blob: f6f9d1a1dfa4407229c5236e117b5d91fe995e47 [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:src
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
-- test predicate pushdown on a view with a union
drop view v;
create table t1_new_n0 (key string, value string) partitioned by (ds string);
insert overwrite table t1_new_n0 partition (ds = '2011-10-15')
select 'key1', 'value1' from src tablesample (1 rows);
insert overwrite table t1_new_n0 partition (ds = '2011-10-16')
select 'key2', 'value2' from src tablesample (1 rows);
create table t1_old (keymap string, value string) partitioned by (ds string);
insert overwrite table t1_old partition (ds = '2011-10-13')
select 'keymap3', 'value3' from src tablesample (1 rows);
insert overwrite table t1_old partition (ds = '2011-10-14')
select 'keymap4', 'value4' from src tablesample (1 rows);
create table t1_mapping (key string, keymap string) partitioned by (ds string);
insert overwrite table t1_mapping partition (ds = '2011-10-13')
select 'key3', 'keymap3' from src tablesample (1 rows);
insert overwrite table t1_mapping partition (ds = '2011-10-14')
select 'key4', 'keymap4' from src tablesample (1 rows);
create view t1_n113 partitioned on (ds) as
select * from
select key, value, ds from t1_new_n0
union all
select key, value, t1_old.ds from t1_old join t1_mapping
on t1_old.keymap = t1_mapping.keymap and
t1_old.ds = t1_mapping.ds
) subq;
explain extended
select * from t1_n113 where ds = '2011-10-13';
select * from t1_n113 where ds = '2011-10-13';
select * from t1_n113 where ds = '2011-10-14';
explain extended
select * from t1_n113 where ds = '2011-10-15';
select * from t1_n113 where ds = '2011-10-15';
select * from t1_n113 where ds = '2011-10-16';