blob: 421f5e1f43bd734be2d1699e43cb8cad84257c4e [file] [log] [blame]
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query9.tpl and seed 1490436826
select case when (select count(*)
from store_sales
where ss_quantity between 1 and 20) > 409437
then (select avg(ss_ext_list_price)
from store_sales
where ss_quantity between 1 and 20)
else (select avg(ss_net_paid_inc_tax)
from store_sales
where ss_quantity between 1 and 20) end bucket1 ,
case when (select count(*)
from store_sales
where ss_quantity between 21 and 40) > 4595804
then (select avg(ss_ext_list_price)
from store_sales
where ss_quantity between 21 and 40)
else (select avg(ss_net_paid_inc_tax)
from store_sales
where ss_quantity between 21 and 40) end bucket2,
case when (select count(*)
from store_sales
where ss_quantity between 41 and 60) > 7887297
then (select avg(ss_ext_list_price)
from store_sales
where ss_quantity between 41 and 60)
else (select avg(ss_net_paid_inc_tax)
from store_sales
where ss_quantity between 41 and 60) end bucket3,
case when (select count(*)
from store_sales
where ss_quantity between 61 and 80) > 10872978
then (select avg(ss_ext_list_price)
from store_sales
where ss_quantity between 61 and 80)
else (select avg(ss_net_paid_inc_tax)
from store_sales
where ss_quantity between 61 and 80) end bucket4,
case when (select count(*)
from store_sales
where ss_quantity between 81 and 100) > 43571537
then (select avg(ss_ext_list_price)
from store_sales
where ss_quantity between 81 and 100)
else (select avg(ss_net_paid_inc_tax)
from store_sales
where ss_quantity between 81 and 100) end bucket5
from reason
where r_reason_sk = 1
-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query9.tpl