blob: 1ec102e4975dff49e307c90591d33cba5d6cada5 [file] [log] [blame]
set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=false;
-- Sometimes, the user wants to create a table from just a portion of the file schema;
-- This test_n6 makes sure that this scenario works;
DROP TABLE test_n6;
-- Current file schema is: (id int, name string, address struct<number:int,street:string,zip:string>);
-- Creates a table from just a portion of the file schema, including struct elements (test_n6 lower/upper case as well)
CREATE TABLE test_n6 (Name string, address struct<Zip:string,Street:string>) STORED AS PARQUET;
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/HiveGroup.parquet' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE test_n6;
SELECT * FROM test_n6;
DROP TABLE test_n6;