blob: d496a4d1b249cf53ea615f82dc597f757e458304 [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:src
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
set zzz=5;
set zzz;
set system:xxx=5;
set system:xxx;
set system:yyy=${system:xxx};
set system:yyy;
set go=${hiveconf:zzz};
set go;
set hive.variable.substitute=false;
set raw=${hiveconf:zzz};
set raw;
set hive.variable.substitute=true;
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM src where key=${hiveconf:zzz};
SELECT * FROM src where key=${hiveconf:zzz};
set a=1;
set b=a;
set c=${hiveconf:${hiveconf:b}};
set c;
set jar=${system:maven.local.repository}/org/apache/derby/derby/${system:derby.version}/derby-${system:derby.version}.jar;
add file ${hiveconf:jar};
delete file ${hiveconf:jar};
list file;
-- comment (will be removed by test driver)
set x=1;
set x;
-- an indented comment to test comment removal
set x=2;
set x;