blob: 3abd1524693401a931d2fca8f82375b51507a513 [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:src1
--! qt:dataset:src
set hive.cbo.enable=true;
set hive.exec.check.crossproducts=false;
set hive.stats.fetch.column.stats=true;
set hive.strict.checks.cartesian.product=false;
create database `db~!@#$%^&*(),<>`;
use `db~!@#$%^&*(),<>`;
create table `c/b/o_t1`(key string, value string, c_int int, c_float float, c_boolean boolean) partitioned by (dt string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' STORED AS TEXTFILE;
create table `//cbo_t2`(key string, value string, c_int int, c_float float, c_boolean boolean) partitioned by (dt string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' STORED AS TEXTFILE;
create table `cbo_/t3////`(key string, value string, c_int int, c_float float, c_boolean boolean) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' STORED AS TEXTFILE;
load data local inpath '../../data/files/cbo_t1.txt' into table `c/b/o_t1` partition (dt='2014');
load data local inpath '../../data/files/cbo_t2.txt' into table `//cbo_t2` partition (dt='2014');
load data local inpath '../../data/files/cbo_t3.txt' into table `cbo_/t3////`;
CREATE TABLE `p/a/r/t`(
p_partkey INT,
p_name STRING,
p_mfgr STRING,
p_brand STRING,
p_type STRING,
p_size INT,
p_container STRING,
p_retailprice DOUBLE,
p_comment STRING
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/tpch/tiny/part.tbl.bz2' overwrite into table `p/a/r/t`;
l_shipdate STRING,
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/tpch/tiny/lineitem.tbl.bz2' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE `line/item`;
create table `src/_/cbo` as select * from default.src;
analyze table `c/b/o_t1` compute statistics for columns key, value, c_int, c_float, c_boolean;
analyze table `//cbo_t2` compute statistics for columns key, value, c_int, c_float, c_boolean;
analyze table `cbo_/t3////` compute statistics for columns key, value, c_int, c_float, c_boolean;
analyze table `src/_/cbo` compute statistics for columns;
analyze table `p/a/r/t` compute statistics for columns;
analyze table `line/item` compute statistics for columns;
select key, (c_int+1)+2 as x, sum(c_int) from `c/b/o_t1` group by c_float, `c/b/o_t1`.c_int, key;
set hive.cbo.enable=false;
set hive.exec.check.crossproducts=false;
set hive.stats.fetch.column.stats=true;
-- 21. Test groupby is empty and there is no other cols in aggr
select unionsrc.key FROM (select 'max' as key, max(c_int) as value from `cbo_/t3////` s1
select 'min' as key, min(c_int) as value from `cbo_/t3////` s2
select 'avg' as key, avg(c_int) as value from `cbo_/t3////` s3) unionsrc order by unionsrc.key;
-- 4. Test Select + Join + TS
explain select `c/b/o_t1`.key from `c/b/o_t1` join `cbo_/t3////`;
-- 5. Test Select + Join + FIL + TS
explain select `c/b/o_t1`.c_int, `//cbo_t2`.c_int from `c/b/o_t1` join `//cbo_t2` on `c/b/o_t1`.key=`//cbo_t2`.key where (`c/b/o_t1`.c_int + `//cbo_t2`.c_int == 2) and (`c/b/o_t1`.c_int > 0 or `//cbo_t2`.c_float >= 0);
-- 7. Test Select + TS + Join + Fil + GB + GB Having + Limit
explain select key, (c_int+1)+2 as x, sum(c_int) from `c/b/o_t1` group by c_float, `c/b/o_t1`.c_int, key order by x limit 1;
-- 12. SemiJoin
explain select `c/b/o_t1`.c_int from `c/b/o_t1` left semi join `//cbo_t2` on `c/b/o_t1`.key=`//cbo_t2`.key;
-- 1. Test Select + TS
explain select * from `c/b/o_t1` as `c/b/o_t1`;
-- 2. Test Select + TS + FIL
explain select * from `c/b/o_t1` as `c/b/o_t1` where `c/b/o_t1`.c_int >= 0 and c_float+c_int >= 0 or c_float <= 100;
-- 3 Test Select + Select + TS + FIL
explain select * from (select * from `c/b/o_t1` where `c/b/o_t1`.c_int >= 0) as `c/b/o_t1`;
-- 13. null expr in select list
explain select null from `cbo_/t3////`;
-- 14. unary operator
explain select key from `c/b/o_t1` where c_int = -6 or c_int = +6;
-- 15. query referencing only partition columns
explain select count(`c/b/o_t1`.dt) from `c/b/o_t1` join `//cbo_t2` on `c/b/o_t1`.dt = `//cbo_t2`.dt where `c/b/o_t1`.dt = '2014' ;
-- 20. Test get stats with empty partition list
explain select `c/b/o_t1`.value from `c/b/o_t1` join `//cbo_t2` on `c/b/o_t1`.key = `//cbo_t2`.key where `c/b/o_t1`.dt = '10' and `c/b/o_t1`.c_boolean = true;
-- 18. SubQueries Not Exists
-- distinct, corr
explain select *
from `src/_/cbo` b
where not exists
(select distinct a.key
from `src/_/cbo` a
where b.value = a.value and a.value > 'val_2'
-- no agg, corr, having
explain select *
from `src/_/cbo` b
group by key, value
having not exists
(select a.key
from `src/_/cbo` a
where b.value = a.value and a.key = b.key and a.value > 'val_12'
-- 19. SubQueries Exists
-- view test
create view cv1_n0 as
select *
from `src/_/cbo` b
where exists
(select a.key
from `src/_/cbo` a
where b.value = a.value and a.key = b.key and a.value > 'val_9')
select * from cv1_n0
-- sq in from
explain select *
from (select *
from `src/_/cbo` b
where exists
(select a.key
from `src/_/cbo` a
where b.value = a.value and a.key = b.key and a.value > 'val_9')
) a
-- sq in from, having
explain select *
from (select b.key, count(*)
from `src/_/cbo` b
group by b.key
having exists
(select a.key
from `src/_/cbo` a
where a.key = b.key and a.value > 'val_9'
) a
-- 17. SubQueries In
-- non agg, non corr
explain select *
from `src/_/cbo`
where `src/_/cbo`.key in (select key from `src/_/cbo` s1 where s1.key > '9') order by key
-- agg, corr
-- add back once rank issue fixed for cbo
-- distinct, corr
explain select *
from `src/_/cbo` b
where b.key in
(select distinct a.key
from `src/_/cbo` a
where b.value = a.value and a.key > '9'
) order by b.key
-- non agg, corr, with join in Parent Query
explain select p.p_partkey, li.l_suppkey
from (select distinct l_partkey as p_partkey from `line/item`) p join `line/item` li on p.p_partkey = li.l_partkey
where li.l_linenumber = 1 and
li.l_orderkey in (select l_orderkey from `line/item` where l_shipmode = 'AIR' and l_linenumber = li.l_linenumber)
order by p.p_partkey
-- where and having
-- Plan is:
-- Stage 1: b semijoin sq1:`src/_/cbo` (subquery in where)
-- Stage 2: group by Stage 1 o/p
-- Stage 5: group by on sq2:`src/_/cbo` (subquery in having)
-- Stage 6: Stage 2 o/p semijoin Stage 5
explain select key, value, count(*)
from `src/_/cbo` b
where b.key in (select key from `src/_/cbo` where `src/_/cbo`.key > '8')
group by key, value
having count(*) in (select count(*) from `src/_/cbo` s1 where s1.key > '9' group by s1.key ) order by key
-- non agg, non corr, windowing
explain select p_mfgr, p_name, avg(p_size)
from `p/a/r/t`
group by p_mfgr, p_name
having p_name in
(select first_value(p_name) over(partition by p_mfgr order by p_size) from `p/a/r/t`) order by p_mfgr
-- 16. SubQueries Not In
-- non agg, non corr
explain select *
from `src/_/cbo`
where `src/_/cbo`.key not in
( select key from `src/_/cbo` s1
where s1.key > '2'
) order by key
-- non agg, corr
explain select p_mfgr, b.p_name, p_size
from `p/a/r/t` b
where b.p_name not in
(select p_name
from (select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size as r from `p/a/r/t`) a
where r < 10 and b.p_mfgr = a.p_mfgr
) order by p_mfgr,p_size
-- agg, non corr
explain select p_name, p_size
`p/a/r/t` where `p/a/r/t`.p_size not in
(select avg(p_size)
from (select p_size from `p/a/r/t`) a
where p_size < 10
) order by p_name
-- agg, corr
explain select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size
from `p/a/r/t` b where b.p_size not in
(select min(p_size)
from (select p_mfgr, p_size from `p/a/r/t`) a
where p_size < 10 and b.p_mfgr = a.p_mfgr
) order by p_name
-- non agg, non corr, Group By in Parent Query
explain select li.l_partkey, count(*)
from `line/item` li
where li.l_linenumber = 1 and
li.l_orderkey not in (select l_orderkey from `line/item` where l_shipmode = 'AIR')
group by li.l_partkey order by li.l_partkey
-- add null check test from sq_notin.q once HIVE-7721 resolved.
-- non agg, corr, having
explain select b.p_mfgr, min(p_retailprice)
from `p/a/r/t` b
group by b.p_mfgr
having b.p_mfgr not in
(select p_mfgr
from (select p_mfgr, min(p_retailprice) l, max(p_retailprice) r, avg(p_retailprice) a from `p/a/r/t` group by p_mfgr) a
where min(p_retailprice) = l and r - l > 600
order by b.p_mfgr
-- agg, non corr, having
explain select b.p_mfgr, min(p_retailprice)
from `p/a/r/t` b
group by b.p_mfgr
having b.p_mfgr not in
(select p_mfgr
from `p/a/r/t` a
group by p_mfgr
having max(p_retailprice) - min(p_retailprice) > 600
order by b.p_mfgr
-- 8. Test UDF/UDAF
explain select f,a,e,b from (select count(*) as a, count(c_int) as b, sum(c_int) as c, avg(c_int) as d, max(c_int) as e, min(c_int) as f from `c/b/o_t1`) `c/b/o_t1`;
-- 11. Union All
explain select * from (select * from `c/b/o_t1` order by key, c_boolean, value, dt)a union all select * from (select * from `//cbo_t2` order by key, c_boolean, value, dt)b;
-- 10. Test views
create view v1_n7 as select c_int, value, c_boolean, dt from `c/b/o_t1`;
create view v2_n2 as select c_int, value from `//cbo_t2`;
select value from v1_n7 where c_boolean=false;
select max(c_int) from v1_n7 group by (c_boolean);
select count(v1_n7.c_int) from v1_n7 join `//cbo_t2` on v1_n7.c_int = `//cbo_t2`.c_int;
select count(v1_n7.c_int) from v1_n7 join v2_n2 on v1_n7.c_int = v2_n2.c_int;
select count(*) from v1_n7 a join v1_n7 b on a.value = b.value;
create view v3_n0 as select v1_n7.value val from v1_n7 join `c/b/o_t1` on v1_n7.c_boolean = `c/b/o_t1`.c_boolean;
select count(val) from v3_n0 where val != '1';
with q1 as ( select key from `c/b/o_t1` where key = '1')
select count(*) from q1;
with q1 as ( select value from v1_n7 where c_boolean = false)
select count(value) from q1 ;
create view v4_n0 as
with q1 as ( select key,c_int from `c/b/o_t1` where key = '1')
select * from q1
with q1 as ( select c_int from q2 where c_boolean = false),
q2 as ( select c_int,c_boolean from v1_n7 where value = '1')
select sum(c_int) from (select c_int from q1) a;
with q1 as ( select `c/b/o_t1`.c_int c_int from q2 join `c/b/o_t1` where q2.c_int = `c/b/o_t1`.c_int and `c/b/o_t1`.dt='2014'),
q2 as ( select c_int,c_boolean from v1_n7 where value = '1' or dt = '14')
select count(*) from q1 join q2 join v4_n0 on q1.c_int = q2.c_int and v4_n0.c_int = q2.c_int;
drop view v1_n7;
drop view v2_n2;
drop view v3_n0;
drop view v4_n0;
-- 9. Test Windowing Functions
explain select count(c_int) over(partition by c_float order by key), sum(c_float) over(partition by c_float order by key), max(c_int) over(partition by c_float order by key), min(c_int) over(partition by c_float order by key), row_number() over(partition by c_float order by key) as rn, rank() over(partition by c_float order by key), dense_rank() over(partition by c_float order by key), round(percent_rank() over(partition by c_float order by key), 2), lead(c_int, 2, c_int) over(partition by c_float order by key), lag(c_float, 2, c_float) over(partition by c_float order by key) from `c/b/o_t1` order by rn;
insert into table `src/_/cbo` select * from default.src;
select * from `src/_/cbo` limit 1;
insert overwrite table `src/_/cbo` select * from default.src;
select * from `src/_/cbo` limit 1;
drop table `t//`;
create table `t//` (col string);
insert into `t//` values(1);
insert into `t//` values(null);
analyze table `t//` compute statistics;
explain select * from `t//`;
drop database `db~!@#$%^&*(),<>` cascade;