blob: a63609805dae3c7d6860ba37563e018a9218d009 [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:part
set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=false;
-- 1. aggregate functions with decimal type
select p_mfgr, p_retailprice,
lead(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr ORDER BY p_name) as c1,
lag(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr ORDER BY p_name) as c2,
first_value(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr ORDER BY p_name) as c3,
last_value(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr ORDER BY p_name) as c4
from part;
-- 2. ranking functions with decimal type
select p_mfgr, p_retailprice,
row_number() over (PARTITION BY p_mfgr ORDER BY p_retailprice) as c1,
rank() over (PARTITION BY p_mfgr ORDER BY p_retailprice) as c2,
dense_rank() over (PARTITION BY p_mfgr ORDER BY p_retailprice) as c3,
percent_rank() over (PARTITION BY p_mfgr ORDER BY p_retailprice) as c4,
cume_dist() over (PARTITION BY p_mfgr ORDER BY p_retailprice) as c5,
ntile(5) over (PARTITION BY p_mfgr ORDER BY p_retailprice) as c6
from part;
-- 3. order by decimal
select p_mfgr, p_retailprice,
lag(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr ORDER BY p_retailprice desc) as c1
from part;
-- 4. partition by decimal
select p_mfgr, p_retailprice,
lag(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_retailprice) as c1
from part;