blob: a8b6ab72450b77eddf14699e6362ba5df7253174 [file] [log] [blame]
set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=false;
-- this test creates a Parquet table with an array of single-field structs
-- that has an ambiguous Parquet schema that is assumed to be a list of bigints
-- This is verifies compliance with the spec for this case.
CREATE TABLE parquet_ambiguous_array_of_single_field_structs (
single_element_groups ARRAY<BIGINT>
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/SingleFieldGroupInList.parquet'
OVERWRITE INTO TABLE parquet_ambiguous_array_of_single_field_structs;
SELECT * FROM parquet_ambiguous_array_of_single_field_structs;
DROP TABLE parquet_ambiguous_array_of_single_field_structs;