blob: 7c0faa83d229ef7affd3a17e20885ef3f740e4d2 [file] [log] [blame]
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
set hive.explain.user=false;
SET hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=true;
set hive.fetch.task.conversion=none;
create table date_dim_n0
d_date_sk int,
d_date_id string,
d_date string,
d_month_seq int,
d_week_seq int,
d_quarter_seq int,
d_year int,
d_dow int,
d_moy int,
d_dom int,
d_qoy int,
d_fy_year int,
d_fy_quarter_seq int,
d_fy_week_seq int,
d_day_name string,
d_quarter_name string,
d_holiday string,
d_weekend string,
d_following_holiday string,
d_first_dom int,
d_last_dom int,
d_same_day_ly int,
d_same_day_lq int,
d_current_day string,
d_current_week string,
d_current_month string,
d_current_quarter string,
d_current_year string
stored as orc;
create table store_sales_n2
ss_sold_date_sk int,
ss_sold_time_sk int,
ss_item_sk int,
ss_customer_sk int,
ss_cdemo_sk int,
ss_hdemo_sk int,
ss_addr_sk int,
ss_promo_sk int,
ss_ticket_number int,
ss_quantity int,
ss_wholesale_cost decimal(7,2),
ss_list_price decimal(7,2),
ss_sales_price decimal(7,2),
ss_ext_discount_amt decimal(7,2),
ss_ext_sales_price decimal(7,2),
ss_ext_wholesale_cost decimal(7,2),
ss_ext_list_price decimal(7,2),
ss_ext_tax decimal(7,2),
ss_coupon_amt decimal(7,2),
ss_net_paid decimal(7,2),
ss_net_paid_inc_tax decimal(7,2),
ss_net_profit decimal(7,2)
partitioned by
ss_store_sk int
stored as orc
tblproperties ("orc.stripe.size"="33554432", "orc.compress.size"="16384");
create table store_n2
s_store_sk int,
s_store_id string,
s_rec_start_date string,
s_rec_end_date string,
s_closed_date_sk int,
s_store_name string,
s_number_employees int,
s_floor_space int,
s_hours string,
s_manager string,
s_market_id int,
s_geography_class string,
s_market_desc string,
s_market_manager string,
s_division_id int,
s_division_name string,
s_company_id int,
s_company_name string,
s_street_number string,
s_street_name string,
s_street_type string,
s_suite_number string,
s_city string,
s_county string,
s_state string,
s_zip string,
s_country string,
s_gmt_offset decimal(5,2),
s_tax_precentage decimal(5,2)
stored as orc;
-- For MR, we are verifying this query DOES NOT vectorize the Map vertex with
-- the 2 TableScanOperators that have different schema.
explain vectorization select
s_state, count(1)
from store_sales_n2,
where store_sales_n2.ss_sold_date_sk = date_dim_n0.d_date_sk and
store_sales_n2.ss_store_sk = store_n2.s_store_sk and
store_n2.s_state in ('KS','AL', 'MN', 'AL', 'SC', 'VT')
group by s_state
order by s_state
limit 100;