blob: 9a8c560435248d959192daf3ce1b65c8b52094d5 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Mask the totalSize value as it can have slight variability, causing test flakiness
--! qt:replace:/(\s+totalSize\s+)\S+(\s+)/$1#Masked#$2/
set metastore.metadata.transformer.class=org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.MetastoreDefaultTransformer;
create database if not exists tmp;
use tmp;
create table b(s string) stored as parquet location 'file:${system:test.tmp.dir}/tmp.db/some_location';
insert into b values ("a"),("b"),("c");
select * from b;
desc formatted b;
alter table b rename to bb;
desc formatted bb;
-- new table and location should be available after rename
create table b(s string) stored as parquet location 'file:${system:test.tmp.dir}/tmp.db/some_location';
select * from b;