blob: 9de7dd52aaf1284d8a873387c6a12748ce66d82a [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:src
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
CREATE table rcfileTableLazyDecompress (key STRING, value STRING) STORED AS RCFile;
FROM src
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE rcfileTableLazyDecompress SELECT src.key, src.value LIMIT 10;
SELECT key, value FROM rcfileTableLazyDecompress where key > 238 ORDER BY key ASC, value ASC;
SELECT key, value FROM rcfileTableLazyDecompress where key > 238 and key < 400 ORDER BY key ASC, value ASC;
SELECT key, count(1) FROM rcfileTableLazyDecompress where key > 238 group by key ORDER BY key ASC;
set mapred.output.compress=true;
set hive.exec.compress.output=true;
FROM src
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE rcfileTableLazyDecompress SELECT src.key, src.value LIMIT 10;
SELECT key, value FROM rcfileTableLazyDecompress where key > 238 ORDER BY key ASC, value ASC;
SELECT key, value FROM rcfileTableLazyDecompress where key > 238 and key < 400 ORDER BY key ASC, value ASC;
SELECT key, count(1) FROM rcfileTableLazyDecompress where key > 238 group by key ORDER BY key ASC;
set mapred.output.compress=false;
set hive.exec.compress.output=false;