blob: 49cecd6ebffd1c33b0c22cf6a998a9ea434af601 [file] [log] [blame]
set hive.explain.user=false;
-- partitioned table
create table daysales (customer int) partitioned by (dt string);
insert into daysales partition(dt='2001-01-01') values(1);
insert into daysales partition(dt='2001-01-03') values(1);
explain prepare pPart1 from select count(*) from daysales where dt=? and customer=?;
prepare pPart1 from select count(*) from daysales where dt=? and customer=?;
explain extended execute pPart1 using '2001-01-01',1;
execute pPart1 using '2001-01-01',1;