blob: 224a80886b5a313aced697c5c0c59181de242587 [file] [log] [blame]
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query11.tpl and seed 1819994127
explain cbo
with year_total as (
select c_customer_id customer_id
,c_first_name customer_first_name
,c_last_name customer_last_name
,c_preferred_cust_flag customer_preferred_cust_flag
,c_birth_country customer_birth_country
,c_login customer_login
,c_email_address customer_email_address
,d_year dyear
,sum(ss_ext_list_price-ss_ext_discount_amt) year_total
,'s' sale_type
from customer
where c_customer_sk = ss_customer_sk
and ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
group by c_customer_id
union all
select c_customer_id customer_id
,c_first_name customer_first_name
,c_last_name customer_last_name
,c_preferred_cust_flag customer_preferred_cust_flag
,c_birth_country customer_birth_country
,c_login customer_login
,c_email_address customer_email_address
,d_year dyear
,sum(ws_ext_list_price-ws_ext_discount_amt) year_total
,'w' sale_type
from customer
where c_customer_sk = ws_bill_customer_sk
and ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
group by c_customer_id
from year_total t_s_firstyear
,year_total t_s_secyear
,year_total t_w_firstyear
,year_total t_w_secyear
where t_s_secyear.customer_id = t_s_firstyear.customer_id
and t_s_firstyear.customer_id = t_w_secyear.customer_id
and t_s_firstyear.customer_id = t_w_firstyear.customer_id
and t_s_firstyear.sale_type = 's'
and t_w_firstyear.sale_type = 'w'
and t_s_secyear.sale_type = 's'
and t_w_secyear.sale_type = 'w'
and t_s_firstyear.dyear = 1999
and t_s_secyear.dyear = 1999+1
and t_w_firstyear.dyear = 1999
and t_w_secyear.dyear = 1999+1
and t_s_firstyear.year_total > 0
and t_w_firstyear.year_total > 0
and case when t_w_firstyear.year_total > 0 then t_w_secyear.year_total / t_w_firstyear.year_total else 0.0 end
> case when t_s_firstyear.year_total > 0 then t_s_secyear.year_total / t_s_firstyear.year_total else 0.0 end
order by t_s_secyear.customer_id
limit 100;
-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query11.tpl