blob: da3ae0910e1343a5575c7b54a4ad04efcebf0141 [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:src
set hive.input.format =;
-- This tests that the schema can be changed for binary serde data
create table partition_test_partitioned_n10(key string, value string)
partitioned by (dt string) stored as textfile;
insert overwrite table partition_test_partitioned_n10 partition(dt='1')
select * from src where key = 238;
select * from partition_test_partitioned_n10 where dt is not null;
select key+key, value from partition_test_partitioned_n10 where dt is not null;
set hive.metastore.disallow.incompatible.col.type.changes=false;
alter table partition_test_partitioned_n10 change key key int;
reset hive.metastore.disallow.incompatible.col.type.changes;
select key+key, value from partition_test_partitioned_n10 where dt is not null;
select * from partition_test_partitioned_n10 where dt is not null;
alter table partition_test_partitioned_n10 add columns (value2 string);
select key+key, value from partition_test_partitioned_n10 where dt is not null;
select * from partition_test_partitioned_n10 where dt is not null;
insert overwrite table partition_test_partitioned_n10 partition(dt='2')
select key, value, value from src where key = 86;
select key+key, value, value2, dt from partition_test_partitioned_n10 where dt is not null;
select * from partition_test_partitioned_n10 where dt is not null;