blob: dff588ad2319bb03b2b283be6b3996d0ec431227 [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:disabled:breaks sysdb.q HIVE-23370
--! qt:dataset:src
drop table stats_list_bucket;
drop table stats_list_bucket_1;
create table stats_list_bucket (
c1 string,
c2 string
) partitioned by (ds string, hr string)
skewed by (c1, c2) on (('466','val_466'),('287','val_287'),('82','val_82'))
stored as directories
stored as rcfile;
-- Try partitioned table with list bucketing.
-- The stats should show 500 rows loaded, as many rows as the src table has.
insert overwrite table stats_list_bucket partition (ds = '2008-04-08', hr = '11')
select key, value from src;
desc formatted stats_list_bucket partition (ds = '2008-04-08', hr = '11');
-- Also try non-partitioned table with list bucketing.
-- Stats should show the same number of rows.
create table stats_list_bucket_1 (
c1 string,
c2 string
skewed by (c1, c2) on (('466','val_466'),('287','val_287'),('82','val_82'))
stored as directories
stored as rcfile;
insert overwrite table stats_list_bucket_1
select key, value from src;
desc formatted stats_list_bucket_1;
drop table stats_list_bucket;
drop table stats_list_bucket_1;