blob: 7d8fa8b0f8607bf161f70de17bb1bb0994cf22ea [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:authorizer
--! qt:scheduledqueryservice
--! qt:sysdb
set role admin;
-- create external table
create external table t (a integer);
-- disable autogather
set hive.stats.autogather=false;
insert into t values (1),(2),(3);
-- basic stats show that the table has "0" rows
desc formatted t;
-- create a schedule to compute stats in the far future
create scheduled query t_analyze cron '0 0 0 1 * ? 2030' as analyze table t compute statistics for columns;
alter scheduled query t_analyze execute;
!sleep 30;
select * from information_schema.scheduled_executions s where schedule_name='ex_analyze' order by scheduled_execution_id desc limit 3;
-- and the numrows have been updated
desc formatted t;