1) sq4) q;
select * from small_alltypesorc_a_n1;
explain vectorization detail formatted
select count(*) from (select c.cstring1
from small_alltypesorc_a_n1 c
left outer join small_alltypesorc_a_n1 cd
on cd.cint = c.cint
left outer join small_alltypesorc_a_n1 hd
on hd.cstring1 = c.cstring1
) t1
select count(*) from (select c.cstring1
from small_alltypesorc_a_n1 c
left outer join small_alltypesorc_a_n1 cd
on cd.cint = c.cint
left outer join small_alltypesorc_a_n1 hd
on hd.cstring1 = c.cstring1
) t1;
explain vectorization detail formatted
select count(*) from (select c.cstring1
from small_alltypesorc_a_n1 c
left outer join small_alltypesorc_a_n1 cd
on cd.cstring2 = c.cstring2
left outer join small_alltypesorc_a_n1 hd
on hd.cstring1 = c.cstring1
) t1
select count(*) from (select c.cstring1
from small_alltypesorc_a_n1 c
left outer join small_alltypesorc_a_n1 cd
on cd.cstring2 = c.cstring2
left outer join small_alltypesorc_a_n1 hd
on hd.cstring1 = c.cstring1
) t1;
explain vectorization detail formatted
select count(*) from (select c.cstring1
from small_alltypesorc_a_n1 c
left outer join small_alltypesorc_a_n1 cd
on cd.cstring2 = c.cstring2 and cd.cbigint = c.cbigint
left outer join small_alltypesorc_a_n1 hd
on hd.cstring1 = c.cstring1 and hd.cint = c.cint
) t1
select count(*) from (select c.cstring1
from small_alltypesorc_a_n1 c
left outer join small_alltypesorc_a_n1 cd
on cd.cstring2 = c.cstring2 and cd.cbigint = c.cbigint
left outer join small_alltypesorc_a_n1 hd
on hd.cstring1 = c.cstring1 and hd.cint = c.cint
) t1;