blob: e68db1fcdee225b32b1b34c0ff178c7d27d36d99 [file] [log] [blame]
set hive.explain.user=false;
SET hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=true;
set hive.cbo.enable=false;
SET hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
set hive.fetch.task.conversion=none;
-- HIVE-13872
-- Looking for TableScan immediately followed by ReduceSink (no intervening SEL operator).
-- This caused problems for Vectorizer not eliminating columns which are not included.
-- The input file format didn't fill in those vectorized columns and thus caused NPE in
-- ReduceSink.
-- Only a problem when NOT CBO because of CBO rule-based transforms.
-- Using a cross-product.
create table store_sales_txt
ss_sold_date_sk int,
ss_sold_time_sk int,
ss_item_sk int,
ss_customer_sk int,
ss_cdemo_sk int,
ss_hdemo_sk int,
ss_addr_sk int,
ss_store_sk int,
ss_promo_sk int,
ss_ticket_number int,
ss_quantity int,
ss_wholesale_cost float,
ss_list_price float,
ss_sales_price float,
ss_ext_discount_amt float,
ss_ext_sales_price float,
ss_ext_wholesale_cost float,
ss_ext_list_price float,
ss_ext_tax float,
ss_coupon_amt float,
ss_net_paid float,
ss_net_paid_inc_tax float,
ss_net_profit float
row format delimited fields terminated by '|'
stored as textfile;
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/store_sales.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE store_sales_txt;
create table store_sales_n1 stored as orc as select * from store_sales_txt;
create table customer_demographics_txt
cd_demo_sk int,
cd_gender string,
cd_marital_status string,
cd_education_status string,
cd_purchase_estimate int,
cd_credit_rating string,
cd_dep_count int,
cd_dep_employed_count int,
cd_dep_college_count int
row format delimited fields terminated by '|'
stored as textfile;
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/customer_demographics.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE customer_demographics_txt;
create table customer_demographics stored as orc as select * from customer_demographics_txt;
explain vectorization expression
select count(1) from customer_demographics,store_sales_n1
where ((customer_demographics.cd_demo_sk = store_sales_n1.ss_cdemo_sk and customer_demographics.cd_marital_status = 'M') or
(customer_demographics.cd_demo_sk = store_sales_n1.ss_cdemo_sk and customer_demographics.cd_marital_status = 'U'));
select count(1) from customer_demographics,store_sales_n1
where ((customer_demographics.cd_demo_sk = store_sales_n1.ss_cdemo_sk and customer_demographics.cd_marital_status = 'M') or
(customer_demographics.cd_demo_sk = store_sales_n1.ss_cdemo_sk and customer_demographics.cd_marital_status = 'U'));