blob: 09fed7c86de76251855e993c9fd7ab68e79aedaa [file] [log] [blame]
set hive.explain.user=false;
SET hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=true;
set hive.fetch.task.conversion=none;
-- We are not expecting either query to vectorize due to use of pruneing grouping set id,
-- or use of GROUPING__ID virtual column.
create table store_txt
s_store_sk int,
s_store_id string,
s_rec_start_date string,
s_rec_end_date string,
s_closed_date_sk int,
s_store_name string,
s_number_employees int,
s_floor_space int,
s_hours string,
s_manager string,
s_market_id int,
s_geography_class string,
s_market_desc string,
s_market_manager string,
s_division_id int,
s_division_name string,
s_company_id int,
s_company_name string,
s_street_number string,
s_street_name string,
s_street_type string,
s_suite_number string,
s_city string,
s_county string,
s_state string,
s_zip string,
s_country string,
s_gmt_offset decimal(5,2),
s_tax_precentage decimal(5,2)
row format delimited fields terminated by '|'
stored as textfile;
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/store_200' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE store_txt;
create table store_n1
stored as orc as
select * from store_txt;
explain vectorization expression
select s_store_id
from store_n1
group by s_store_id with rollup;
select s_store_id
from store_n1
group by s_store_id with rollup;
explain vectorization expression
select s_store_id, GROUPING__ID
from store_n1
group by s_store_id with rollup;
select s_store_id, GROUPING__ID
from store_n1
group by s_store_id with rollup;
select s_store_id, GROUPING__ID
from store_n1
group by rollup(s_store_id);