blob: 4ebc7414dae0da791540d775f2b07304218f2e80 [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:alltypesorc
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
SET hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=true;
SET hive.exec.orc.default.buffer.size=32768;
SET hive.exec.orc.default.row.index.stride=1000;
SET hive.optimize.index.filter=true;
set hive.llap.memory.oversubscription.max.executors.per.query=3;
DROP TABLE cross_numbers;
DROP TABLE orc_llap;
DROP TABLE orc_llap_small;
CREATE TABLE orc_llap(
ctinyint TINYINT,
csmallint SMALLINT,
cint INT,
cbigint BIGINT,
cfloat FLOAT,
cdouble DOUBLE,
cstring1 STRING,
cstring2 STRING,
ctimestamp1 TIMESTAMP,
ctimestamp2 TIMESTAMP,
cboolean1 BOOLEAN,
cboolean2 BOOLEAN)
CREATE TABLE orc_llap_small(
ctinyint TINYINT,
csmallint SMALLINT,
cint INT)
create table cross_numbers(i int);
insert into table cross_numbers
select distinct csmallint
from alltypesorc where csmallint > 0 order by csmallint limit 10;
insert into table orc_llap
select ctinyint + i, csmallint + i, cint + i, cbigint + i, cfloat + i, cdouble + i, cstring1, cstring2, ctimestamp1, ctimestamp2, cboolean1, cboolean2
from alltypesorc cross join cross_numbers;
insert into table orc_llap_small
select ctinyint, csmallint, cint from alltypesorc where ctinyint is not null and cint is not null limit 15;
-- Cross join with no projection - do it on small table
select count(1) from orc_llap_small y join orc_llap_small x;
select count(1) from orc_llap_small y join orc_llap_small x;
-- All row groups selected, no projection
select count(*) from orc_llap_small;
-- All row groups pruned
select count(*) from orc_llap_small where cint < 60000000;
-- Hash cannot be vectorized, but now we have row-by-row reader, so the subquery runs in llap but with row-by-row reader
select sum(hash(*)) from (select cint, csmallint, cbigint from orc_llap where cint > 10 and cbigint is not null) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select cint, csmallint, cbigint from orc_llap where cint > 10 and cbigint is not null) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select * from orc_llap where cint > 10 and cbigint is not null) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select * from orc_llap where cint > 10 and cbigint is not null) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select cstring2 from orc_llap where cint > 5 and cint < 10) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select cstring2 from orc_llap where cint > 5 and cint < 10) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select cstring1, cstring2, count(*) from orc_llap group by cstring1, cstring2) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select cstring1, cstring2, count(*) from orc_llap group by cstring1, cstring2) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select o1.cstring1, o2.cstring2 from orc_llap o1 inner join orc_llap o2 on o1.csmallint = o2.csmallint where o1.cbigint is not null and o2.cbigint is not null) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select o1.cstring1, o2.cstring2 from orc_llap o1 inner join orc_llap o2 on o1.csmallint = o2.csmallint where o1.cbigint is not null and o2.cbigint is not null) t;
-- multi-stripe test
insert into table orc_llap
select ctinyint + i, csmallint + i, cint + i, cbigint + i, cfloat + i, cdouble + i, cstring1, cstring2, ctimestamp1, ctimestamp2, cboolean1, cboolean2
from alltypesorc cross join cross_numbers;
alter table orc_llap concatenate;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select cint, csmallint, cbigint from orc_llap where cint > 10 and cbigint is not null) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select cint, csmallint, cbigint from orc_llap where cint > 10 and cbigint is not null) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select * from orc_llap where cint > 10 and cbigint is not null) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select * from orc_llap where cint > 10 and cbigint is not null) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select cstring2 from orc_llap where cint > 5 and cint < 10) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select cstring2 from orc_llap where cint > 5 and cint < 10) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select cstring1, cstring2, count(*) from orc_llap group by cstring1, cstring2) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select cstring1, cstring2, count(*) from orc_llap group by cstring1, cstring2) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select o1.cstring1, o2.cstring2 from orc_llap o1 inner join orc_llap o2 on o1.csmallint = o2.csmallint where o1.cbigint is not null and o2.cbigint is not null) t;
select sum(hash(*)) from (select o1.cstring1, o2.cstring2 from orc_llap o1 inner join orc_llap o2 on o1.csmallint = o2.csmallint where o1.cbigint is not null and o2.cbigint is not null) t;
DROP TABLE cross_numbers;
DROP TABLE orc_llap;
DROP TABLE orc_llap_small;
reset hive.llap.memory.oversubscription.max.executors.per.query;