blob: 37efe0c009cd626edb2fab337a236496e25b576f [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:alltypesorc
--! qt:replace:/(\s+HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN:\s+)\S+(\s*)/$1#Masked#/
--! qt:replace:/(\s+HDFS_BYTES_READ:\s+)\S+(\s*)/$1#Masked#/
SET hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=false;
set hive.compute.query.using.stats=false;
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
SET hive.fetch.task.conversion=none;
SET hive.optimize.index.filter=true;
SET hive.cbo.enable=false;
-- disabling map side aggregation as that can lead to different intermediate record counts
CREATE TABLE staging_n7(t tinyint,
si smallint,
i int,
b bigint,
f float,
d double,
bo boolean,
s string,
ts timestamp,
`dec` decimal(4,2),
bin binary)
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/over1k' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE staging_n7;
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/over1k' INTO TABLE staging_n7;
CREATE TABLE orc_ppd_staging_n1(t tinyint,
si smallint,
i int,
b bigint,
f float,
d double,
bo boolean,
s string,
c char(50),
v varchar(50),
da date,
`dec` decimal(4,2),
bin binary)
STORED AS ORC tblproperties("orc.row.index.stride" = "1000", "orc.bloom.filter.columns"="*");
insert overwrite table orc_ppd_staging_n1 select t, si, i, b, f, d, bo, s, cast(s as char(50)) as c,
cast(s as varchar(50)) as v, cast(ts as date) as da, `dec`, bin from staging_n7 order by t, si, i, b, f, d, bo, s, c, v, da, `dec`, bin;
-- just to introduce a gap in min/max range for bloom filters. The dataset has contiguous values
-- which makes it hard to test bloom filters
insert into orc_ppd_staging_n1 select -10,-321,-65680,-4294967430,-97.94,-13.07,true,"aaa","aaa","aaa","1990-03-11",-71.54,"aaa" from staging_n7 limit 1;
insert into orc_ppd_staging_n1 select 127,331,65690,4294967440,107.94,23.07,true,"zzz","zzz","zzz","2023-03-11",71.54,"zzz" from staging_n7 limit 1;
CREATE TABLE orc_ppd_n2(t tinyint,
si smallint,
i int,
b bigint,
f float,
d double,
bo boolean,
s string,
c char(50),
v varchar(50),
da date,
`dec` decimal(4,2),
bin binary)
STORED AS ORC tblproperties("orc.row.index.stride" = "1000", "orc.bloom.filter.columns"="*");
insert overwrite table orc_ppd_n2 select t, si, i, b, f, d, bo, s, cast(s as char(50)) as c,
cast(s as varchar(50)) as v, da, `dec`, bin from orc_ppd_staging_n1 order by t, si, i, b, f, d, bo, s, c, v, da, `dec`, bin;
-- Row group statistics for column t:
-- Entry 0: count: 994 hasNull: true min: -10 max: 54 sum: 26014 positions: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
-- Entry 1: count: 1000 hasNull: false min: 54 max: 118 sum: 86812 positions: 0,2,124,0,0,116,11
-- Entry 2: count: 100 hasNull: false min: 118 max: 127 sum: 12151 positions: 0,4,119,0,0,244,19
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 2100 (all row groups)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2;
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 0 (no row groups)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t > 127;
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 1000 (1 row group)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t = 55;
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t <=> 50;
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t <=> 100;
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 2000 (2 row groups)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t = "54";
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 1000 (1 row group)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t = -10.0;
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 1000 (1 row group)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t = cast(53 as float);
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t = cast(53 as double);
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 2000 (2 row groups)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t < 100;
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 1000 (1 row group)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t < 100 and t > 98;
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 2000 (2 row groups)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t <= 100;
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 1000 (1 row group)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t is null;
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 1100 (2 row groups)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t in (5, 120);
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 1000 (1 row group)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t between 60 and 80;
-- bloom filter tests
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t = -100;
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t <=> -100;
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t = 125;
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where t IN (-100, 125, 200);
-- Row group statistics for column s:
-- Entry 0: count: 1000 hasNull: false min: max: zach young sum: 12907 positions: 0,0,0
-- Entry 1: count: 1000 hasNull: false min: alice allen max: zach zipper sum: 12704 positions: 0,1611,191
-- Entry 2: count: 100 hasNull: false min: bob davidson max: zzz sum: 1281 positions: 0,3246,373
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 0 (no row groups)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s > "zzz";
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 1000 (1 row group)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s = "zach young";
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s <=> "zach zipper";
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s <=> "";
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s is null;
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s is not null;
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s = cast("zach young" as char(50));
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 1000 (1 row group)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s = cast("zach young" as char(10));
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s = cast("zach young" as varchar(10));
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s = cast("zach young" as varchar(50));
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 2000 (2 row groups)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s < "b";
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 2000 (2 row groups)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s > "alice" and s < "bob";
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 2000 (2 row groups)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s in ("alice allen", "");
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 2000 (2 row groups)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s between "" and "alice allen";
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 100 (1 row group)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s between "zz" and "zzz";
-- INPUT_RECORDS: 1100 (2 row groups)
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s between "zach zipper" and "zzz";
-- bloom filter tests
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s = "hello world";
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s <=> "apache hive";
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s IN ("a", "z");
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s = "sarah ovid";
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s = "wendy king";
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s = "wendy king" and t < 0;
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where s = "wendy king" and t > 100;
set hive.cbo.enable=false;
set hive.optimize.index.filter=false;
-- when cbo is disabled constant gets converted to HiveDecimal
-- 74.72f + 0.0 = 74.72000122070312
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where f=74.72;
set hive.optimize.index.filter=true;
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where f=74.72;
set hive.cbo.enable=true;
set hive.optimize.index.filter=false;
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where f=74.72;
set hive.optimize.index.filter=true;
select count(*) from orc_ppd_n2 where f=74.72;
-- 42.47f + 0.0 == 42.470001220703125
create temporary table orc_ppd_1 stored as orc as select * from orc_ppd_staging_n1 where d = 42.47;
set hive.cbo.enable=false;
set hive.optimize.index.filter=false;
-- when cbo is disabled constant gets converted to HiveDecimal
select count(*) from orc_ppd_1 where d=42.47;
set hive.optimize.index.filter=true;
select count(*) from orc_ppd_1 where d=42.47;
set hive.cbo.enable=true;
set hive.optimize.index.filter=false;
select count(*) from orc_ppd_1 where d=42.47;
set hive.optimize.index.filter=true;
select count(*) from orc_ppd_1 where d=42.47;
set hive.compute.query.using.stats=false;
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
SET hive.fetch.task.conversion=none;
SET hive.optimize.index.filter=true;
SET hive.cbo.enable=false;
-- these tests include timestamp column that will impact the file size when tests run across
-- different timezones. So we print only the selected row group count instead of entire tez exeuction summary.
create temporary table tmp_orcppd
stored as orc
as select ctinyint, csmallint, cint , cbigint, cfloat, cdouble,
cstring1, cstring2, ctimestamp1, ctimestamp2
from alltypesorc limit 20;
insert into table tmp_orcppd
values(null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null);
drop table if exists tbl_orcppd_1_1;
create table tbl_orcppd_1_1 as
select count(*) from tmp_orcppd
where ctimestamp1> current_timestamp() and
ctimestamp2 > current_timestamp() and
cstring1 like 'a*' and
cstring2 like 'a*';
drop table if exists tmp_orcppd;
create temporary table tmp_orcppd
stored as orc
as select ctimestamp1, ctimestamp2
from alltypesorc limit 10;
insert into table tmp_orcppd
values(null, null);
drop table if exists tbl_orcppd_2_1;
create table tbl_orcppd_2_1 as
select count(*) from tmp_orcppd
where ctimestamp1 in (cast('2065-08-13 19:03:52' as timestamp), cast('2071-01-16 20:21:17' as timestamp), current_timestamp());
set hive.optimize.index.filter=true;
drop table if exists tmp_orcppd;
create temporary table tmp_orcppd
stored as orc
as select ts, cast(ts as date)
from staging_n7 ;
insert into table tmp_orcppd
values(null, null);
drop table if exists tbl_orcppd_3_1;
create table tbl_orcppd_3_1 as
select count(*) from tmp_orcppd
group by ts, cast(ts as date)
having ts in (select ctimestamp1 from alltypesorc limit 10);