blob: cae3b7678f65a59314e7d2279f4a22280446651d [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:srcpart
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
-- create testing table.
create table part_boolexpr(key int, value string) partitioned by (dt int, ts string);
-- both the below queries should return 0 rows
select count(*) from part_boolexpr where key = 'abc';
select * from part_boolexpr where dt = 'abc';
explain select count(1) from srcpart where true;
explain select count(1) from srcpart where false;
explain select count(1) from srcpart where true and hr='11';
explain select count(1) from srcpart where true or hr='11';
explain select count(1) from srcpart where false or hr='11';
explain select count(1) from srcpart where false and hr='11';
explain select count(1) from srcpart where INPUT__FILE__NAME is not null;